57 resultados para Cooperativism


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Cooperatives, as a kind of firms, are considered by many scholars as an remarkable alternative for overcoming the economic crisis started in 2008. Besides, there are other scholars which pointed out the important role that these firms play in the regional economic development. Nevertheless, when one examines the economic literature on cooperatives, it is detected that this kind of firms is mainly studied starting from the point of view of their own characteristics and particularities of participation and solidarity. In this sense, following a different analysis framework, this article proposes a theoretical model in order to explain the behavior of cooperatives based on the entrepreneurship theory with the aim of increasing the knowledge about this kind of firms and, more specifically, their contribution to regional economic development.


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Kooperatibek gaur egungo merkatu lehiakorrean jarduten dute, beste hainbat entitaterekin batera. Gaur egungo merkatua globala da, eta merkaturen eskakizunetara egokitzea ezinbestekoa da. Merkatu honetan lehiatzerako orduan kooperatiben izaera eta portaera beste enpresekin alderatuz zerk bereizten duen aztertu da lan honetan. Printzipio eta ezaugarri bereizgarri hauek kooperatibek jarraitzen dituzten estrategiatan duten eragina ikusten da, kasu batzuetan oztopo direlarik, eta lehia abantaila beste batzuetan. Kasu praktiko gisa MONDRAGON Korporazioa ikertu da. Korporazioak 2013-2016 aldirako zehaztu dituen estrategiak garatzen dira: dimentsioa eta nazioartekotzea, berrikuntza, elkarren arteko lankidetza eta izaera eta identitate kooperatiboa, hain zuzen ere. Korporazioko kooperatibentzat orokorrak diren estrategiak dira, ondoren taldeko kide bakoitzak egokitu egingo dituenak. Ikerketa burututa, ikusi da MONDRAGON Korporazioak finkatutako estrategiatan kooperatiben printzipioek presentzia nabaria dutela. Elkarren arteko lankidetza da eragin handiena duena, bere baitan estrategia bat izanik. Komunitatearenganako interesak, bazkideen parte hartze demokratikoak eta hezkuntzak ere garrantzia nabarmena dute. Erronka bikoitza da kooperatibentzat: utilitate soziala alde batetik, eta lehiakortasuna bestetik. Hori dela eta, merkatuaren eskakizunei erantzuteko finkatutako estrategiek kooperatiben identitatearekin bat egin behar dute.


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Empresariais, especialidade em Gestão


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Contribution of co-operatives has been demonstrated since the 1970s as the main development line in agricultural production in Cuba. In contrast, there has been a late recognition of urban co-operatives, even if the need of transformations based on the realization of property in different territorial scenarios had been identified. The article analyses the reform processes launched since the first decade of the 21st century focusing on the nature of the initiatives fostering formation and promotion of nonagricultural co-operatives including follow up of their performance. The potential and limitations of the recent experiences are examined in order to reflect on the organizational processes and transformations from the point of view of their members. To conclude, some questions are posed about whether these co-operatives are capable of avoiding the impact of earlier employment circumstances and of developing strategies aimed at reinforcing voluntary membership and autonomy on which they are founded.


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The Chilean Cooperative Sector (SCCh) can be explained as a human activity system of high complexity, which seeks to maintain an independent existence, in example, be viable. From this perspective, the Viable System Model (MSV) as conceptual reference presents a real opportunity to study the organization of the cooperative sector in Chile.The central objective of the work refers to study the feasibility of SCCh in a context of sectorial organization, considering the social, legal and economic fabric of the country today.To do this, supported by a systemic methodology were performed: a characterization of the problem situation of the sector -identifying some relevant factors in the areas of market structure, legal regulations and inter cooperation-an organizational diagnosis and proposed a set guidelines for its development.From the above it is concluded that there is relevance between the characteristics of the case study theoretical and methodological approach. The methodology takes tested in other organizational practices such as VIPLAN tools, and applies the SCCh. Its contribution in the field of study is oriented around a holistic view of the organization and promotion of their viability, thereby generating an approach that delivers specific sectorial development strategies, surpassing the approximation of descriptive characterization. Thus, we provide a diagnostic model of the Chilean Cooperative Sector and propose guidelines to support their organizational development.


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El siguiente trabajo de grado se desarrolla para el sector panelero en el municipio de Santana – Boyacá, ubicado en la Hoya del Río Suárez, lugar en donde la producción de panela constituye la actividad económica más importante de la región. El objetivo del trabajo es la formulación de una estrategia que permita el fortalecimiento de dicho sector, de tal manera que se pueda mejorar la situación actual del mismo. A lo largo del estudio se analizan diferentes factores que recaen en la situación actual del sector; después de utilizar las herramientas del Modelo Matricial y realizar diversas encuestas a paneleros y consumidores, se plantea y evalúa la alternativa que conlleve a la implementación de formas de cooperativismo como solución. Se define el cooperativismo como oportunidad de mejora, ya que por medio del trabajo en equipo y la consolidación de esfuerzos se conseguirían grandes beneficios para el sector; tales como: reconocimiento de marca, mejores condiciones laborales, estabilidad en precios y grandes oportunidades de innovación. La solución propuesta de unificar productores paneleros se compone del establecimiento de un fondo panelero, encargado de mantener precios estándar para los productores y protegerlos de la volatilidad que los caracteriza. La cooperativa organizaría a los productores, además de asegurar la comercialización e incentivar el consumo de panela en el municipio de Santana-Boyacá.


