1000 resultados para Corona ions


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Along with their essential role in electricity transmission and distribution, some powerlines also generate large concentrations of corona ions. This study aimed at comprehensive investigation of corona ions, vertical dc e-field, ambient aerosol particle charge and particle number concentration levels in the proximity of some high/sub-transmission voltage powerlines. The influence of meteorology on the instantaneous value of these parameters, and the possible existence of links or associations between the parameters measured were also statistically investigated. The presence of positive and negative polarities of corona ions was associated with variation in the mean vertical dc e-field, ambient ion and particle charge concentration level. Though these variations increased with wind speed, their values also decreased with distance from the powerlines. Predominately positive polarities of ions were recorded up to a distance of 150 m (with the maximum values recorded 50 m downwind of the powerlines). At 200 m from the source, negative ions predominated. Particle number concentration levels however remained relatively constant (103 particle cm-3) irrespective of the sampling site and distance from the powerlines. Meteorological factors of temperature, humidity and wind direction showed no influence on the electrical parameters measured. The study also discovered that e-field measurements were not necessarily a true representation of the ground-level ambient ion/particle charge concentrations.


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Positive and negative small ions, aerosol ion and number concentration and dc electric fields were monitored at an overhead high-voltage power line site. We show that the emission of corona ions was not spatially uniform along the lines and occurred from discrete components such as a particular set of spacers. Maximum ion concentrations and atmospheric dc electric fields were observed at a point 20 m downwind of the lines. It was estimated that less than 7% of the total number of aerosol particles was charged. The electrical parameters decreased steadily with further downwind distance but remained significantly higher than background.


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Corona discharge is responsible for the small ions found near overhead power lines, and these are capable of modifying the ambient electrical environment such as the dc electric field at ground level (Fews, Wilding et al. 2002). Once produced, small ions quickly attach to aerosol particles in the air, producing ‘large ions’ which are roughly 1 nm to 1 µm in diameter. However, very few studies have reported measurements of ions produced by power lines and its impact on particle charge concentrations. In this present study, the measurements were conducted as a function of normal downwind distance from a 275kV power line for investigating the effect of corona ions on air ions, aerosol particle charge concentration and dc e-filed.


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In recent years, the effect of ions and ultrafine particles on ambient air quality and human health has been well documented, however, knowledge about their sources, concentrations and interactions within different types of urban environments remains limited. This thesis presents the results of numerous field studies aimed at quantifying variations in ion concentration with distance from the source, as well as identifying the dynamics of the particle ionisation processes which lead to the formation of charged particles in the air. In order to select the most appropriate measurement instruments and locations for the studies, a literature review was also conducted on studies that reported ion and ultrafine particle emissions from different sources in a typical urban environment. The initial study involved laboratory experiments on the attachment of ions to aerosols, so as to gain a better understanding of the interaction between ions and particles. This study determined the efficiency of corona ions at charging and removing particles from the air, as a function of different particle number and ion concentrations. The results showed that particle number loss was directly proportional to particle charge concentration, and that higher small ion concentrations led to higher particle deposition rates in all size ranges investigated. Nanoparticles were also observed to decrease with increasing particle charge concentration, due to their higher Brownian mobility and subsequent attachment to charged particles. Given that corona discharge from high voltage powerlines is considered one of the major ion sources in urban areas, a detailed study was then conducted under three parallel overhead powerlines, with a steady wind blowing in a perpendicular direction to the lines. The results showed that large sections of the lines did not produce any corona at all, while strong positive emissions were observed from discrete components such as a particular set of spacers on one of the lines. Measurements were also conducted at eight upwind and downwind points perpendicular to the powerlines, spanning a total distance of about 160m. The maximum positive small and large ion concentrations, and DC electric field were observed at a point 20 m downwind from the lines, with median values of 4.4×103 cm-3, 1.3×103 cm-3 and 530 V m-1, respectively. It was estimated that, at this point, less than 7% of the total number of particles was charged. The electrical parameters decreased steadily with increasing downwind distance from the lines but remained significantly higher than background levels at the limit of the measurements. Moreover, vehicles are one of the most prevalent ion and particle emitting sources in urban environments, and therefore, experiments were also conducted behind a motor vehicle exhaust pipe and near busy motorways, with the aim of quantifying small ion and particle charge concentration, as well as their distribution as a function of distance from the source. The study found that approximately equal numbers of positive and negative ions were observed in the vehicle exhaust plume, as well as near motorways, of which heavy duty vehicles were believed to be the main contributor. In addition, cluster ion concentration was observed to decrease rapidly within the first 10-15 m from the road and ion-ion recombination and ion-aerosol attachment were the most likely cause of ion depletion, rather than dilution and turbulence related processes. In addition to the above-mentioned dominant ion sources, other sources also exist within urban environments where intensive human activities take place. In this part of the study, airborne concentrations of small ions, particles and net particle charge were measured at 32 different outdoor sites in and around Brisbane, Australia, which were classified into seven different groups as follows: park, woodland, city centre, residential, freeway, powerlines and power substation. Whilst the study confirmed that powerlines, power substations and freeways were the main ion sources in an urban environment, it also suggested that not all powerlines emitted ions, only those with discrete corona discharge points. In addition to the main ion sources, higher ion concentrations were also observed environments affected by vehicle traffic and human activities, such as the city centre and residential areas. A considerable number of ions were also observed in a woodland area and it is still unclear if they were emitted directly from the trees, or if they originated from some other local source. Overall, it was found that different types of environments had different types of ion sources, which could be classified as unipolar or bipolar particle sources, as well as ion sources that co-exist with particle sources. In general, fewer small ions were observed at sites with co-existing sources, however particle charge was often higher due to the effect of ion-particle attachment. In summary, this study quantified ion concentrations in typical urban environments, identified major charge sources in urban areas, and determined the spatial dispersion of ions as a function of distance from the source, as well as their controlling factors. The study also presented ion-aerosol attachment efficiencies under high ion concentration conditions, both in the laboratory and in real outdoor environments. The outcomes of these studies addressed the aims of this work and advanced understanding of the charge status of aerosols in the urban environment.


