1000 resultados para Crack usage
Apesar de o uso de drogas ser uma prática presente desde os primórdios da humanidade, atualmente o seu abuso adquiriu dimensões preocupantes, configurando-se como um problema de saúde pública. O surgimento do crack, droga derivada da pasta de coca, agravou esse quadro ao aumentar os danos sociais e à saúde dos usuários. Visando conhecer o impacto de sua inserção no cotidiano dos usuários, foi realizado um estudo etnográfico em locais de venda e uso de crack na região central da cidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil). Foi utilizado um diário de campo para registrar as observações e os diálogos informais efetuados com as pessoas que circulavam no local estudado. Os resultados apontaram os circuitos percorridos pelos usuários, suas dinâmicas e as relações que estabelecem com outros atores sociais, as quais são permeadas por permanente tensão, envolvendo a prática de atos violentos nos quais os usuários são tanto agressores quanto vítimas. O estudo também sugere a importância de outros fatores como a história da região pesquisada, as políticas públicas, questões econômicas e ausência de investimentos sociais e em saúde pública. Sugere-se que o alto grau de degradação da região pesquisada não seria consequência apenas das pessoas e atividades exercidas no local, mas principalmente do processo urbano que gerou tal quadro social.
The consumption of dietary supplements is highest among athletes and it can represent potential a health risk for consumers. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of consumption of dietary supplements by road runners. We interviewed 817 volunteers from four road races in the Brazilian running calendar. The sample consisted of 671 male and 146 female runners with a mean age of 37.9 ± 12.4 years. Of the sample, 28.33% reported having used some type of dietary supplement. The main motivation for this consumption is to increase in stamina and improve performance. The probability of consuming dietary supplements increased 4.67 times when the runners were guided by coaches. The consumption of supplements was strongly correlated (r = 0.97) with weekly running distance, and also highly correlated (r = 0.86) with the number of years the sport had been practiced. The longer the runner had practiced the sport, the higher the training volume and the greater the intake of supplements. The five most frequently cited reasons for consumption were: energy enhancement (29.5%), performance improvement (17.1%), increased level of endurance (10.3%), nutrient replacement (11.1%), and avoidance of fatigue (10.3%). About 30% of the consumers declared more than one reason for taking dietary supplements. The most consumed supplements were: carbohydrates (52.17%), vitamins (28.70%), and proteins (13.48%). Supplement consumption by road runners in Brazil appeared to be guided by the energy boosting properties of the supplement, the influence of coaches, and the experience of the user. The amount of supplement intake seemed to be lower among road runners than for athletes of other sports. We recommend that coaches and nutritionists emphasise that a balanced diet can meet the needs of physically active people.
Fatigue and crack propagation are phenomena affected by high uncertainties, where deterministic methods fail to predict accurately the structural life. The present work aims at coupling reliability analysis with boundary element method. The latter has been recognized as an accurate and efficient numerical technique to deal with mixed mode propagation, which is very interesting for reliability analysis. The coupled procedure allows us to consider uncertainties during the crack growth process. In addition, it computes the probability of fatigue failure for complex structural geometry and loading. Two coupling procedures are considered: direct coupling of reliability and mechanical solvers and indirect coupling by the response surface method. Numerical applications show the performance of the proposed models in lifetime assessment under uncertainties, where the direct method has shown faster convergence than response surface method. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with analysis of cracked structures using BEM. Two formulations to analyse the crack growth process in quasi-brittle materials are discussed. They are based on the dual formulation of BEM where two different integral equations are employed along the opposite sides of the crack surface. The first presented formulation uses the concept of constant operator, in which the corrections of the nonlinear process are made only by applying appropriate tractions along the crack surfaces. The second presented BEM formulation to analyse crack growth problems is an implicit technique based on the use of a consistent tangent operator. This formulation is accurate, stable and always requires much less iterations to reach the equilibrium within a given load increment in comparison with the classical approach. Comparison examples of classical problem of crack growth are shown to illustrate the performance of the two formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a boundary element method (BEM) model that is used for the analysis of multiple random crack growth by considering linear elastic fracture mechanics problems and structures subjected to fatigue. The formulation presented in this paper is based on the dual boundary element method, in which singular and hyper-singular integral equations are used. This technique avoids singularities of the resulting algebraic system of equations, despite the fact that the collocation points coincide for the two opposite crack faces. In fracture mechanics analyses, the displacement correlation technique is applied to evaluate stress intensity factors. The maximum circumferential stress theory is used to evaluate the propagation angle and the effective stress intensity factor. The fatigue model uses Paris` law to predict structural life. Examples of simple and multi-fractured structures loaded until rupture are considered. These analyses demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model. In addition, the results indicate that this formulation is accurate and can model localisation and coalescence phenomena. