956 resultados para Country People
Attributed to Hildreth by L.S. Friedland. See his "Richard Hildreth's minor works", in Bibliographical Society of America. Papers, v. 40, no. 2, 1946.
Ethnic minorities residential patterns and integration are widely discussed issues in many European countries. They have also become topical in Finland due to an increase in foreign migration, especially in recent decades. This dissertation contributes to debates associated with attempts to explain ethnic minorities residential patterns by examining the role of cultural factors and ethnic preferences of the residential choices of Somali and Russian immigrants in Finland. The research is based on in-depth interviews with Somali (n=24) and Russian (n=26) immigrants living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Housing officials and social workers (n=18) working in cities of Helsinki and Vantaa were also interviewed. The results of this study show that propinquity to one s own ethnic group is important to Somalis living in Finland. This is important for maintaining their traditional, communal life styles, but also as a safe haven against the racism which they experience on a regular basis. They have a preference for mixed neighbourhoods that contain both native Finnish residents and some ethnic minorities. For Russians the spatial propinquity to their country people is less significant at the neighbourhood level. However, this is not to indicate the insignificance of intra-ethnic networks or one s cultural background. Rather, the differences in ethnic preferences between Somalis and Russians predominantly reflect their varying levels of exposure to racial harassment and diverse meanings that they give to social relations with their neighbours. According to this study, the time spent in a host-country and interactions with other ethnic groups affect ethnic preferences. The importance of one s own ethnic community also varies in accordance with life situations. Therefore, ethnic minorities residential preferences and choices should not be viewed as static or something deriving from cultural background alone. Residential preferences and aspirations are constantly being reshaped vis-à-vis to immigrants experiences. Past and present experiences and the way that immigrants observe the host society and its functions are important for the interpretation of residential preferences and patterns.
At the the heart of this study can be seen the dual concern of how the nation is represented as a categorical entity and how this is put to use in everyday social interactions.This can be seen as a reaction to the general approach to categorisation and identity functions that tend to be reified and essentialized within the social sciences. The empirical focus of this study is the Isle of Man, a crown dependency situated geographically central within the British Isles while remaining political outside the United Kingdom. The choice of this site was chosen explicitly as ‘notions of nation’ expressed on the island can be seen as being contested and ephemerally unstable. To get at these ‘notions of nation’ is was necessary to choose specific theoretical tools that were able to capture the wider cultural and representational domain while being capable of addressing the nuanced and functional aspects of interaction. As such, the main theoretical perspective used within this study was that of critical discursive psychology which incorporates the specific theoretical tools interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. To supplement these tools, a discursive approach to place was taken in tandem to address the form and function of place attached to nationhood. Two methods of data collection were utilized, that of computer mediated communication and acquaintance interviews. From the data a number of interpretative repertoires were proposed, namely being, essential rights, economic worth, heritage claims, conflict orientation, people-as-nation and place-as-nation. Attached to such interpretative repertoires were the ideological dilemmas region vs. country, people vs. place and individualism vs. collectivism. The subject positions found are much more difficult to condense, but the most significant ones were gender, age and parentage. The final focus of the study, that of place, was shown to be more than just an unreflected on ‘container’ of people but was significant in terms of the rhetorical construction of such places for how people saw themselves and the discursive function of the particular interaction. As such, certain forms of place construction included size, community, temporal, economic, safety, political and recognition. A number of conclusions were drawn from the above which included, that when looking at nation categories we should take into account the specific meanings that people attach to such concepts and to be aware of the particular uses they are put to in interaction. Also, that it is impossible to separate concepts neatly, but it is necessary to be aware of the intersection where concepts cross, and clash, when looking at nationhood.
LABURPENA: Ingelesaren sarrera goiztiarra ohikoa bihurtu da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko ikastetxeetan. Jendeak, oro har, bere eraginkortasuna defendatzen du, baina bere hedapen neurrigarriak kontrako jarrerak ere sustatu ditu. Zurrunbiloaren erdian dago haurra, ingurutik helarazten zaizkion mezuen bitartez hizkuntzekiko bere ikuspegia osatuz doalarik. Bere jarreretan eragiten duten aldagai anitzen artean irakasleek zeresan berezia dute. Hori dela eta, zenbait irakaslek ingelesaren sarrera goiztiarrarekiko duten ikuspuntua aztertzea du helburu ikerketak. Emaitzei erreparatuz, nola tutoreek hala ingeleseko irakasleek jarrera baikorra agertu duten arren, ingelesari eskaini beharko litzaiokeen denborak bereizketa argia azalerazi du. Halaber, irakasleen uste eta iritziak, zenbaitetan, ikasleen adinaren garrantzian oinarritutako sineskerietatik haratago doazela plazaratu da.
