996 resultados para Cor de olhos


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As a hybrid genre, the narrative of Carlo Levi is an objective account and subjective elaboration that are equalized in a literary form. Written between 1943 and 1944, the book evokes with an atmosphere of memoir the period of 1935 and 1936, the writer’s exile. The film based on the narration fragmentizes the daily life of the problematic region and highlights the truth aimed by the discourses composed in times of crises, reinforced by action and expression without provincialism and also without a compensating aristocratic pose. It is possible to see some incapacity of the film by Rosi, natural to a certain degree, to translate the synthesis of literary treatment and socio-historical reflection. For this reason it is necessary to read the adaptation as an attitude about the literary matter and the result of historical experience. The memoir character relies on the artifice that makes good use of the book’s opening, the author’s short monologue, its narrative frame. The presence of paintings materializes the questions about the absurd contained in them


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In massal rearing of natural enemies with the goal of biological control, the procedures adopted for establishment and maintenance of the individual founders of the colonies may have undesirable effects on population genetic structure of laboratory. This situation influences the success of rearing and effectiveness in the field. The objective of this study was to evaluate, along of generations two laboratory populations (Jaboticabal and Piracicaba) of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), founded with different numbers of adults (1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 couples), the frequency of morphological variants, size of wings and eye color, such as parameters for inferences about the homozygosity degrees. For eye color were assessed the frequency, while for the size of wings was measured the width and the length of the right mesothoracic wings. The eye color variants for C. externa populations may be monitored in the laboratory aiming at detecting inbreeding, whereas the measurements of length and width of wings should not be adopted for this purpose.


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Dois arquivos, um no formato PNG e outro em formato SVG. Dimensão de 379x619px.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nowadays the search for aesthetic in removable dentures is considered a success clinical factor. Besides, both the selection of artificial denture teeth and the characterization of dentures have been based on the facial harmony and cultural factors. But these factors change over time. Therefore, the present study aimed to discuss the selection of artificial denture teeth in relation to patient’s variables such as face shape, skin color, hair color, eye color, age and gender. Moreover, artificial denture teeth’ color, shape and size were presented.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Melanin is a very important pigment to human species, and besides defining skin, eyes and hair color, it is also involved in sun exposure protection. This pigment is classified into two subtypes: pheomelanin, which is responsible for lighter pigmentation and eumelanin, the dark pigment related. Due to this type of melanin variation it is possible to found different phenotypes of hair and skin color. The genetics MC1R variations are described as the most important for diversity in pigmentation, and this gene is directly related to the complex process of melanin synthesis. The use of these variations to phenotype prediction using genetic information has been used in Europe countries to infer physical features from biological samples, with the purpose of directing searches of criminal suspects and victims identification. The aim of this study was to analyze 8 major MC1R polymorphisms in a sample of Brazilian individuals. Analyzing 91 individuals, we observed with higher frequencies the polymorphisms rs1805005:G>T, rs2228479:G>A and rs885479:G>A, which are related to skin and hair colors, as previously showed in literature. These data suggest the possibility of predicting phenotype from genetic polymorphisms in Brazilian population. However it will be necessary to analyze a larger number of individuals to be able to confirm these associations and to perform a more detailed statistical analysis