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This paper describes the results of experiments made in the vicinity of EHV overhead lines to investigate sources of clouds of charged particles using simultaneously-recording arrays of electric field meters to measure direct electric fields produced under ion clouds. E-field measurements, made at one metre above ground level, are correlated with wind speed and direction, and with measurements from ionisation counters and audible corona effects to identify possible positions of sources of corona on adjacent power lines. Measurements made in dry conditions on EHV lines in flat remote locations with no adjacent buildings or large vegetation indicate the presence of discrete ion sources associated with high stress points on some types of line hardware such as connectors and conductor spacers. Faulty line components such as insulators and line fittings are also found to be a possible source of ion clouds.


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High voltage powerlines may give rise to corona breakdown, resulting in the release of large concentrations of charged ions into the surrounding environment. These ions quickly attach to aerosols and the resulting charged particles are carried by prevalent winds. This paper describes a study carried out at a site near an overhead double circuit ac transmission voltage powerline to investigate factors that control the rate at which charged particles are produced, and to determine the total particle number concentrations, total particle charge concentrations and vertical dc electric fields in the proximity of the line. Measured mean values of these three parameters at a perpendicular distance of 50m from the line were 1.8 x 103 particle cm-3, 518 ions cm3 and 520 V m-1 respectively. The net electric charge was positive and the electric field was directed downwards. These parameters were correlated with each other and monitored at four different distances from the line. Effects of meteorological parameters such as wind speed and wind direction were also investigated.


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Overhead high-voltage power lines are known sources of corona ions. These ions rapidly attach to aerosols to form charged particles in the environment. Although the effect of ions and charged particles on human health is largely unknown, much attention has focused on the increasing exposure as a result of the expanding power network in urban residential areas. However, it is not widely known that a large number of charged particles in urban environments originate from motor vehicle emissions. In this study, for the first time, we compare the concentrations of charged nanoparticles near busy roads and overhead power lines. We show that large concentrations of both positive and negative charged nanoparticles are present near busy roadways and that these concentrations commonly exceed those under high-voltage power lines. We estimate that the concentration of charged nanoparticles found near two freeways carrying around 120 vehicles per minute exceeded the corresponding maximum concentrations under two corona-emitting overhead power lines by as much as a factor of 5. The difference was most pronounced when a significant fraction of traffic consisted of heavy-duty diesel vehicles which typically have high particle and charge emission rates.


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The absolute yields of gaseous oxyfluorides SOF2, SO2F2, and SOF4 from negative, point-plane corona discharges in pressurized gas mixtures of SF6 with O2 and H2O enriched with18O2 and H2 18O have been measured using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The predominant SF6 oxidation mechanisms have been revealed from a determination of the relative18O and16O isotope content of the observed oxyfluoride by-product. The results are consistent with previously proposed production mechanisms and indicate that SOF2 and SO2F2 derive oxygen predominantly from H2O and O2, respectively, in slow, gas-phase reactions involving SF4, SF3, and SF2 that occur outside of the discharge region. The species SOF4 derives oxygen from both H2O and O2 through fast reactions in the active discharge region involving free radicals or ions such as OH and O, with SF5 and SF4.


