21 resultados para Crystalloids


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Because of human actions, biomarkers have become important to detect and mitigate pollution. This study showed that crystalloids can be a biomarker for analyses of low levels of water-soluble fractions of oil (WSF). Antarctic sea urchins (Sterechinus neumayeri) from regions free of pollution were exposed for 2, 5, 10 and 15 days at different levels of WSF (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 ppm). No significant differences were observed in the phagocytic rates or the germicide capacity for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; however, there was a significant increase in the quantity of intranuclear iron crystalloids in phagocytic amoebocytes of urchins exposed to higher levels of WSF. This study characterizes histological alterations in crystalloids of S. neumayeri that could be used as a biomarker for oil contaminants, with a simple and inexpensive protocol.


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INTRODUCTION: Perioperative hypovolemia arises frequently and contributes to intestinal hypoperfusion and subsequent postoperative complications. Goal-directed fluid therapy might reduce these complications. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of goal-directed administration of crystalloids and colloids on the distribution of systemic, hepatosplanchnic, and microcirculatory (small intestine) blood flow after major abdominal surgery in a clinically relevant pig model. METHODS: Twenty-seven pigs were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated and underwent open laparotomy. They were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: the restricted Ringer lactate (R-RL) group (n = 9) received 3 mL/kg per hour of RL, the goal-directed RL (GD-RL) group (n = 9) received 3 mL/kg per hour of RL and intermittent boluses of 250 mL of RL, and the goal-directed colloid (GD-C) group (n = 9) received 3 mL/kg per hour of RL and boluses of 250 mL of 6% hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4). The latter two groups received a bolus infusion when mixed venous oxygen saturation was below 60% ('lockout' time of 30 minutes). Regional blood flow was measured in the superior mesenteric artery and the celiac trunk. In the small bowel, microcirculatory blood flow was measured using laser Doppler flowmetry. Intestinal tissue oxygen tension was measured with intramural Clark-type electrodes. RESULTS: After 4 hours of treatment, arterial blood pressure, cardiac output, mesenteric artery flow, and mixed oxygen saturation were significantly higher in the GD-C and GD-RL groups than in the R-RL group. Microcirculatory flow in the intestinal mucosa increased by 50% in the GD-C group but remained unchanged in the other two groups. Likewise, tissue oxygen tension in the intestine increased by 30% in the GD-C group but remained unchanged in the GD-RL group and decreased by 18% in the R-RL group. Mesenteric venous glucose concentrations were higher and lactate levels were lower in the GD-C group compared with the two crystalloid groups. CONCLUSIONS: Goal-directed colloid administration markedly increased microcirculatory blood flow in the small intestine and intestinal tissue oxygen tension after abdominal surgery. In contrast, goal-directed crystalloid and restricted crystalloid administrations had no such effects. Additionally, mesenteric venous glucose and lactate concentrations suggest that intestinal cellular substrate levels were higher in the colloid-treated than in the crystalloid-treated animals. These results support the notion that perioperative goal-directed therapy with colloids might be beneficial during major abdominal surgery.


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BACKGROUND The optimal crystalloid solution to use perioperatively in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy remains unclear. Many of the fluids used for intravenous hydration contain supraphysiologic concentrations of chloride, which can induce hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis, resulting in renal vasoconstriction and decreased renal function. In addition, patients receiving less fluid and less sodium show faster recovery of gastrointestinal (GI) function after colonic surgery. METHODS AND DESIGN This is an investigator-initiated, single-center, randomized, controlled, parallel group trial with assessor-blinded outcome assessment, in the Department of Urology, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland. The study will involve 44 patients with bladder cancer scheduled for radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. The primary outcome is the duration between the end of surgery and the return of the GI function (first defecation). Secondary outcomes are fluid balance (body weight difference postoperatively versus preoperatively) and the incidence of kidney function disorders according to the Risk-Injury-Failure-Loss-End Stage Renal Disease (RIFLE classification). An equal number of patients are allocated to receive Ringerfundin® solution or a glucose/potassium-based balanced crystalloid solution as baseline infusion during the entire time that intravenous administration of fluid is necessary during the perioperative period. The randomized crystalloid solution is infused at a rate of 1 ml/kg/h until the bladder has been removed, followed by 3 ml/kg/h until the end of surgery. Postoperative hydration is identical in both groups and consists of 1,500 ml of the randomized crystalloid solution per 24 hours. Postoperative patient care is identical in both groups; patients are allowed to drink clear fluids immediately after surgery, and liquid diet is started on postoperative day 1, as well as active mobilization and the use of chewing gum. Body weight is measured daily in the morning. Time of first flatus and first defecation are recorded. DISCUSSION This trial assesses the benefits and harms of two different balanced crystalloid solutions for perioperative fluid management in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy with urinary diversion, with regard to return of GI function and effects on postoperative renal function. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN32976792 (registered on November 21 2013).


