369 resultados para Courants à rectification entrante


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Les opioïdes sont les analgésiques les plus efficaces dans le traitement des douleurs sévères. Ils produisent leurs effets en ciblant spécifiquement les récepteurs opioïdes localisés tout le long de la voie de perception de la douleur où ils modulent la transmission de l'information douloureuse. La plupart des études dans ce domaine essaient de caractériser les récepteurs opioïdes à l'état isolé de tout partenaire de signalisation. Cette thèse, par contre, montre que le récepteur opioïde delta (DOR) peut former un complexe avec sa protéine G et l'un de ses effecteurs impliqués dans la production de l'effet analgésique, le canal potassique à rectification entrante activée par les protéines G (Kir3 ou GIRK). Après avoir établi la présence de ce complexe constitutif, on a ensuite caractérisé sa stabilité, modulation et régulation suite à une stimulation avec des agonistes opioïdes. En premier lieu, on a caractérisé la transmission de l'information du récepteur DOR, suite à son activation par un agoniste, vers le canal Kir3. On a remarqué que cette transmission ne suit pas le modèle de collision, généralement accepté, mais nécessite plutôt un simple changement dans la conformation du complexe préformé. Ensuite, on a déterminé que même suite à l'activation prolongée du récepteur DOR par un agoniste complet, le complexe DOR/Kir3 maintenait son intégrité et a été reconnu par la βarrestine (βarr) comme une seule unité signalétique provoquant ainsi l'internalisation de DOR et Kir3 par un mécanisme clathrine et dynamine-dépendant. Ainsi, prises ensemble, ces données montrent que l'activation du récepteur DOR déclenche non seulement l'activation de l'effecteur Kir3 mais également un mécanisme de régulation qui élimine cet effecteur de la membrane plasmique.


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The effect of plasmonoscillations, induced by pulsed laserirradiation, on the DC tunnel current between islands in a discontinuous thin goldfilm is studied. The tunnel current is found to be strongly enhanced by partial rectification of the plasmon-induced AC tunnel currents flowing between adjacent gold islands. The DC tunnel current enhancement is found to increase approximately linearly with the laser intensity and the applied DC bias voltage. The experimental data can be well described by an electron tunnelling model which takes the plasmon-induced AC voltage into account. Thermal heating seems not to contribute to the tunnel current enhancement.


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Electrochemical aptamer-based (E-AB) sensors represent an emerging class of recently developed sensors. However, numerous of these sensors are limited by a low surface density of electrode-bound redox-oligonucleotides which are used as probe. Here we propose to use the concept of electrochemical current rectification (ECR) for the enhancement of the redox signal of E-AB sensors. Commonly, the probe-DNA performs a change in conformation during target binding and enables a nonrecurring charge transfer between redox-tag and electrode. In our system, the redox-tag of the probe-DNA is continuously replenished by solution-phase redox molecules. A unidirectional electron transfer from electrode via surface-linked redox-tag to the solution-phase redox molecules arises that efficiently amplifies the current response. Using this robust and straight-forward strategy, the developed sensor showed a substantial signal amplification and consequently improved sensitivity with a calculated detection limit of 114 nM for ATP, which was improved by one order of magnitude compared with the amplification-free detection and superior to other previous detection results using enzymes or nanomaterials-based signal amplification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an aptamer-based electrochemical biosensor involving electrochemical rectification, which can be presumably transferred to other biomedical sensor systems.


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Doss and Agarwal 1 discovered the "redoxokinetic effect" which is now familiarly known as faradaic rectification. Subsequently, the theory and applications of faradaic rectification due to a single electrode reaction have been developed by several workers 2-5. The theory and application of faradaic rectification in the case of a corrosion cell sustaining mixed electrode reactions on a corroding metal was reported recently 6"7. This led to the development of a new electrochemical method of corrosion rate determination. It was shown that changes in the instantaneous corrosion rates of a metal are readily evaluated by faradaic rectification measurements at the corrosion potential of the metal in a given medium. The aim of the present work is to show that absolute values of instantaneous corrosion rates may also be obtained by the new method under certain conditions. The practical advantages that arise from this development are pointed out.