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The changes that have occurred in the Brazilian work market, mainly due to the opening of the economy in the 90th decade, have caused, as a consequence, the unemployment in the formal sector, with the reduction of posts of work in the industry and the precarization of the laborwork. In order to face these questions, it¿s necessary an analysis of the alternative measures, among them, the creation of the cooperative societies, which have increased about 90,8% in the last years. The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the functions of the work cooperatives, just in face of the changes of the Brazilian society. The analysis was directed towards a group of eight work cooperatives that work in lots of areas of professionals in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study reveals the existence of false work cooperatives, whose sole purpose is to intermediate the handiwork with the intention of benefiting enterprises that intend to decrease their own costs of production, just contributing for the precarization of the relations of work. The structure of the Judicial Power offers solutions that protect the workers who are exploited through fraudulent actions, by the false cooperatives, handiworkers. It can be noticed that this structure is enough to answer the challenges presented. It means that it is too bad to apprehend the revival of the work cooperativism and that it must be combated. Of course, it is maniqueist conception that distorts reality and disdains positive aspects of cooperative system. The results of the search have permitted to point out the main characteristics of the work cooperatives analyzed, the profile of the cooperative workers, and also the main obstacles to the development of the cooperative system in Brazil today . A long the analysis of tributary and labor questions and about the participation of the cooperative workers in the management of the cooperative - the most questionable points - it could be observed the development of real cooperative practices, trying to establish the differences between these and the fraudulent ones, also studied in this work. This study represents a contribution to all those who intend to study new relations of work in a critical away and from experiences in development.


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The present paper studies the case of cooperatives incubated at Technology Incubator of Popular Cooperatives that belongs to the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Engineering Graduate and Research Institute (COPPE) in the scope of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Is analyzes if occurs the dialogic process in its management endorsed by Habermas's Critic Theory and the Paraecomomic Model of Guerreiro Ramos. For that, the study is based on conceptual frameworks enclosing Critic Theory as well as Solidary Economy, Cooperativism and Incubators. Its historical roots and the movement in Brazil. The paper presented finals conclusions closes with a set of recommendations to extend the research field as well as its applicability.


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Este trabalho apresenta o estudo das dimensões organizacionais mais relevantes na arquitetura organizacional das cooperativas de trabalho médico. À luz do arcabouço teórico de alguns autores especialistas em organizações e cooperativas, buscou-se compreender, discutir e analisar, quais as possibilidades e a aplicabilidade de tais pressupostos. Fez-se uma retrospectiva histórica sobre o cooperativismo e, em especial o cooperativismo de trabalho médico, com o objetivo de identificar em quais bases foram construídas e quais as necessidades a serem satisfeitas desde a sua criação. Buscamos dentro da bibliografia disponível sobre o assunto, identificar em cada autor a sua visão sobre a problemática da gestão em cooperativas e os possíveis apontamentos para as praticas gerenciais. Constatamos que existe uma convergência de opiniões dos diversos autores sobre o tema, principalmente quanto à profissionalização da gestão nas cooperativas e, 'a falta de um modelo único capaz de cotejar as nuances de cada organização. Concluiu-se que, pela complexidade dos empreendimentos cooperativos e pelas exigências do mercado, não é mais possível que as cooperativas mantenham dirigentes amadores em seu corpo diretivo. Constatou-se também não ser possível propor um esboço sequer de uma estrutura organizacional, pela complexidade e pelo alto grau de especificidade das cooperativas atualmente.


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Crisis in the capitalist system of production, contributes to appearance of social enterprises. In spite of, to believe these undertakings were to promote a true revolution that supply alternatives to consolidation of a socialist society, which it wasn t succeed. The cooperatives which was our object of study, get appearance in the middle of the capitalist system of production in a disorganized way, therefore, many of them Just get rich or they became true work machines and exploration of the human work. This study has like main objective: Do cooperatives have knowledge and/or they pratice rudments of the cooperativist moviment?. Get some conclusions, the cooperatives of work come promoting a decline of the rudments of the cooperativism and they don t have a knowledge about the rudments of the cooperativism and they don t pratice the same ones, instead of, the ccoperative of production comes promoting the appearance of the self-management idealism which they know the rudments of thecooperativism and they pratice the same ones


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Este ar tigo evidencia as contradições do Modelo Cooperativista brasileiro em relação ao Modelo Original. Trata- se de incoerências intrínsecas na formação do movimento cooperativo, nos princípios para a sua condução ideológica, bem como na regimentação e operacionalização estatutária. A partir desses desacertos, o artigo mostra as restrições para o exercício da autogestão. Também sugere mudanças nas leis cooperativistas vigentes, propícias ao exercício da participação dos associados no processo decisório.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)