1000 resultados para Coscinodiscus payeri


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The introduction of non-indigenous marine plankton species can have a considerable ecological and economic effect on regional systems. Their presence, however, can go unnoticed until they reach nuisance status and as a consequence few case histories exist containing information on their initial appearance and their spatio-temporal patterns. Here we report on the occurrence of the non-indigenous diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii in 1977 in the English Channel, its subsequent geographical spread into European shelf seas, and its persistence as a significant member of the diatom community in the north-east Atlantic from 1977-1995.


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Analysis of individual laminae in Recent sediments from the slopes of the Guaymas Basin indicates an increased abundance of the larger sizes (>60 µm) of Coscinodiscus nodulifer when upwelling conditions persist over the depositional site and an increase of the smaller sizes (<60 µm) when nonupwelling conditions exist. The size distributions of C. nodulifer in 10-cm composite samples from Hole 480 show a greater abundance of the large sizes (>60 µm) associated with well-laminated sections and more of the smaller sizes (<60 µm) in samples from the homogeneous sections. We have tentatively correlated the pronounced homogeneous zones with late Pleistocene glacial periods. These results indicate a persistence of nonupwelling conditions over Hole 480 during glacial periods (homogeneous zones) and a predominance of upwelling conditions during interglacial periods (laminated zones). Other evidence from diatom and silicoflagellate floral analysis seems to support these preliminary conclusions.


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ENGLISH:The gill rakers of both juvenile and adult anchovetas are long and numerous, with many fine processes which make a very efficient straining apparatus. The stomach is modified into a gizzard. The intestine undergoes heteronomous growth, and attains about eight times the standard length in adults. The stomach contents of 39 samples of juvenile fish and 120 adult fish were examined. Diatoms were the principal food of all the sizes of fish examined, from 29 to 153 millimeters. Silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates, pollen grains, formaniferans, rotifer shells, crustaceans, and eggs, probably of crustaceans, were also found in small amounts. Coscinodiscus, a diatom, was the most important item found in the stomachs of the juvenile fish. No strong differences were observed in the feeding habits of different sizes of juveniles. Even taking into account their smaller size, the juveniles had smaller volumes of material and lesser numbers of organisms in their stomachs than did the adults. The stomachs of the adult fish, unlike those of the juveniles, usually contained considerable quantities of mud. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, and Thalassionema, all diatoms, were the most important organisms found in the stomachs of the adults. The incidence of Melosira was much higher in the stomachs of fish from the areas to the east of the entrance of the Panama Canal than from those to the west. No seasonal differences in the food were observed. The volume of material in the stomachs ranged from almost none to nearly 1.0 milliliter, with an average of a little more than 0.2 milliliter. Twenty-six bottom samples were examined; the organisms found corresponded very closely to those encountered in the stomachs of the adult fish. It is concluded that the juvenile anchovetas are chiefly or entirely filter feeders of the pelagic zone. The adults, however, are mostly iliophagous feeders, but possibly do some feeding upon plankton as well. SPANISH:Las branquispinas de las anchovetas, tanto en las juveniles como en las adultas, son largas y numerosas, can varias protuberancias finas que hacen de ellas un aparato filtrador muy eficiente. El estómago está modificado en una molleja. El intestino está sometido a un crecimiento heterónomo, llega a alcanzar unas oeho veces la longitud estandar en las adultas. Fué examinado el contenido estomacal de 39 ,muestras de peces juveniles y de 120 adultos. Las diatomeas fueron el alimento principal de todos los peces que fueron examinados cuyo tamaño varió entre los 29 y 153 milimetros. Se encontraron también en cantidades silicoflagelados, dinoflagelados, granos de polen, foraminíferos, conchas de rotiferos, crustáceos y huevos, probablemente de crustáceos. Coscinodiscus, una diatomea, fué el alimento más importante encontrado en los estómagos de los peces juveniles. No se observaron mayores diferencias en los hábitos de alimentación en los juveniles de diferentes tamaños. Aún tomando en cuenta su tamaño menor, los juveniles tenian volúmenes más pequeños de material y un número menor de organismos en sus estómagos que los adultos. Los estómagos de los peces adultos, diferentes a los de los juveniles, contenían por lo general considerables cantidades de fango. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, y Thalassionema, todas ellas diatomeas, fueron los organismos más importantes encontrados en los estómagos de los adultos. La contribuciónde Melosira fué mucho más alta en los estómagos de los peces procedentes de las áreas al este de la entrada del Canal de Panamá que la de aquellos provenientes del oeste. No se observaron diferencias estacionales en la alimentacion. El volúmen de material en los estómagos varió de casi cero a cerca de 1.0 mililitros, con un promedio de un poco mas de 0.2 mili1itros. Se examinaron 26 muestras de fonda; los organismos encontrados correspondieron muy cercanamente a los hallados en los estómagos de los peces adultos. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que las anchovetas juveniles son principalmente ó enteramente filtradoras de alimentos de la zona pelágica. Las adultas, sin embargo, son en su mayoria iliófagas, pero posiblemente se alimentan también de plancton.


