768 resultados para Convergence of accounting standards


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This study investigates the relationship between adoption timing of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 87 and earnings management after adoption. Earnings management, defined consistent with Schipper (1989), is tested through hypotheses using (1) a portfolio approach and (2) pension rates. One Hypothesis uses a Modified Jones (1991) Model as a proxy for discretionary accruals and the other uses pension rate estimates.^ Statistically significant relationships are found between adoption timing and (1) discretionary accruals and (2) estimated rate-of-return (ROR) on pension plan assets. Early adopting firms tend to have lower discretionary accruals after adoption than on-time adopters. They also tend to use higher ROR estimates which are not supported by higher actual returns. Thus, while early adopters may be using ROR to manage income, this tends to not result in higher discretionary accruals. ^


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Since the 1960s, the value relevance of accounting information has been an important topic in accounting research. The value relevance research provides evidence as to whether accounting numbers relate to corporate value in a predicted manner (Beaver, 2002). Such research is not only important for investors but also provides useful insights into accounting reporting effectiveness for standard setters and other users. Both the quality of accounting standards used and the effectiveness associated with implementing these standards are fundamental prerequisites for high value relevance (Hellstrom, 2006). However, while the literature comprehensively documents the value relevance of accounting information in developed markets, little attention has been given to emerging markets where the quality of accounting standards and their enforcement are questionable. Moreover, there is currently no known research that explores the association between level of compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the value relevance of accounting information. Motivated by the lack of research on the value relevance of accounting information in emerging markets and the unique institutional setting in Kuwait, this study has three objectives. First, it investigates the extent of compliance with IFRS with respect to firms listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). Second, it examines the value relevance of accounting information produced by KSE-listed firms over the 1995 to 2006 period. The third objective links the first two and explores the association between the level of compliance with IFRS and the value relevance of accounting information to market participants. Since it is among the first countries to adopt IFRS, Kuwait provides an ideal setting in which to explore these objectives. In addition, the Kuwaiti accounting environment provides an interesting regulatory context in which each KSE-listed firm is required to appoint at least two external auditors from separate auditing firms. Based on the research objectives, five research questions (RQs) are addressed. RQ1 and RQ2 aim to determine the extent to which KSE-listed firms comply with IFRS and factors contributing to variations in compliance levels. These factors include firm attributes (firm age, leverage, size, profitability, liquidity), the number of brand name (Big-4) auditing firms auditing a firm’s financial statements, and industry categorization. RQ3 and RQ4 address the value relevance of IFRS-based financial statements to investors. RQ5 addresses whether the level of compliance with IFRS contributes to the value relevance of accounting information provided to investors. Based on the potential improvement in value relevance from adopting and complying with IFRS, it is predicted that the higher the level of compliance with IFRS, the greater the value relevance of book values and earnings. The research design of the study consists of two parts. First, in accordance with prior disclosure research, the level of compliance with mandatory IFRS is examined using a disclosure index. Second, the value relevance of financial statement information, specifically, earnings and book value, is examined empirically using two valuation models: price and returns models. The combined empirical evidence that results from the application of both models provides comprehensive insights into value relevance of accounting information in an emerging market setting. Consistent with expectations, the results show the average level of compliance with IFRS mandatory disclosures for all KSE-listed firms in 2006 was 72.6 percent; thus, indicating KSE-listed firms generally did not fully comply with all requirements. Significant variations in the extent of compliance are observed among firms and across accounting standards. As predicted, older, highly leveraged, larger, and profitable KSE-listed firms are more likely to comply with IFRS required disclosures. Interestingly, significant differences in the level of compliance are observed across the three possible auditor combinations of two Big-4, two non-Big 4, and mixed audit firm types. The results for the price and returns models provide evidence that earnings and book values are significant factors in the valuation of KSE-listed firms during the 1995 to 2006 period. However, the results show that the value relevance of earnings and book values decreased significantly during that period, suggesting that investors rely less on financial statements, possibly due to the increase in the available non-financial statement sources. Notwithstanding this decline, a significant association is observed between the level of compliance with IFRS and the value relevance of earnings and book value to KSE investors. The findings make several important contributions. First, they raise concerns about the effectiveness of the regulatory body that oversees compliance with IFRS in Kuwait. Second, they challenge the effectiveness of the two-auditor requirement in promoting compliance with regulations as well as the associated cost-benefit of this requirement for firms. Third, they provide the first known empirical evidence linking the level of IFRS compliance with the value relevance of financial statement information. Finally, the findings are relevant for standard setters and for their current review of KSE regulations. In particular, they highlight the importance of establishing and maintaining adequate monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with accounting standards. In addition, the finding that stricter compliance with IFRS improves the value relevance of accounting information highlights the importance of full compliance with IFRS and not just mere adoption.


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Worldwide convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), ongoing since 2002, is a requirement if international comparability between publicly listed companies is to be ensured. Convergence is examined from the point of view of regulators, accountants, and users of financial information. For this purpose, data on 534 companies from the global automotive industry is used. This paper concludes that worldwide convergence is mostly being effective. Its triumph, however, varies depending on the set of accounting standards being compared to IFRS. Options within IFRS, national tax regulation, cultural differences, different company strategies and country resistance are found to hinder convergence.


