963 resultados para Crystal Ball Detector, read-out electronics, helicity asymmetry, photoproduction of two neutral pions


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Seit Frühjahr 2004 wird der Crystal Ball-Detektor am Photonenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons für Koinzidenzexperimente zur Untersuchung der Struktur der Nukleonen genutzt. Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Kalorimeters, insbesondere der neuen Detektorelektronik, bilden einen Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Komponenten wurden neu konstruiert oder auf ihre Verwendbarkeit geprüft und nögenfalls modifiziert. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Aufbauphase wurden Experimente zur Produktion von $pi$- und $eta$-Mesonen am Proton mit mehr als 2500 Stunden Strahlbetrieb durchgeführt. Den zweiten Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildet die erstmalige Messung der Helizitätsasymmetrie I$^odot$ in der Photoproduktion zweier neutraler Pionen. Zum Verstädnis des Anregungsspektrums der Nukleonen müssen Experimente mit polarisierten Photonen und/oder polarisierten Targets durchgeführt werden. Da Modelle trotz unterschiedlicher Annahmen unpolarisiert gemessene Größen vergleichbar gut reproduzieren, ist die Bestimmung der auf Modellunterschiede empfindlichen Polarisationsobservablen unumgäglich. Im Gegensatz zur Einpionproduktion tritt in der Zweipionproduktion eine Einfachpolarisationsobservable auf, die mit zirkular polarisierten Photonen am unpolarisierten Proton gemessen werden kann. Diese wurde in der Reaktion $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^0$ $pi^0$ und in $gamma$ p $rightarrow$ p $pi^+$ $pi^-$ energie- und winkelabhägig bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse weichen stark von den Modellvorhersagen ab.


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The main purpose of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is the investigation of the QGP. The ALICE experiment situated at the CERN has been specifically designed to study heavy-ion collisions for centre-of-mass energies up to 5.5 per nucleon pair. Extended particle identification capability is one of the main characteristics of the ALICE experiment. In the intermediate momentum region (up to 2.5 GeV/c for pi/K and 4 GeV/c for K/p), charged particles are identified in the ALICE experiment by the Time of Flight (TOF) detector. The ALICE-TOF system is a large-area detector based on the use of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) built with high efficiency, fast response and intrinsic time resolution better than 40 ps. This thesis work, developed with the ALICE-TOF Bologna group, is part of the efforts carried out to adapt the read-out of the detector to the new requirements after the LHC Long Shutdown 2. Tests on the feasibility of a new read-out scheme for the TOF detector have been performed. In fact, the achievement of a continuous read-out also for the TOF detector would not be affordable if one considers the replacement of the TRM cards both for hardware and budget reasons. Actually, the read-out of the TOF is limited at 250 kHz i.e. it would be able to collect up to just a fourth of the maximum collision rate potentially achievable for pp interactions. In this Master’s degree thesis work, I discuss a different read-out system for the ALICE-TOF detector that allows to register all the hits at the interaction rate of 1 MHz foreseen for pp interactions after the 2020, by using the electronics currently available. Such solution would allow the ALICE-TOF detector to collect all the hits generated by pp collisions at 1 MHz interaction rate, which corresponds to an amount four times larger than that initially expected at such frequencies with the triggered read-out system operated at 250 kHz for LHC Run 3. The obtained results confirm that the proposed read-out scheme is a viable option for the ALICE TOF detector. The results also highlighted that it will be advantageous if the ALICE-TOF group also implement an online monitoring system of noisy channels to allow their deactivation in real time.


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Herein we report the first applications of TCNQ as a rapid and highly sensitive off-the-shelf cyanide detector. As a proof-of-concept, we have applied a kinetically selective single-electron transfer (SET) from cyanide to deep-lying LUMO orbitals of TCNQ to generate a persistently stable radical anion (TCNQ(center dot-)), under ambient condition. In contrast to the known cyanide sensors that operate with limited signal outputs, TCNQ(center dot-) offers a unique multiple signaling platform. The signal readability is facilitated through multichannel absorption in the UV-vis-NIR region and scattering-based spectroscopic methods like Raman spectroscopy and hyper Rayleigh scattering techniques. Particularly notable is the application of the intense 840 nm NIR absorption band to detect cyanide. This can be useful for avoiding background interference in the UV-vis region predominant in biological samples. We also demonstrate the fabrication of a practical electronic device with TCNQ as a detector. The device generates multiorder enhancement in current with cyanide because of the formation of the conductive TCNQ(center dot-).