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A Baía da Ilha Guaíba é um sistema costeiro tropical com influência de águas oceânicas, principalmente da Corrente do Brasil e das Águas Costeiras que são predominantes em toda a costa da região sudeste. O objetivo geral foi identificar os indicadores biológicos das possíveis alterações ambientais e ou antrópicas e como objetivos específicos, apresentar a distribuição qualitativa e quantitativa do fitoplâncton em função da espacialidade e da sazonalidade em duas situações de maré bem como demonstrar a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica dentro de um Programa de Monitoramento desenvolvido pela empresa Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas através do Centro de Tecnologia Ambiental da FIRJAN (CTA). Foram estabelecidos 9 pontos amostrais na área sob influência do Terminal Marítimo da Ilha levando em consideração as características de cada um. Para o estudo qualitativo e quantitativo do fitoplâncton, 200 ml de água foram coletados em dois pontos de amostragem 7 e 9 em baixa-mar e preamar, através de garrafa de Van Dorn e nos 9 pontos foi realizado arrasto com rede de 50μm, ambos em quatro épocas sazonais distintas. Ao todo foram encontradas 176 unidades taxonômicas demonstrando uma importante oferta de nichos. A espécie que mais se destacou foi Coscinodiscus cf. centralis em todas as amostras de rede. A sazonalidade foi vista através de uma análise de Cluster tanto para as amostras de rede quanto para as de garrafa. Não houve registro de espécies que indicassem alterações antrópicas não revelando condição de eutrofização. Foram encontradas espécies indicadoras de diferentes massas de água como também outras potencialmente nocivas. Os resultados bióticos e abióticos demonstraram que a área sob influência do empreendimento está dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação vigente e que para o estabelecimento de um desenvolvimento sustentável torna-se imprescindível a adoção de métodos padronizados e multiinterdisciplinares para que seja possível comparar e acompanhar os processos e seus efeitos viabilizando assim a manutenção da biodiversidade.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The recent changes in phytoplankton production and community composition within the Suisun Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta may be related to climate. Chlorophyll a concentration, decreased by 42% (spring-summer) and 29% (fall) between 1972 through 1976 and 1977 through 1981. The decrease in biomass was characterized by a shift in phytoplankton community dominance from Skeletonema spp., Cyclotella spp. and Coscinodiscus spp. to Melosira granulata. The possible influence of climate on phytoplankton abundance was suggested by multivariate statistical analyses that demonstrated an association between changes in phytoplankton community composition and abundance between 1975 and 1982 and the climate related variables wind velocity, precipitation, river flow and water temperature.


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Diatoms are the preferred live food of the protozoea stages of prawns. Due to seasonal variations, it is difficult to obtain continuous supply of diatoms and other algae throughout the year. Therefore mass culture of diatoms is necessary. At attempt was made to culture planktonic diatoms and to study the effect of Allen and Nelson media, Simon media, Vitamin B12 and treated sewage water media on their growth and survival. Navicula sp showed better growth in Allen and Nelson media, Coscinodiscus and Chaetoceros grew better in Simon media while Navicula sp and Coscinodiscus sp showed better growth in the combination of Allen and Nelson + Vitamin B12.


