1000 resultados para Cu-ATPases


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The Menkes protein (MNK) and Wilson protein (WND) are transmembrane, CPX-type Cu-ATPases with six metal binding sites (MBSs) in the N-terminal region containing the motif GMXCXXC. In cells cultured in low copper concentration MNK and WND localize to the transGolgi network but in high copper relocalize either to the plasma membrane (MNK) or a vesicular compartment (WND). In this paper we investigate the role of the MBSs in Cu-transport and trafficking. The copper transport activity of MBS mutants of MNK was determined by their ability to complement a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in CCC2 (Deltaccc2), the yeast MNK/WND homologue. Mutants (CXXC to SXXS) of MBS1, MBS6, and MBSs1-3 were able to complement Deltaccc2 while mutants of MBS4-6, MBS5-6 and all six MBS inactivated the protein. Each of the inactive mutants also failed to display Cu-induced trafficking suggesting a correlation between trafficking and transport activity. A similar correlation was found with mutants of MNK in which various MBSs were deleted, but two constructs with deletion of MBS5-6 were unable to traffic despite retaining 25% of copper transport activity. Chimeras in which the N-terminal MBSs of MNK were replaced with the corresponding MBSs of WND were used to investigate the region of the molecules that is responsible for the difference in Cu-trafficking of MNK and WND. The chimera which included the complete WND N-terminus localized to a vesicular compartment, similar to WND in elevated copper. Deletions of various MBSs of the WND N-terminus in the chimera indicate that a targeting signal in the region of MBS6 directs either WND/MNK or WND to a vesicular compartment of the cell.


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Copper is an essential trace element that can be extremely toxic in excess due to the pro-oxidant activity of copper ions. Inherited disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency), and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis) are caused by mutations of two closely related Cu transporting-ATPases, and demonstrate the essentiality and potential toxicity of copper. Other copper toxicosis conditions in humans and animals have been described, but are not well understood at a molecular level. Copper homeostatic mechanisms are being discovered. One such mechanism is copper-induced trafficking of the Cu-ATPases, which allows cells to provide copper to secreted cupro-proteins but also to efflux excess copper. Oxidative damage induced by copper may be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases.


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Copper is an essential trace element that requires tightly regulated homeostatic mechanisms to ensure adequate supplies without any toxic effects because of the ability of the metal ion to catalyze the formation of free radicals. The Cu-ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B, play an important role in the physiological regulation of copper. Adequate supplies of copper are particularly important in developing animals, and in humans this is illustrated by mutations of ATP7A that cause the copper deficiency condition Menkes disease, which is fatal in early childhood. In contrast, mutations in ATP7B result in the genetic toxicosis, Wilson disease. We propose that the physiological regulation of copper is accomplished mainly by the intracellular copper-regulated trafficking of the Cu-ATPases. This process allows the overall copper status in the body to be maintained when levels of copper in the diet alter. A study of the defects in mouse models of Menkes and Wilson diseases has demonstrated that both ATPases play an important role in supplying copper to the developing fetus and neonate


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Em peixes, o cobre (Cu) é absorvido a partir da água, via branquial, e pela ingestão de água e alimento, via gastrintestinal. Para evitar reações não específicas prejudiciais e suprir proteínas dependentes de Cu, existem transportadores específicos, como as proteínas de absorção de alta afinidade ao Cu (CTR1) e as Cu-ATPases (ATP7), que auxiliam na translocação intracelular do metal. No presente estudo, os genes CTR1 e ATP7B foram identificados em Poecilia vivipara e os seus transcritos foram quantificados por RT-qPCR nas brânquias, no fígado e no intestino de guarús expostos (96 h) ao Cu (0, 5, 9 e 20 µg/L) em água doce e salgada (salinidade 24). Foram identificadas novas sequências nucleotídicas dos genes CTR1 (1560 pb, completa) e ATP7B (617 pb, parcial), as quais tiveram altos valores de identidade com as descritas para Fundulus heteroclitus (CTR1=81%) e Sparus aurata (ATP7B=81%). A análise por RT-qPCR indicou níveis de transcrição para CTR1 e ATP7B em todos os tecidos analisados. Em guarús na água doce, a maior expressão da CTR1 e da ATP7B se deu no fígado. Em guarús na água salgada, a maior expressão da CTR1 ocorreu no intestino, enquanto a da ATP7B se deu no fígado e intestino. Na água doce, a exposição ao Cu aumentou o conteúdo branquial e hepático de Cu, diminuiu os transcritos de CTR1 e ATP7B nas brânquias e aumentou os transcritos destes genes no fígado, sem alterar o conteúdo corporal de Cu. Na água salgada, a exposição ao Cu aumentou o conteúdo de Cu e diminuiu o transcrito de ATP7B no intestino, sem alterar o conteúdo corporal de Cu nos P. vivipara. Estes resultados indicam que a homeostasia do Cu em P. vivipara envolve a redução da expressão do CTR1 e ATP7B nas brânquias (água doce) e intestino (água salgada) para limitar a absorção do Cu e o aumento da expressão destes genes no fígado (água doce) para facilitar o armazenamento e desintoxicação do Cu.