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A wire-cylinder corona discharge was studied in nitrogen and dry air in crossed electric and magnetic fields for values of magnetic field ranging from 0 to 3000 G with the wire at positive potential. In the absence of a magnetic field pre-onset streamers and pulses were observed in nitrogen. In both nitrogen and dry air breakdown streamers were observed just before spark breakdown of the gap. Furthermore, experiments in dry air at atmospheric pressure in an electric field indicate regular pre-onset streamers appearing at time intervals of 19.5 µs. The appearance of regular pre-onset streamers suggests that it is not possible for negative ions to form a sheath close to the anode as postulated by Hermstein (1960) for the formation of steady or glow corona in a point-plane gap.


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A wire-cylinder corona discharge was studied in nitrogen and dry air in crossed electric and magnetic fields for values of magnetic field ranging from 0 to 3000 G with the wire at positive potential. In the absence of a magnetic field pre-onset streamers and pulses were observed in nitrogen. In both nitrogen and dry air breakdown streamers were observed just before spark breakdown of the gap. Furthermore, experiments in dry air at atmospheric pressure in an electric field indicate regular pre-onset streamers appearing at time intervals of 19.5 µs. The appearance of regular pre-onset streamers suggests that it is not possible for negative ions to form a sheath close to the anode as postulated by Hermstein (1960) for the formation of steady or glow corona in a point-plane gap.


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Habbal, Shadia Rifai; Morgan, Huw; Johnson, Judd; Arndt, Martina Belz; Daw, Adrian; Jaeggli, Sarah; Kuhn, Jeff; Mickey, Don, LOCALIZED ENHANCEMENTS OF Fe+10 DENSITY IN THE CORONA AS OBSERVED IN Fe xi 789.2 nm DURING THE 2006 MARCH 29 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 663, Issue 1, pp. 598-609


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In the laser fusion reactor design, the protection of first wall and the final optics from high energy ions is the key issue. So, it is necessary to predict the precise energy spectra of ions.In the previous reactor designs, the ion energy spectra were provided by the classical ion transport codes. However, this poster shows that the α particle spectrum is significantly modified by the anomalous process in ablated plasmas.


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Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) was applied for the investigation of interactions of the antibiotic, tetracycline (TC), with DNA in the presence of aluminium ions (Al3+). The study was facilitated by the use of the Methylene Blue (MB) dye probe, and the interpretation of the spectral data with the aid of the chemometrics method, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Three-way synchronous fluorescence analysis extracted the important optimum constant wavelength differences, Δλ, and showed that for the TC–Al3+–DNA, TC–Al3+ and MB dye systems, the associated Δλ values were different (Δλ = 80, 75 and 30 nm, respectively). Subsequent PARAFAC analysis demonstrated the extraction of the equilibrium concentration profiles for the TC–Al3+, TC–Al3+–DNA and MB probe systems. This information is unobtainable by conventional means of data interpretation. The results indicated that the MB dye interacted with the TC–Al3+–DNA surface complex, presumably via a reaction intermediate, TC–Al3+–DNA–MB, leading to the displacement of the TC–Al3+ by the incoming MB dye probe.


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The degradation of high voltage electrical insulation is a prime factor that can significantly influence the reliability performance and the costs of maintaining high voltage electricity networks. Little information is known about the system of localized degradation from corona discharges on the relatively new silicone rubber sheathed composite insulators that are now being widely used in high voltage applications. This current work focuses on the fundamental principles of electrical corona discharge phenomena to provide further insights to where damaging surface discharges may localize and examines how these discharges may degrade the silicone rubber material. Although water drop corona has been identified by many authors as a major cause of deterioration of silicone rubber high voltage insulation until now no thorough studies have been made of this phenomenon. Results from systematic measurements taken using modern digital instrumentation to simultaneously record the discharge current pulses and visible images associated with corona discharges from between metal electrodes, metal electrodes and water drops, and between waters drops on the surface of silicone rubber insulation, using a range of 50 Hz voltages are inter compared. Visual images of wet electrodes show how water drops can play a part in encouraging flashover, and the first reproducible visual images of water drop corona at the triple junction of water air and silicone rubber insulation are presented. A study of the atomic emission spectra of the corona produced by the discharge from its onset up to and including spark-over, using a high resolution digital spectrometer with a fiber optic probe, provides further understanding of the roles of the active species of atoms and molecules produced by the discharge that may be responsible for not only for chemical changes of insulator surfaces, but may also contribute to the degradation of the metal fittings that support the high voltage insulators. Examples of real insulators and further work specific to the electrical power industry are discussed. A new design concept to prevent/reduce the damaging effects of water drop corona is also presented.