38 resultados para Conversi?n


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Se desarrollan los conceptos b??sicos de la Educaci??n F??sica, y forma de ejecuci??n de los mismos, tal como la entend??a Letamendi. Seg??n el mismo, la formaci??n del hombre deb??a consistir en una formaci??n arm??nica del cuerpo y del esp??ritu, se inspir?? Letamendi para elaborar dicha teor??a, en el Ideal educativo hel??nico mediatizado por el cristianismo. El proyecto desde el cual se basa el estudio es el de Escuelas Populares. En ??l Letamendi apuesta por una educaci??n entendida como un sistema integral en el que se ven implicados la Moral, la Salud y la Raz??n. As?? propugna una revalorizaci??n de la gimnasia como elemento de formaci??n del hombre. El modelo gimn??stico de referencia es el griego, por lo que se propone una conversi??n al cristianismo.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen en castellano e ingl??s. Notas al final. Este art??culo se incluye en el monogr??fico 'A??o europeo de las personas con discapacidad'


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Fragments of several books of the Old Testament in Codex 3281 of the Vatican library. cf. Introd.


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Se realiz? un an?lisis a dos libros de texto universitario, donde se presentaran las funciones trigonom?tricas. Dicho an?lisis de realizo en tres niveles distintos: el primero, una descripci?n general de cada texto; tintas, notas al margen, autores, contenido y auditorio. El segundo, un an?lisis intencional donde se busca encontrar la vos del autor en el texto, su posici?n frente a las matem?ticas m?s espec?ficamente en cuanto a las funciones trigonom?tricas y dichas posici?n como afecta la presentaci?n de las funciones trigonom?tricas en el texto. Por ?ltimo, un an?lisis cognitivo que tomando como base los dos niveles de an?lisis anteriores y teniendo como referencia la conversi?n de unidades, las propiedades de periodicidad y acotamiento de las funciones trigonom?tricas seno y coseno, puso en evidencia la forma como se relacionan los diferentes registros de representaci?n semi?tica usados en la presentaci?n de las funciones trigonom?tricas seno y coseno.


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Este trabajo presenta un an?lisis semi?tico de problemas escritos en lengua natural, que usualmente se estudian en las escuelas en el ?rea de matem?ticas, al trabajar con sistemas de ecuaciones lineales con dos inc?gnitas. Este an?lisis se centra en la actividad cognitiva de conversi?n de dichos problemas escritos en lengua natural a un sistema de ecuaciones (Duval, 2011). El prop?sito es analizar la dificultad de cada problema utilizando la teor?a de Duval en relaci?n con las caracter?sticas de la conversi?n: la designaci?n y redesignaci?n funcional de los objetos, la relaci?n entre las cantidades conocidas y desconocidas que permiten formular el sistema de ecuaciones lineales, adem?s, de la congruencia o no congruencia de estos problemas mediante la aplicaci?n de los tres criterios de congruencia. Lo anterior permiti? seleccionar un grupo de 9 problemas caracter?sticos que se obtuvo a partir de un primer grupo de 90 problemas. Se presentan los resultados de una prueba piloto realizada a 11 estudiantes de la cual se recolectaron datos, para estudiar la dificultad de los 9 problemas en la designaci?n y redesignaci?n funcional de los objetos, y la congruencia o no congruencia de este tipo de problemas; se encontr? que los estudiantes no manejaban el contexto de los problemas y ten?an dificultades para designar y redesignar las inc?gnitas, as? como establecer relaciones entre ellas lo que les imped?a formular el sistema de ecuaciones lineales asociado al problema.


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[EN]For a good development of elastic optical networks, the design of flexible optical switching nodes is required. This work analyses the previously proposed flexible architectures and, based on the most appropriate, which is the Architecture on Demand (AoD), proposes a specific configuration of the node that includes spatial and spectral switching and the wavelength conversion functionality with a low blocking probability and the minimum amount of modules; the characteristics of the traffic that the designed node is able to cope with are specified in the last chapter. An evaluation of the designed node is also done, and, compared to the other architectures, it is shown that the Architecture on Demand gives better results than others and that it has a higher potential for future developments.


