11 resultados para Cpitn


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The aim of this study was to estimate the necessary time and cost for periodontal prevention and treatment in a working population from sugar and alcohol refineries in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. A stratified sample of 528 employees aged 18-64 from administrative, industrial and agricultural staffs was examined by one examiner, previously trained, according to the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN). The time required for procedures and the cost was extrapolated to the total worker population. The results showed that the estimated time required for periodontal prevention/treatment was 4527 hours. Of this time, 1783 hours were required for oral hygiene instruction, 2531 for scaling, 151 for surgery and 62 for maintenance. The cost would be US $17,655 for hiring a dentist for 8 hours/day to provide oral hygiene instruction, scaling, surgery and maintenance. However, the cost would be US $9,028 for hiring a dentist for 4 hours/day to provide surgery and maintenance and a dental hygienist for 8 hours/day to provide scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Taking into account epidemiologic, technical and economic aspects, the decision relating to manpower should be this second option.


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Aims: To identify the prevalence and different degrees of periodontal disease in an isolated community (Isla Grande, Colombia) with no dental services and low educational level with the use of CPITN, and to establish periodontal treatment needs in different age groups. Results: Of 116 people examined, 0.9% were in periodontal health (CPITN value 0), 18.1% had gingival bleeding (CPITN value 1), 51.7% had supra or subgingival calculus (CPITN value 2),18.1% presented pockets 3.5-5.0mm deep (CPITN value 3), and 11.2% had pathological pockets of 5.5mm or deeper (CPITN value 4). No clear differences were observed between sexes. Conclusions: This study shows that 81% of the sample has some type of periodontal treatment need, with 69.8% of them requiring periodontal treatment that may be supplied by a hygienist and 11.2% requiring specialised treatment. Implementation of oral health education and oral prevention programmes was recommended to the authorities for this community.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata hampaiden kiinnityskudossairauksien esiintyvyyttä ja suuhygieniatottumuksia Tansaniassa. Viiden eri tutkimuksen avulla kartoitettiin suuhygieniatottumuksia, kiinnityskudosten tilaa, kiinnityskudossairauksien riskitekijöitä ja hoidon tarvetta (CPITN) sekä ienvetäymiä. Tutkimukset toteutettiin eri paikkakunnilla vuosien 1987 ja 2003 välillä. Tutkittavat valittiin satunnaisesti tai harkitusti; tutkittavien määrä vaihteli 201:stä 1764:ään. Aineistot kerättiin kysymyslomakkeilla ja kliinisten tutkimusten avulla. Kliinisesti mitattiin plakin, hammaskiven ja ienten verenvuodon määrä, ientaskujen syvyys, ienvetäymien laajuus ja puuttuvien hampaiden lukumäärä. Tutkimusvälineinä käytettiin peiliä, Williamsin ja WHO:n ientaskumittareita. Muoviharjaksista hammasharjaa ilmoitti käyttävänsä 51,5-97,8% tutkituista. Ns. harjaustikun käyttö vaihteli paljon: 0,9-32,0 %. Plakkia löydettiin 65-100 %:lla tutkituista. Hammaskiveä oli suurimmalla osalla tutkituista. Myös ienverenvuotoa löytyi valtaosalta (79-100%). Ienverenvuotoa oli enemmän miehillä kuin naisilla sekä alhaisemman koulutustason omaavilla. Neljäkymmentä vuotta täyttäneiltä löydettiin 4–5 mm:n syvyisiä ientaskuja 82,1 %:lta ja ≥ 6 mm:n taskuja 43,8 %:lta. Suun terveystottumusten ohjaamiseen oli tarvetta yli 90 %:lla, hammaskiven poistoon ja juurten pinnan tasoitukseen yli 80%:lla. Yleisimmät riskitekijät kiinnityskudossairauksille olivat ikä (≥ 35 vuotta), miessukupuoli, alhainen koulutustaso, plakin, hammaskiven ja ientulehduksen määrä sekä asuminen maaseudulla. Ienvetäymiä (≥ 4 mm) löytyi noin 54%:lla tutkituista. Ienvetäymiä oli useammin miehillä kuin naisilla ja ne olivat yhteydessä ikään sekä hammaskiven ja ienverenvuodon esiintymiseen. Suuhygieniataso tutkituilla henkilöillä oli huono ja ienvetäymien esiintyvyys korkea. Syviä ientaskuja löytyi kuitenkin harvoilta tutkituilta. Riskitekijät kiinnityskudossairauksille olivat ikä, miessukupuoli, alhainen koulutustaso, plakin, hammaskiven ja ientulehduksen määrä sekä asuminen maaseudulla. Ienvetäymien riskit olivat ikä, miessukupuoli, hammaskivi ja ienverenvuoto


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as condições periodontais e necessidades de tratamento em crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 7 e 19 anos, matriculados em Escolas Públicas de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, em 1995, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento das mudanças no estado periodontal. Uma amostra de 1956 crianças e adolescentes foi examinada por duas examinadoras, previamente calibradas, usando o CPITN. Os resultados mostraram que o sangramento gengival foi a condição periodontal mais frequentemente observada em todas as idades, com média de 3,0 sextantes afetados na idade de 15 anos. A presença de cálculo dental aumentou com a idade. No grupo etário de 15-19 anos, o cálculo dental e as bolsas periodontais rasas (3,5-5,5 mm) foram observados em 39,8% e 1,6% dos adolescentes, respectivamente. Com o propósito de alcançar a meta da OMS de não mais do que um sextante com escores 1 (sangramento) ou 2 (presença de cálculo dental) do CPITN na idade de 15 anos, prioridade deve ser dada aos programas de prevenção primária para que a saúde periodontal da maioria seja beneficiada.


