156 resultados para Cooperativity


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An array of substrates link the tryptic serine protease, kallikrein-related peptidase 14 (KLK14), to physiological functions including desquamation and activation of signaling molecules associated with inflammation and cancer. Recognition of protease cleavage sequences is driven by complementarity between exposed substrate motifs and the physicochemical signature of an enzyme's active site cleft. However, conventional substrate screening methods have generated conflicting subsite profiles for KLK14. This study utilizes a recently developed screening technique, the sparse matrix library, to identify five novel high-efficiency sequences for KLK14. The optimal sequence, YASR, was cleaved with higher efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)=3.81 ± 0.4 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) than favored substrates from positional scanning and phage display by 2- and 10-fold, respectively. Binding site cooperativity was prominent among preferred sequences, which enabled optimal interaction at all subsites as indicated by predictive modeling of KLK14/substrate complexes. These simulations constitute the first molecular dynamics analysis of KLK14 and offer a structural rationale for the divergent subsite preferences evident between KLK14 and closely related KLKs, KLK4 and KLK5. Collectively, these findings highlight the importance of binding site cooperativity in protease substrate recognition, which has implications for discovery of optimal substrates and engineering highly effective protease inhibitors.


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The bacterial flagellar switch that controls the direction of flagellar rotation during Chemotaxis has a highly cooperative response. This has previously been understood in terms of the classic two-state, concerted model of allosteric regulation. Here, we used high-resolution optical microscopy to observe switching of single motors and uncover the stochastic multistate nature of the switch. Our observations are in detailed quantitative agreement with a recent general model of allosteric cooperativity that exhibits conformational spread-the stochastic growth and shrinkage of domains of adjacent subunits sharing a particular conformational state. We expect that conformational spread will be important in explaining cooperativity in other large signaling complexes.


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The kinetics of inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by the antihypercholes-terolaemic compound p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate reveal cooperativity characteristic of allosteric interactions. Hill plots and Dixon plots give clear indication that the compound interferes with two distinct steps in the energy-transfer pathway. The values of interaction coefficients calculated from the Hill plots were two and four in the direction of ATP synthesis and one and two in the reverse direction. This could mean either that the pathways of synthesis and breakdown of ATP are different, or that if the pathways are the same, only half the inhibitor-binding sites function in the reverse direction.


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TWIK-related K+ channel TREK1, a background leak K+ channel, has been strongly implicated as the target of several general and local anesthetics. Here, using the whole-cell and single-channel patch-clamp technique, we investigated the effect of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, on the human (h) TREK1 channel heterologously expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells by an adenoviral-mediated expression system. Lidocaine, at clinical concentrations, produced reversible, concentration-dependent inhibition of hTREK1 current, with IC50 value of 180 mu M, by reducing the single-channel open probability and stabilizing the closed state. We have identified a strategically placed unique aromatic couplet (Tyr352 and Phe355) in the vicinity of the protein kinase A phosphorylation site, Ser348, in the C-terminal domain (CTD) of hTREK1, that is critical for the action of lidocaine. Furthermore, the phosphorylation state of Ser348 was found to have a regulatory role in lidocaine-mediated inhibition of hTREK1. It is interesting that we observed strong intersubunit negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient = 0.49) and half-of-sites saturation binding stoichiometry (half-reaction order) for the binding of lidocaine to hTREK1. Studies with the heterodimer of wild-type (wt)-hTREK1 and Delta 119 C-terminal deletion mutant (hTREK1(wt)-Delta 119) revealed that single CTD of hTREK1 was capable of mediating partial inhibition by lidocaine, but complete inhibition necessitates the cooperative interaction between both the CTDs upon binding of lidocaine. Based on our observations, we propose a model that explains the unique kinetics and provides a plausible paradigm for the inhibitory action of lidocaine on hTREK1.


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Different DNA-binding proteins have different interaction modes with DNA. Sequence-specific DNA protein interaction has been mostly associated with regulatory processes inside a cell, and as such extensive studies have been made. Adequate data is also available on nonspecific DNA protein interaction, as an intermediate to protein's search for its cognate partner. Multidomain nonspecific DNA protein interaction involving physical sequestering of DNA has often been implicated to regulate gene expression indirectly. However, data available on this type of interaction is limited. One such interaction is the binding of DNA with mycobacterium DNA binding proteins. We have used the Langmuir-Blodgett technique to evaluate for the first time the kinetics and thermodynamics of Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps 1 binding to DNA. By immobilizing one of the interacting partners, we have shown that, when a kinetic bottleneck is applied, the binding mechanism showed cooperative binding (n = 2.72) at lower temperatures, but the degree of cooperativity gradually reduces (n = 1.38) as the temperature was increased We have also compared the kinetics and thermodynamics of sequence-specific and nonspecific DNA protein interactions under the same set of conditions.