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the preliminary results of prophylactic temporary balloon occlusion of the internal iliac arteries for bleeding control in patients with placenta accreta during cesarean hysterectomy. Methods From May 2006 to March 2010, 21 patients diagnosed with placenta accreta using ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance imaging were submitted to prophylactic balloon occlusion before hysterectomy. Fluoroscopy, balloon occlusion time, surgical duration, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion volume, and procedure complications were analyzed. Results The mean age was 30.5 years with a mean of 3.6 previous gestations. Imaging studies revealed that all patients had placenta accreta and all were submitted to cesarean hysterectomy. One hysterectomy was due to previous diagnosis of fetal death and another due to cesarean with uterine curettage. Mean fluoroscopy time was 7.5 min, balloon occlusion time was 164 min, and surgery duration was 260 min. Estimated blood loss was 1,671.5 ml with mean reposition fluids of 3,538 ml of crystalloids, 309.5 ml of colloids, and 1.24 ml of packed red blood cells. Two patients were submitted to thromboembolectomy due to prolonged surgical time. There was no maternal or fetal mortality related to the procedure. Conclusions The results demonstrated that prophylactic balloon occlusion of internal iliac artery is a safe method and appears to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients diagnosed with placenta accreta who undergo cesarean hysterectomy. Antenatal imaging diagnosis of placenta accreta enables preoperative planning.


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Background: Splanchnic perfusion is prone to early injury and persists despite normalization of global hemodynamic variables in sepsis. Volume replacement guided by oxygen derived variables has been recommended in the management of septic patients. Our hypothesis was that a hypertonic isoneotic solution Would improve the benefits of crystalloids replacement guided by mixed venous oxygen saturation. Methods: Seventeen anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live E. coli in 30 minutes. They were then randomized into three groups: control group (n = 3) bacterial infusion without treatment; normal saline (n = 7), initial fluid replacement with 32 mL/kg of normal saline during 20 minutes; hypertonic solution (n = 7), initial fluid replacement with 4 mL/kg of hypertonic solution during 5 minutes. After 30 and 60 Minutes, additional boluses of normal saline were administered when mixed venous oxygen saturation remained below 70%. Mean arterial pressure, cardiac output; regional blood flows, systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, and lactate levels were assessed. Animals were observed for 90 minutes and then killed. Hystopathological analysis including apoptosis detection using terminal deoxynucleotidil transferase mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling was performed. Results: A hypodynamic septic shock was observed after bacterial infusion. Both the fluid-treated groups presented similar transient benefits in systemic and regional variables. A greater degree of gut epithelial cells apoptosis was observed in normal saline-treated animals. Conclusions: Although normalization of mixed venous oxygen saturation was not associated with restoration of markers of splanchnic or other systemic perfusion variables, the initial fluid savings with hypertonic saline and its latter effect on gut apoptosis may be of interest in sepsis management.


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Sperm ultrastructure is described for the nudibranch gastropod Cadlinella ornatissima, type species of the genus Cadlinella (Thiele). Although C. ornatissima exhibits most of the sperm features characteristic of other Opisthobranchia and the Pulmonata (a small, rounded acrosomal vesicle, a complex, helical, mitochondrial derivative - partially paracrystalline, coarse fibres associated with the axoneme), it also possesses a number of previously undescribed and possibly unique features (a longitudinally inrolled acrosomal pedestal, an axial structure within the cavity of the acrosomal pedestal, an electron-dense collar at the anterior region of the acrosomal pedestal, the presence of crystalloid bodies within the glycogen helices of the mitochondrial derivative). To our knowledge this is the first report of crystalloid bodies in mature sperm of any mollusc. Collectively this evidence raises questions concerning the affinities and systematic position of Cadlinella within the Nudibranchia. The peculiar nature of the sperm differences, in comparison with other investigated nudibranchs, suggest that Cadlinella is not easily linked to either the Cadlinidae or Chromodorididae, and should be considered incertae sedis.


