1000 resultados para Counting, diatoms


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In the first season of drilling, the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) recovered one drillcore (CRP-l) from Roberts Ridge in western McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica Diatom biostratigraphy places the upper six lithostratigraphic units (Units 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.1) of CRP-l (0.0 to 43.15 mbsf) within the Quaternary. Both non-marine and marine Quaternary diatoms occur in variable abundance in the Quaternary interval of CRP- 1 Biostratigraphic data resolve two Quaternary time slices or events within CRP-1. Marine diatom assemblages in Units 4.1 and 3.1 represent sedimentation within the diatom Actinocyclus ingens Zone (1.35 to 0.66 Ma). Further refinement of the age of Unit 3.l places deposition in the interval 1.15 to 0.75 Ma based on the common occurrence of Thalassiosira elliptipora and correlation to the Southern Ocean acme of this taxon The absence of ActiActinocyclus ingens and the presence ot Thalassiosira antarctica in Unit 2.2 require a younger zonal assignment for this interval, within the diatom Thalassiosira lentiginosa Zone (0.66 to 0.0 Ma). A new diatom species. Rouxia leventerae, is described from marine assemblages of Units 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, and 4.l. Lithostratigraphic Unit 3.1 (33.82 to 31.89 mbsf) is a bryozoan-dominated skeletal-carbonate facies. Low abundance of Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus within this unit combined with the relatively high abundance of species associated with open water indicates deposition in waters that remained ice free for much or all of the year Diatom assemblages suggest carbonate deposition in Unit 3.1 is linked to a significant early Pleistocene event in McMurdo Sound, when elevated surface-water temperatures inhibited the formation of sea ice.


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To provide insights into the long-term evolution of aquatic ecosystems without human interference, we here evaluate a decadal- to centennial-scale-resolution diatom record spanning about 12 ka of the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Using a partially varved sediment core from the Dethlingen palaeolake (northern Germany), which has previously been studied for palynological and microfacies signals, we document the co-evolution of the aquatic and surrounding terrestrial environment. The diatom record is dominated by the genera Stephanodiscus, Aulacoseira, Ulnaria and Fragilaria. Based on the diatom assemblages and physical sediment properties, the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake can be subdivided into three major phases. During the oldest phase (lasting ~1900 varve years), the lake was ~10-15 m deep and characterized by anoxic bottom-water conditions and a high nutrient content. The following ~5600 years exhibited water depths >20 m, maximum diatom and Pediastrum productivity, and a peak in allochtonous nutrient input. During this phase, water-column mixing became more vigorous, resulting in a breakdown of anoxia. The youngest lake phase (~4000-5000 years) was characterized by decreasing water depth, turbulent water conditions and decreased nutrient loading. Based on our palaeolimnological data, we conclude that the evolution of the Dethlingen palaeolake during the Holsteinian interglacial responded closely to (i) changes within the catchment area (as documented by vegetation and sedimentation) related to the transition from closed forests growing on nutrient-rich soils (mesocratic forest phase) to open forests developing on poor soils (oligocratic forest phase), and (ii) short-term climate variability as reflected in centennial-scale climate perturbations.


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Morphology, ecology, range and species composition of diatom algae mass accumulations that are biotypically associated with the lower surface of Arctic sea ice are discussed. Materials were obtained by skindivers in the Central Arctic Basin at drift stations SP-23 in August 1977 and SP-22 in July 1980.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 we cored nine sites on the continental rise (Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101), continental shelf (Sites 1097, 1100, 1102, and 1103), and in an inner shelf basin, Palmer Deep (Sites 1098 and 1099), along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Fossil diatoms are a key group that provides age constraint for these shelf site sediments to allow reconstruction of Antarctic Peninsula glacial history. This paper provides the systematic paleontology of diatoms applied in biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic studies and includes a total of 33 plates. Taxonomic confusion in previous reports, including biostratigraphically useful species such as Thalassiosira inura and Thalassiosira complicata, is discussed. These systematics and taxonomic discussions help to provide a reference for Neogene diatoms in the Southern Ocean.


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Although the climate development over the Holocene in the Northern Hemisphere is well known, palaeolimnological climate reconstructions reveal spatiotemporal variability in northern Eurasia. Here we present a multi-proxy study from north-eastern Siberia combining sediment geochemistry, and diatom and pollen data from lake-sediment cores covering the last 38,000 cal. years. Our results show major changes in pyrite content and fragilarioid diatom species distributions, indicating prolonged seasonal lake-ice cover between ~13,500 and ~8,900 cal. years BP and possibly during the 8,200 cal. years BP cold event. A pollen-based climate reconstruction generated a mean July temperature of 17.8°C during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) between ~8,900 and ~4,500 cal. years BP. Naviculoid diatoms appear in the late Holocene indicating a shortening of the seasonal ice cover that continues today. Our results reveal a strong correlation between the applied terrestrial and aquatic indicators and natural seasonal climate dynamics in the Holocene. Planktonic diatoms show a strong response to changes in the lake ecosystem due to recent climate warming in the Anthropocene. We assess other palaeolimnological studies to infer the spatiotemporal pattern of the HTM and affirm that the timing of its onset, a difference of up to 3,000 years from north to south, can be well explained by climatic teleconnections. The westerlies brought cold air to this part of Siberia until the Laurentide ice-sheet vanished 7,000 years ago. The apparent delayed ending of the HTM in the central Siberian record can be ascribed to the exceedance of ecological thresholds trailing behind increases in winter temperatures and decreases in contrast in insolation between seasons during the mid to late Holocene as well as lacking differentiation between summer and winter trends in paleolimnological reconstructions.