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The aim of this study was to compare the periodontal conditions in 7-15-year-olds from Araraquara, SP, Brazil in 1998 with data from 1995. A systematic random sample was drawn from the population of children and adolescents enrolled in all public schools in 1998. The survey was conducted by trained examiners using the CPITN and WHO diagnostic criteria. Results showed an increase in the percentage of students of all ages with healthy periodontal conditions (from 14% in 1995 to 33% in 1998; p < 0.01). An increase in the mean number of healthy sextants (from 3.2 to 4.4; p < 0.0001), a decrease in the mean number of bleeding sextants (from 2.5 to 1.2; p < 0.0001) and no difference in the mean number of sextants with calculus were also observed. At the age of 15, 54% of the students had 5-6 healthy sextants in 1998 compared to 19% in 1995 (p < 0.01). Despite the improvement observed in the periodontal conditions, efforts must be increased in order to achieve the WHO goal for the year 2010 of no more than one sextant affected by bleeding or calculus at the age of 15.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival and success rates of immediately restored implants with sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) surfaces over a period of 5 years. Twenty patients (mean age, 47.3 years) received a total of 21 SLA wide-neck implants in healed mandibular first molar sites after initial periodontal treatment. To be included in the study, the implants had to demonstrate primary stability with an insertion torque value of 35 Ncm. A provisional restoration was fabricated chairside and placed on the day of surgery. Definitive cemented restorations were inserted 8 weeks after surgery. Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) indices and the radiographic distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible bone-implant contact (DIB) were measured and compared over the study period. The initial mean CPITN was 3.24, and decreased over the study period to 1.43. At the postoperative radiographic examination, the mean DIB was 1.41 mm for the 21 implants, indicating that part of the machined neck of the implants was placed slightly below the osseous crest. The mean DIB value increased to 1.99 mm at the 5-year examination. This increase proved to be statistically significant (P < .0001). Between the baseline and 5-year examinations, the mean bone crest level loss was 0.58 mm. Success and survival rates of the 21 implants after 5 years of function were 100%. This 5-year study confirms that immediate restoration of mandibular molar wide-neck implants with good primary stability, as noted by insertion torque values of at least 35 Ncm, is a safe and predictable procedure.


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Las enfermedades periodontales son un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Recientemente, se ha comunicado que la periodontitis severa era la sexta condición más prevalente en el mundo, con una prevalencia global estandarizada del 11,2%. Otras revisiones a nivel mundial han concluido que las formas moderadas de periodontitis afectan a un porcentaje de adultos todavía mayor. Dado que las tendencias de estas enfermedades cambian con el tiempo, las encuestas epidemiológicas son necesarias para estudiar su prevalencia, severidad y extensión periódicamente, así como las posibles repercusiones que puedan tener sobre la salud sistémica. En Europa, se han llevado a cabo varios estudios epidemiológicos nacionales en países con diferentes condiciones socioeconómicas y organización de los servicios de atención dental. La mayoría de los estudios en Europa han utilizado el índice CPITN (Community Periodontal Index and Treatment Needs), modificado posteriormente a Community Periodontal Index [en español, Índice Periodontal Comunitario (IPC)], auspiciados por la Organización mundial de la Salud (OMS), con el fin de evaluar el estado periodontal de las poblaciones estudiadas. En España se han realizado estudios nacionales los años 2000, 2005 y 2010, utilizando la metodología previamente reseñada. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no se han realizado encuestas dirigidas específicamente a la salud bucodental de la población ocupada...


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Se estudia la prevalencia de la periodontitis con el íncice periodontal CPITN [Indice Comunitario de Necesidades de Tratamiento Periodontal] recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS] y factores de riesgo en 243 trabajadores entre 25-76 años de edad, de la Compañía Industria Guapán S.A. [CIGSA], ubicada en la ciudad de Azogues, provincia del Cañar, Ecuador, Sur América. El trabajo fue aprobado por el Comité de Etica de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca y el consentimiento se recibió en forma verbal. La prevalencia de la periodontitis fue de 25.5 por ciento; luego se analizó la relación entre la presentación o no de la periodontitis y la exposición o no al factor de riesgo; la relación entre el factor y la periodontitis, así como, el grado de esa asociación se determinó mediante el parámetro razón de la prevalencia [RP], con su respectivo IC al 95 por ciento, obteniendo los siguientes resultados: Mal hábito de higiene oral RP 4.71, IC 95 por ciento, 1.20-18.37; incremento de edad RP 1.83, IC 95 por ciento 1.09-3.10; bajo nivel de instrucción RP 1.89, IC 95 por ciento 1.07-3.34; prótesis parcial removible defectuosa [PPRD] RP 1.75, IC 95 por ciento 1.13-2.69; y, hábito de fumar RP 1.59, IC 95 por ciento 1.02-2.46; por tanto, al relacionar la periodontitis con los factores de riesgo estudiados, se encontró una asociación significativa con cada uno de ellos