987 resultados para Cooling Water
A novel capillary electrophoresis method using capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection is proposed for the determination of the biocide tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate. The feasibility of the electrophoretic separation of this biocide was attributed to the formation of an anionic complex between the biocide and borate ions in the background electrolyte. Evidence of this complex formation was provided by (11) B NMR spectroscopy. A linear relationship (R(2) = 0.9990) between the peak area of the complex and the biocide concentration (50-900 μmol/L) was found. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 15.0 and 50.1 μmol/L, respectively. The proposed method was applied to the determination of tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium sulfate in commercial formulations, and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by the standard iodometric titration method. The method was also evaluated for the analysis of tap water and cooling water samples treated with the biocide. The results of the recovery tests at three concentration levels (300, 400, and 600 μmol/L) varied from 75 to 99%, with a relative standard deviation no higher than 9%.
Cooling towers are widely used in many industrial and utility plants as a cooling medium, whose thermal performance is of vital importance. Despite the wide interest in cooling tower design, rating and its importance in energy conservation, there are few investigations concerning the integrated analysis of cooling systems. This work presents an approach for the systemic performance analysis of a cooling water system. The approach combines experimental design with mathematical modeling. An experimental investigation was carried out to characterize the mass transfer in the packing of the cooling tower as a function of the liquid and gas flow rates, whose results were within the range of the measurement accuracy. Then, an integrated model was developed that relies on the mass and heat transfer of the cooling tower, as well as on the hydraulic and thermal interactions with a heat exchanger network. The integrated model for the cooling water system was simulated and the temperature results agree with the experimental data of the real operation of the pilot plant. A case study illustrates the interaction in the system and the need for a systemic analysis of cooling water system. The proposed mathematical and experimental analysis should be useful for performance analysis of real-world cooling water systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In questa tesi ho inizialmente esposto cenni teorici sulle reazioni di fusione nucleare e le motivazioni che hanno spinto la comunità scientifica verso la ricerca di questa nuova fonte energetica. Ho descritto il progetto ITER nei suoi obiettivi e nei principi di funzionamento di un reattore di tipo Tokamak e di tutti i componenti principali dell'intero impianto. In primo piano, mi sono focalizzato sul sistema di raffreddamento primario ad acqua del Tokamak (TCWS), con una prima panoramica sui suoi sottosistemi descrivendo i loro obiettivi, quali asportazione di calore e sicurezza dell'impianto. Successivamente ho analizzato nello specifico i particolari tecnici dei principali sottosistemi quali i vari circuiti di asportazione primaria del calore (PHTS Loops) dei diversi componenti del Tokamak, il Vacuum Vessel, il First Wall Blanket, il Divertor e il Neutral Beam Injector; ho esaminato i processi di controllo della qualità e del volume del fluido refrigerante nei circuiti (CVCS); ed infine le funzioni e le caratteristiche dei sistemi di drenaggio e di riempimento dei circuiti con i propri serbatoi ordinari e di sicurezza, e del sistema di asciugatura del fluido refrigerante con le sue diverse modalità operative.
Issued March 1978.
Mode of access: Internet.
Renewable alternatives such as biofuels and optimisation of the engine operating parameters can enhance engine performance and reduce emissions. The temperature of the engine coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas much existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used as an alternative fuel. Jatropha oil is a non-edible biofuel which can substitute fossil diesel for compression ignition (CI) engine use. However, due to the high viscosity of Jatropha oil, technique such as transesterification, preheating the oil, mixing with other fuel is recommended for improved combustion and reduced emissions. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol, at ratios of 80:20 and 70:30. The fuel properties of all four blends were measured and compared with diesel and jatropha oil. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of diesel. A 2 cylinder Yanmar engine was used; the cooling water temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. In general, it was found that when the temperature of the cooling water was increased, the combustion process enhanced for both diesel and Jatropha-Butanol blend. The CO2 emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. As a result CO, O2 and lambda values were observed to decrease when cooling water temperature increased. When the engine was operated using diesel, NOX emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, when the biofuel blend was used, NOX emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner. The brake thermal efficiencies were found to increase slightly as the temperature was increased. In contrast, for all fuels, the volumetric efficiency was observed to decrease as the coolant temperature was increased. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used, in comparison to diesel. The study concludes that the effects of engine coolant temperature on engine performance and emission characteristics differ between biofuel blend and fossil diesel operation. The coolant temperature needs to be optimised depending on the type of biofuel for optimum engine performance and reduced emissions.
The knowledge of insulation debris generation and transport gains in importance regarding reactor safety research for PWR and BWR. The insulation debris released near the break consists of a mixture of very different fibres and particles concerning size, shape, consistence and other properties. Some fraction of the released insulation debris will be transported into the reactor sump where it may affect emergency core cooling. Experiments are performed to blast original samples of mineral wool insulation material by steam under original thermal-hydraulic break conditions of BWR. The gained fragments are used as initial specimen for further experiments at acrylic glass test facilities. The quasi ID-sinking behaviour of the insulation fragments are investigated in a water column by optical high speed video techniques and methods of image processing. Drag properties are derived from the measured sinking velocities of the fibres and observed geometric parameters for an adequate CFD modelling. In the test rig "Ring line-II" the influence of the insulation material on the head loss is investigated for debris loaded strainers. Correlations from the filter bed theory are adapted with experimental results and are used to model the flow resistance depending on particle load, filter bed porosity and parameters of the coolant flow. This concept also enables the simulation of a particular blocked strainer with CFDcodes. During the ongoing work further results of separate effect and integral experiments and the application and validation of the CFD-models for integral test facilities and original containment sump conditions are expected.
The temperature of the coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of fossil diesel. The coolant temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. The combustion process enhanced for both diesel and biofuel blend, when the coolant temperature was increased. The carbon dioxide emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. The carbon monoxide, oxygen and lambda values were observed to decrease with temperature. When the engine was operated using diesel, nitrogen oxides emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, nitrogen oxides emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner for biofuel blend. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used. The study concludes that both biofuel blend and fossil diesel produced identical correlations between coolant temperature and engine performance. The trends of nitrogen oxides and smoke emissions with cooling temperatures were not identical to fossil diesel when biofuel blend was used in the engine.
Poultry carcasses have to be chilled to reduce the central breast temperatures from approximately 40 to 4 °C, which is crucial to ensure safe products. This work investigated the cooling of poultry carcasses by water immersion. Poultry carcasses were taken directly from an industrial processing plant and cooled in a pilot chiller, which was built to investigate the influence of the method and the water stirring intensity on the carcasses cooling. A simplified empiric mathematical model was used to represent the experimental results. These results indicated clearly that the understanding and quantification of heat transfer between the carcass and the cooling water is crucial to improve processes and equipment. The proposed mathematical model is a useful tool to represent the dynamics of carcasses cooling, and it can be used to compare different chiller operational conditions in industrial plants. Therefore, this study reports data and a simple mathematical tool to handle an industrial problem with little information available in the literature.
The search for efficient and accessible cooling systems has increased worldwide. This study aims to build and evaluate an evaporative cooling system using a water driven ejector, allowing it to be installed in places with plenty of water. The system was investigated varying the flow rate and temperature of the circulating water, temperature of the replacement water, and coefficient of performance. The best vacuum obtained was 8.5 kPa at nominal operating conditions of 4.1 ± 0.1 m³/h and 5 ± 0.5 ºC for the circulating water reaching the temperature of 9.7 ± 0.5 ºC. The pulse-like disturbance generated by replacing the cooling water at different periods of times did not result in significant affect vacuum destabilization and the temperature rise in the cooling tank. The coefficient of performance of the system at the highest thermal power of 92.27 W was 0.077, which was underestimated due to possible problems related to pump efficiency. The system evaluated under the conditions proposed can be very efficient for cooling fluids at higher temperatures, and it can be complementary to main refrigeration systems.
