888 resultados para Cross-sectional stock returns


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We examine the relationship between divergence of opinion and the cross-sectional stock returns in Chinese A share market where short-selling of stocks is prohibited by law. Using a proxy for divergence of opinion among the entire investor base, we document a positive relationship between divergent beliefs and future stock returns. This is in sharp contrast to Miller's (1977) prediction of a negative relationship between the two. The result is likely to be driven by the dominance of individual investors and their speculative trading behaviors in China. Miller's prediction is confirmed when divergence of opinion is measured using data on mutual fund holdings. Our results are robust to a number of common return predictors. We also find a significantly negative relationship between the fraction of tradable shares in listed Chinese companies and future stock returns. Increase in the fraction of tradable shares tends to reduce the predictability of stock returns using divergence of opinion.


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Using a new dataset which contains monthly data on 1015 stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange between 1825 and 1870, we investigate the cross section of stock returns in this early capital market. Unique features of this market allow us to evaluate the veracity of several popular explanations of asset pricing behavior. Using portfolio analysis and Fama–MacBeth regressions, we find that stock characteristics such as beta, illiquidity, dividend yield, and past-year return performance are all positively correlated with stock returns. However, market capitalization and past-three-year return performance have no significant correlation with stock returns.


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The Chinese stock market is an order-driven market and hence its characteristics are structurally different from quote-driven markets. There are no studies that consider the role of the market liquidity risk factor in determining cross-sectional stock returns in a model including financial market anomalies for order-driven markets. Our aim is to test whether financial market anomalies such as firm size, the book-to-market ratio, the turnover rate, and momentum both with and without the inclusion of the market liquidity risk factor in the case of the Chinese stock market can explain cross-sectional stock returns. The empirical framework is based on the model proposed by Avramov and Chordia (AC, 2006). Our main finding is that the AC model can capture financial market anomalies except momentum when we include the market liquidity risk factor on the Chinese stock market.


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Following the work of Easley et al. (2002) in documenting the effect of private information on cross-sectional stock returns, we examine the relationship between a firm’s fundamental characteristics and its probability of information-based trading (PIN). We find that asset turnover and dividend yields are important firm characteristics that influence a firm’s PIN. The findings also offer an alternative explanation as to why firm characteristics are informative about asset prices.


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We develop a principal component approach to systematic liquidity measurement by introducing moving and expanding estimation windows. We evaluate these methods along with traditional estimation techniques (full sample PCA and market average) in terms of ability to explain (1) cross sectional stock liquidity and cross sectional stock returns. For several traditional liquidity measures our results suggest an expanding window specification for systematic liquidity estimation. The market average proxy of systematic liquidity produces the same degree of commonality, but does not have the same ability to explain stock returns as the PCA-estimates.


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Evidence suggests that rational, periodically collapsing speculative bubbles may be pervasive in stock markets globally, but there is no research that considers them at the individual stock level. In this study we develop and test an empirical asset pricing model that allows for speculative bubbles to affect stock returns. We show that stocks incorporating larger bubbles yield higher returns. The bubble deviation, at the stock level as opposed to the industry or market level, is a priced source of risk that is separate from the standard market risk, size and value factors. We demonstrate that much of the common variation in stock returns that can be attributable to market risk is due to the co-movement of bubbles rather than being driven by fundamentals.


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Trading activity has been considered as one of the possible factor that explains the cross-sectional variation in stock returns. In this study I use trading volume as a possible measure to proxy for liquidity as part of the trading activity. Monthly observations were used over a period 1995 to 2005 to examine the liquidity effect on stock expected returns. Based on findings it is appeared that level of liquidity does matter in explaining the expected stock returns in Malaysian capital market. While Fama-french factors also provide important explanation for stock returns. But none of the second moment variables proxying liquidity appeared to be statistically significant. However, momentum effect apprearently explain ing the cross-sectional variation in stock returns


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This study examines the relation between aggregate volatility risk and the cross-section of stock returns in Australia. We use a stock's sensitivity to innovations in the ASX200 implied volatility (VIX) as a proxy for aggregate volatility risk. Consistent with theoretical predictions, aggregate volatility risk is negatively related to the cross-section of stock returns only when market volatility is rising. The asymmetric volatility effect is persistent throughout the sample period and is robust after controlling for size, book-to-market, momentum, and liquidity issues. There is some evidence that aggregate volatility risk is a priced factor, especially in months with increasing market volatility.