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fatigue crack growth properties of friction stir welded joints of 2024-T3 aluminium alloy have been studied under constant load amplitude (increasing-Delta K), with special emphasis on the residual stress (inverse weight function) effects on longitudinal and transverse crack growth rate predictions (Glinka`s method). In general, welded joints were more resistant to longitudinally growing fatigue cracks than the parent material at threshold Delta K values, when beneficial thermal residual stresses decelerated crack growth rate, while the opposite behaviour was observed next to K-C instability, basically due to monotonic fracture modes intercepting fatigue crack growth in weld microstructures. As a result, fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) predictions were conservative at lower propagation rates and non-conservative for faster cracks. Regarding transverse cracks, intense compressive residual stresses rendered welded plates more fatigue resistant than neat parent plate. However, once the crack tip entered the more brittle weld region substantial acceleration of FCGR occurred due to operative monotonic tensile modes of fracture, leading to non-conservative crack growth rate predictions next to K-C instability. At threshold Delta K values non-conservative predictions values resulted from residual stress relaxation. Improvements on predicted FCGR values were strongly dependent on how the progressive plastic relaxation of the residual stress field was considered.
A methodology for the computational modeling of the fatigue crack growth in pressurized shell structures, based on the finite element method and concepts of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, is presented. This methodology is based on that developed by Potyondy [Potyondy D, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea, AR. Discrete crack growth analysis methodology for through crack in pressurized fuselage structures. Int J Numer Methods Eng 1995;38:1633-1644], which consists of using four stress intensity factors, computed from the modified crack integral method, to predict the fatigue propagation life as well as the crack trajectory, which is computed as part of the numerical simulation. Some issues not presented in the study of Potyondy are investigated herein such as the influence of the crack increment size and the number of nodes per element (4 or 9 nodes) on the simulation results by means of a fatigue crack propagation simulation of a Boeing 737 airplane fuselage. The results of this simulation are compared with experimental results and those obtained by Potyondy [1]. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with the determination of crack openings in 2D reinforced concrete structures using the Finite Element Method with a smeared rotating crack model or an embedded crack model In the smeared crack model, the strong discontinuity associated with the crack is spread throughout the finite element As is well known, the continuity of the displacement field assumed for these models is incompatible with the actual discontinuity However, this type of model has been used extensively due to the relative computational simplicity it provides by treating cracks in a continuum framework, as well as the reportedly good predictions of reinforced concrete members` structural behavior On the other hand, by enriching the displacement field within each finite element crossed by the crack path, the embedded crack model is able to describe the effects of actual discontinuities (cracks) This paper presents a comparative study of the abilities of these 2D models in predicting the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete structures Structural responses are compared with experimental results from the literature, including crack patterns, crack openings and rebar stresses predicted by both models
This study examines the applicability of a micromechanics approach based upon the computational cell methodology incorporating the Gurson-Tvergaard (GT) model and the CTOA criterion to describe ductile crack extension of longitudinal crack-like defects in high pressure pipeline steels. A central focus is to gain additional insight into the effectiveness and limitations of both approaches to describe crack growth response and to predict the burst pressure for the tested cracked pipes. A verification study conducted on burst testing of large-diameter, precracked pipe specimens with varying crack depth to thickness ratio (a/t) shows the potential predictive capability of the cell approach even though both the CT model and the CTOA criterion appear to depend on defect geometry. Overall, the results presented here lend additional support for further developments in the cell methodology as a valid engineering tool for integrity assessments of pipelines with axial defects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved,
Fracture mechanics tests were carried out for AerMet 100 in distilled water and NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The initiation period at higher values of the stress intensity factor indicated that load application in the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) environment is a necessary but not sufficient factor for SCC and that time is needed for some other factor (e.g., the local hydrogen concentration) to reach an appropriate value. The threshold stress intensity factor, K-ISSC, was found to increase with decreasing NaCl concentration. The plateau stress corrosion crack velocity was 2 x 10(-8) ms(-1) for NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The fracture mode was transgranular with small areas of an intergranular nature. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.