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Ice-wedge polygon (IWP) mires in the Arctic and Subarctic are extremely vulnerable to climatic and environmental change. We present the results of a multidisciplinary paleoenvironmental study on IWPs in the northern Yukon, Canada. High-resolution laboratory analyses were carried out on a permafrost core and the overlying seasonally thawed (active) layer, from a low-centered IWP located in a drained lake basin on Herschel Island. In relation to 14 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates spanning the last 5000 years, we report sedimentary data including grain size distribution and biogeochemical parameters (organic carbon, nitrogen, C/N ratio, d13C), stable water isotopes (d18O, dD), as well as fossil pollen, plant macrofossil and diatom assemblages. Three sediment units (SUs) correspond to the main stages of deposition (1) in a thermokarst lake (SU1: 4950 to 3950 cal yrs BP), (2) during transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions after lake drainage (SU2: 3950 to 3120 cal yrs BP), and (3) in palustrine conditions in the IWP field that developed after drainage (SU3: 3120 cal yrs BP to AD 2012). The lacustrine phase (pre 3950 cal yrs BP) is characterized by planktonic-benthic and pioneer diatoms species indicating circumneutral waters, and very few plant macrofossils. The pollen record has captured a regional signal of relatively stable vegetation composition and climate for the lacustrine stage of the record until 3950 cal yrs BP. Palustrine conditions with benthic and acidophilic species characterize the peaty shallow-water environments of the low-centered IWP. The transition from lacustrine to palustrine conditions was accompanied by acidification and rapid revegetation of the lake bottom within about 100 years. Since the palustrine phase we consider the pollen record as a local vegetation proxy dominated by the plant communities growing in the IWP. Ice-wedge cracking in water-saturated sediments started immediately after lake drainage at about 3950 cal yrs BP and led to the formation of an IWP mire. Permafrost aggradation through downward closed-system freezing of the lake talik is indicated by the stable water isotope record. The originally submerged IWP center underwent gradual drying during the past 2000 years. This study highlights the sensitivity of permafrost landscapes to climate and environmental change throughout the Holocene.


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Sea-ice growth and decay in Antarctica is one of the biggest seasonal changes on Earth, expanding ice cover from 4x10**6 km**2 to a maximum of 19x10**6 km**2 during the austral winter. Analyses of six marine sediment cores from the Scotia Sea, SW Atlantic, yield records of sea-ice migration across the basin since the Lateglacial. The cores span nearly ten degrees of latitude from the modern seasonal sea-ice zone to the modern Polar Front. Surface sediments in the cores comprise predominantly diatomaceous oozes and muddy diatom oozes that reflect Holocene conditions. The cores exhibit similar down-core stratigraphies with decreasing diatom concentrations and increasing magnetic susceptibility from modern through to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Sediments in all cores contain sea-ice diatoms that preserve a signal of changing sea-ice cover and permit reconstruction of past sea-ice dynamics. The sea-ice records presented here are the first to document the position of both the summer and winter sea-ice cover at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Scotia Sea. Comparison of the LGM and Holocene sea-ice conditions shows that the average winter sea-ice extent was at least 5° further north at the LGM. Average summer sea-ice extent was south of the most southerly core site at the LGM, and suggests that sea-ice expanded from approximately 61°S to 52°S each season. Our data also suggest that the average summer sea-ice position at the LGM was not the maximum extent of summer sea-ice during the last glacial. Instead, the sediments contain evidence of a pre-LGM maximum extent of summer sea-ice between ab. 30 ka and 22 ka that extended to ab. 59°S, close to the modern average winter sea-ice limit. Based on our reconstruction we propose that the timing of the maximum extent of summer sea-ice and subsequent retreat by 22 ka, could be insolation controlled and that the strong links between sea-ice and bottom water formation provide a potential mechanism by which Southern Hemisphere regional sea-ice dynamics at the LGM could have a global impact and promote deglaciation.


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Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate complexes from deposits of the Kronotsky Bay are presented. Pro tempore they are the most ancient finds of fossil phytoplankton with silica skeletons in the Northwest Pacific. More than 130 diatom species belonging to 59 genera and 24 silicoflagellate species belonging to 5 genera have been determined. Three Middle Eocene complexes (of the Lisitzinia kanayai, Lisitzinia inconspicua var. trilobata, and Praecymatosira monomembranaceae zones) and one presumably Middle-Late Eocene complex (of the zone with Rylandsia conniventa) of diatoms have been identified. For the first time a large silicoflagellate complex attributable to the Dictyocha hexacantha zone is presented. It is assumed that the complexes formed mainly in bathyal conditions at relatively high (close to sub-tropical) temperatures of surface waters.


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Studies of diatoms from dredge samples collected on the island slope of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench have allowed to recognize well-preserved marine diatom assemblages corresponding to assemblages of the followed Oligocene zones: Rhizosolenia oligocaenica (subzone ''a'', 33.6-31 Ma), Cavitatus rectus (29.6-28.2 Ma), and Rocella gelida (28.2-24.0 Ma) as identified in the North Pacific zonal scale. Description of these assemblages and their complete taxonomic composition are presented. Diversity of species together with abundance and degree of preservation of diatoms and accompanying siliceous microorganisms suggests their autochtonous origin and favorable conditions of their development. Assemblages of the Early Oligocene zones Rhizosolenia oligocaenica and Cavitatus rectus recognized in sediments of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge (submarine slope of the Shikotan Island) and on the Vityaz' submarine ridge were most probably formed under conditions of a vast shelf, while assemblage of the Late Oligocene zone Rocella gelida encountered only in the region of the Lesser Kuril Ridge formed under more deep-water conditions, presumably, over an island slope. Deepening of the basin in the region of the outer zone of the Lesser Kuril Ridge in Late Oligocene probably reflects one of stages of evolution of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench.