1000 resultados para Cromatografia preparativa
Neste trabalho efectuou-se o desenvolvimento de métodos de purificação de princípios activos farmacêuticos utilizando a cromatografia preparativa em coluna (eluição batch). Por motivos de confidencialidade as amostras tiveram a denominação de Amostra Projecto A, Amostra Projecto B, Amostra Projecto C e Amostra 2 - Projecto A. Estudou-se a performance de coluna para cada projecto utilizando colunas pré-preparadas e colunas preparadas com a tecnologia DAC (Dynamical Axial Compression). Elaborou-se o procedimento experimental de enchimento de colunas preparativas sob compressão axial. As impurezas isoladas por cromatografia preparativa foram sujeitas a caracterização HPLC e LC-MS. Com colunas pré-preparadas, obteve-se para a amostra do projecto A um rendimento de 70,59% e relativamente à amostra projecto B obteve-se u, rendimento de 15,39%. Relativamente à impureza isolada da amostra do projecto A, o estudo por HPLC revelou 98,69% de pureza, quanto à impureza da amostra projecto B obteve-se 88,80% de pureza. A impureza da amostra do projecto A exibiu por LC-MS a massa de 467,15 enquanto que a impureza da amostra do projecto B obteve 503,31. O enchimento de colunas preparativas sob pressão axial dinâmica foi realizado numa coluna de dimensão 260 X 25 mm, onde 76,60% da coluna foi compactada com o material de enchimento SepTech ST150-C18, 10 µm. A coluna foi testada com a impureza isolada do projecto A. Isolou-se o pico referente à impureza, e por LC-MS verificou-se que a impureza foi isolada eficientemente com 97,20& de pureza e massa 467,15 como indicado anteriormente. Em relação à preparação de colunas com a tecnologia DAC concluímos que, neste caso, é mais vantajoso realizar o enchimento das colunas do que efectuar a compra de colunas pré-preparadas. Com estes resultados pode-se concluir que a cromatografia preparativa é um método eficaz no isolamento de impurezas de APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) face a métodos de purificação clássicos que foram realizados previamente noutros estudos. Com futuros desenvolvimentos e investimentos, facilmente poderá tornar-se num método de purificação indispensável na Indústria de Química Fina.
Os ácidos húmicos (AH) estimulam diretamente vários processos fisiológicos que promovem o crescimento vegetal, especialmente do sistema radicular. O conhecimento da natureza química e do papel de AH na expressão de efeitos biofertilizantes e bioestimulantes é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de insumos biológicos à base de ácidos húmicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma possível relação entre a distribuição de massa molecular aparente de AH isolados de vermicomposto e a magnitude de resposta na promoção do crescimento radicular. Para isso, foram obtidas subfrações (SF) dos AH por meio de cromatografia preparativa por exclusão de tamanho em gel de Sephadex G-50 (CGE). O processo preparativo foi validado pelo uso da cromatografia líquida de alta performance por exclusão de tamanho (HPSEC). As cinco frações obtidas foram testadas em diferentes concentrações (0; 0,0001; 0,001; 0,003; 0,005; e 0,01 mol L-1 de C) quanto à sua capacidade de estimular o crescimento radicular de plantas de Arabidopsis thaliana (ecótipo col. 4). Para plantas de milho (Zea mays hyb. UENF 506-6) foi utilizada a dose de 0,002 mol L-1 de C. O modelo quadrático descreveu a indução do crescimento radicular de Arabidopsis e a dose de AH, sendo 0,00511 mol L-1 de C o ponto de inflexão médio. Na concentração ótima, foi observada correlação inversa e significativa entre distribuição de massa molecular e indução do número de raízes laterais em Arabidopsis. No entanto, outros atributos, como área e comprimento radicular, não sofreram influência da massa molecular aparente. Em plântulas de milho, foi observado aumento no número de sítios de mitose e raízes laterais tanto no tratamento com AH como com suas subfrações. A atividade da H+-ATPase de membrana plasmática foi significativamente alterada pelo AH, porém não ocorreu o mesmo com todas as subfrações. A atividade de estimulação do crescimento radicular parece estar mais relacionada com a estrutura química das substâncias húmicas do que com a distribuição de massa molecular dos agregados húmicos.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Synthetic dyes are much used in processed foods. HPLC was applied to different types of snacks, such as colored cereals, chocolate confetti, chewing gums and candies for the determination of those additives. In the case of artificially colored breakfast cereals, 71% of the samples exceeded the allowed limits. Regarding the portions recommended for consumption by the makers of two of the samples, the amounts exceeded those allowed by the Brazilian legislation. In the case of chocolate confetti and candies none of the samples showed higher amounts than those allowed. However 37% of the chewing gum samples presented larger contents than the authorized ones, and one sample contained five times more synthetic dyes than allowed.
Chromatography combined with several different detection systems is one of the more used and better performing analytical tools. Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection gives highly selective and sensitive analyses and permits obtaining structural information about the analites and about their molar masses. Due to these characteristics, this analytical technique is very efficient when used to detect substances at trace levels in complex matrices. In this paper we review instrumental and technical aspects of chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and the state of the art of the technique as it is applied to analysis of toxic substances in food.
Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Cromatography - IMAC - is a group-specific based adsorption applied to the purification and structure-function studies of proteins and nucleic acids. The adsorption is based on coordination between a metal ion chelated on the surface of a solid matrix and electron donor groups at the surface of the biomolecule. IMAC is a highly selective, low cost, and easily scaled-up technique being used in research and commercial operations. A separation process can be designed for a specific molecule by just selecting an appropriate metal ion, chelating agent, and operational conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and buffer type.
High-temperature liquid chromatography (HTLC) is a technique that presents a series of advantages in liquid phase separations, such as: reduced analysis time, reduced pressure drop, reduced asymmetry factors, modified retentions, controlled selectivities, better efficiencies and improved detectivities, as well as permitting green chromatography. The practical limitations that relate to instrumentation and to stationary phase instability are being resolved and this technique is now ready to be applied for routine determinations.
A method to quantify lycopene and β-carotene in freeze dried tomato pulp by high performance liquid chromatography (HLPC) was validated according to the criteria of selectivity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy, and uncertainty estimation of measurement was determined with data obtained in the validation. The validated method presented is selective in terms of analysis, and it had a good precision and accuracy. Detection limit for lycopene and β-carotene was 4.2 and 0.23 mg 100 g-1, respectively. The estimation of expanded uncertainty (K = 2) for lycopene was 104 ± 21 mg 100 g-1 and for β-carotene was 6.4 ± 1.5 mg 100 g-1.
Emerging organic pollutants (EOP) include many environmental contaminants based on commercial products such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, detergents, gasoline, polymers, etc. EOP may be candidates for future regulation as they offer potential risk to environmental and human health due to their continual entrance into the environment and to the fact that even the most modern wastewater treatment plants are not able to totally transform / remove these compounds. High performance liquid chromatography is recommended to separate emerging organic pollutants with characteristics of high polarity and low volatility, especially pharmaceuticals, from environmental matrices.
This review describes the advantages and disadvantages of using capillary liquid chromatography (CLC), which is considered the newest member in the analytical separation science arsenal. Although CLC has tremendous potential for being the next major innovation in separatory analysis, it has not yet obtained great popularity compared to conventional high performance (and ultra-high performance) liquid chromatography. Comparisons are made between these techniques and some of the reasons that CLC has not yet reached its potential will be advanced.
This review considers some of the difficulties encountered with the analysis of basic solutes using reversed-phase chromatography, such as detrimental interaction with stationary phase silanol groups. Methods of overcoming these problems in reversed-phase separations, by judicious selection of the stationary phase and mobile phase conditions, are discussed. Developments to improve the chemical and thermal stability of stationary phases are also reviewed. It is shown that substantial progress has been made in the manufacturing of stationary phases, enabling their use over a wide variety of experimental conditions. In addition, general measures to significantly extend their lifespan are discussed.
A simple and fast method for determination of 40 basic drugs in human plasma employing gas-chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection was developed and validated. Drugs were extracted from 800 µL of plasma with 250 µL of butyl acetate at basic pH. Aliquots of the organic extract were directly injected on a column with methylsilicone stationary phase. Total chromatographic run time was 25 min. All compounds were detected in concentrations ranging from therapeutic to toxic levels, with intermediate precision CV% below 11.2 and accuracy in the range of 92-114%.
Culture supernatant of Staphylococcus aureus 722 in 3% triptone plus 1% yeast extract was used for EEA purification, proceeding comparison between dye ligand Red A affinity chromatography and classic chromatography. The capture of SEA with Amberlite CG-50 allowed rapid enterotoxin concentration from the culture supernatant. However, the ratio of 15 mg of the resin to a total of 150 mg of the toxin satured the resin, giving only 10 to 30% of SEA recuperation from the supernatant. The elution of concentrated material throught the Red A column resulted in a recovery of 60,87% of the toxin, and required 76 hours, indicating advantage on classic chromatography. Ion exchange column plus gel filtration recovered only 6,5 % of the SEA, and required 114 hours to conclude the procedure. The eletrophoresis of purified SEA indicated high grade of toxin obtained from Red A column, with 90 % of purity, compared to 60 % of classic column.
Pera glabrata (Schott) Baill. was selected for this study after showing a preliminary positive result in a screening of Atlantic Forest plant species in the search for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and antifungal compounds. The bioassays were conducted with crude ethanol extract of the leaves using direct bioautography method for acetylcholinesterase and antifungal activities. This extract was partitioned with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate solvents. The active chloroform fraction was submitted to silica gel chromatography column affording 12 groups. Caffeine, an alkaloid, which showed detection limits of 0.1 and 1.0 µg for anticholinesterasic and antifungal activities, respectively, was isolated from group nine. After microplate analyses, only groups four, nine, 10, 11 and 12 showed acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of 40% or higher. The group 12 was purified by preparative layer chromatography affording four sub-fractions. Two sub-fractions from this group were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. The first sub-fraction showed anticholinesterasic activity and contained two major compounds: 9-hydroxy-4-megastigmen-3-one (84%) and caffeine (6%). The second sub-fraction presented five major compounds identified as 9-hydroxy-4-megastigmen-3-one, isololiolide, (-) loliolide, palmitic acid and lupeol and did not show activity.