170 resultados para Crypto anarchy


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I studien undersöks huruvida en grupp narkotikasäljare på den svenska hemsidan Flugsvamp drivs av andra motivationer än ett grundläggande vinstintresse. Sidan bygger på de teknologiska verktyg som utvecklades av den libertarianskt inspirerade Cypherpunkrörelsens arbete med stark kryptografi i slutet av 1990-talet. Dessa verktyg skyddar både brottslingar och frihetskämpar, men har främst associerats med de som använder anonymiteten i kriminella syften och således har verktygen fått ett dåligt rykte som riskerar äventyra kryptografins framtid. Genom semistrukturerade onlineintervjuer med fem säljare av skiftande karaktär samlade jag information gällande deras upplevelse av sidan, relationerna till kunder och administratörer, hur de rent moraliskt rationaliserade sin verksamhet och vilken påverkan de såg sig ha på samhället och kryptografin. En bild framträdde där majoriteten av säljarna uppvisade ansvarskänsla och eftertänksamhet genom att agera med transparens och professionalitet. Genom att utkonkurrera oärliga aktörer och med ett nära kollegialt samarbete med varandra använde dessa säljare sin roll för att utmana den traditionella majoritetsinställningen till narkotika och visa hur den ansvarsfulla digitala försäljningen i längden kan vara samhällsförändrande. En minoritet uppgav att de endast använde sidan för att tjäna extrapengar och egentligen tyckte att det var en rimlig idé för staten att förbjuda de kryptoanarkistiska verktygen då de främst anses användas i kriminella syften. Studien når fram till slutsatserna att samhället som helhet tjänar på att det narkotikarelaterade våldet försvinner från gatorna, visar på hur en inkonsekvent och konservativ lagstiftning gör sig mottaglig för starka motargument samt understryker att den framtida digitala mänskligheten kommer ha en betydande användning för de kryptoanarkistiska verktygen.


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In this chapter, we discuss four related areas of cryptology, namely, authentication, hashing, message authentication codes (MACs), and digital signatures. These topics represent active and growing research topics in cryptology. Space limitations allow us to concentrate only on the essential aspects of each topic. The bibliography is intended to supplement our survey. We have selected those items which providean overview of the current state of knowledge in the above areas. Authentication deals with the problem of providing assurance to a receiver that a communicated message originates from a particular transmitter, and that the received message has the same content as the transmitted message. A typical authentication scenario occurs in computer networks, where the identity of two communicating entities is established by means of authentication. Hashing is concerned with the problem of providing a relatively short digest–fingerprint of a much longer message or electronic document. A hashing function must satisfy (at least) the critical requirement that the fingerprints of two distinct messages are distinct. Hashing functions have numerous applications in cryptology. They are often used as primitives to construct other cryptographic functions. MACs are symmetric key primitives that provide message integrity against active spoofing by appending a cryptographic checksum to a message that is verifiable only by the intended recipient of the message. Message authentication is one of the most important ways of ensuring the integrity of information that is transferred by electronic means. Digital signatures provide electronic equivalents of handwritten signatures. They preserve the essential features of handwritten signatures and can be used to sign electronic documents. Digital signatures can potentially be used in legal contexts.


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In this chapter we continue the exposition of crypto topics that was begun in the previous chapter. This chapter covers secret sharing, threshold cryptography, signature schemes, and finally quantum key distribution and quantum cryptography. As in the previous chapter, we have focused only on the essentials of each topic. We have selected in the bibliography a list of representative items, which can be consulted for further details. First we give a synopsis of the topics that are discussed in this chapter. Secret sharing is concerned with the problem of how to distribute a secret among a group of participating individuals, or entities, so that only predesignated collections of individuals are able to recreate the secret by collectively combining the parts of the secret that were allocated to them. There are numerous applications of secret-sharing schemes in practice. One example of secret sharing occurs in banking. For instance, the combination to a vault may be distributed in such a way that only specified collections of employees can open the vault by pooling their portions of the combination. In this way the authority to initiate an action, e.g., the opening of a bank vault, is divided for the purposes of providing security and for added functionality, such as auditing, if required. Threshold cryptography is a relatively recently studied area of cryptography. It deals with situations where the authority to initiate or perform cryptographic operations is distributed among a group of individuals. Many of the standard operations of single-user cryptography have counterparts in threshold cryptography. Signature schemes deal with the problem of generating and verifying electronic) signatures for documents.Asubclass of signature schemes is concerned with the shared-generation and the sharedverification of signatures, where a collaborating group of individuals are required to perform these actions. A new paradigm of security has recently been introduced into cryptography with the emergence of the ideas of quantum key distribution and quantum cryptography. While classical cryptography employs various mathematical techniques to restrict eavesdroppers from learning the contents of encrypted messages, in quantum cryptography the information is protected by the laws of physics.


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The highest levels of security can be achieved through the use of more than one type of cryptographic algorithm for each security function. In this paper, the REDEFINE polymorphic architecture is presented as an architecture framework that can optimally support a varied set of crypto algorithms without losing high performance. The presented solution is capable of accelerating the advanced encryption standard (AES) and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) cryptographic protocols, while still supporting different flavors of these algorithms as well as different underlying finite field sizes. The compelling feature of this cryptosystem is the ability to provide acceleration support for new field sizes as well as new (possibly proprietary) cryptographic algorithms decided upon after the cryptosystem is deployed.


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Bain, William, Between Anarchy and Society: Trusteeship and the Obligations of Power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), pp.viii+216 RAE2008


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Are anarchy and the law antithetical? Not so, as for more than 350 years international law has governed a legal order based on anarchy; wherein no central authority exists and law functions not on the basis of coercion but on cooperation whereby States must agree to each specific laws before it is bound by its obligations. This article contemplates two manners in which an anarchist might consider international law interesting: first, as a legal system which governs an anarchical society as described by Hedley Bull in line with the English School of International Relations; and second, as a manifestation of a State system which, though illegitimate can be utilized, as Noam Chomsky does, for tactical reasons to demonstrate its inconsistencies and thus weakening the system with the ultimate aim being its implosion


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It is the contention of this paper that schools are currently sandwiched between demands of the economy on one side and increasingly fundamentalist communities on the other; that schools need some degree of autonomy from each; that the greatest challenge of the century is how we can live together despite our differences; and that the only way of successfully meeting this challenge is for schools to put social justice at the heart of their activities, activities that are best informed by the cultivation of reasoned imagination – that is, by an aesthetic approach to the development of intellectual, social, cultural, economic and personal identities.


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The consequences of adding random perturbations (anarchy) to a baseline hierarchical model of quark masses and mixings are explored. Even small perturbations of the order of 5% of the smallest non-zero element can already give deviations significantly affecting parameters of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, so any process generating the anarchy should in general be limited to this order of magnitude. The regularities of quark masses and mixings thus appear to be far from a generic feature of randomness in the mass matrices, and more likely indicate an underlying order. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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These days as we are facing extremely powerful attacks on servers over the Internet (say, by the Advanced Persistent Threat attackers or by Surveillance by powerful adversary), Shamir has claimed that “Cryptography is Ineffective”and some understood it as “Cryptography is Dead!” In this talk I will discuss the implications on cryptographic systems design while facing such strong adversaries. Is crypto dead or we need to design it better, taking into account, mathematical constraints, but also systems vulnerability constraints. Can crypto be effective at all when your computer or your cloud is penetrated? What is lost and what can be saved? These are very basic issues at this point of time, when we are facing potential loss of privacy and security.


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