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Fracture behavior of Cu-Ni laminate composites has been investigated by tensile testing. It was found that as the individual layer thickness decreases from 100 to 20nm, the resultant fracture angle of the Cu-Ni laminate changes from 72 degrees to 50 degrees. Cross-sectional observations reveal that the fracture of the Ni layers transforms from opening to shear mode as the layer thickness decreases while that of the Cu layers keeps shear mode. Competition mechanisms were proposed to understand the variation in fracture mode of the metallic laminate composites associated with length scale.


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The mineral geminite, an hydrated hydroxy-arsenate mineral of formula Cu(AsO3OH)•H2O, has been studied by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Two minerals from different origins were investigated and the spectra proved quite similar. In the Raman spectra of geminite, four bands are observed at 813, 843, 853 and 885 cm-1. The assignment of these bands is as follows: (a) The band at 853 cm-1 is assigned to the AsO43- ν1 symmetric stretching mode (b) the band at 885 cm-1 is assigned to the AsO3OH2- ν1 symmetric stretching mode (c) the band at 843 cm-1 is assigned to the AsO43- ν3 antisymmetric stretching mode (d) the band at 813 cm-1 is ascribed to the AsO3OH2- ν3 antisymmetric stretching mode. Two Raman bands at 333 and 345 cm-1 are attributed to the ν2 AsO4 3- bending mode and a set of higher wavenumber bands are assigned to the ν4 AsO43- bending mode. A very complex set of overlapping bands is observed in both the Raman and infrared spectra. Raman bands are observed at 2288, 2438, 2814, 3152, 3314, 3448 and 3521 cm-1. Two Raman bands at 2288 and 2438 cm-1 are ascribed to very strongly hydrogen bonded water. The broader Raman bands at 3152 and 3314 cm-1 may be assigned to adsorbed water and not so strongly hydrogen bonded water in the molecular structure of geminate. Two bands at 3448 and 3521 cm-1 are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the (AsO3OH)2- units. Raman spectroscopy identified Raman bands attributable to AsO43- and AsO3OH2- units.


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The structural, optical, and gas-sensing properties of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Gas response of the undoped and doped films to N02 (oxidizing) gas shows an increase and decrease in resistance, respectively, indicating p-type conduction in doped samples. The UV-Vis spectra of the films show decrease in the bandgap with increasing Cu concentration in ZnO. The observed p-type conductivity is attributed to the holes generated by incorporated Cu atoms on Zn sites in ZnO thin films. The X-ray diffraction spectra showed that samples are polycrystalline with the hexagonal wurtzite structure and increasing the concentration of Cu caused a decrease in the intensity of the dominant (002) peak. The surface morphology of films was studied by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of Cu was also confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Seebeck effect measurements were utilized to confirm the p-type conduction of Cu doped ZnO thin films. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.


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Dye-sensitised solar cells have emerged as an important developing technology for low-cost solar energy conversion and a crucial element of these is the dye, responsible for light harvesting and control of interfacial electron-transfer processes.[1] A number of examples of dye exist in the literature which link a ruthenium polypyridyl complex to another platinum group metal complex such as Ru (II), Os (II), Re (I) or Rh (III) via a bridging ligand.[2-6] These systems are often referred to as heterosupramolecular triads when adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 as the semiconductor becomes an active component in the system. A number of problems can arise with these types of sensitisers, for example if a flexible linker, e.g. bis-pyridylethane, is used to couple the two complexes it can be hard to control the orientation of the whole dye. This may lead to the resultant dye cation hole being closer to the surface than desired, and hence the long-lived charge-separated state is not achieved. In addition the size of these dyes may be much larger than that of a mononuclear complex and can lead to poor pore filling on the TiO2 and lower dye coverage, leading to a lower efficiency cell.[7] Despite these issues, efficient charge-separation has been achieved with polynuclear complexes and a long-lived state on the millisecond timescale has been observed for a trinuclear ruthenium complex.[8]