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Background: Transthyretin (TTR) is a homotetrameric serum and cerebrospinal fluid protein that transports thyroxine (T4) and retinol by binding to retinol binding protein. Rate-limiting tetramer dissociation and rapid monomer misfolding and disassembly of TTR lead to amyloid fibril formation in different tissues causing various amyloid diseases. Based on the current understanding of the pathogenesis of TTR amyloidosis, it is considered that the inhibition of amyloid fibril formation by stabilization of TTR in native tetrameric form is a viable approach for the treatment of TTR amyloidosis. Methodology and Principal Findings: We have examined interactions of the wtTTR with a series of compounds containing various substitutions at biphenyl ether skeleton and a novel compound, previously evaluated for binding and inhibiting tetramer dissociation, by x-ray crystallographic approach. High resolution crystal structures of five ligands in complex with wtTTR provided snapshots of negatively cooperative binding of ligands in two T4 binding sites besides characterizing their binding orientations, conformations, and interactions with binding site residues. In all complexes, the ligand has better fit and more potent interactions in first T4 site i.e. (AC site) than the second T4 site (BD site). Together, these results suggest that AC site is a preferred ligand binding site and retention of ordered water molecules between the dimer interfaces further stabilizes the tetramer by bridging a hydrogen bond interaction between Ser117 and its symmetric copy. Conclusion: Novel biphenyl ether based compounds exhibit negative-cooperativity while binding to two T4 sites which suggests that binding of only single ligand molecule is sufficient to inhibit the TTR tetramer dissociation.


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The effect of silver nanoparticles (nAg) in PS/PVME polystyrene/poly(vinyl methyl ether)] blends was studied with respect to the evolution of morphology, demixing temperature, and segmental dynamics. In the early stage of demixing, PVME developed an interconnected network that coarsened in the late stage. The nAg induced miscibility in the blends as supported by shear rheological measurements. The physicochemical processes that drive phase separation in blends also led to migration of nAg to the PVME phase as supported by AFM. The segmental dynamics was greatly influenced by the presence of nAg due to the specific interaction of nAg with PVME. Slower dynamics and an increase in intermolecular cooperativity in the presence of nAg further supported the role of nAg in delaying the phase separation processes and augmenting the demixing temperature in the blends. Different theoretical models were assessed to gain insight into the dynamic heterogeneity in PS/PVME blends at different length scales.


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Intermolecular cooperativity and structural relaxations in PVDF/PMMA blends were studied in this work with respect to different surface modified (amine, similar to NH2; carboxyl acid, similar to COOH and pristine) multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs) at 1 wt % near blend's T-g and in the vicinity of demixing using dielectric spectroscopy, SAXS, DSC, and WAXD. Intermolecular cooperativity at T-g and configurational entropy was addressed in the framework of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) at T-g. Because of specific interactions between PVDF and NH2-MWNTs, the local composition fluctuates at its average value resulting in a broad T-g. The scale of cooperativity (xi(CRR)) and the number of segments in the cooperative volume (N-CRR) is comparatively smaller in the blends with NH2-MWNTs. This clearly suggests that the number of segments cooperatively relaxing is reduced in the blends due to specific interactions leading to more heterogeneity. The configurational entropy at T-g, as derived from Vogel-Fulcher and Adam-Gibbs analysis, was reduced in the blends in presence of MWNTs manifesting in entropic penalty of the chains. The crystallite size and the amorphous miscibility was evaluated using SAXS and was observed to be strongly contingent on the surface functional groups on MWNTs. Three distinct relaxations-alpha(c) due to relaxations in the crystalline phase of PVDF, alpha(m) indicating the amorphous miscibility in PVDF/PMMA blends, and alpha beta concerning the segmental dynamics of PMMA-were observed in the blends in the temperature range T-g < T < T-c. The dynamics as well as the nature of relaxations were observed to be dependent the surface functionality on the MWNTs. The dielectric permittivity was also enhanced in presence of MWNTs, especially with NH2-MWNTs, with minimal losses. The influence of the MWNTs on the spherulite size and crystalline morphology of the blends was also confirmed by POM and SEM.