En los últimos años ha habido un reconocimiento por parte de un gran número de colombianos respecto a su rol en el desarrollo económico, político y social del país. A raíz de esto, se han conformado una serie de grupos cuya misión es crear una sociedad más pacífica e igualitaria. Uno de esos grupos es Vallenpaz, creado en el año 2000 como respuesta a la escalada de violencia que estaba sufriendo el Valle del Cauca. Esta organización no gubernamental tiene entre sus objetivos el contribuir al desarrollo local y a la construcción de paz de los lugares en los que actúa. Estas metas se logran con el apoyo de las comunidades a través de la formación de asociaciones económicas basadas en valores como la responsabilidad, la colaboración, el respeto mutuo, la integración y el reconocimiento de la importancia del campesinado en la sociedad. Este texto es un estudio de caso en el que Vallenpaz es analizada desde sus inicios con el fin de entender la estrategia adoptada por esta para ayudar a las comunidades y si contribuye a solucionar la situación de conflicto armado por la que atraviesa Colombia.
The Caldeirão is a site located in the city of Crato, in the south of Ceará, belonged to priest Cícero Romão Batista. There, was created a religious community led by blessed José Lourenço, who marked the life of thousands of Northeast country people in 1930s, for represent to them a space of religious conviviality, work and devotion. The Caldeirão s population was about three thousand of people, originated from states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, who share the community s daily activities. The misery caused by the dryness and exploration of these country people by the landlords are indicated as the motivator elements of this migratory flux by the greater number of works published about the Caldeirão, turning the community into a primitive experience of class struggles. This present study proposes other comprehension of this migratory movement by the religious speech of salvation taken to country people by the counselor Severino Tavares. Was used as analysis camp the remaining norte-rio-grandenses that migrated to the Caldeirão, and as theoretical and methodological references the understanding model of investigation, the cultural history and the remaining memorial speech analysis. The work follows that pointing the phenomenon of Caldeirão as an campestral revolt is try to impose to this people the aspirations or wishes of others, besides of deny to them the right and the dignity of act by their believes and their own dreams.
The knowledge known as "winter experiences" has been developed for centuries among country people in the Brazilian Northeast hinterlands. It consists in the systematic observation of the nature to forecast and protect people against the effects of droughts. This knowledge is transmitted orally through generations. These experiences are guided by the observation of the behavior of fauna, flora, stars, the weather in the holy days and other very specific aspects of the lives of country people. Almost all country people living in the rural area know at least one experience, but the Prophets of Rain are known as the communicators of winter prophecies formulated from the observation of the experiences. The country person is identified as a Prophet of Rain because of his close relationship with nature and his ability to forecast. No matter if the prophecies are always right, he possesses a vital social role, as his practices contribute to prevent, ease and encourage other people. The main aim of this work is to analyze the role of the winter experiences for the country people in the Seridó Potiguar. In this sense, we sought to understand to what extent this knowledge still orients the productive practices of farmers living in this region and identify which factors instigate the observation of winter experiences nowadays. 241 questionnaires were applied to farmers in the rural cities of Acari, Caicó, Parelhas and Lagoa Nova and interviews were conducted with 15 Prophets in the Seridó. The methodological framework of this work is the analysis of content proposed by Bardin (2010). In this study area, the experiences exert influence and relevance to the country people in the Seridó, because they consider them as a way to ease their anguishes face the possible drought in the region. The major role of the Prophet is to feed the hope of country people for better days, rather than contribute for the organization of the productive activities. Among the interviewed people, the forecast from the observation of winter experiences have greater credibility than the meteorological and disseminated by media. The Prophets of Rain base their prophecies on the set of natural elements present in the environment. Many factors stimulate the winter experiences by the Prophets nowadays, as cultural transmission, age, relationship with nature, level of education, faith, among others, but specially the productive activities (agriculture and cattle raising) and the droughts. The winter means abundance and happiness in this region and the experience is one of the ways that people find to minimize the anxiety and, according to their possibilities, to prepare for a year of droughts or for winter
