997 resultados para Crystalline system


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Women often develop vaginal infections that are caused primarily by organisms of the genus Candida. The current treatments of vaginal candidiasis usually involve azole-based antifungals, though fungal resistance to these compounds has become prevalent. Therefore, much attention has been given to molecules with antifungal properties from natural sources, such as curcumin (CUR). However, CUR has poor solubility in aqueous solvents and poor oral bioavailability. This study attempted to overcome this problem by developing, characterizing, and evaluating the in vitro antifungal action of a CUR-loaded liquid crystal precursor mucoadhesive system (LCPM) for vaginal administration. A low-viscosity LCPM (F) consisting of 40% wt/wt polyoxpropylene-(5)-polyoxyethylene-(20)-cetyl alcohol, 50% wt/wt oleic acid, and 10% wt/wt chitosan dispersion at 0.5% with the addition of 16% poloxamer 407 was developed to take advantage of the lyotropic phase behavior of this formulation. Notably, F could transform into liquid crystal systems when diluted with artificial vaginal mucus at ratios of 1:3 and 1:1 (wt/wt), resulting in the formation of F30 and F100, respectively. Polarized light microscopy and rheological studies revealed that F behaved like an isotropic formulation, whereas F30 and F100 behaved like an anisotropic liquid crystalline system (LCS). Moreover, F30 and F100 presented higher mucoadhesion to porcine vaginal mucosa than F. The analysis of the in vitro activity against Candida albicans revealed that CUR-loaded F was more potent against standard and clinical strains compared with a CUR solution. Therefore, the vaginal administration of CUR-loaded LCPMs represents a promising platform for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.


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A new thermoplastic-photoconductor laser holographic recording system has been used for real-time and in situ observation of alpha-LiIO3 crystal growth. The influence of crystallization-driven convection on the concentration stratification in solution has been studied under gravity field. It is found that the stratification is closely related to the seed orientation of alpha-LiIO3 crystal. When the optical axis of crystal seed C is parallel to the gravity vector g, the velocity of the concentration stratification is two times larger than that in the case of C perpendicular-to g. It needs 40 h for the crystalline system of alpha-LiIO3 to reach stable concentration distribution (expressed as tau) at 47.6-degrees-C. The time tau is not sensitive to the seed orientation. Our results provide valuable data for designing the crystal growth experiments ia space.


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Desde a descoberta do estado quasicristalino por Daniel Shechtman et al. em 1984 e da fabricação por Roberto Merlin et al. de uma superrede artificial de GaAs/ AlAs em 1985 com características da sequência de Fibonacci, um grande número de trabalhos teóricos e experimentais tem relatado uma variedade de propriedades interessantes no comportamento de sistemas aperiódicos. Do ponto de vista teórico, é bem sabido que a cadeia de Fibonacci em uma dimensão se constitui em um protótipo de sucesso para a descrição do estado quasicristalino de um sólido. Dependendo da regra de inflação, diferentes tipos de estruturas aperiódicas podem ser obtidas. Esta diversidade originou as chamadas regras metálicas e devido à possibilidade de tratamento analítico rigoroso este modelo tem sido amplamente estudado. Neste trabalho, propriedades de localização em uma dimensão são analisadas considerando-se um conjunto de regras metálicas e o modelo de ligações fortes de banda única. Considerando-se o Hamiltoniano de ligações fortes com um orbital por sítio obtemos um conjunto de transformações relativas aos parâmetros de dizimação, o que nos permitiu calcular as densidades de estados (DOS) para todas as configurações estudadas. O estudo detalhado da densidade de estados integrada (IDOS) para estes casos, mostra o surgimento de plateaux na curva do número de ocupação explicitando o aparecimento da chamada escada do diabo" e também o caráter fractal destas estruturas. Estudando o comportamento da variação da energia em função da variação da energia de hopping, construímos padrões do tipo borboletas de Hofstadter, que simulam o efeito de um campo magnético atuando sobre o sistema. A natureza eletrônica dos auto estados é analisada a partir do expoente de Lyapunov (γ), que está relacionado com a evolução da função de onda eletrônica ao longo da cadeia unidimensional. O expoente de Lyapunov está relacionado com o inverso do comprimento de localização (ξ= 1 /γ), sendo nulo para os estados estendidos e positivo para estados localizados. Isto define claramente as posições dos principais gaps de energia do sistema. Desta forma, foi possível analisar o comportamento autossimilar de cadeias com diferentes regras de formação. Analisando-se o espectro de energia em função do número de geração de cadeias que seguem as regras de ouro e prata foi feito, obtemos conjuntos do tipo-Cantor, que nos permitiu estudar o perfil do calor específico de uma cadeia e Fibonacci unidimensional para diversas gerações


