921 resultados para Coordination of autonomous robots
Research on autonomous intelligent systems has focused on how robots can robustly carry out missions in uncertain and harsh environments with very little or no human intervention. Robotic execution languages such as RAPs, ESL, and TDL improve robustness by managing functionally redundant procedures for achieving goals. The model-based programming approach extends this by guaranteeing correctness of execution through pre-planning of non-deterministic timed threads of activities. Executing model-based programs effectively on distributed autonomous platforms requires distributing this pre-planning process. This thesis presents a distributed planner for modelbased programs whose planning and execution is distributed among agents with widely varying levels of processor power and memory resources. We make two key contributions. First, we reformulate a model-based program, which describes cooperative activities, into a hierarchical dynamic simple temporal network. This enables efficient distributed coordination of robots and supports deployment on heterogeneous robots. Second, we introduce a distributed temporal planner, called DTP, which solves hierarchical dynamic simple temporal networks with the assistance of the distributed Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm. The implementation of DTP has been demonstrated successfully on a wide range of randomly generated examples and on a pursuer-evader challenge problem in simulation.
The current state of the art in the planning and coordination of autonomous vehicles is based upon the presence of speed lanes. In a traffic scenario where there is a large diversity between vehicles the removal of speed lanes can generate a significantly higher traffic bandwidth. Vehicle navigation in such unorganized traffic is considered. An evolutionary based trajectory planning technique has the advantages of making driving efficient and safe, however it also has to surpass the hurdle of computational cost. In this paper, we propose a real time genetic algorithm with Bezier curves for trajectory planning. The main contribution is the integration of vehicle following and overtaking behaviour for general traffic as heuristics for the coordination between vehicles. The resultant coordination strategy is fast and near-optimal. As the vehicles move, uncertainties may arise which are constantly adapted to, and may even lead to either the cancellation of an overtaking procedure or the initiation of one. Higher level planning is performed by Dijkstra's algorithm which indicates the route to be followed by the vehicle in a road network. Re-planning is carried out when a road blockage or obstacle is detected. Experimental results confirm the success of the algorithm subject to optimal high and low-level planning, re-planning and overtaking.
This thesis proposes a novel technology in the field of swarm robotics that allows a swarm of robots to sense a virtual environment through virtual sensors. Virtual sensing is a desirable and helpful technology in swarm robotics research activity, because it allows the researchers to efficiently and quickly perform experiments otherwise more expensive and time consuming, or even impossible. In particular, we envision two useful applications for virtual sensing technology. On the one hand, it is possible to prototype and foresee the effects of a new sensor on a robot swarm, before producing it. On the other hand, thanks to this technology it is possible to study the behaviour of robots operating in environments that are not easily reproducible inside a lab for safety reasons or just because physically infeasible. The use of virtual sensing technology for sensor prototyping aims to foresee the behaviour of the swarm enhanced with new or more powerful sensors, without producing the hardware. Sensor prototyping can be used to tune a new sensor or perform performance comparison tests between alternative types of sensors. This kind of prototyping experiments can be performed through the presented tool, that allows to rapidly develop and test software virtual sensors of different typologies and quality, emulating the behaviour of several hardware real sensors. By investigating on which sensors is better to invest, a researcher can minimize the sensors’ production cost while achieving a given swarm performance. Through augmented reality, it is possible to test the performance of the swarm in a desired virtual environment that cannot be set into the lab for physical, logistic or economical reasons. The virtual environment is sensed by the robots through properly designed virtual sensors. Virtual sensing technology allows a researcher to quickly carry out real robots experiment in challenging scenarios without all the required hardware and environment.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Un dels principals problemes de la interacció dels robots autònoms és el coneixement de l'escena. El reconeixement és fonamental per a solucionar aquest problema i permetre als robots interactuar en un escenari no controlat. En aquest document presentem una aplicació pràctica de la captura d'objectes, de la normalització i de la classificació de senyals triangulars i circulars. El sistema s'introdueix en el robot Aibo de Sony per a millorar-ne la interacció. La metodologia presentada s'ha comprobat en simulacions i problemes de categorització reals, com ara la classificació de senyals de trànsit, amb resultats molt prometedors.
This work presents a hybrid maneuver for gradient search with multiple AUV's. The mission consists in following a gradient field in order to locate the source of a hydrothermal vent or underwater freshwater source. The formation gradient search exploits the environment structuring by the phenomena to be studied. The ingredients for coordination are the payload data collected by each vehicle and their knowledge of the behaviour of other vehicles and detected formation distortions.
This thesis presents some different techniques designed to drive a swarm of robots in an a-priori unknown environment in order to move the group from a starting area to a final one avoiding obstacles. The presented techniques are based on two different theories used alone or in combination: Swarm Intelligence (SI) and Graph Theory. Both theories are based on the study of interactions between different entities (also called agents or units) in Multi- Agent Systems (MAS). The first one belongs to the Artificial Intelligence context and the second one to the Distributed Systems context. These theories, each one from its own point of view, exploit the emergent behaviour that comes from the interactive work of the entities, in order to achieve a common goal. The features of flexibility and adaptability of the swarm have been exploited with the aim to overcome and to minimize difficulties and problems that can affect one or more units of the group, having minimal impact to the whole group and to the common main target. Another aim of this work is to show the importance of the information shared between the units of the group, such as the communication topology, because it helps to maintain the environmental information, detected by each single agent, updated among the swarm. Swarm Intelligence has been applied to the presented technique, through the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO), taking advantage of its features as a navigation system. The Graph Theory has been applied by exploiting Consensus and the application of the agreement protocol with the aim to maintain the units in a desired and controlled formation. This approach has been followed in order to conserve the power of PSO and to control part of its random behaviour with a distributed control algorithm like Consensus.
This paper proposes a hybrid coordination method for behavior-based control architectures. The hybrid method takes advantages of the robustness and modularity in competitive approaches as well as optimized trajectories in cooperative ones. This paper shows the feasibility of applying this hybrid method with a 3D-navigation to an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The behaviors are learnt online by means of reinforcement learning. A continuous Q-learning implemented with a feed-forward neural network is employed. Realistic simulations were carried out. The results obtained show the good performance of the hybrid method on behavior coordination as well as the convergence of the behaviors
This paper proposes a hybrid coordination method for behavior-based control architectures. The hybrid method takes advantages of the robustness and modularity in competitive approaches as well as optimized trajectories in cooperative ones. This paper shows the feasibility of applying this hybrid method with a 3D-navigation to an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The behaviors are learnt online by means of reinforcement learning. A continuous Q-learning implemented with a feed-forward neural network is employed. Realistic simulations were carried out. The results obtained show the good performance of the hybrid method on behavior coordination as well as the convergence of the behaviors
This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating multiple robots. More specifically, it addresses the self-selection of heterogeneous specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this paper we focus on a specifically distributed or decentralized approach as we are particularly interested in a decentralized solution where the robots themselves autonomously and in an individual manner, are responsible for selecting a particular task so that all the existing tasks are optimally distributed and executed. In this regard, we have established an experimental scenario to solve the corresponding multi-task distribution problem and we propose a solution using two different approaches by applying Response Threshold Models as well as Learning Automata-based probabilistic algorithms. We have evaluated the robustness of the algorithms, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results.