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We investigated the systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of early crystalloid infusion in an experimental model of septic shock induced by intravenous inoculation with live Escherichia coli. Anesthetized dogs received an intravenous infusion of 1.2 x 10(10) cfu/kg live E. coli in 30 min. After 30 min of observation, they were randomized to controls (no fluids; N = 7), or fluid resuscitation with lactated Ringer's solution, 16 ml/kg (N = 7) or 32 ml/kg (N = 7) over 30 min and followed for 120 min. Cardiac index, portal blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate, and gastric PCO2 were assessed. Rapid and progressive cardiovascular deterioration with reduction in cardiac output, mean arterial pressure and portal blood flow (~50, ~25 and ~70%, respectively) was induced by the live bacteria challenge. Systemic and regional territories showed significant increases in oxygen extraction and in lactate levels. Significant increases in venous-arterial (~9.6 mmHg), portal-arterial (~12.1 mmHg) and gastric mucosal-arterial (~18.4 mmHg) PCO2 gradients were also observed. Early fluid replacement, especially with 32 ml/kg volumes of crystalloids, promoted only partial and transient benefits such as increases of ~76% in cardiac index, of ~50% in portal vein blood flow and decreases in venous-arterial, portal-arterial, gastric mucosal-arterial PCO2 gradients (7.2 ± 1.0, 7.2 ± 1.3 and 9.7 ± 2.5 mmHg, respectively). The fluid infusion promoted only modest and transient benefits, unable to restore the systemic and regional perfusional and metabolic changes in this hypodynamic septic shock model.


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The type of fluid used during resuscitation may have an important impact on tissue edema. We evaluated the impact of two different regimens of fluid resuscitation on hemodynamics and on lung and intestinal edema during splanchnic hypoperfusion in rabbits. The study included 16 female New Zealand rabbits (2.9 to 3.3 kg body weight, aged 8 to 12 months) with splanchnic ischemia induced by ligation of the superior mesenteric artery. The animals were randomized into two experimental groups: group I (N = 9) received 12 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 6% hydroxyethyl starch solution; group II (N = 7) received 36 mL·kg-1·h-1 lactated Ringer solution and 20 mL/kg 0.9% saline. A segment from the ileum was isolated to be perfused. A tonometric catheter was placed in a second gut segment. Superior mesenteric artery (Q SMA) and aortic (Qaorta) flows were measured using ultrasonic flow probes. After 4 h of fluid resuscitation, tissue specimens were immediately removed for estimations of gut and lung edema. There were no differences in global and regional perfusion variables, lung wet-to-dry weight ratios and oxygenation indices between groups. Gut wet-to-dry weight ratio was significantly lower in the crystalloid/colloid-treated group (4.9 ± 1.5) than in the crystalloid-treated group (7.3 ± 2.4) (P < 0.05). In this model of intestinal ischemia, fluid resuscitation with crystalloids caused more gut edema than a combination of crystalloids and colloids.


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Introducción : el síndrome del eutiriodeo enfermo en enfermedades graves es factor de pobre pronóstico. La suplementación con hormona tiroidea mejora la contractibilidad miocardica y estimula la producción de surfactante pulmonar; sin embargo existe controversia debido a las complicaciones secundarias, ausencia de efectos a nivel hemodinámico y de estancia hospitalaria. Objetivo : determinar el efecto de la suplementación oral de hormonas tiroideas en pacientes con choque refractario y necesidad de más de dos inotrópicos con respecto a estabilidad hemodinámica, arritmias, requerimientos de inotrópicos y mortalidad asociada al tratamiento. Metodología : estudio longitudinal observacional de variables repetidas con análisis previo y posterior a la intervención. Realizado en pacientes con choque refractario de la unidad de cuidado intensivo pediátrico del Hospital Simón Bolívar, desde el 1 de enero del 2007 hasta 1 enero del 2009. Resultados: la suplementación tiroidea mostró una disminución significativa en el requerimiento de los inotrópicos adrenérgicos: dopamina, adrenalina y noradrenalina con rangos de [4,78-2.4], [3.92 - 2.98] y [3.58- 2.24] (p <0.001) respectivamente, sin haber diferencia en los vasodilatadores, inodilatadores y diuréticos. No se encontró asociación entre su uso y la presencia de arritmias. Discusión y conclusiones: La hormona tiroidea mostró efecto benéfico en términos de disminución de soporte inotrópico. resultado en concordancia con la literatura y relacionado con la función moduladora de la hormona tiroidea favoreciendo la inotropía miocardica y los índices de contractilidad ventricular izquierda.


