12 resultados para Cosmopolitism
A partir da última década do século passado, muito embora alguns ordenamentos jurídicos tenham reconhecido os relacionamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, conferindo-lhes alguns efeitos jurídicos, até hoje o padrão de heteronormatividade impede que estes alcancem a plena equiparação com o paradigma heterossexual. Os organismos internacionais de proteção aos direitos humanos já reconhecem certos patamares inerentes ao direito de liberdade à orientação sexual, muito embora ainda não se tenha alcançado à etapa da consagração do direito à vida afetiva e familiar. No entanto, a crescente internacionalização da vida contemporânea aumentou a estraneidade jurídica dos relacionamentos homoafetivos, cujo reconhecimento fora do Estado da constituição é muitas vezes recusado por argumentos que podem ser superados pela ótica convergente do Direito Transnacional promovendo a legitimidade do pleno reconhecimento transfronteiriço de todos os casamentos e parcerias entre pessoas do mesmo sexo validamente realizadas, como forma de garantir o respeito à cidadania cosmopolita inerente à dignidade dos indivíduos pertencentes a estas famílias.
Nos anos 1960 e 1970 a América Latina foi palco de golpes militares modernizadores e da transição de seus intelectuais do nacionalismo para a dependência associada. Nos anos 1950 dois grupos de intelectuais públicos, organizados entre a Cepal, em Santiago, Chile, e o ISEB, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, abriram caminho para o pensamento das sociedades e economias latino-americanas (inclusive do Brasil) a partir de uma visão nacionalista. A Cepal criticava principalmente a lei das vantagens comparativas e suas essenciais implicações imperialistas; o ISEB se focava na definição política de uma estratégia nacional-desenvolvimentista. A idéia de uma burguesia nacional era a resposta para esta interpretação da América Latina. A Revolução Cubana, a crise econômica dos anos 1960 e os golpes militares nos países do Cone Sul, entretanto, criaram espaço para a crítica a essas idéias com uma nova interpretação: a da dependência. Ao rejeitar totalmente a possibilidade de uma burguesia nacional, duas versões da interpretação da dependência (a interpretação “associada” e a “superexploração”) também rejeitaram a possibilidade de uma estratégia nacional-desenvolvimentista. Apenas uma terceira interpretação, a “nacional-dependente” continuava a afirmar a necessidade e a possibilidade de uma burguesia nacional e de uma estratégia nacional. Entretanto, foi a interpretação da dependência associada que foi dominante na América Latina nos anos 1970 e 1980.
This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents
Este trabajo explora la imagen de escritor que Martí construye a través de sus lecturas de los "otros"; en particular, las operaciones que realiza al "traducir" desde Nueva York las figuras de Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde y Julián del Casal para el público latinoamericano. Leo la construcción de Martí de lo "natural" como una de las variadas máscaras que asumen los modernistas: desde el espacio de la crónica, y ante la necesidad de diferenciación de otros discursos, la lectura crítica del presente cosmopolita promueve la creación de una voz propia mediante la cual se forja una figura de escritor.
Este trabajo explora la imagen de escritor que Martí construye a través de sus lecturas de los "otros"; en particular, las operaciones que realiza al "traducir" desde Nueva York las figuras de Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde y Julián del Casal para el público latinoamericano. Leo la construcción de Martí de lo "natural" como una de las variadas máscaras que asumen los modernistas: desde el espacio de la crónica, y ante la necesidad de diferenciación de otros discursos, la lectura crítica del presente cosmopolita promueve la creación de una voz propia mediante la cual se forja una figura de escritor.
Este trabajo explora la imagen de escritor que Martí construye a través de sus lecturas de los "otros"; en particular, las operaciones que realiza al "traducir" desde Nueva York las figuras de Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde y Julián del Casal para el público latinoamericano. Leo la construcción de Martí de lo "natural" como una de las variadas máscaras que asumen los modernistas: desde el espacio de la crónica, y ante la necesidad de diferenciación de otros discursos, la lectura crítica del presente cosmopolita promueve la creación de una voz propia mediante la cual se forja una figura de escritor.
Lino Novás Calvo (1903–1983) is by many considered the best Cuban short story writer. Critics acknowledge his major contribution to the modernization of narrative prose in that country. With Cayo Canas and La Luna Nona, the short story achieved a language of its own, a precise technique, an acute outlook and an awareness of its own individual art form. Nevertheless, his novels and short stories have not received the recognition and the distribution they deserve, in part because his books have not been reprinted. ^ The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the innovative character of Novás Calvo's work. From the starting point of traditional discourse, he gathered together the main tendencies that until then co-existed in Cuban literature (realism, social criticism, criollismo, Afro Cuban themes and cosmopolitism) and renewed them with modern contributions, mainly assimilated from American authors writing between the two World Wars. He based himself in a concept of realism that does not limit itself to recreating reality and that eludes language localisms and the portrayal of environments. He brought Cuban characters and themes to his stories which at the same gave them a universal dimension. Novás Calvo participated in debates which amounted to a rupture between tradition and localism and brought universality to the Cuban short story. This achieved the aesthetic syncretism imposed by modernity. ^
This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents
This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents
À Montréal, les Haïtiens forment le troisième groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilités et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences sur la redéfinition des concepts d’identité et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rétrécissement du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des médias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des Haïtiens montréalais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type récit de vie ont été menées auprès d’un échantillon représentant les différentes vagues d’immigration haïtienne et des tables rondes ont été organisées. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumière les trajectoires, les lieux et types d’ancrages ainsi que le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette communauté. Les résultats, non généralisables, mettent de l’avant le rôle important des médias dans l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la première vague a été facilité par la création de radios haïtiennes, ces dernières ayant aidé à cimenter la communauté d’alors. Pour les deuxièmes générations, les nouveaux médias permettent de s’identifier à la diaspora et de s’ancrer en Haïti, avec des projets de développement, comme à Montréal, à travers l’expérience du cosmopolitisme. Finalement, l’analyse des récits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les médias donnent la possibilité d’un ancrage inédit gardé à disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication.
À Montréal, les Haïtiens forment le troisième groupe ethnique en importance et offrent un exemple de peuple en diaspora. Étudier leurs mobilités et pratiques transnationales, ainsi que leurs incidences sur la redéfinition des concepts d’identité et de territoire, permet alors de comprendre les articulations entre le local et le transnational, dans le contexte de globalisation et de rétrécissement du monde permis par les nouvelles technologies. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre l’impact des pratiques transnationales et des médias dans la construction territoriale et l’ancrage des Haïtiens montréalais. Pour ce faire, 18 entrevues de type récit de vie ont été menées auprès d’un échantillon représentant les différentes vagues d’immigration haïtienne et des tables rondes ont été organisées. L’analyse des discours a permis de mettre en lumière les trajectoires, les lieux et types d’ancrages ainsi que le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les liens translocaux de cette communauté. Les résultats, non généralisables, mettent de l’avant le rôle important des médias dans l’ancrage. Par exemple, l’ancrage des migrants de la première vague a été facilité par la création de radios haïtiennes, ces dernières ayant aidé à cimenter la communauté d’alors. Pour les deuxièmes générations, les nouveaux médias permettent de s’identifier à la diaspora et de s’ancrer en Haïti, avec des projets de développement, comme à Montréal, à travers l’expérience du cosmopolitisme. Finalement, l’analyse des récits de vie des nouveaux arrivants le confirme : les médias donnent la possibilité d’un ancrage inédit gardé à disposition avec les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication.