998 resultados para Cryptographic key


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A key derivation function is used to generate one or more cryptographic keys from a private (secret) input value. This paper proposes a new method for constructing a generic stream cipher based key derivation function. We show that our proposed key derivation function based on stream ciphers is secure if the underlying stream cipher is secure. We simulate instances of this stream cipher based key derivation function using three eStream finalist: Trivium, Sosemanuk and Rabbit. The simulation results show these stream cipher based key derivation functions offer efficiency advantages over the more commonly used key derivation functions based on block ciphers and hash functions.


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An increasing number of countries are faced with an aging population increasingly needing healthcare services. For any e-health information system, the need for increased trust by such clients with potentially little knowledge of any security scheme involved is paramount. In addition notable scalability of any system has become a critical aspect of system design, development and ongoing management. Meanwhile cryptographic systems provide the security provisions needed for confidentiality, authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. Cryptographic key management, however, must be secure, yet efficient and effective in developing an attitude of trust in system users. Digital certificate-based Public Key Infrastructure has long been the technology of choice or availability for information security/assurance; however, there appears to be a notable lack of successful implementations and deployments globally. Moreover, recent issues with associated Certificate Authority security have damaged trust in these schemes. This paper proposes the adoption of a centralised public key registry structure, a non-certificate based scheme, for large scale e-health information systems. The proposed structure removes complex certificate management, revocation and a complex certificate validation structure while maintaining overall system security. Moreover, the registry concept may be easier for both healthcare professionals and patients to understand and trust.


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Key generation from the randomness of wireless channels is a promising technique to establish a secret cryptographic key securely between legitimate users. This paper proposes a new approach to extract keys efficiently from channel responses of individual orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers. The efficiency is achieved by (i) fully exploiting randomness from time and frequency domains and (ii) improving the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. Through the theoretical modelling of the time and frequency autocorrelation relationship of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses, we can obtain the optimal probing rate and use multiple uncorrelated subcarriers as random sources. We also study the effects of non-simultaneous measurements and noise on the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. We find the cross-correlation is mainly impacted by noise effects in a slow fading channel and use a low pass filter (LPF) to reduce the key disagreement rate and extend the system's working signal-to-noise ratio range. The system is evaluated in terms of randomness, key generation rate, and key disagreement rate, verifying that it is feasible to extract randomness from both time and frequency domains of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses.


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Resource constraint sensors of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) cannot afford the use of costly encryption techniques like public key while dealing with sensitive data. So symmetric key encryption techniques are preferred where it is essential to have the same cryptographic key between communicating parties. To this end, keys are preloaded into the nodes before deployment and are to be established once they get deployed in the target area. This entire process is called key predistribution. In this paper we propose one such scheme using unique factorization of polynomials over Finite Fields. To the best of our knowledge such an elegant use of Algebra is being done for the first time in WSN literature. The best part of the scheme is large number of node support with very small and uniform key ring per node. However the resiliency is not good. For this reason we use a special technique based on Reed Muller codes proposed recently by Sarkar, Saha and Chowdhury in 2010. The combined scheme has good resiliency with huge node support using very less keys per node.


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One influential image that is popular among scientists is the view that mathematics is the language of nature. The present article discusses another possible way to approach the relation between mathematics and nature, which is by using the idea of information and the conceptual vocabulary of cryptography. This approach allows us to understand the possibility that secrets of nature need not be written in mathematics and yet mathematics is necessary as a cryptographic key to unlock these secrets. Various advantages of such a view are described in this article.


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Medical images are private to doctor and patient. Digital medical images should be protected against unauthorized viewers. One way to protect digital medical images is using cryptography to encrypt the images. This paper proposes a method for encrypting medical images with a traditional symmetric cryptosystem. We use biometrics to protect the cryptographic key. Both encrypted image and cryptographic key can be transmitted over public networks with security and only the person that owns the biometrics information used in key protection can decrypt the medical image. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.


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Cryptographic systems are safe. However, the management of cryptographic keys of these systems is a tough task. They are usually protected by the use of password-based authentication mechanisms, which is a weak link on conventional cryptographic systems, as the passwords can be easily copied or stolen. The usage of a biometric approach for releasing the keys is an alternative to the password-based mechanisms. But just like passwords, we need mechanisms to keep the biometrical signal safe. One approach for such mechanism is to use biometrical key cryptography. The cryptographic systems based on the use of biometric characteristics as keys are called biometrical cryptographic systems. This article presents the implementation of Fuzzy Vault, a biometrical cryptographic system written in Java, along with its performance evaluation. Fuzzy Vault was tested on a real application using smartcards.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Abstract There has been a great deal of interest in the area of cyber security in recent years. But what is cyber security exactly? And should society really care about it? We look at some of the challenges of being an academic working in the area of cyber security and explain why cyber security is, to put it rather simply, hard! Speaker Biography Keith Martin Prof. Keith Martin is Professor of Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London. He received his BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Glasgow in 1988 and a PhD from Royal Holloway in 1991. Between 1992 and 1996 he held a Research Fellowship at the University of Adelaide, investigating mathematical modelling of cryptographic key distribution problems. In 1996 he joined the COSIC research group of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, working on security for third generation mobile communications. Keith rejoined Royal Holloway in January 2000, became a Professor in Information Security in 2007 and was Director of the Information Security Group between 2010 and 2015. Keith's research interests range across cyber security, but with a focus on cryptographic applications. He is the author of 'Everyday Cryptography' published by Oxford University Press.


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Timed-release cryptography addresses the problem of “sending messages into the future”: information is encrypted so that it can only be decrypted after a certain amount of time, either (a) with the help of a trusted third party time server, or (b) after a party performs the required number of sequential operations. We generalise the latter case to what we call effort-release public key encryption (ER-PKE), where only the party holding the private key corresponding to the public key can decrypt, and only after performing a certain amount of computation which may or may not be parallelisable. Effort-release PKE generalises both the sequential-operation-based timed-release encryption of Rivest, Shamir, and Wagner, and also the encapsulated key escrow techniques of Bellare and Goldwasser. We give a generic construction for ER-PKE based on the use of moderately hard computational problems called puzzles. Our approach extends the KEM/DEM framework for public key encryption by introducing a difficulty notion for KEMs which results in effort-release PKE. When the puzzle used in our generic construction is non-parallelisable, we recover timed-release cryptography, with the addition that only the designated receiver (in the public key setting) can decrypt.


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In the late 1900s, suitable key lengths were determined by cryptographers who considered four main features based on implementation, expected lifespan and associated security. By 2010, recommendations are aimed at governmental and commercial institutions, which take into consideration practical implementations that provide data security. By aggregating the key length predictive data since 1985, we notice that while the figures proposed between 1990 and 2010 increase linearly, those proposed for 2010 to 2050 do not. This motivates us to re-think the factors used as a basis for key length predictions and we initiate this re-evaluation in this paper. Focusing first on implementation, we clarify the meaning of Moore’s Law by going back to his original papers and commentary. We then focus on the period 2010-2015, when non-linearity appears, and test Moore’s Law based on three different hardware platforms. Our conclusion is that current assumptions about Moore’s law are still reasonable and that non-linearity is likely to be caused by other factors which we will investigate in future work.


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Identity-based cryptography has become extremely fashionable in the last few years. As a consequence many proposals for identity-based key establishment have emerged, the majority in the two party case. We survey the currently proposed protocols of this type, examining their security and efficiency. Problems with some published protocols are noted.


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We treat the security of group key exchange (GKE) in the universal composability (UC) framework. Analyzing GKE protocols in the UC framework naturally addresses attacks by malicious insiders. We define an ideal functionality for GKE that captures contributiveness in addition to other desired security goals. We show that an efficient two-round protocol securely realizes the proposed functionality in the random oracle model. As a result, we obtain the most efficient UC-secure contributory GKE protocol known.


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A key exchange protocol allows a set of parties to agree upon a secret session key over a public network. Two-party key exchange (2PKE) protocols have been rigorously analyzed under various models considering different adversarial actions. However, the analysis of group key exchange (GKE) protocols has not been as extensive as that of 2PKE protocols. Particularly, the security attribute of key compromise impersonation (KCI) resilience has so far been ignored for the case of GKE protocols. We first model the security of GKE protocols addressing KCI attacks by both outsider and insider adversaries. We then show that a few existing protocols are not secure even against outsider KCI attacks. The attacks on these protocols demonstrate the necessity of considering KCI resilience for GKE protocols. Finally, we give a new proof of security for an existing GKE protocol under the revised model assuming random oracles.


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Quantum key distribution (QKD) promises secure key agreement by using quantum mechanical systems. We argue that QKD will be an important part of future cryptographic infrastructures. It can provide long-term confidentiality for encrypted information without reliance on computational assumptions. Although QKD still requires authentication to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, it can make use of either information-theoretically secure symmetric key authentication or computationally secure public key authentication: even when using public key authentication, we argue that QKD still offers stronger security than classical key agreement.