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This paper examines the cross-sectional determinants of post-IPO long-term stock returns in China. We document that the aftermarket P/E ratio has the most robust negative association with post-IPO stock returns. The negative relation indicates that the market corrects the aftermarket overvaluation of IPO firms in the long run. Underwriter reputation has a positive effect on post-IPO stock returns, while board size has a negative impact, consistent with the views that reputable underwriters mitigate the information asymmetry in IPO pricing and over-sized boards reduce the effectiveness of corporate governance. However, we find little evidence indicating that the equity ownership structure is significantly associated with post-IPO stock returns.


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This study examines the relation between corporate social performance and stock returns in the UK. We closely evaluate the interactions between social and financial performance with a set of disaggregated social performance indicators for environment, employment, and community activities instead of using an aggregate measure. While scores on a composite social performance indicator are negatively related to stock returns, we find the poor financial reward offered by such firms is attributable to their good social performance on the environment and, to a lesser extent, the community aspects. Considerable abnormal returns are available from holding a portfolio of the socially least desirable stocks. These relationships between social and financial performance can be rationalized by multi-factor models for explaining the cross-sectional variation in returns, but not by industry effects.


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This study examines the importance of downside beta when seeking to explain variations in listed property trust (LPT) returns in Australia between 1993 and 2005. The results reveal that downside beta outperforms conventional beta and provides higher explanatory power to the cross-sectional LPT return variations. The results also indicate that investors only require a premium for downside risk. However, the explanatory power of downside beta has diminished once the co-kurtosis of LPTs is controlled. Interestingly, the results also reveal that by itself downside beta is unable to fully explain returns in line with strong evidence for momentum and book-to-market ratio. The findings provide additional insights for investors and real estate analysts into the pricing of LPTs.


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In this paper we examine whether order imbalances can predict the Chinese stock market returns. We use intraday data, a panel data predictive regression model that accounts for persistent and endogenous order imbalances and cross-sectional dependence in returns, and show that order imbalances predict stock returns from 1-minute trading to 90-minute trading. On the basis of this predictability evidence using multiple trading strategies we show that profits persist during the day. These results imply that a source of Chinese market inefficiency is order imbalances.


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We use a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) to estimate the impact of monetary policy shocks on the cross-section of stock returns. Our FAVAR combines unobserved factors extracted from a large set of nancial and macroeconomic indicators with the Federal Funds rate. We nd that monetary policy shocks have heterogeneous e ects on the crosssection of stock returns. These e ects are very well explained by the degree of external nance dependence, as well as by other sectoral characteristics.


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This paper proposes a new novel to calculate tail risks incorporating risk-neutral information without dependence on options data. Proceeding via a non parametric approach we derive a stochastic discount factor that correctly price a chosen panel of stocks returns. With the assumption that states probabilities are homogeneous we back out the risk neutral distribution and calculate five primitive tail risk measures, all extracted from this risk neutral probability. The final measure is than set as the first principal component of the preliminary measures. Using six Fama-French size and book to market portfolios to calculate our tail risk, we find that it has significant predictive power when forecasting market returns one month ahead, aggregate U.S. consumption and GDP one quarter ahead and also macroeconomic activity indexes. Conditional Fama-Macbeth two-pass cross-sectional regressions reveal that our factor present a positive risk premium when controlling for traditional factors.


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We use the consumption-based asset pricing model with habit formation to study the predictability and cross-section of returns from the international equity markets. We find that the predictability of returns from many developed countries' equity markets is explained in part by changing prices of risks associated with consumption relative to habit at the world as well as local levels. We also provide an exploratory investigation of the cross-sectional implications of the model under the complete world market integration hypothesis and find that the model performs mildly better than the traditional consumption-based model. the unconditional and conditional world CAPMs and a three-factor international asset pricing model. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.