1000 resultados para Cox1 Gene
Diplonema papillatum est un organisme unicellulaire qui vit dans l’océan. Son génome mitochondrial possède une caractéristique spéciale: tous les gènes sont brisés en de multiples fragments qui s’appellent modules. Chaque module est codé par un chromosome différent. L’expression d’un gène exige des épissages-en-trans qui assemblent un ARN messager complet à partir de tous les modules du gène. Nous avons précédemment montré que le gène cox1 est encodé dans neuf modules avec six Us non encodés entre le module 4 et le module 5 de l’ARN messager mature [1]. Nous n’avons identifié aucune séquence consensus connue de site d’épissage près des modules. Nous spéculons qu’un ARN guide (gRNA) a dirigé l’épissage-en-trans du gène cox1 par un mécanisme qui est semblable à l’édition d’ARN par l’insertion/la suppression des Us chez les kinétoplastides, le groupe sœur des diplonémides. Nous avons trouvé que les six Us sont ajoutés au bout 3’ de l’ARN d’une façon semblable à ceux ajoutés par le TUTase lors de l’édition de l’insertion des Us chez les kinétoplastides. Nous avons construit des profils de gRNA de l’épissage-en-trans avec les expressions régulières basé sur notre connaissance des gRNAs dans l’édition d’ARN chez les kinétoplastides. Selon la complémentarité partielle entre le gRNA et les deux modules adjacents, nous avons généré des amorces pour RT-PCR visant à détecter des séquences qui sont assorties à un des profils de gRNA. Une expérience pilote in vitro n’a pas permis de reconstituer l’épissage-en-trans des modules 3, 4, et 5, suggérant que nous devons améliorer nos techniques.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Master Degree in Molecular, Genetics and Biomedicine
This study aimed to describe patterns of diversity of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) at the ommunity and population levels within the Montseny Mountain range (North-East Iberian Peninsula). We studied both the distribution of 4 species of baetids in 20 sites among three catchments along the altitudinal gradient (350-1700 masl); and the genetic diversity of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene of the two common species Baetis alpinus and Baetis rhodani. We found a gradual replacement of the dominant species along the altitudinal gradient. Baetis alpinus inhabited sites at high-altitudes, and this species was replaced by B. rhodani when the altitude decreased. Baetis melanonyx and Alainites muticus attained low abundance at all river sections, and no clear altitudinal trend appeared. Our hypothesis at the population level was that genetic structuring is associated with geographic distance and limited by drainage boundaries among the three studied catchments because of the short-time dispersion of adults. Unexpectedly, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and isolation-bydistance (IBD) showed genetic diversity was unstructured by distance for both species, which may be explained by the relatively short spatial scale studied and small topographic barriers among the three catchments. The Generalized Mixed Yule-Coalescent (GMYC) model showed that B. rhodani had two differentiated genetic lineages that co-occurred in all sites. Overall, diversity of baetids was structured at the community level along the altitudinal gradient, whereas it was unstructured at the population level within the Montseny Mountain range.
This study aimed to describe patterns of diversity of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) at the ommunity and population levels within the Montseny Mountain range (North-East Iberian Peninsula). We studied both the distribution of 4 species of baetids in 20 sites among three catchments along the altitudinal gradient (350-1700 masl); and the genetic diversity of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene of the two common species Baetis alpinus and Baetis rhodani. We found a gradual replacement of the dominant species along the altitudinal gradient. Baetis alpinus inhabited sites at high-altitudes, and this species was replaced by B. rhodani when the altitude decreased. Baetis melanonyx and Alainites muticus attained low abundance at all river sections, and no clear altitudinal trend appeared. Our hypothesis at the population level was that genetic structuring is associated with geographic distance and limited by drainage boundaries among the three studied catchments because of the short-time dispersion of adults. Unexpectedly, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) and isolation-bydistance (IBD) showed genetic diversity was unstructured by distance for both species, which may be explained by the relatively short spatial scale studied and small topographic barriers among the three catchments. The Generalized Mixed Yule-Coalescent (GMYC) model showed that B. rhodani had two differentiated genetic lineages that co-occurred in all sites. Overall, diversity of baetids was structured at the community level along the altitudinal gradient, whereas it was unstructured at the population level within the Montseny Mountain range.