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Der erste experimentelle Test der GDH-Summenregel für das Proton wurde 1998 am MAMI-Beschleuniger der Universität Mainz durchgeführt. Ferner wurde ein Pilot-Experiment mit einem polarisierten Deuteron-Target vorgenommen. Dieselbe Kollaboration führte 2003 ein auf das Deuteron ausgerichtetes Experiment durch mit der Absicht, die GDH-Summenregel für das Neutron zu untersuchen. Der in beiden Experimenten verwendete Aufbau erlaubt nicht nur die Messung des totalen Wirkungsquerschnitts, sondern auch gleichzeitig einzelne Teilreaktionen zu studieren. In dieser Arbeit werden die Daten des Deuteron-Pilot-Experiments von 1998 analysiert. Desweiteren wird eine Studie der Helizitätsabhängigkeit der differenziellen Wirkungsquerschnitte für drei Pion-Photoproduktionskanäle des Deuterons in der oberen Hälfte der Delta-Resonanz präsentiert. Diese Ergebnisse werden mit einem theoretischen Modell verglichen. Dabei wurde eine hinreichend gute Übereinstimmung für die unpolarisierten Reaktionen gefunden, während für die polarisierten Kanäle kleinere Diskrepanzen beobachtet wurden. Der Targetpolarisationsgrad ist einer der relevanten Parameter, der für eine absolute Normalisierung der Wirkungsquerschnitte notwendig ist. Die Analyse dieses Parameters für die 2003er Daten wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellt. Zur Zeit ist in Mainz ein Frozen-Spin-Target im Bau. Es wird als Target für polarisierte Protonen oder polarisierte Deuteronen für zukünftige Experimente mit dem Crystal Ball zur Verfügung stehen. Die Vorbereitungen der verschiedenen Subsysteme dieses Aufbaus stellten einen wichtigen Teil dieser Arbeit dar. Die fundamentalen Grundlagen der Methode und deren technische Umsetzung, sowie der momentane Status der Aufbauarbeiten am Target werden im Detail präsentiert.


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The ArgoNeuT liquid argon time projection chamber has collected thousands of neutrino and anti-neutrino events during an extended run period in the NuMI beam-line at Fermilab. This paper focuses on the main aspects of the detector layout and related technical features, including the cryogenic equipment, time projection chamber, read-out electronics, and off-line data treatment. The detector commissioning phase, physics run, and first neutrino event displays are also reported. The characterization of the main working parameters of the detector during data-taking, the ionization electron drift velocity and lifetime in liquid argon, as obtained from through-going muon data complete the present report.


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We have analyzed the performance of a PET demonstrator formed by two sectors of four monolithic detector blocks placed face-to-face. Both front-end and read-out electronics have been evaluated by means of coincidence measurements using a rotating 22Na source placed at the center of the sectors in order to emulate the behavior of a complete full ring. A continuous training method based on neural network (NN) algorithms has been carried out to determine the entrance points over the surface of the detectors. Reconstructed images from 1 MBq 22Na point source and 22Na Derenzo phantom have been obtained using both filtered back projection (FBP) analytic methods and the OSEM 3D iterative algorithm available in the STIR software package [1]. Preliminary data on image reconstruction from a 22Na point source with Ø = 0.25 mm show spatial resolutions from 1.7 to 2.1 mm FWHM in the transverse plane. The results confirm the viability of this design for the development of a full-ring brain PET scanner compatible with magnetic resonance imaging for human studies.


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The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.


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The design and analysis of an optical read-out scheme based on a grated waveguide (GWG) resonator for interrogating microcantilever sensor arrays is presented. The optical system consisting of a micro cantilever monolithically integrated in proximity to a grated waveguide (GWG), is realized in silicon optical bench platform. The mathematical analysis of the optical system is performed using a Fabry-Perot interferometer model with a lossy cavity formed between the cantilever and the GWG and an analytical expression is derived for the optical power transmission as a function of the cantilever deflection which corresponds to cavity width variation. The intensity transmission of the optical system for different cantilever deflections estimated using the analytical expression captures the essential features exhibited by a FDTD numerical model.