In the past years, we could observe a significant amount of new robotic systems in science, industry, and everyday life. To reduce the complexity of these systems, the industry constructs robots that are designated for the execution of a specific task such as vacuum cleaning, autonomous driving, observation, or transportation operations. As a result, such robotic systems need to combine their capabilities to accomplish complex tasks that exceed the abilities of individual robots. However, to achieve emergent cooperative behavior, multi-robot systems require a decision process that copes with the communication challenges of the application domain. This work investigates a distributed multi-robot decision process, which addresses unreliable and transient communication. This process composed by five steps, which we embedded into the ALICA multi-agent coordination language guided by the PROViDE negotiation middleware. The first step encompasses the specification of the decision problem, which is an integral part of the ALICA implementation. In our decision process, we describe multi-robot problems by continuous nonlinear constraint satisfaction problems. The second step addresses the calculation of solution proposals for this problem specification. Here, we propose an efficient solution algorithm that integrates incomplete local search and interval propagation techniques into a satisfiability solver, which forms a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver. In the third decision step, the PROViDE middleware replicates the solution proposals among the robots. This replication process is parameterized with a distribution method, which determines the consistency properties of the proposals. In a fourth step, we investigate the conflict resolution. Therefore, an acceptance method ensures that each robot supports one of the replicated proposals. As we integrated the conflict resolution into the replication process, a sound selection of the distribution and acceptance methods leads to an eventual convergence of the robot proposals. In order to avoid the execution of conflicting proposals, the last step comprises a decision method, which selects a proposal for implementation in case the conflict resolution fails. The evaluation of our work shows that the usage of incomplete solution techniques of the constraint satisfaction solver outperforms the runtime of other state-of-the-art approaches for many typical robotic problems. We further show by experimental setups and practical application in the RoboCup environment that our decision process is suitable for making quick decisions in the presence of packet loss and delay. Moreover, PROViDE requires less memory and bandwidth compared to other state-of-the-art middleware approaches.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica
The use of mobile robots turns out to be interesting in activities where the action of human specialist is difficult or dangerous. Mobile robots are often used for the exploration in areas of difficult access, such as rescue operations and space missions, to avoid human experts exposition to risky situations. Mobile robots are also used in agriculture for planting tasks as well as for keeping the application of pesticides within minimal amounts to mitigate environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control the navigation of an autonomous mobile robot through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by pre-processing them to extract image features. Such features are then submitted to a support vector machine and an artificial neural network in order to find out the most appropriate route. A comparison of the two approaches was performed to ascertain the one presenting the best outcome. The overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is to develop a real time robot control system to be embedded into a hardware platform. In this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine and of an artificial neural network, which so far presented respectively around 93% and 90% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and peer review under responsibility of the organizers of the 2013 International Conference on Computational Science
The underlying genetic defects of a congenital disease Nail-Patella Syndrome are loss-of-function mutations in the LMX1B gene. Lmx1b encodes a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor that is expressed specifically in the dorsal limb bud mesenchyme. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments suggest that Lmx1b is both necessary and sufficient to specify dorsal limb patterning. However, how Lmx1b coordinates patterning of the dorsal tissues in the limb, including muscle, skeleton and connective tissues, remains unknown. One possibility is that each tissue specifies its own pattern cell-autonomously, i.e., Lmx1b is expressed in tissues in which it functions and different tissues do not communicate with each other. Another possibility is that tissues that express Lmx1b interact with adjacent tissues and provide patterning information thereby directing the development of tissues non-cell-autonomously. Previous results showed that Lmx1b is expressed in limb connective tissue and skeleton, but is not expressed in muscle tissue. Moreover, muscles and muscle connective tissue are closely associated during development. Therefore, we hypothesize that Lmx1b controls limb muscle dorsal-ventral (DV) patterning through muscle connective tissue, but regulates skeleton and tendon/ligament development cell-autonomously. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first examined when and where the limb dorsal-ventral asymmetry is established during development. Subsequently, conditional knockout and overexpression experiments were performed to delete or activate Lmx1b in different tissues within the limb. Our results show that deletion of Lmx1b from whole limb mesenchyme results in all dorsal tissues, including muscle, tendon/ligament and skeleton, transforming into ventral structures. Skeleton-specific knockout of Lmx1b led to the dorsal duplication of distal sesamoid and metacarpal bones, but did not affect the pattern formation of other tissues, suggesting that Lmx1b controls skeleton development cell-autonomously. In addition, this skeleton-specific pattern alteration only occurs in distal limb tissues, not proximal limb tissues, indicating different regulatory mechanisms operate along the limb proximal-distal axis. Moreover, skeleton-specific ectopic expression of Lmx1b reveals a complementary skeletal-specific dorsalized phenotype. This result supports a cell-autonomous role for Lmx1b in dorsal-ventral skeletal patterning. This study enriched our understanding of limb development, and the insights from this research may also be applicable for the development of other organs. ^