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Based on the AFM-bending experiments, a molecular dynamics (MD) bending simulation model is established which could accurately account for the full spectrum of the mechanical properties of NWs in a double clamped beam configuration, ranging from elasticity to plasticity and failure. It is found that, loading rate exerts significant influence to the mechanical behaviours of nanowires (NWs). Specifically, a loading rate lower than 10 m/s is found reasonable for a homogonous bending deformation. Both loading rate and potential between the tip and the NW are found to play an important role in the adhesive phenomenon. The force versus displacement (F-d) curve from MD simulation is highly consistent in shapes with that from experiments. Symmetrical F-d curves during loading and unloading processes are observed, which reveal the linear-elastic and non-elastic bending deformation of NWs. The typical bending induced tensile-compressive features are observed. Meanwhile, the simulation results are excellently fitted by the classical Euler-Bernoulli beam theory with axial effect. It is concluded that, axial tensile force becomes crucial in bending deformation when the beam size is down to nanoscale for double clamped NWs. In addition, we find shorter NWs will have an earlier yielding and a larger yielding force. Mechanical properties (Young’s modulus & yield strength) obtained from both bending and tensile deformations are found comparable with each other. Specifically, the modulus is essentially similar under these two loading methods, while the yield strength during bending is observed larger than that during tension.


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The multianion mineral gartrellite PbCu(Fe3+,Cu)(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2 has been studied by a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The vibrational spectra of two gartrellite samples from Durango and Ashburton Downs were compared. Gartrellite is one of the tsumcorite mineral group based upon arsenate and sulphate anions. Crystal symmetry is either triclinic in the case of an ordered occupation of two cationic sites, triclinic due to ordering of the H bonds in the case of species with 2 water molecules per formula unit, or monoclinic in the other cases. Characteristic Raman spectra of the minerals enable the assignment of the bands to specific vibrational modes. These spectra are related to the structure of gartrellite. The position of the hydroxyl and water stretching vibrations are related to the strength of the hydrogen bond formed between the OH unit and the AsO4 anion.


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The structure of Cu-ZSM-5 catalysts that show activity for direct NO decomposition and selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrocarbons has been investigated by a multitude of modern surface analysis and spectroscopy techniques including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. A series of four catalysts were prepared by exchange of Na-ZSM-5 with dilute copper acetate, and the copper loading was controlled by variation of the solution pH. Underexchanged catalysts contained isolated Cu2+OH-(H2O) species and as the copper loading was increased Cu2+ ions incorporated into the zeolite lattice appeared. The sites at which the latter two copper species were located were fundamentally different. The Cu2+OH-(H2O) moieties were bound to two lattice oxygen ions and associated with one aluminum framework species. In contrast, the Cu2+ ions were probably bound to four lattice oxygen ions and associated with two framework aluminum ions. Once the Cu-ZSM-5 samples attained high levels of exchange, the development of [Cu(μ-OH)2Cu]n2+OH-(H2O) species along with a small concentration of Cu(OH)2 was observed. On activation in helium to 500°C the Cu2+OH-(H2O) species transformed into Cu2+O- and Cu+ moieties, whereas the Cu2+ ions were apparently unaffected by this treatment (apart from the loss of ligated water molecules). Calcination of the precursors resulted in the formation of Cu2+O2- and a one-dimensional CuO species. Temperature-programmed desorption studies revealed that oxygen was removed from the latter two species at 407 and 575°C, respectively. © 1999 Academic Press.


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Superconducting thick films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy (Bi-2212) on single-crystalline (100) MgO substrates have been prepared using a doctor-blade technique and a partial-melt process. It is found that the phase composition and the amount of Ag addition to the paste affect the structure and superconducting properties of the partially melted thick films. The optimum heat treatment schedule for obtaining high Jc has been determined for each paste. The heat treatment ensures attainment of high purity for the crystalline Bi-2212 phase and high orientation of Bi-2212 crystals, in which the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate. The highest Tc, obtained by resistivity measurement, is 92.2 K. The best value for Jct (transport) of these thick films, measured at 77 K in self-field, is 8 × 10 3 Acm -2.