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity of bulk, melt quenched GexTe100−x glasses (15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 28) has been studied up to 8GPa pressure. All the glasses exhibit a sharp, discontinuous glass to crystal transition under pressure. The high pressure crystalline phases are identified to have a face centered cubic structure. The value of the cell constant is 0.779nm for 15 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 17, 0.642nm for x=20 and 0.55lnm for 22 ≤ x ≤ 28 samples respectively. The cell constants of the high pressure crystalline phases suggest the possible existance of a new metastable crystalline compound in the Ge---Te system with F.C.C. structure and cell constant equal to 1.109nm as reported by Moore et al.


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A new rock mass classification scheme, the Host Rock Classification system (HRC-system) has been developed for evaluating the suitability of volumes of rock mass for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste in Precambrian crystalline bedrock. To support the development of the system, the requirements of host rock to be used for disposal have been studied in detail and the significance of the various rock mass properties have been examined. The HRC-system considers both the long-term safety of the repository and the constructability in the rock mass. The system is specific to the KBS-3V disposal concept and can be used only at sites that have been evaluated to be suitable at the site scale. By using the HRC-system, it is possible to identify potentially suitable volumes within the site at several different scales (repository, tunnel and canister scales). The selection of the classification parameters to be included in the HRC-system is based on an extensive study on the rock mass properties and their various influences on the long-term safety, the constructability and the layout and location of the repository. The parameters proposed for the classification at the repository scale include fracture zones, strength/stress ratio, hydraulic conductivity and the Groundwater Chemistry Index. The parameters proposed for the classification at the tunnel scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´ and fracture zones and the parameters proposed for the classification at the canister scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´, fracture zones, fracture width (aperture + filling) and fracture trace length. The parameter values will be used to determine the suitability classes for the volumes of rock to be classified. The HRC-system includes four suitability classes at the repository and tunnel scales and three suitability classes at the canister scale and the classification process is linked to several important decisions regarding the location and acceptability of many components of the repository at all three scales. The HRC-system is, thereby, one possible design tool that aids in locating the different repository components into volumes of host rock that are more suitable than others and that are considered to fulfil the fundamental requirements set for the repository host rock. The generic HRC-system, which is the main result of this work, is also adjusted to the site-specific properties of the Olkiluoto site in Finland and the classification procedure is demonstrated by a test classification using data from Olkiluoto. Keywords: host rock, classification, HRC-system, nuclear waste disposal, long-term safety, constructability, KBS-3V, crystalline bedrock, Olkiluoto


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The tie lines delineating ion-exchange equilibria between FeCr2O4FeAl2O4 spinel solid solution and Cr2O3Al2O3 solid solution with corundum structure have been determined at 1373 K by electron microprobe and EDAX point count analysis of oxide phases equilibrated with metallic iron. Activities in the spinel solid solution are derived from the tie lines and the thermodynamic data on Cr2O3Al2O3 solid solution available in the literature. The oxygen potentials corresponding to the tie-line composition of oxide phases in equilibrium with metallic iron were measured using solid oxide galvanic cells with CaOZrO2 and Y2O3ThO2 electrolytes. These electrochemical measurements also yield activities in the spinel solid solution, in good agreement with those obtained from tie lines. The activity-composition relationship in the spinel solid solution is analysed in terms of the intra-crystalline ion exchange between the tetrahedral and octahedral sites of the spinel structures. The ion exchange is governed by site-preference energies of the cations and the entropy of cations mixing on each site.


