829 resultados para Cortico-cortical projection
Alterations of brain structure and function have been associated with psychomotor retardation in major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the association of motor behaviour and white matter integrity of motor pathways in MDD is unclear. The aim of the present study was to first investigate structural connectivity of white matter motor pathways in MDD. Second, we explore the relation of objectively measured motor activity and white matter integrity of motor pathways in MDD. Therefore, 21 patients with MDD and 21 healthy controls matched for age, gender, education and body mass index underwent diffusion tensor imaging and 24 hour actigraphy (measure of the activity level) the same day. Applying a probabilistic fibre tracking approach we extracted connection pathways between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), the SMA-proper, the primary motor cortex (M1), the caudate nucleus, the putamen, the pallidum and the thalamus. Patients had lower activity levels and demonstrated increased mean diffusivity (MD) in pathways linking left pre-SMA and SMA-proper, and right SMA-proper and M1. Exploratory analyses point to a positive association of activity level and mean-fractional anisotropy in the right rACC-pre-SMA connection in MDD. Only MDD patients with low activity levels had a negative linear association of activity level and mean-MD in the left dlPFC-pre-SMA connection. Our results point to structural alterations of cortico-cortical white matter motor pathways in MDD. Altered white matter organisation of rACC-pre-SMA and dlPFC-pre-SMA pathways may contribute to movement initiation in MDD.
The spatial pattern of cellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the supra- and infragranular layers of various cortical regions in cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective was to test the hypothesis that NFT formation was associated with the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortical projections. The novel feature of the study was that pattern analysis enabled the dimension and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortical ribbon to be estimated. In the majority of brain regions studied, NFT occurred in clusters of neurons which were regularly spaced along the cortical strip. This pattern is consistent with the predicted distribution of the cells of origin of specific cortico-cortico projections. Mean NFT cluster size varied from 250 to > 12800 microns in different cortical tissues suggesting either variation in the size of the cell clusters or a dynamic process in the development of NFT in relation to these cell clusters. The formation of NFT in cell clusters which may give rise to the feed-forward and feed-back cortico-cortical projections suggests a possible route of spread of NFT pathology in AD between cortical regions and from the cortex to subcortical areas.
The laminar distribution of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in areas B17 and B18 of the visual cortex in 18 cases of Alzheimer’s disease which varied in disease onset and duration. The objective was to test the hypothesis that SP and NFT could spread via either the feedforward or feedback short cortico-cortical projections. In area B17, the mean density of SP and NFT reached a maximum in lamina III and in laminae II and III respectively. In B18, mean SP density was maximal in laminae III and IV and NFT density in laminae II and III. No significant correlations were observed in any cortical lamina between the density of SP and patient age. However, the density of NFT in laminae III, IV and VI in B18 was negatively correlated with patient age. In addition, in B18, the density of SP in lamina II and lamina V was negatively correlated with disease duration and disease onset respectively. Although these results suggest that SP and NFT might spread between B17 and B18 via the feedforward short cortico-cortical projections, it is also possible that the longer cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections may be involved.