Neste estudo analisamos como a Formação Integral dos Jovens, um dos pilares fins da rede de Centros Familiares de Formação por Alternância (CEFFA), vem se materializando na Escola Família Agrícola (EFA) de Porto Nacional e como se dá a participação de seus egressos nos diversos aspectos da vida social. A pesquisa baseia-se na abordagem qualitativa com perspectiva dialética, que aqui assume a forma de estudo de caso. Combinamos o uso da pesquisa bibliográfica com outros procedimentos metodológicos como a pesquisa documental, por meio da qual analisamos, entre outros, o Projeto Político e Pedagógico da EFA, relatórios, Leis da Educação e Pareceres. Realizamos, ainda, entrevistas do tipo semiestruturada com 14 egressos escolhidos, após a aplicação de um questionário respondido por 32 dos 103 estudantes que concluíram o Ensino Médio e o Ensino Profissionalizante na EFA, até o ano de 2006. Nos principais documentos da EFA de Porto Nacional, fica expressa a suposição de que a Escola pode contribuir para a Formação Integral de seus jovens, formando-os para a cidadania e construindo uma cultura de participação. A Educação do Campo, na história do Brasil, é um exemplo bem claro do descaso e da negação desse direito por parte do Estado brasileiro, no que diz respeito às políticas públicas para atender os povos do campo. É nesse vácuo da negação do direito, não só pelo próprio Estado, mas também, e principalmente, pelas classes dominantes de nosso país que nasce, no seio da sociedade civil de Porto Nacional, a Escola Família Agrícola, atendendo os jovens do campo daquela região. A EFA foi criada pela COMSAÚDE, uma instituição não-governamental, a partir de debates com as comunidades do campo de Porto Nacional e os Movimentos Sociais locais. Um dos objetivos da criação da Escola era o de atender os sujeitos do campo com uma Educação de qualidade e voltada para as especifidades dessa população, dando ênfase à Agricultura Familiar. A pesquisa concluiu que a Escola avança na medida em que trabalha o conhecimento a partir da leitura da realidade, à luz de outros conhecimentos e possibilidades no seu meio e que ela vem contribuindo para a Formação Integral e cidadã de seus jovens.
En este artículo abordaremos cómo se relacionan las experiencias formativas vinculadas al trabajo rural, las identificaciones y los conflictos ambientales en San Ignacio, Misiones (Argentina). Nos interesa problematizar cómo los aprendizajes ligados a las tareas rurales se vinculan con las auto-adscripciones de los sujetos, teniendo como referencia las categorías de actores sociales agrarios regionales y las denominaciones que provienen de agendas estatales de intervención. Estos procesos acontecen en un contexto de creciente concentración de propiedades que se destinan a la explotación forestal, donde observamos, en algunos casos, cierta ambientalización de los históricos conflictos territoriales. Utilizando materiales provenientes de un trabajo de campo etnográfico que iniciamos en 2008, presentaremos a dos familias de pobladores rurales. En ambos casos es posible ver cómo el acceso a la tierra es decisivo para las experiencias formativas en las actividades de reproducción social, y que se liga con identificaciones como "gente de la colonia" y una incipiente referencia a la "agricultura familiar" a partir de las intervenciones del Estado. Estas dos familias permiten mostrar cómo las experiencias e identificaciones se expresan en el contexto de la participación de los sujetos en conflictos sociales, que asumen en un caso la forma histórica de reclamos fundiarios mientras que, en el otro, es posible ver que el ambiente tiene protagonismo incipiente.
En este artículo abordaremos cómo se relacionan las experiencias formativas vinculadas al trabajo rural, las identificaciones y los conflictos ambientales en San Ignacio, Misiones (Argentina). Nos interesa problematizar cómo los aprendizajes ligados a las tareas rurales se vinculan con las auto-adscripciones de los sujetos, teniendo como referencia las categorías de actores sociales agrarios regionales y las denominaciones que provienen de agendas estatales de intervención. Estos procesos acontecen en un contexto de creciente concentración de propiedades que se destinan a la explotación forestal, donde observamos, en algunos casos, cierta ambientalización de los históricos conflictos territoriales. Utilizando materiales provenientes de un trabajo de campo etnográfico que iniciamos en 2008, presentaremos a dos familias de pobladores rurales. En ambos casos es posible ver cómo el acceso a la tierra es decisivo para las experiencias formativas en las actividades de reproducción social, y que se liga con identificaciones como "gente de la colonia" y una incipiente referencia a la "agricultura familiar" a partir de las intervenciones del Estado. Estas dos familias permiten mostrar cómo las experiencias e identificaciones se expresan en el contexto de la participación de los sujetos en conflictos sociales, que asumen en un caso la forma histórica de reclamos fundiarios mientras que, en el otro, es posible ver que el ambiente tiene protagonismo incipiente.