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United Kingdom (UK) and European Union policy is rapidly developing to meet international targets for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. To inform this process, research needs to keep pace with these changes and research questions must be focused on providing robust scientific evidence. Thirty four priority research questions within six broad themes were identified by delegates who attended the 1st marine and coastal policy Forum, hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University in June 2011. The priority questions formed through this research are timely and reflect the pace and change of marine policy in the UK in response to international, European and national policy drivers. Within the data theme, the majority of questions seek to find improved procedures to manage and use data effectively. Questions related to governance focus on how existing policies should be implemented. The marine conservation questions focus entirely upon implementation and monitoring of existing policy. Questions related to ecosystem services focus on research to support the conceptual links between ecosystem services, ecosystem function, and marine management. Questions relating to marine citizenship are fundamental questions about the nature of societal engagement with the sea. Finally, the marine planning questions focus upon understanding the general approaches to be taken to marine planning rather than its detailed implementation. The questions that have emerged from this process vary in scale, approach and focus. They identify the interdisciplinary science that is currently needed to enable the UK to work towards delivering its European and international commitments to achieve the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment


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Regime shifts are abrupt changes encompassing a multitude of physical properties and ecosystem variables, which lead to new regime conditions. Recent investigations focus on the changes in ecosystem diversity and functioning associated to such shifts. Of particular interest, because of the implication on climate drivers, are shifts that occur synchronously in separated basins. In this work we analyze and review long-term records of Mediterranean ecological and hydro-climate variables and find that all point to a synchronous change in the late 1980s. A quantitative synthesis of the literature (including observed oceanic data, models and satellite analyses) shows that these years mark a major change in Mediterranean hydrographic properties, surface circulation, and deep water convection (the Eastern Mediterranean Transient). We provide novel analyses that link local, regional and basin scale hydrological properties with two major indicators of large scale climate, the North Atlantic Oscillation index and the Northern Hemisphere Temperature index, suggesting that the Mediterranean shift is part of a large scale change in the Northern Hemisphere. We provide a simplified scheme of the different effects of climate vs. temperature on pelagic ecosystems.


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During recent decades, historically unprecedented changes have been observed in the Arctic as climate warming has increased precipitation, river discharge, and glacial as well as sea-ice melting. Additionally, shifts in the Arctic's atmospheric pressure field have altered surface winds, ocean circulation, and freshwater storage in the Beaufort Gyre. These processes have resulted in variable patterns of freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean, including the emergence of great salinity anomalies propagating throughout the North Atlantic. Here, we link these variable patterns of freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the regime shifts observed in Northwest Atlantic shelf ecosystems. Specifically, we hypothesize that the corresponding salinity anomalies, both negative and positive, alter the timing and extent of water-column stratification, thereby impacting the production and seasonal cycles of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and higher-trophic-level consumers. Should this hypothesis hold up to critical evaluation, it has the potential to fundamentally alter our current understanding of the processes forcing the dynamics of Northwest Atlantic shelf ecosystems.


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Abrupt and rapid ecosystem shifts (where major reorganizations of food-web and community structures occur), commonly termed regime shifts, are changes between contrasting and persisting states of ecosystem structure and function. These shifts have been increasingly reported for exploited marine ecosystems around the world from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic. Understanding the drivers and mechanisms leading to marine ecosystem shifts is crucial in developing adaptive management strategies to achieve sustainable exploitation of marine ecosystems. An international workshop on a comparative approach to analysing these marine ecosystem shifts was held at Hamburg University, Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science, Germany on 1-3 November 2010. Twenty-seven scientists from 14 countries attended the meeting, representing specialists from seven marine regions, including the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Barents Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the Scotian Shelf off the Canadian East coast. The goal of the workshop was to conduct the first large-scale comparison of marine ecosystem regime shifts across multiple regional areas, in order to support the development of ecosystem-based management strategies.