La progression d’un individu au travers d’un environnement diversifié dépend des informations visuelles qui lui permettent d’évaluer la taille, la forme ou même la distance et le temps de contact avec les obstacles dans son chemin. Il peut ainsi planifier en avance les modifications nécessaires de son patron locomoteur afin d’éviter ou enjamber ces entraves. Ce concept est aussi applicable lorsque le sujet doit atteindre une cible, comme un prédateur tentant d’attraper sa proie en pleine course. Les structures neurales impliquées dans la genèse des modifications volontaires de mouvements locomoteurs ont été largement étudiées, mais relativement peu d’information est présentement disponible sur les processus intégrant l’information visuelle afin de planifier ces mouvements. De nombreux travaux chez le primate suggèrent que le cortex pariétal postérieur (CPP) semble jouer un rôle important dans la préparation et l’exécution de mouvements d’atteinte visuellement guidés. Dans cette thèse, nous avons investigué la proposition que le CPP participe similairement dans la planification et le contrôle de la locomotion sous guidage visuel chez le chat. Dans notre première étude, nous avons examiné l’étendue des connexions cortico-corticales entre le CPP et les aires motrices plus frontales, particulièrement le cortex moteur, à l’aide d’injections de traceurs fluorescents rétrogrades. Nous avons cartographié la surface du cortex moteur de chats anesthésiés afin d’identifier les représentations somatotopiques distales et proximales du membre antérieur dans la partie rostrale du cortex moteur, la représentation du membre antérieur située dans la partie caudale de l’aire motrice, et enfin la représentation du membre postérieur. L’injection de différents traceurs rétrogrades dans deux régions motrices sélectionnées par chat nous a permis de visualiser la densité des projections divergentes et convergentes pariétales, dirigées vers ces sites moteurs. Notre analyse a révélé une organisation topographique distincte de connexions du CPP avec toutes les régions motrices identifiées. En particulier, nous avons noté que la représentation caudale du membre antérieur reçoit majoritairement des projections du côté rostral du sillon pariétal, tandis que la partie caudale du CPP projette fortement vers la représentation rostrale du membre antérieur. Cette dernière observation est particulièrement intéressante, parce que le côté caudal du sillon pariétal reçoit de nombreux inputs visuels et sa cible principale, la région motrice rostrale, est bien connue pour être impliquée dans les fonctions motrices volontaires. Ainsi, cette étude anatomique suggère que le CPP, au travers de connexions étendues avec les différentes régions somatotopiques du cortex moteur, pourrait participer à l’élaboration d’un substrat neural idéal pour des processus tels que la coordination inter-membre, intra-membre et aussi la modulation de mouvements volontaires sous guidage visuel. Notre deuxième étude a testé l’hypothèse que le CPP participe dans la modulation et la planification de la locomotion visuellement guidée chez le chat. En nous référant à la cartographie corticale obtenue dans nos travaux anatomiques, nous avons enregistré l’activité de neurones pariétaux, situés dans les portions des aires 5a et 5b qui ont de fortes connexions avec les régions motrices impliquées dans les mouvements de la patte antérieure. Ces enregistrements ont été effectués pendant une tâche de locomotion qui requiert l’enjambement d’obstacles de différentes tailles. En dissociant la vitesse des obstacles de celle du tapis sur lequel le chat marche, notre protocole expérimental nous a aussi permit de mettre plus d’emphase sur l’importance de l’information visuelle et de la séparer de l’influx proprioceptif généré pendant la locomotion. Nos enregistrements ont révélé deux groupes de cellules pariétales activées en relation avec l’enjambement de l’obstacle: une population, principalement située dans l’aire 5a, qui décharge seulement pendant le passage du membre au dessus del’entrave (cellules spécifiques au mouvement) et une autre, surtout localisée dans l’aire 5b, qui est activée au moins un cycle de marche avant l’enjambement (cellules anticipatrices). De plus, nous avons observé que l’activité de ces groupes neuronaux, particulièrement les cellules anticipatrices, était amplifiée lorsque la vitesse des obstacles était dissociée de celle du tapis roulant, démontrant l’importance grandissante de la vision lorsque la tâche devient plus difficile. Enfin, un grand nombre des cellules activées spécifiquement pendant l’enjambement démontraient une corrélation soutenue de leur activité avec le membre controlatéral, même s’il ne menait pas dans le mouvement (cellules unilatérales). Inversement, nous avons noté que la majorité des cellules anticipatrices avaient plutôt tendance à maintenir leur décharge en phase avec l’activité musculaire du premier membre à enjamber l’obstacle, indépendamment de sa position par rapport au site d’enregistrement (cellules bilatérales). Nous suggérons que cette disparité additionnelle démontre une fonction diversifiée de l’activité du CPP. Par exemple, les cellules unilatérales pourraient moduler le mouvement du membre controlatéral au-dessus de l’obstacle, qu’il mène ou suive dans l’ordre d’enjambement, tandis que les neurones bilatéraux sembleraient plutôt spécifier le type de mouvement volontaire requis pour éviter l’entrave. Ensembles, nos observations indiquent que le CPP a le potentiel de moduler l’activité des centres moteurs au travers de réseaux corticaux étendus et contribue à différents aspects de la locomotion sous guidage visuel, notamment l’initiation et l’ajustement de mouvements volontaires des membres antérieurs, mais aussi la planification de ces actions afin d’adapter la progression de l’individu au travers d’un environnement complexe.