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Filtering methods are explored for removing noise from data while preserving sharp edges that many indicate a trend shift in gas turbine measurements. Linear filters are found to be have problems with removing noise while preserving features in the signal. The nonlinear hybrid median filter is found to accurately reproduce the root signal from noisy data. Simulated faulty data and fault-free gas path measurement data are passed through median filters and health residuals for the data set are created. The health residual is a scalar norm of the gas path measurement deltas and is used to partition the faulty engine from the healthy engine using fuzzy sets. The fuzzy detection system is developed and tested with noisy data and with filtered data. It is found from tests with simulated fault-free and faulty data that fuzzy trend shift detection based on filtered data is very accurate with no false alarms and negligible missed alarms.


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We report on the rectification properties from a single ZnS nanorod measured using the UHV-SPM technique. The rectification behavior is evidenced from the current-voltage characteristics measured on a single ZnS nanorod. We propose a tunneling mechanism where the direct tunneling mechanism is dominant at lower applied bias voltages followed by resonant tunneling through discrete energy levels of the nanorod. A further increase in the bias voltage changes the tunneling mechanism to the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling regime enabling rectification behavior. Realizing rectification from a single ZnS nanorod may provide a means of realizing a single nanorod based miniaturized device.


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The Centre de Recherches Océanographiques d'Abidjan has carried out the HYDROBIOCLIMAT program in order to study the seasonal and interannual fluctuations of the physical and biological parameters over the continental shelf of Ivory Coast ; two subsurface moorings with from one to three AANDERAA current meters fixed on the lines, were deployed in front of Abidjan and San Pedro. Temperature and current measurement records are presented at these two locations.


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An estimation of the currents in the Biétri bay is given (tidal currents and currents due to the wind). They are lower than 10 cm.s-1 in the whole lagoon, and near of 5 cm.s-1 in the eastern part. The measures of salinity and tidal observations give the average rate of water renewal, respectively 0.20 and 0.14 d-1 in the central and eastern areas.


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Self-switching diodes have been fabricated within a single layer of indium-gallium zinc oxide (IGZO). Current-voltage (I-V) measurements show the nanometer-scale asymmetric device gave a diode-like response. Full current rectification was achieved using very narrow channel widths of 50nm, with a turn-on voltage, Von, of 2.2V. The device did not breakdown within the -10V bias range measured. This single diode produced a current of 0.1μA at 10V and a reverse current of less than 0.1nA at -10V. Also by adjusting the channel width for these devices, Von could be altered; however, the effectiveness of the rectification also changed. © 2013 IEEE.


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Este trabalho pretende, a partir da análise de textos literários e não literários do português antigo, incluídos no Corpus Informatizado do Português Medieval (CLUNL/FCSH-UNL), descrever e interpretar a distribuição sintática e as propriedades do particípio presente no português antigo, verificando semelhanças e diferenças com outras formas não finitas, principalmente o gerúndio. Procurou-se averiguar o que caracteriza as formas de particípio presente do português antigo e do português europeu contemporâneo e o que as distingue de outras formas não finitas do verbo, no que diz respeito aos contextos em que ocorrem, mas também quanto ao seu funcionamento. Assim, analisando mais detalhadamente as orações em que estes particípios ocorrem com função verbal, investigaram-se algumas das suas propriedades internas (legitimação de sujeitos plenos, identificação e legitimação de sujeitos nulos, ordem de palavras), de modo a poder explicar o seu funcionamento e estrutura. No português antigo, as formas de particípio presente tinham características distintas das do português contemporâneo. No português de hoje, as formas terminadas em -nte, subsistem apenas como nomes (estudante, presidente, pedinte) e adjetivos (minguante, cadente, seguinte). O uso verbal destas formas desapareceu, tendo sido substituído por outras formas não finitas, nomeadamente o gerúndio e o infinitivo. Quando ainda mantinha o seu funcionamento verbal, o particípio presente ocorria nos mesmos contextos sintáticos em que encontramos outras formas não finitas, principalmente o gerúndio. Estas duas formas pareciam funcionar como variantes livres, tendo depois o gerúndio substituído a forma participial na maioria dos contextos. A análise dos dados e a comparação efetuada com as formas de gerúndio que ocorrem no mesmo contexto (adjunção adverbial) permitiram concluir que as estruturas com particípio do português se mostram mais defetivas (ocorrem sem conector, não há casos de negação própria e não há particípios presentes compostos) do que as gerundivas. No entanto, essa defetividade não parece dever-se à própria forma de particípio, pois foi possível encontrar particípios presentes como predicados principais.