Notre laboratoire a récemment découvert un mode d’expression des gènes mitochondriaux inédit chez le protozoaire biflagellé Diplonema papillatum. Outre son ADNmt formé de centaines de chromosomes circulaires, ses gènes sont fragmentés. Le gène cox1 qui code pour la sous unité I de la cytochrome oxydase est formé de neuf modules portés par autant de chromosomes. L’ARNm de cox1 est obtenu par épissage en trans et il est également édité par insertion de six uridines entre deux modules. Notre projet de recherche a porté sur une étude globale des processus post-transcriptionnels du génome mitochondrial de diplonémides. Nous avons caractérisé la fragmentation de cox1 chez trois autres espèces appartenant aux deux genres du groupe de diplonémides à savoir : Diplonema ambulator, Diplonema sp. 2 et Rhynchopus euleeides. Le gène cox1 est fragmenté en neuf modules chez tous ces diplonémides mais les modules sont portés par des chromosomes de taille et de séquences différentes d’une espèce à l’autre. L’étude des différentes espèces a aussi montrée que l’édition par insertion de six uridines entre deux modules de l’ARNm de cox1 est commune aux diplonémides. Ainsi, la fragmentation des gènes et l’édition des ARN sont des caractères communs aux diplonémides. Une analyse des transcrits mitochondriaux de D. papillatum a permis de découvrir quatre autres gènes mitochondriaux édités, dont un code pour un ARN ribosomique. Donc, l'édition ne se limite pas aux ARNm. De plus, nous avons montré qu’il n’y a pas de motifs d’introns de groupe I, de groupe II, de type ARNt ou d’introns impliqués dans le splicéosome et pouvant être à l’origine de l’épissage des modules de cox1. Aucune complémentarité significative de séquence n’existe entre les régions flanquantes de deux modules voisins, ni de résidus conservés au sein d’une espèce ou à travers les espèces. Nous avons donc conclu que l’épissage en trans de cox1 chez les diplonémides fait intervenir un nouveau mécanisme impliquant des facteurs trans plutôt que cis. L’épissage et l’édition de cox1 sont dirigés probablement par des ARN guides, mais il est également possible que les facteurs trans soient des molécules protéiques ou d’ADN. Nous avons élucidé les processus de maturation des transcrits mitochondriaux de D. papillatum. Tous les transcrits subissent trois étapes coordonnées et précises, notamment la maturation des deux extrémités, l’épissage, la polyadénylation du module 3’ et dans certains cas l’édition. La maturation des extrémités 5’ et 3’ se fait parallèlement à l’épissage et donne lieu à trois types d’intermédiaires. Ainsi, un transcrit primaire avec une extrémité libre peut se lier à son voisin. Cet épissage se fait apparemment sans prioriser un certain ordre temporel alors que dans le cas des transcrits édités, l’édition précède l`épissage. Ces études donnant une vue globale de la maturation des transcrits mitochondriaux ouvrent la voie à des analyses fonctionnelles sur l’épissage et l’édition chez D. papillatum. Elles sont le fondement pour finalement élucider les mécanismes moléculaires de ces deux processus post-transcriptionnels de régulation dans ce système intriguant.
Sixty-five accessions of the species-rich freshwater red algal order Batrachospermales were characterized through DNA sequencing of two regions: the mitochondrial cox1 gene (664 bp), which is proposed as the DNA barcode for red algae, and the UPA (universal plastid amplicon) marker (370 bp), which has been recently identified as a universally amplifying region of the plastid genome. upgma phenograms of both markers were consistent in their species-level relationships, although levels of sequence divergence were very different. Intraspecific variation of morphologically identified accessions for the cox1 gene ranged from 0 to 67 bp (divergences were highest for the two taxa with the greatest number of accessions; Batrachospermum helminthosum and Batrachospermum macrosporum); while in contrast, the more conserved universal plastid amplicon exhibited much lower intraspecific variation (generally 0-3 bp). Comparisons to previously published mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer sequences for B. helminthosum indicated that the cox1 gene and cox2-3 spacer were characterized by similar levels of sequence divergence, and phylogeographic patterns based on these two markers were consistent. The two taxa represented by the largest numbers of specimens (B. helminthosum and B. macrosporum) have cox1 intraspecific divergence values that are substantially higher than previously reported, but no morphological differences can be discerned at this time among the intraspecific groups revealed in the analyses. DNA barcode data, which are based on a short fragment of an organellar genome, need to be interpreted in conjunction with other taxonomic characters, and additional batrachospermalean taxa need to be analyzed in detail to be able to draw generalities regarding intraspecific variation in this order. Nevertheless, these analyses reveal a number of batrachospermalean taxa worthy of more detailed DNA barcode study, and it is predicted that such research will have a substantial effect on the taxonomy of species within the Batrachospermales in the future.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The University of So Paulo Gracilariaceae Germplasm Bank has 50 strains collected mostly in Brazil, but also elsewhere in the world. This bank has been used as a source of material for research developed locally and abroad. With over 200 species, some of which have high economic value, the family Gracilariaceae has been extensively studied. Nonetheless, taxonomic problems still persist by the existence of cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity, and broad geographic distribution. In the case of algae kept in culture for long periods of time, the identification is even more problematic as a consequence of considerable morphological modification. Thus, the use of molecular markers has been shown to be an efficient tool to elucidate taxonomic issues in the group. In this work, we sequenced the 5'-end of the cox1 gene for 41 strains and the universal plastid amplicon (UPA) plastid region for 45 strains, covering all 50 strains in the bank. In addition, the rbcL for representatives of the cox1/UPA clusters was sequenced for 14 strains. The original species identification based on morphology was compared with the molecular data obtained in this work, resulting in the identification of 13 different species. Our analyses indicate that cox1 and UPA are suitable markers for the delineation of species of Gracilariales in the germplasm bank. The addition of DNA barcode tags to the samples in the Gracilariaceae germplasm bank and the molecular identification of the species will make this bank even more useful for future research as the species can be easily traced and confirmed.
Group I introns are mobile, self-splicing genetic elements found principally in organellar genomes and nuclear rRNA genes. The only group I intron known from mitochondrial genomes of vascular plants is located in the cox1 gene of Peperomia, where it is thought to have been recently acquired by lateral transfer from a fungal donor. Southern-blot surveys of 335 diverse genera of land plants now show that this intron is in fact widespread among angiosperm cox1 genes, but with an exceptionally patchy phylogenetic distribution. Four lines of evidence—the intron’s highly disjunct distribution, many incongruencies between intron and organismal phylogenies, and two sources of evidence from exonic coconversion tracts—lead us to conclude that the 48 angiosperm genera found to contain this cox1 intron acquired it by 32 separate horizontal transfer events. Extrapolating to the over 13,500 genera of angiosperms, we estimate that this intron has invaded cox1 genes by cross-species horizontal transfer over 1,000 times during angiosperm evolution. This massive wave of lateral transfers is of entirely recent occurrence, perhaps triggered by some key shift in the intron’s invasiveness within angiosperms.