Résumé L'accident vasculaire cérébral sensoriel pur est un des syndromes lacunaires, dû à l'occlusion de petits vaisseaux cérébraux, souvent dans le cadre d'une lésion intéressant le noyau ventro-caudal du thalamus. Il produit un hémisyndrome sensitif pur, et parfois un syndrome douloureux se développe à distance de l'événement aigu. Afin d'étudier la récupération fonctionnelle dans le cortex somatosensoriel (SI) après une telle lésion dans le thalamus, un modèle de lésion excitotoxique a été développé dans le système somatosensoriel de la souris adulte, caractérisé par la présence de formations cytoarchitectoniques dans SI appelées "tonneaux". Chacun de ces tonneaux correspond à la représentation corticale d'une vibrisse du museau. L'activité métabolique a été mesurée dans SI à différents intervalles après la lésion, à l'aide de déoxyglucose marqué radioactivement. Dans les deux premiers jours suivant celle-ci, l'activité métabolique diminue de manière importante dans toutes les couches corticales, avec une atteinte plus marquée dans la couche IV, principale projection des axones thalamo-corticaux. Une récupération de l'activité métabolique se produit ensuite, d'autant plus marquée que le délai après la lésion est grand. Cette récupération s'observe dans toutes les couches coticales, les couches I et Vb récupérant plus rapidement que les couches II, III, IV, Va et VI. Cinq semaines après la lésion, l'absence des vibrisses correspondant à la partie déafférentée de SI diminue l'activité métabolique corticale de 32% et démontre l'activation par la périphérie de cette partie de l'écorce, malgré la perte des axones thalamo-corticaux provenant du noyau ventro-caudal. Des expériences de traçage rétrograde ont montré une augmentation des projections intracorticales sur la partie déafférentée de l'écorce, en particulier de longue distance, ainsi que des projections interhémisphériques, mais n'ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelle projection thalamique, indiquant une origine corticale à la récupération fonctionnelle observée. Abstract To study the degree and time course of the functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) after an excitotoxic lesion in the adult mouse thalamus, metabolic activity was determined in SI at various times points post lesion. Immediately after the lesion, metabolic activity in the thalamically deafferented part of SI was at its lowest value but increased progressively at subsequent time points. This was seen in all cortical layers, however, layers I and Vb recover more rapidly than layers II, III, IV, Va and VI. Removal of the mystacial whiskers corresponding to the deafferented area, 5 weeks after cortical recovery, produced a subsequent 32% drop in metabolic activity, demonstrating peripheral sensory activation of this part of the cortex. Tracing experiments revealed that the deafferented cortex did not receive a novel thalamic input, but cortico-cortical and contralateral barrel cortex projections to this area were reinforced. We conclude that the cortical functional recovery after a thalamic lesion is, at least partially, due to modified cortico-cortical and callosal projections to the deafferented cortical area.
Layer 5 contains the major projection neurons of the neocortex and is composed of two major cell types: regular spiking (RS) cells, which have cortico-cortical projections, and intrinsic bursting cells (IB), which have subcortical projections. Little is known about the plasticity processes and specifically the molecular mechanisms by which these two cell classes develop and maintain their unique integrative properties. In this study, we find that RS and IB cells show fundementally different experience-dependent plasticity processes and integrate Hebbian and homeostatic components of plasticity differently. Both RS and IB cells showed TNFα-dependent homeostatic plasticity in response to sensory deprivation, but IB cells were capable of a much faster synaptic depression and homeostatic rebound than RS cells. Only IB cells showed input-specific potentiation that depended on CaMKII autophosphorylation. Our findings demonstrate that plasticity mechanisms are not uniform within the neocortex, even within a cortical layer, but are specialized within subcircuits.