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Purpose: To study the effects of pupillary constriction on frequency doubling perimetry in a group of normal subjects. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers participated in the study. Only one eye per patient (right eye) underwent frequency doubling perimetry (Full Threshold C-20 strategy). For the second session, one drop of 2% pilocarpine was administered to the volunteers' right eye and the examination was repeated after 60 minutes. Results: Sixty minutes after administration of 2% pilocarpine, there was a significant reduction of the pupillary diameter from 4.22 ± 0.17 mm to 1.55 ± 0.51 mm (p<0.05). There was a significant reduction of the mean retinal sensibility after pupillary constriction. The threshold sensitivity of the central 5º worsened by 5.67 ± 2.49 dB; the area between 2.5º and 10º worsened by 4.49 ± 2.73 dB; and the area between 10º and 20º worsened by 5.10 ± 3.55 dB (p<0.01). A reduction of 4.06 ± 2.67 dB was observed in the mean deviation, as well as an increase of 0.64 ± 0.94 dB in the pattern standard deviation (p<0.01). No differences were observed regarding the number of fixation losses, false-positive and false-negatives responses, and duration of the examination. Conclusion: Changes in pupillary diameter may produce significant declines in threshold sensitivities of the 20º visual field tested by frequency doubling perimetry. These results suggest that is important to maintain a constant pupillary diameter in seriate examinations.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness as measured by scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) after the use of medication to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous or ocular hypertensive patients. METHODS: The authors prospectively enrolled 37 eyes of 37 patients in whom IOP was reduced by more than 25% after the use of medication. The images were obtained before and 15 to 30 days after the introduction of medication. The SLP parameters measured before and after the use of medication were compared using paired Student's t Test. RESULTS: The mean IOP was significantly reduced from 26.57±4.23 mmHg to 16.54 ±2.92 mmHg after the use of medication (p<0.05). None of the 10 SLP analyzed parameters was significantly affected by the reduction of IOP with medication (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as measured by SLP, is not affected by the reduction of IOP with medication in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension.


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Os movimentos dos olhos produzem estímulos discriminativos para o comportamento de ler. O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os movimentos dos olhos de dois participantes durante a leitura de anagramas e identificar os operantes verbais envolvidos. A tarefa consistia em vocalizar uma palavra utilizando cinco letras. Na Fase 1, as letras formavam apenas uma palavra, sempre que observadas em uma mesma sequência espacial. Na Fase 2, formavam duas ou mais a partir de diferentes sequências. Na Fase 2, apesar da possibilidade de múltipla formação de palavras, as palavras vocalizadas foram aquelas formadas pela mesma sequência reforçada na fase anterior. Com base nos movimentos dos olhos, as vocalizações foram analisadas à luz dos conceitos de comportamento textual, auto-correção e intraverbal.


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Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome (BVVLS) is a rare neurological disease characterized by sensorineural hearing loss and multiple cranial nerve palsies, usually involving the VIIth and IXth to XIIth cranial nerves. We describe the clinical and pathological features of a 33-year-old woman with BVVLS. The patient developed progressive exertional dyspnea, with clinical and laboratory findings of right-sided heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. She developed status epilepticus in the setting of cardiac deterioration and respiratory infection, and died of cardiogenic and septic shock. Autopsy disclosed bilateral neuronal loss and gliosis in the inferior colliculi, locus coeruleus and facial and vestibular nuclei. Cor pulmonale is a complication of hypoventilation-induced hypoxia and hypercapnia and had not yet been reported in BVVLS. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O caso aborda o processo de estrutura????o de pol??tica p??blica voltada para o combate aos preconceitos de g??nero e ra??a no Sistema ??nico de Sa??de. Por meio da experi??ncia de Ana Cl??udia, enfermeira e pesquisadora da sa??de da mulher, s??o relatados epis??dios comuns no cotidiano de mulheres negras em per??odo de pr??-natal, parto e puerp??rio. Al??m disso, ao longo da narrativa, s??o apresentadas informa????es sobre pol??ticas, planos e projetos do setor p??blico, al??m de dados de pesquisas, sobre a tem??tica da sa??de da popula????o negra e da mulher. Apesar de seu foco na estrutura????o de um programa de combate ?? discrimina????o na sa??de p??blica, o caso suscita quest??es para debate nas ??reas de diversidade racial e de g??nero, al??m de t??picos relacionados ?? gest??o de pol??ticas p??blicas. O relato pode ser aplicado em cursos sobre pol??ticas p??blicas e desenho e gest??o de programas e projetos


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A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap) lan??ou o quinto folder da s??rie Enap Estudos. A pesquisa possui o seguinte t??tulo: ???Servidores P??blicos Federais ??? Ra??a/Cor???. Os dados foram extra??dos do Sistema Integrado de Recursos Humanos (Siape), cedidos pelo Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o, e do Censo Demogr??fico de 2010 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat??stica (IBGE). O folder apresenta informa????es sobre o perfil dos servidores do Poder Executivo, segundo a ra??a ou cor.