994 resultados para Cranes, derricks, etc.


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Pages 78*-78** inserted after p. 78.


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Preliminary considerations.--Single, web, box and beam girders.--Braced girders.--End carriages, wheels, axles and bearings.--Appendix: Approximate formulas for beams and crane girders, by C. R. Whittier.


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En el projecte Disseny i càlcul d’un pont grua birrail de 6,3+6,3tones amb les corresponents bigues carril, s’han buscat dos objectius. El primer d’ells, fer una recopilació acurada de la extensa normativa que afecta a aquesta tipologia d’aparells d’elevació. El segon, realitzar el disseny del pont grua seguint la normativa vigent i redactar un projecte complet amb el qual es podria realitzar la fabricació i el muntatge de l’aparell


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El present projecte pretèn ampliar i condicionar una nau industrial existent, destinada a processos metal•lúrgics, propietat de l’empresa Muntatges Industrials Palafolls, SCP. L’establiment es troba situat al polígon Industrial de Can Baltasar, en el municipi de Palafolls. Per tal de dur a terme aquestes modificacions, s’enderrocaran els departaments existents i es dimensionaran en una nova ubicació dintre del recinte de l’establiment. Es dimensionarà una nova estructura per a sustentar un pont grua de 10 tn, situada a l’interior de la nau. A més a més, es dimensionaran les instal•lacions elèctriques i contra incendis de l’establiment. El projecte contindrà tota la documentació necessària per a dur a terme l’ampliació i remodelació de la nau industrial i la instal•lació del pont grua.


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The finite element method is of great importance for the development and analysis of a new product being designed or already on the market, and that requires some specific request or special application. The tower crane, being an essential equipment for modern construction to increase productivity and safety on construction sites, is required for many types of special applications day after day, in many kinds of work. Paying attention to this growing need for handling special projects for the tower crane, faced with the importance and necessity of development and improvement of knowledge in more accurate and practical calculation methods such as the finite element method , for greater agility and precision in the response to a new project. The tower crane is defined by the maximum load moment that it can act with a certain amount of load. The tower crane which will be analyzed in this work , for example, is a tower crane with a resulting capacity of 85 Metric Tons which are considered basic dimensions data of a fisical tower crane of a crane company Liebherr in Guaratinguetá . Thus, the project analysis will begin with the threedimensional representation of the crane lines with AutoCAD software , conversion of this model to the format accepted ANSYS Workbench and completion of 3D modeling of structural components in Design module ANSYS software. After structural modeling is completed, the simulation is performed in static simulation of ANSYS Workbench software mode. The standards will be adopted to DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and EN 14439 (Europäische Normung 14439) and some NR 's related to specific security class of tower cranes, which will be referred throughout the work


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