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The ultrastructural features and the plastid changes caused by sample preparation were studied in sieve elements of Panicum maximum leaves. Samples of expanded leaves, taken near the ligule region, were fixed and processed by common light and transmission electron microscopy methods. In mature sieve-tube elements, the protoplast is electron-translucent and plastids are the most frequent organelles. Mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments are also visible and occupy a parietal position within the cell. The plastids are globular and show electron-dense proteinaceous inclusions in the stroma. The protein crystals are predominantly cuneate, but thin crystalloids and amorphous and/or filamentous proteins also occur. The presence of intact plastids plus others in different phases of plastid envelope rupture were interpreted as evidence that this rupture is a normal event in response to injury. This plastid envelope rupture is possibly activated by the release of pressure in the sieve-tube element. After plastid membrane vesiculation, the stroma and the protein crystals are dispersed within the sieve-element ground cytoplasm. The vesicles originating from the plastid envelope move to one cell pole, while protein crystalloids move to the opposite pole and agglomerate in the sieve-plate region. Our findings indicate that these protein crystalloids, which deposit in the sieve plate, may act in sieve-plate pores occlusion, preventing the release of phloem sap, similar to the role of P-protein in dicotyledons. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is no accepted way of measuring prothrombin time without time loss for patients undergoing major surgery who are at risk of intraoperative dilution and consumption coagulopathy due to bleeding and volume replacement with crystalloids or colloids. Decisions to transfuse fresh frozen plasma and procoagulatory drugs have to rely on clinical judgment in these situations. Point-of-care devices are considerably faster than the standard laboratory methods. In this study we assessed the accuracy of a Point-of-care (PoC) device measuring prothrombin time compared to the standard laboratory method. Patients undergoing major surgery and intensive care unit patients were included. PoC prothrombin time was measured by CoaguChek XS Plus (Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). PoC and reference tests were performed independently and interpreted under blinded conditions. Using a cut-off prothrombin time of 50%, we calculated diagnostic accuracy measures, plotted a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and tested for equivalence between the two methods. PoC sensitivity and specificity were 95% (95% CI 77%, 100%) and 95% (95% CI 91%, 98%) respectively. The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05 (95% CI 0.01, 0.32). The positive likelihood ratio was 19.57 (95% CI 10.62, 36.06). The area under the ROC curve was 0.988. Equivalence between the two methods was confirmed. CoaguChek XS Plus is a rapid and highly accurate test compared with the reference test. These findings suggest that PoC testing will be useful for monitoring intraoperative prothrombin time when coagulopathy is suspected. It could lead to a more rational use of expensive and limited blood bank resources.


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Although hypoalbuminaemia after injury may result from increased vascular permeability, dilution secondary to crystalloid infusions may contribute significantly. In this double-blind crossover study, the effects of bolus infusions of crystalloids on serum albumin, haematocrit, serum and urinary biochemistry and bioelectrical impedance analysis were measured in healthy subjects. Ten male volunteers received 2-litre infusions of 0.9% (w/v) saline or 5% (w/v) dextrose over 1 h; infusions were carried out on separate occasions, in random order. Weight, haemoglobin, serum albumin, serum and urinary biochemistry and bioelectrical impedance were measured pre-infusion and hourly for 6 h. The serum albumin concentration fell in all subjects (20% after saline; 16% after dextrose) by more than could be explained by dilution alone. This fall lasted more than 6 h after saline infusion, but values had returned to baseline 1 h after the end of the dextrose infusion. Changes in haematocrit and haemoglobin were less pronounced (7.5% after saline; 6.5% after dextrose). Whereas all the water from dextrose was excreted by 2 h after completion of the infusion, only one-third of the sodium and water from the saline had been excreted by 6 h, explaining its persistent diluting effect. Impedances rose after dextrose and fell after saline (P<0.001). Subjects voided more urine (means 1663 and 563 ml respectively) of lower osmolality (means 129 and 630 mOsm/kg respectively) and sodium content (means 26 and 95 mmol respectively) after dextrose than after saline (P<0.001). While an excess water load is excreted rapidly, an excess sodium load is excreted very slowly, even in normal subjects, and causes persistent dilution of haematocrit and serum albumin. The greater than expected change in serum albumin concentration when compared with that of haemoglobin suggests that, while dilution is responsible for the latter, redistribution also has a role in the former. Changes in bioelectrical impedance may reflect the electrolyte content rather than the volume of the infusate, and may be unreliable for clinical purposes.