Despite its high toll on society, there has been little recent improvement in treatment efficacy for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The identification of biological markers of successful treatment response may allow for more personalized and effective treatment. Here we investigate whether resting state functional connectivity predicted response to treatment with rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC). Twenty five individuals with treatment-refractory MDD underwent a 4-week course of dmPFC-rTMS. Before and after treatment, subjects received resting state functional MRI scans and assessments of depressive symptoms using the Hamilton Depresssion Rating Scale (HAMD17). We found that higher baseline cortico-cortical connectivity (dmPFC-subgenual cingulate and subgenual cingulate to dorsolateral PFC) and lower cortico-thalamic, cortico-striatal and cortico-limbic connectivity were associated with better treatment outcomes. We also investigated how changes in connectivity over the course of treatment related to improvements in HAMD17 scores. We found that successful treatment was associated with increased dmPFC-thalamic connectivity and decreased sgACC-caudate connectivity, Our findings provide insight into which individuals might respond to rTMS treatment and the mechanisms through which these treatments work.
Brain activity relies on transient, fluctuating interactions between segregated neuronal populations. Synchronization within a single and between distributed neuronal clusters reflects the dynamics of these cooperative patterns. Thus absence epilepsy can be used as a model for integrated, large-scale investigation of the emergence of pathological collective dynamics in the brain. Indeed, spike-wave discharges (SWD) of an absence seizure are thought to reflect abnormal cortical hypersynchronization. In this paper, we address two questions: how and where do SWD arise in the human brain? Therefore, we explored the spatio-temporal dynamics of interactions within and between widely distributed cortical sites using magneto-encephalographic recordings of spontaneous absence seizures. We then extracted, from their time-frequency analysis, local synchronization of cortical sources and long-range synchronization linking distant sites. Our analyses revealed a reproducible sequence of 1) long-range desynchronization, 2) increased local synchronization and 3) increased long-range synchronization. Although both local and long-range synchronization displayed different spatio-temporal profiles, their cortical projection within an initiation time window overlap and reveal a multifocal fronto-central network. These observations contradict the classical view of sudden generalized synchronous activities in absence epilepsy. Furthermore, they suggest that brain states transition may rely on multi-scale processes involving both local and distant interactions.
In Alzheimer's disease (AD), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) occur within neurons in both the upper and lower cortical laminae. Using a statistical method that estimates the size and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater, two hypotheses were tested: 1) that the cluster size and distribution of the NFT in gyri of the temporal lobe reflect degeneration of the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) cortico-cortical pathways, and 2) that there is a spatial relationship between the clusters of NFT in the upper and lower laminae. In 16 temporal lobe gyri from 10 cases of sporadic AD, NFT were present in both the upper and lower laminae in 11/16 (69%) gyri and in either the upper or lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. Clustering of the NFT was observed in all gyri. A significant peak-to-peak distance was observed in the upper laminae in 13/15 (87%) gyri and in the lower laminae in 8/ 12 (67%) gyri, suggesting a regularly repeating pattern of NFT clusters along the cortex. The regularly distributed clusters of NFT were between 500 and 800 μm in size, the estimated size of the cells of origin of the FF and FB cortico-cortical projections, in the upper laminae of 6/13 (46%) gyri and in the lower laminae of 2/8 (25%) gyri. Clusters of NFT in the upper laminae were spatially correlated (in phase) with those in the lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. The clustering patterns of the NFT are consistent with their formation in relation to the FF and FB cortico-cortical pathways. In most gyri, NFT clusters appeared to develop independently in the upper and lower laminae.