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The phase behavior of liquid crystalline in the ternary system of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water deuteron (D2O) has been investigated by polarizing optical microscopy, H-2 NMR spectroscopy methods. The results indicate that two kinds of liquid crystals (the lamellar, and the hexagonal) exist in the liquid crystalline phase region. In this paper, we also use the polarized Raman spectroscopy method to measure the values of the order/disorder parameters and the values of the environment polarity parameters for the samples selected from the liquid crystalline phase region, and compare these two parameters of the samples with those of solid state DDAHPS and liquid state pentan-1-ol.


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We report on experiments aimed at comparing the hysteretic response of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal undergoing a martensitic transition under strain-driven and stress-driven conditions. Strain-driven experiments were performed using a conventional tensile machine while a special device was designed to perform stress-driven experiments. Significant differences in the hysteresis loops were found. The strain-driven curves show reentrant behavior yield point which is not observed in the stress-driven case. The dissipated energy in the stress-driven curves is larger than in the strain-driven ones. Results from recently proposed models qualitatively agree with experiments.


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The Sascha-Pelligrini low-sulphidation epithermal system is located on the western edge of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Outcrop sampling has returned values of up to 160g/t gold and 796g/t silver, with Mirasol Resources and Coeur D.Alene Mines currently exploring the property. Detailed mapping of the volcanic stratigraphy has defined three units that comprise the middle Jurassic Chon Aike Formation and two units that comprise the upper Jurassic La Matilde Formation. The Chon Aike Formation consists of rhyodacite ignimbrites and tuffs, with the La Matilde Formation including rhyolite ash and lithic tuffs. The volcanic sequence is intruded by a large flow-banded rhyolite dome, with small, spatially restricted granodiorite dykes and sills cropping out across the study area. ASTER multispectral mineral mapping, combined with PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis defines an alteration pattern that zones from laumontite-montmorillonite, to illite-pyritechlorite, followed by a quartz-illite-smectite-pyrite-adularia vein selvage. Supergene kaolinite and steam-heated acid-sulphate kaolinite-alunite-opal alteration horizons crop out along the Sascha Vein trend and Pelligrini respectively. Paragenetically, epithermal veining varies from chalcedonic to saccharoidal with minor bladed textures, colloform/crustiform-banded with visible electrum and acanthite, crustiform-banded grey chalcedonic to jasperoidal with fine pyrite, and crystalline comb quartz. Geothermometry of mineralised veins constrains formation temperatures from 174.8 to 205.1¡ÆC and correlates with the stability field for the interstratified illite-smectite vein selvage. Vein morphology, mineralogy and associated alteration are controlled by host rock rheology, permeability, and depth of the palaeo-water table. Mineralisation within ginguro banded veins resulted from fluctuating fluid pH associated with selenide-rich magmatic pulses, pressure release boiling and wall-rock silicate buffering. The study of the Sascha-Pelligrini epithermal system will form the basis for a deposit-specific model helping to clarify the current understanding of epithermal deposits, and may serve as a template for exploration of similar epithermal deposits throughout Santa Cruz.


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Experimental evidence suggests that high strain rates, stresses, strains and temperatures are experienced near sliding interfaces. The associated microstructural changes are due to several dynamic an interacting phenomena. 3D non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of sliding were conducted with the aim of understanding the dynamic processes taking place in crystalline tribopairs, with a focus on plastic deformation and microstructural evolution. Embedded atom potentials were employed for simulating sliding of an Fe-Cu tribopair. Sliding velocity, crystal orientation and presence of lattice defects were some of the variables in these simulations. Extensive plastic deformation involving dislocation and twin activity, dynamic recrystallization, amorphization and/or nanocrystallization, mechanical mixing and material transfer were observed. Mechanical mixing in the vicinity of the sliding interface was observed even in the Fe-Cu system, which would cluster under equilibrium conditions, hinting at the ballistic nature of the process. Flow localization was observed at high velocities implying the possible role of adiabatic heating. The presence of preexisting defects (such as dislocations and interfaces) played a pivotal role in determining friction and microstructural evolution. The study also shed light on the relationship between adhesion and plastic deformation, and friction. Comparisons with experiments suggest that such simulations can indeed provide valuable insights that are difficult to obtain from experiments.