En este artículo abordaremos cómo se relacionan las experiencias formativas vinculadas al trabajo rural, las identificaciones y los conflictos ambientales en San Ignacio, Misiones (Argentina). Nos interesa problematizar cómo los aprendizajes ligados a las tareas rurales se vinculan con las auto-adscripciones de los sujetos, teniendo como referencia las categorías de actores sociales agrarios regionales y las denominaciones que provienen de agendas estatales de intervención. Estos procesos acontecen en un contexto de creciente concentración de propiedades que se destinan a la explotación forestal, donde observamos, en algunos casos, cierta ambientalización de los históricos conflictos territoriales. Utilizando materiales provenientes de un trabajo de campo etnográfico que iniciamos en 2008, presentaremos a dos familias de pobladores rurales. En ambos casos es posible ver cómo el acceso a la tierra es decisivo para las experiencias formativas en las actividades de reproducción social, y que se liga con identificaciones como "gente de la colonia" y una incipiente referencia a la "agricultura familiar" a partir de las intervenciones del Estado. Estas dos familias permiten mostrar cómo las experiencias e identificaciones se expresan en el contexto de la participación de los sujetos en conflictos sociales, que asumen en un caso la forma histórica de reclamos fundiarios mientras que, en el otro, es posible ver que el ambiente tiene protagonismo incipiente.
En este artículo abordaremos cómo se relacionan las experiencias formativas vinculadas al trabajo rural, las identificaciones y los conflictos ambientales en San Ignacio, Misiones (Argentina). Nos interesa problematizar cómo los aprendizajes ligados a las tareas rurales se vinculan con las auto-adscripciones de los sujetos, teniendo como referencia las categorías de actores sociales agrarios regionales y las denominaciones que provienen de agendas estatales de intervención. Estos procesos acontecen en un contexto de creciente concentración de propiedades que se destinan a la explotación forestal, donde observamos, en algunos casos, cierta ambientalización de los históricos conflictos territoriales. Utilizando materiales provenientes de un trabajo de campo etnográfico que iniciamos en 2008, presentaremos a dos familias de pobladores rurales. En ambos casos es posible ver cómo el acceso a la tierra es decisivo para las experiencias formativas en las actividades de reproducción social, y que se liga con identificaciones como "gente de la colonia" y una incipiente referencia a la "agricultura familiar" a partir de las intervenciones del Estado. Estas dos familias permiten mostrar cómo las experiencias e identificaciones se expresan en el contexto de la participación de los sujetos en conflictos sociales, que asumen en un caso la forma histórica de reclamos fundiarios mientras que, en el otro, es posible ver que el ambiente tiene protagonismo incipiente.
Located at the intersection of two vulnerable groups in the contemporary labour market, young people who migrate as refugees during adolescence face a unique constellation of opportunities and challenges that shape their employment trajectories. Yet the tendency for research to focus on the early years of refugee settlement means that we have an inadequate understanding the factors that mediate their employment decisions, experiences and outcomes. Based on interviews with 51 young people, this article explores how aspirations, responsibilities, family, education and networks are understood to influence the employment trajectories of adolescent refugee migrants. While this article draws attention to the complex and dynamic range of challenges and constraints that these young people negotiate in the pursuit of satisfying and sustainable employment, what also emerges is an optimistic and determined cohort who, even as they at times unsuccessfully prepare for and navigate the labour market, maintain high hopes for a better life.
[EN]In the course of a sondage dug in the rock shelter of J3, in the Jaizkibel mountains (at the north-western tip of Guipúzcoa), the body of a adult man was located buried inside a shell midden. This shell midden had not been disturbed and presented internal stratigraphy features. In any case, the outer edge of the shell midden does show some interesting interdigitation with the adjacent habitational layers, with evidence of different stages of occupation. Within the shell midden itself, under the individual buried there, it was possible to observe layers without any ceramics, whereas the layers covering said individual included ceramic fragments. This individual has been dated to 8,300 BP and therefore corresponds to a Mesolithic context.