A capillary zone electrophoresis (CE) method was developed for the determination of the biocide 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilo-propionamide (DBNPA) in water used in cooling systems. The biocide is indirectly determined by CE measurement of the concentration of bromide ions produced by the reaction between the DBNPA and bisulfite. The relationship between the bromide peak areas and the DBNPA concentrations showed a good linearity and a coefficient of determination (R(2)) of 0.9997 in the evaluated concentration range of 0-75 μmol L(-1). The detection and quantification limits for DBNPA were 0.23 and 0.75 μmol L(-1), respectively. The proposed CE method was successfully applied for the analysis of samples of tap water and cooling water spiked with DBNPA. The intra-day and inter-day (intermediary) precisions were lower than 2.8 and 6.2%, respectively. The DBNPA concentrations measured by the CE method were compared to the values obtained by a spectrophotometric method and were found to agree well.
The thermal performance of a cooling tower and its cooling water system is critical for industrial plants, and small deviations from the design conditions may cause severe instability in the operation and economics of the process. External disturbances such as variation in the thermal demand of the process or oscillations in atmospheric conditions may be suppressed in multiple ways. Nevertheless, such alternatives are hardly ever implemented in the industrial operation due to the poor coordination between the utility and process sectors. The complexity of the operation increases because of the strong interaction among the process variables. In the present work, an integrated model for the minimization of the operating costs of a cooling water system is developed. The system is composed of a cooling tower as well as a network of heat exchangers. After the model is verified, several cases are studied with the objective of determining the optimal operation. It is observed that the most important operational resources to mitigate disturbances in the thermal demand of the process are, in this order: the increase in recycle water flow rate, the increase in air flow rate and finally the forced removal of a portion of the water flow rate that enters the cooling tower with the corresponding make-up flow rate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This master thesis presents a study on the requisite cooling of an activated sludge process in paper and pulp industry. The energy consumption of paper and pulp industry and it’s wastewater treatment plant in particular is relatively high. It is therefore useful to understand the wastewater treatment process of such industries. The activated sludge process is a biological mechanism which degrades carbonaceous compounds that are present in waste. The modified activated sludge model constructed here aims to imitate the bio-kinetics of an activated sludge process. However, due to the complicated non-linear behavior of the biological process, modelling this system is laborious and intriguing. We attempt to find a system solution first using steady-state modelling of Activated Sludge Model number 1 (ASM1), approached by Euler’s method and an ordinary differential equation solver. Furthermore, an enthalpy study of paper and pulp industry’s vital pollutants was carried out and applied to revise the temperature shift over a period of time to formulate the operation of cooling water. This finding will lead to a forecast of the plant process execution in a cost-effective manner and management of effluent efficiency. The final stage of the thesis was achieved by optimizing the steady state of ASM1.
The desire of Nebraska people to continue the improvement of living conditions and to secure more healthful foods has been responsible for many changes in methods of caring for milk. One of the important factors in keeping milk sweet and of good quality is the process of cooling and keeping it cool until used. Three of these processes are as follows: placing containers of warm milk in any quantity of still water or still air at temperatures ranging from freezing to within a few degrees of the temperature of the milk, placing the containers in such positions that air or water are circulated around them, and causing the milk to flow in such manner that a thin film comes in contact with a surface which is cooled by air or liquids varying in temperature from 10 degrees Fahrenheit to a few degrees below that of the milk. After some of the heat has been removed the milk is stored under conditions very similar to those found in cooling processes. This 1932 research bulletin discusses why milk is cooled, why milk sours, how bacteria grows, and the many ways that milk can be cooled.
Solar thermal power plants are usually installed in locations with high yearly average solar radiation, often deserts. In such conditions, cooling water required for thermodynamic cycles is rarely available. Moreover, when solar radiation is high, ambient temperature is very high as well; this leads to excessive condensation temperature, especially when air-condensers are used, and decreases the plant efficiency. However, temperature variation in deserts is often very high, which drives to relatively low temperatures during the night. This fact can be exploited with the use of a closed cooling system, so that the coolant (water) is chilled during the night and store. Chilled water is then used during peak temperature hours to cool the condenser (dry cooling), thus enhancing power output and efficiency. The present work analyzes the performance improvement achieved by night thermal cool storage, compared to its equivalent air cooled power plant. Dry cooling is proved to be energy-effective for moderately high day–night temperature differences (20 °C), often found in desert locations. The storage volume requirement for different power plant efficiencies has also been studied, resulting on an asymptotic tendency.