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The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.


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Dilution experiments were performed to examine the growth rate and grazing mortality rate of size-fractionated phytoplankton at three typical stations, inside and outside the bay, in the spring and summer of 2003 in the Jiaozhou Bay, China. in spring, the phytoplankton community structure was similar among the three stations, and was mainly composed of nanophytoplankton, such as, Skeletonema costatum and Cylindrotheca closterium. The structure became significantly different for the three stations in summer, when the dominant species at Stas A, B and C were Chaetoceros curvisetus, Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima, C. affinis, C. debilis, Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis and Paralia sulcata respectively. Tintinnopsis beroidea and T. tsingtaoensis were the dominant species in spring, whereas the microzooplankton was apparently dominated by Strombidium sp. in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton had a relatively greater growth rate than microzooplankton both in spring and summer. The growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.18 similar to 0.44 and 0.12 similar to 1.47 d(-1) for the total phytoplankton and 0.20 similar to 0.55 and 0.21 similar to 0.37 d-1 for nanophytoplankton in spring respectively. In summer, the growth rate and grazing mortality rate were 0.38 similar to 0.71 and 0.27 similar to 0.60 d-1 for the total phytoplankton and 0.11 similar to 1.18 and 0.41 similar to 0.72 d(-1) for nano- and microphytoplankton respectively. The carbon flux consumed by microzooplankton per day was 7.68 similar to 39.81 mg/m(3) in spring and 12.03 similar to 138.22 mg/m(3) in summer respectively. Microzooplankton ingested 17.56%similar to 92.19% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 31.77%similar to 467.88% of the potential primary productivity in spring; in contrast, they ingested 34.60%similar to 83.04% of the phytoplankton standing stocks and 71.28%similar to 98.80% of the potential primary productivity in summer. Pico- and nanophytoplankton appeared to have relatively greater rates of growth and grazing mortality than microphytoplankton during the experimental period. The grazing rate of microzooplankton in summer was a little bit greater than that in spring because of the relatively higher incubation temperature and different dominant microzooplankton species. Microzooplankton preferred ingesting nanophytoplankton to microphytoplankton in spring, while they preferred ingesting picophytoplankton to nanophytoplankton and microphytoplankton in summer. Compared with the results of dilution experiments performed in various waters worldwide, the results are in the middle range.


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The diatom flora in a 164 cm long sediment core obtained from Jiaozhou Bay (Yellow Sea, China) was analyzed in order to trace the response of diatoms to environmental changes over the past 100 years. The sediment core was dated by Pb-210 and Cs-137 and represented approximately 100 years (1899-2001 A.D.). The flora was mainly composed of centric diatoms (59-96%). The concentration of diatoms declined sharply above 30 cm (after similar to 1981 A.D.), while the dominant species changed from Thalassiosira anguste-lineatus, Thalassiosira eccentria, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Coscinodiscus concinnus and Diploneis gorjanovici to Cyclotella stylorum and Paralia sulcata. Species richness decreased slightly, and the cell abundance of warm-water species increased. We argue that these floral changes were probably caused by climate change in combination with eutrophication resulting from aquaculture and sewage discharge. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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El Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos 0209-11 de los BIC’s Humboldt, Olaya y SNP-2 abarcó de Paita a IIo; se colectó 158 muestras de fitoplancton, 126 para análisis semi cuantitativo y 32 para análisis cuantitativos. El promedio de biomasa planctónica fue 1,01 mL.m-3, con núcleos de alta concentración al norte (5–6 y 7-8°S) dentro de las 30 mn. El fitoplancton fue predominante en el 37% del área evaluada con dominancia de Coscinodiscus perforatus, C. excentricus, Actinocyclus sp., Thalassiosira rotula, Pseudonitzschia pungens, Detonula confervacea, Pleurosigma sp. y Ditylum brightwellii, asociadas a especies de fase temprana en sucesión (Chaetoceros spp.). Las mayores concentraciones celulares (500x103 cel.L-1) se localizaron en los perfiles de Atico con abundancia de fitoflagelados y en Paita de diatomeas. Ceratium breve, indicador de AES se localizó al norte de los 8°S y por fuera de las 100 mn; y un pequeño núcleo frente a Huacho y Chancay por el desplazamiento de esa masa de agua. Ceratium praelongum, indicador de ASS presentó un ligero acercamiento en Callao a 30 mn y en San Juan a 60 mn. Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de ACF amplió su distribución debido a la intensificación de los afloramientos.