Abnormal neuronal intermediate filament (IF) inclusions immunopositive for the type IV IF α-internexin have been identified as the pathological hallmark of neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). We studied the topography of these inclusions in the frontal and temporal lobe in 68 areas from 10 cases of NIFID. In the cerebral cortex, CA sectors of the hippocampus, and dentate gyrus granule cell layer, the inclusions were distributed mainly in regularly distributed clusters, 50-800 μm in diameter. In seven cortical areas, there was a more complex pattern in which the clusters of inclusions were aggregated into larger superclusters. In 11 cortical areas, the size of the clusters approximated to those of the cells of origin of the cortico-cortical pathways but in the majority of the remaining areas, cluster size was smaller than 400 μm. The topography of the lesions suggests that there is degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in NIFID with the formation of α-internexin-positive aggregates within vertical columns of cells. Initially, only a subset of cells within a vertical column develops inclusions but as the disease progresses, the whole of the column becomes affected. The corticostriate projection appears to have little effect on the cortical topography of the inclusions. © 2006 EFNS.
Clustering of ballooned neurons (BN) and tau positive neurons with inclusion bodies (tau+ neurons) was studied in the upper and lower laminae of the frontal, parietal and temporal cortex in 12 patients with corticobasal degeneration (CBD). In a significant proportion of brain areas examined, BN and tau+ neurons exhibited clustering with a regular distribution of clusters parallel to the pia mater. A regular pattern of clustering of BN and tau+ neurons was observed equally frequently in all cortical areas examined and in the upper and lower laminae. No significant correlations were observed between the cluster sizes of BN or tau+ neurons in the upper compared with the lower cortex or between the cluster sizes of BN and tau+ neurons. The results suggest that BN and tau+ neurons in CBD exhibit the same type of spatial pattern as lesions in Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia and Pick's disease. The regular periodicity of the cerebral cortical lesions is consistent with the degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in CBD.
The laminar distribution of Lewy bodies (LB) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in twelve cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). LB density was maximal in the lower cortex in 59% of cortical areas, in the upper cortex in 31% of areas while densities were similar in the upper and lower cortex in 9% of areas. The distribution of LB was either unimodal with a lower cortical peak, or bimodal with density peaks in the upper and lower cortex. The density of NFT was maximal in the upper cortex in all tissues. The distributions of LB and NFT were similar in temporal and frontal cortex and in cases with and without Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The vertical densities of LB and NFT were not significantly correlated. LB formation may affect the feedback cortico-cortical pathway and the efferent cortical projections whereas NFT formation may affect the feedforward cortico-cortical pathway.
A multimodal perspective on the composition of cortical oscillations:frontiers in human neuroscience
An expanding corpus of research details the relationship between functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures and neuronal network oscillations. Typically, integratedelectroencephalography(EEG) and fMRI,orparallel magnetoencephalography (MEG) and fMRI are used to draw inference about the consanguinity of BOLD and electrical measurements. However, there is a relative dearth of information about the relationship between E/MEG and the focal networks from which these signals emanate. Consequently, the genesis and composition of E/MEG oscillations requires further clarification. Here we aim to contribute to understanding through a series of parallel measurements of primary motor cortex (M1) oscillations, using human MEG and in-vitro rodent local field potentials. We compare spontaneous activity in the ~10Hz mu and 15-30Hz beta frequency ranges and compare MEG signals with independent and integrated layers III and V(LIII/LV) from in vitro recordings. We explore the mechanisms of oscillatory generation, using specific pharmacological modulation with the GABA-A alpha-1 subunit modulator zolpidem. Finally, to determine the contribution of cortico-cortical connectivity, we recorded in-vitro M1, during an incision to sever lateral connections between M1 and S1 cortices. We demonstrate that frequency distribution of MEG signals appear have closer statistically similarity with signals from integrated rather than independent LIII/LV laminae. GABAergic modulation in both modalities elicited comparable changes in the power of the beta band. Finally, cortico-cortical connectivity in sensorimotor cortex (SMC) appears to directly influence the power of the mu rhythm in LIII. These findings suggest that the MEG signal is an amalgam of outputs from LIII and LV, that multiple frequencies can arise from the same cortical area and that in vitro and MEG M1 oscillations are driven by comparable mechanisms. Finally, corticocortical connectivity is reflected in the power of the SMC mu rhythm. © 2013 Ronnqvist, Mcallister, Woodhall, Stanford and Hall.