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The demixing of polystyrene (PS) and poly(vinyl methylether) (PVME) was systematically investigated in the presence of surface functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by melt rheology. As PS-PVME blends are weakly interacting blends, the contribution of conformational entropy increases, resulting in thermo-rheological complexity wherein the concentration fluctuation persists even beyond the critical demixing temperature. These phenomenal changes were followed here in the presence of MWNTs with different surface functional groups. Polystyrene was synthesised by atom transfer radical polymerization and was immobilized onto carboxyl acid functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (COOH-MWNTs) via nitrene chemistry in order to improve the phase miscibility in PS-PVME blends. Interestingly, blends with 0.25 wt% polystyrene grafted multiwall carbon nanotubes (PS-g-MWNTs) delayed the spinodal decomposition temperature in the blends by similar to 33 degrees C with respect to both control blends and those with COOH-MWNTs. While the localization of COOH-MWNTs in PVME was explained from a thermodynamic point of view, the localization of PS-g-MWNTs was understood to result from favorable PS-PVME contact and the degree of surface coverage of PS on the surface of MWNTs. The length of the cooperative rearranging region (xi) decreased in presence of PS-g-MWNTs, suggesting confinement effects on large scale motions and enhanced interchain concentration fluctuation.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) are completely miscible below 50 wt % PVDF in the blends. In this work, an attempt was made to understand the fragility/cooperativity relation in glass-forming and crystalline blends of PVDF/PMMA and in the presence of a heteronucleating agent, multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Hence, three representative blends were chosen: a completely amorphous (10/90 by wt, PVDF/PMMA), on the verge of amorphous miscibility (50/50 by wt, PVDF/PMMA), and crystalline (60/40 by wt, PVDF/PMMA) blends. The intermolecular cooperativity/coupling, fragility, and configurational entropy near the glass transition temperature (T-g) were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and broadband dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS). It was observed that the blends with higher concentration of PMMA were more fragile (fragility index m = 141) and those with higher concentration of PVDF were more strong (m = 78). Interestingly, the coupling was less in the glass-forming blends (10/90 by wt, PVDF/PMMA) than the crystalline blends as manifested from DRS. This observation was also supported by DSC measurements which reflected that the cooperative rearranging region (CRR) existed over a smaller length scales in fragile blends as compared to strong blends, possibly due to restricted amorphous mobility. This effect was more prominent in the presence of CNTs, in particular for 50/50 (by wt) and 60/40 (by wt) PVDF/PMMA blends. Further, the configurational entropy, as manifested from DRS, decreased significantly in the strong blends in striking contrast to the fragile blends, supported by DSC, which manifested in an increase in the volume of cooperativity in the strong blends. The higher coupling in the crystalline blends can be attributed to good packing of the amorphous regions. While this is understood for crystalline blends (60/40 by wt, PVDF/PMMA), it is envisaged that enhanced dynamic heterogeneity is accountable for increased coupling in the case of blends which are on the verge of amorphous miscibility (50/50 by wt, PVDF/PMMA). The latter is also supported by broad relaxations near the T-g in DRS. Interestingly, the intermolecular coupling in the blends in the presence of CNTs has reduced, though the potential energy barrier hindering the rearrangement of CRR is lower than the blends without CNTs. In addition, the amorphous packing is not as effective as the blends without CNTs. This is manifested from reduced volume of cooperativity in particular, for 50/50 (by wt) and 60/40 (by wt) blends.


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LysM domains have been recognized in bacteria and eukaryotes as carbohydrate-binding protein modules, but the mechanism of their binding to chitooligosaccharides has been underexplored. Binding of a Mycobacterium smegmatis protein containing a lectin (MSL) and one LysM domain to chitooligosaccharides has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence titration that demonstrate the presence of two binding sites of nonidentical affinities per dimeric MSL-LysM molecule. The affinity of the molecule for chitooligosaccharides correlates with the length of the carbohydrate chain. Its binding to chitooligosaccharides is characterized by negative cooperativity in the interactions of the two domains. Apparently, the flexibility of the long linker that connects the LysM and MSL domains plays a facilitating role in this recognition. The LysM domain in the MSL-LysM molecule, like other bacterial domains but unlike plant LysM domains, recognizes equally well peptidoglycan fragments as well as chitin polymers. Interestingly, in the case presented here, two LysM domains are enough for binding to peptidoglycan in contrast to the three reportedly required by the LysM domains of Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis. Also, the affinity of the MSL-LysM molecule for chitooligosaccharides is higher than that of LysM-chitooligosaccharide interactions reported so far.