This is the first paper in a study on the influence of the environment on the crack tip strain field for AISI 4340. A stressing stage for the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was constructed which was capable of applying loads up to 60 kN to fracture-mechanics samples. The measurement of the crack tip strain field required preparation (by electron lithography or chemical etching) of a system of reference points spaced at similar to 5 mu m intervals on the sample surface, loading the sample inside an electron microscope, image processing procedures to measure the displacement at each reference point and calculation of the strain field. Two algorithms to calculate strain were evaluated. Possible sources of errors were calculation errors due to the algorithm, errors inherent in the image processing procedure and errors due to the limited precision of the displacement measurements. Estimation of the contribution of each source of error was performed. The technique allows measurement of the crack tip strain field over an area of 50 x 40 mu m with a strain precision better than +/- 0.02 at distances larger than 5 mu m from the crack tip. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Crack tip strain maps have been measured for AISI 4340 high strength steel. No significant creep was observed. The measured values of CTOD were greater than expected from the HRR model. Crack tip branching was observed in every experiment. The direction of crack branching was in the same direction as a major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain, which in turn was in the same direction as predicted by the HRR model. Furthermore, the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(y)y strain in this same direction were in general greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. This indicates more plasticity in the crack tip region than expected from the HRR model. This greater plasticity could be related to the larger than expected CTOD values. The following discrepancies between the measured strain fields for AISI 4340 and the HRR predictions are noteworthy: (1) The crack branching. (2) Values of CTOD significantly higher than predicted by HRR. (3) The major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain an angle of about 60 degrees with the direction of overall propagation of the fatigue precrack, in which the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(yy) strain were greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. (4) Asymmetric shape of the plastic zone as measured by the epsilon(yy) strain. (5) Values of shear strain gamma(xy) significantly higher than predicted by the HRR model. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
This paper studied the influence of hydrogen and water vapour environments on the plastic behaviour in the vicinity of the crack tip for AISI 4340. Hydrogen and water vapour (at a pressure of 15 Torr) significantly increased the crack tip opening displacement. The crack tip strain distribution in 15 Torr hydrogen was significantly different to that measured in vacuum. In the presence of sufficient hydrogen, the plastic zone was larger, was elongated in the direction of crack propagation and moreover there was significant creep. These observations support the hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity model for hydrogen embrittlement in this steel. The strain distribution in the presence of water vapour also suggests that SCC in AISI 4340 occurs via the hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity mechanism. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Crack cocaine-dependent individuals (CCDI) present abnormalities in both social adjustment and decision making, but few studies have examined this association. This study investigated cognitive and social performance of 30 subjects (CCDI x controls); CCDI were abstinent for 2 weeks. We used the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), and Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Disadvantageous choices on the IGT were associated with higher levels of social dysfunction in CCDI, suggesting the ecological validity of the IGT. Social dysfunction and decision making may be linked to the same underlying prefrontal dysfunction, but the nature of this association should be further investigated. (Am J Addict 2010;00: 1-9).
In Spain, crack cocaine use is silently increasing. In Barcelona, an intentional sample was selected to describe the general characteristics of this consumption. Participants were submitted to an interview and data were analyzed through qualitative research procedures. Users are young males and of low socioeconomic status and formal education. The major pattern of use is compulsive. Illegal income activities are the choice for crack cocaine or money acquisition, increasing individual and social health costs. Polydrug use is a matter of concern. Although these findings can not be generalized, they should be considered for the development of public policies to adequately address crack cocaine users` needs.