We summarize our recent studies showing that angiosperm mitochondrial (mt) genomes have experienced remarkably high rates of gene loss and concomitant transfer to the nucleus and of intron acquisition by horizontal transfer. Moreover, we find substantial lineage-specific variation in rates of these structural mutations and also point mutations. These findings mostly arise from a Southern blot survey of gene and intron distribution in 281 diverse angiosperms. These blots reveal numerous losses of mt ribosomal protein genes but, with one exception, only rare loss of respiratory genes. Some lineages of angiosperms have kept all of their mt ribosomal protein genes whereas others have lost most of them. These many losses appear to reflect remarkably high (and variable) rates of functional transfer of mt ribosomal protein genes to the nucleus in angiosperms. The recent transfer of cox2 to the nucleus in legumes provides both an example of interorganellar gene transfer in action and a starting point for discussion of the roles of mechanistic and selective forces in determining the distribution of genetic labor between organellar and nuclear genomes. Plant mt genomes also acquire sequences by horizontal transfer. A striking example of this is a homing group I intron in the mt cox1 gene. This extraordinarily invasive mobile element has probably been acquired over 1,000 times separately during angiosperm evolution via a recent wave of cross-species horizontal transfers. Finally, whereas all previously examined angiosperm mtDNAs have low rates of synonymous substitutions, mtDNAs of two distantly related angiosperms have highly accelerated substitution rates.
Aim: High gamma diversity in tropical montane forests may be ascribed to high geographical turnover of community composition, resulting from population isolation that leads to speciation. We studied the evolutionary processes responsible for diversity and turnover in assemblages of tropical scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae) by assessing DNA sequence variation at multiple hierarchical levels. Location: A 300-km transect across six montane forests (900–1100 m) in Costa Rica. Methods: Assemblages of Scarabaeidae (subfamilies Dynastinae, Rutelinae, Melolonthinae) including 118 morphospecies and > 500 individuals were sequenced for the cox1 gene to establish species limits with a mixed Yule–coalescent method. A species-level phylogenetic tree was constructed from cox1 and rrnL genes. Total diversity and turnover among assemblages were then assessed at three hierarchical levels: haplotypes, species and higher clades. Results: DNA-based analyses showed high turnover among communities at all hierarchical levels. Turnover was highest at the haplotype level (community similarity 0.02–0.12) and decreased with each step of the hierarchy (species: 0.21–0.46; clades: 0.41–0.43). Both compositional and phylogenetic similarities of communities were geographically structured, but turnover was not correlated with distance among forests. When three major clades were investigated separately, communities of Dynastinae showed consistently higher alpha diversity, larger species ranges and lower turnover than Rutelinae and Melolonthinae. Main conclusions: Scarab communities of montane forests show evidence of evolutionary persistence of communities in relative isolation, presumably tracking suitable habitats elevationally to accommodate climatic changes. Patterns of diversity on all hierarchical levels seem to be determined by restricted dispersal, and differences in Dynastinae could be explained by their greater dispersal ability. Community-wide DNA sequencing across multiple lineages and hierarchical levels reveals the evolutionary processes that led to high beta diversity in tropical montane forests through time.
DNA approaches are now being used routinely for accurate identification of Echinococcus and Taenia species, subspecies and strains, and in molecular epidemiological surveys of echinococcosis/taeniasis in different geographical settings and host assemblages. The publication of the complete sequences of the mitochondrial (int) genomes of E. granulosus, E. multilocularis, T solium and Asian Taenia, and the availability of mtDNA sequences for a number of other taeniid genotypes, has provided additional genetic information that can be used for more in depth phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of these parasites. This very rich sequence information has provided a solid molecular basis, along with a range of different biological, epidemiological, biochemical and other molecular-genetic criteria, for revising the taxonomy of the genus Echinococcus and for estimating the evolutionary time of divergence of the various taxa. Furthermore, the accumulating genetic data has allowed the development of PCR-based tests for unambiguous identification of Echinococcus eggs in the faeces of definitive hosts and in the environment. Molecular phylogenies derived from mtDNA sequence comparisons of geographically distributed samples of T solium provide molecular evidence for two genotypes, one being restricted to Asia, with the other occurring in Africa and America. Whether the two genetic forms of T solium differ in important phenotypic characteristics remains to be determined. As well, minor DNA sequence differences have been reported between isolates of T saginata and Asian Taenia. There has been considerable discussion over a number of years regarding the taxonomic position of Asian Taenia and whether it should be regarded as a genotype, strain, subspecies or sister species of T saginata. The available molecular genetic data do not support independent species status for Asian Taenia and T saginata. What is in agreement is that both taxa are closely related to each other but distantly related to T solium. This is important in public health terms as it predicts that cysticercosis in humans attributable to Asian Taenia does not occur, because cysticercosis is unknown in T saginata. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The softshell clam Mya arenaria (L.) is currently widespread on the east and west coasts of North America. This bivalve also occurs on western European shores, where the post-Pleistocene origin of the species, whether introduced or relict, has been debated. We collected 320 M. arenaria from 8 locations in Europe and North America. Clams (n = 84) from 7 of the locations were examined for mitochondrial DNA variation by sequencing a section of the cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1) gene. These were analysed together with 212 sequences, sourced from GenBank, from the same gene from 12 additional locations, chiefly from eastern North America but also 1 site each from western North America and from western Europe. Ten microsatellite loci were also investigated in all 320 clams. Nuclear markers showed reduced levels of variation in certain European samples. The same common COX1 haplotypes and microsatellite alleles were present throughout the range of M. arenaria, although significant differences were identified in haplotypic and allelic composition between many samples, particularly those from the 2 continents (Europe and North America). These findings support the hypothesis of post-Pleistocene colonisation of European shores from eastern North America (and the recorded human transfer of clams from the east to the west coast of North America in the 19th century).
Complete sequences were obtained for the coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of Schistosoma mansoni (NMRI strain, Puerto Rico; 14415 bp), S. japonicum (Anhui strain, China; 14085 bp) and S. mekongi (Khong Island, Laos; 14072 bp). Each comprises 36 genes: 12 protein-encoding genes (cox1-3, nad1-6, nad4L, atp6 and cob); two ribosomal RNAs, rrnL (large subunit rRNA or 16S) and rrnS (small subunit rRNA or 12S); as well as 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The atp8 gene is absent. A large segment (9.6 kb) of the coding region (comprising 14 tRNAs, eight complete and two incomplete protein-encoding genes) for S. malayensis (Baling, Malaysian Peninsula) was also obtained. Each genome also possesses a long non-coding region that is divided into two parts (a small and a large non-coding region, the latter not fully sequenced in any species) by one or more tRNAs. The protein-encoding genes are similar in size, composition and codon usage in all species except for cox1 in S. mansoni (609 aa) and cox2 in S. mekongi (219 an), both of which are longer than homologues in other species. An unexpected finding in all the Schistosoma species was the presence of a leucine zipper motif in the nad4L gene. The gene order in S. mansoni is strikingly different from that seen in the S. japonicum group and other flatworms. There is a high level of identity (87-94% at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels) for all protein-encoding genes of S. mekongi and S. malayensis. The identity between genes of these two species and those of S. japonicum is less (56-83% for amino acids and 73-79 for nucleotides). The identity between the genes of S. mansoni and the Asian schistosomes is far less (33-66% for amino acids and 54-68% for nucleotides), an observation consistent with the known phylogenetic distance between S. mansoni and the other species. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In most strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitochondrial gene COX1, for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase, contains multiple exons and introns. Processing of COX1 primary transcript requires accessory proteins factors, some of which are encoded by nuclear genes and others by reading frames residing in some of the introns of the COX1 and COB genes. Here we show that the low molecular weight protein product of open reading frame YLR204W, for which we propose the name COX24, is also involved in processing of COX1 RNA intermediates. The growth defect of cox24 mutants is partially rescued in strains harboring mitochondrial DNA lacking introns. Northern blot analyses of mitochondrial transcripts indicate cox24 null mutants to be blocked in processing of introns aI2 and aI3. The dependence of intron aI3 excision on Cox24p is also supported by the growth properties of the cox24 mutant harboring mitochondrial DNA with different intron compositions. The intermediate phenotype of the cox24 mutant in the background of intronless mitochondrial DNA, however, suggests that in addition to its role in splicing of the COX1 pre-mRNA, Cox24p still has another function. Based on the analysis of a cox14-cox24 double mutant, we propose that the other function of Cox24p is related to translation of the COX1 mRNA. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.