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La biomasa planctónica en promedio fue 0,36 mL.m-3; el 95% de los volúmenes fue <0,5 mL.m-3, el fitoplancton fue 35% y se caracterizó por el dominio de diatomeas de afloramiento (Skeletonema costatum, Lithodesmium undulatum, Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira subtilis y Thalassionema nit schioides) entre Salaverry- Chancay y Pisco-Ilo (30 mn) y abundancia de diatomeas oceánicas y dinoflagelados termófilos (Guinardia striata, G. flaccida, Cerataulina pelagica, Coscinodiscus wailesii, Proboscia spp., Ceratium massiliense, C. tripos v. atlanticum y Goniodoma polyedricum) entre Puerto Pizarro-Chicama y Punta Mendieta–Ilo hasta 120 mn en la zona norte. La distribución de los indicadores biológicos estuvieron acorde a las condiciones ambientales, Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de Aguas Costeras Frías se registró desde Punta Falsa hasta Ilo (30 mn). Ceratium praelongum y C. incisum, indicadores de Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales se registraron frente a Punta Falsa y San Juan (60 mn) ampliando su distribución en Atico (120 mn). Ceratium breve, indicador de AES estuvo ampliamente distribuido al norte de 10°S (120 mn), con acercamientos a la costa en Puerto Pizarro y Punta Falsa. Messodinium rubrum se registró desde Punta Mendieta hasta Matarani, concentración de 8756x103 cel.L-1.


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Gobioides broussonnetii é o maior membro da família Gobiidae, e está distribuído no Atlântico Ocidental dos Estados Unidos até o Rio Grande do Sul. É abundante na foz do Rio Amazonas onde habita as águas salobras dos manguezais. Além de ser um importante elo na cadeia trófica do estuário amazônico, é um recurso pesqueiro explorado por pescadores artesanais. Estudaram-se aspectos da pesca, alimentação, reprodução e crescimento de Gobioides broussonnetii na baía de Marajó, município de Vigia, Pará, Brasil, entre setembro de 2003 e agosto de 2004. Exemplares para estudo foram adquiridos de pescadores locais e informações sobre a pesca foram obtidas através da observação de campo e entrevistas com os pescadores. No estudo da alimentação foi analisada a composição dos itens alimentares encontrados nos estômagos. A análise reprodutiva abordou aspectos do período reprodutivo e tamanho da 1a maturação gonadal. Foram estimados os parâmetros de crescimento utilizando o método indireto baseados nas análises das medidas de comprimento total de 1155 exemplares. G. broussonnetii é conhecida como amurés no estuário amazônico e é capturada no fundo lodoso em águas rasas sendo utilizada como isca na pesca comercial. De maneira geral é uma espécie fitófaga. Análises de conteúdo estomacal revelaram que algas da espécie Coscinodiscus concinus são alimentos mais consumidos. Há maior conteúdo estomacal durante a estação seca (julho a dezembro). O período entre janeiro e junho corresponde a época de atividade reprodutiva para essa espécie na área de estudo. O comprimento médio da primeira maturação gonadal foi de 23,9 cm. A razão sexual observada foi de 1:1. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que G. Broussonnetii usa o estuário amazônico como local de alimentação e reprodução. A análise macroscópica das gônadas indicou uma época de reprodução durante o inverno (janeiro a junho), com apenas um período de desova por ano entre fevereiro e abril. Foram encontrados nove grupos etários de G. btoussonnetii no estuário amazônico. Estimaram-se os valores de L∞ = 67,36 ( K=0,205 ano-1, Ø = 3,014). A relação peso-comprimento apresentou diferenças significativas entre machos e fêmeas, com as fêmeas que pesam mais que os machos.