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A Contabilidade é a linguagem das finanças. O mundo tem convergindo a um processo de harmonização desta linguagem, a partir de diferentes dialetos, de diferentes nacionalidades, à conversão a padrões internacionais, inclusive de Contabilidade Pública. Este processo, no Brasil, tem caminhado a passos largos, o quê requer a devida atenção. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar a percepção de servidores públicos sobre os desafios para o sucesso da convergência aos padrões internacionais da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público. Para isto foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, com a adoção do método quanti-qualitativo no tratamento dos dados. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário auto-aplicável aos servidores da Controladoria Geral do Município do Rio de Janeiro, a Auditores do Tribunal de Contas do Município do Rio de Janeiro e a alunos do curso de Contabilidade Pública inseridos na base de dados do Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro, o que gerou uma amostra de 93 servidores respondentes. Os resultados sugerem que na percepção dos respondentes o maior desafio a ser superado para o sucesso da convergência, é a capacitação dos servidores através da divulgação e da educação continuada, a respeito do que é a convergência, prazos, e impacto na rotina de trabalho, sejam dos servidores que atuam diretamente com a Contabilidade Pública como daqueles que suprem a Contabilidade de informações para a realização de sua missão, resultado corroborado pelas diretrizes do CFC para promover o desenvolvimento conceitual da Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público no Brasil e estudos como o de Cardoso, Souza e Almeida (2006) que salienta a necessidade da educação continuada, para os já formados. Os resultados sugerem também, como Wesberry (1995) e Silva (2008), desafios culturais, como a fragilidade do uso exclusivo do enfoque patrimonial para a Contabilidade Pública. Sugerem ainda, desafios na mensuração, avaliação e disclosure dos Bens de Uso Comum do Povo pela magnitude e novidade do tema.


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A convergência das normas brasileiras de contabilidade às normas internacionais permitiu que nossas regras mudassem a um novo patamar. Os princípios contábeis anteriores eram baseados em um conjunto de regras detalhadas e autoridades reguladoras verificavam a adequação dos Demonstrativos Financeiros a estas regras. Com a mudança surgiu um novo paradigma, as novas normas são baseadas muito mais em princípios do que em regras, especificamente em conformidade com os International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) na elaboração dos Demonstrativos Financeiros, que depende do julgamento profissional em maior escala do que em conformidade com as antigas normas baseadas em regras. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de investigar como vem sendo abordado o Julgamento e Tomada de Decisão (J&TD) nos cursos de Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, onde é iniciada a formação de competências e habilidades do profissional da área.


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Para a contabilidade brasileira o ano de 2010 foi um verdadeiro divisor de águas. O advento da implementação das normas internacionais de contabilidade, padrão IFRS, na contabilidade brasileira, evidencia que essa adoção elevou o grau de qualidade e comparabilidade das demonstrações financeiras das companhias nacionais. A mudança de uma contabilidade baseada em regras para uma contabilidade baseada em princípios aumentou o grau de julgamento exigido pelos responsáveis das demonstrações contábeis. Com essa nova realidade é natural que os profissionais responsáveis pela manutenção e publicação das demonstrações financeiras estejam ainda numa curva de aprendizado dessa nova cultura. Nesse cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar e analisar o processo de convergência às Normas Internacionais de Contabilidade, mais especificamente à adoção do custo atribuído (CPC 27) do Ativo Imobilizado.


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Vague words and expressions are present throughout the standards that comprise the accounting and auditing professions. Vagueness is considered to be a significant source of inexactness in many accounting decision problems and many authors have argued that the neglect of this issue may cause accounting information to be less useful. On the other hand, we can assume that the use of vague terms in accounting standards is inherent to principle based standards (different from rule based standards) and that to avoid vague terms, standard setters would have to incur excessive transaction costs. Auditors are required to exercise their own professional judgment throughout the audit process and it has been argued that the inherent vagueness in accounting standards may influence their decision making processes. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the decision making process of auditors and to investigate whether vague accounting standards create a problem for the decision making process of auditors, or lead to a better outcome. This paper makes the argument that vague standards prompt the use of System 2 type processing by auditors, allowing more comprehensive analytical thinking; therefore, reducing the biases associated with System 1 heuristic processing. If our argument is valid, the repercussions of vague accounting standards are not as negative as presented in previous literature, instead they are positive.


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The increasing adoption of international accounting standards and global convergence of accounting regulations is frequently heralded as serving to reduce diversity in financial reporting practice. In a process said to be driven in large part by the interests of international business and global financial markets, one might expect the greatest degree of convergence to be found amongst the world’s largest multinational financial corporations. This paper challenges such claims and presumptions. Its content analysis of longitudinal data for the period 2000-2006 reveals substantial, on going diversity in the market risk disclosure practices, both numerical and narrative, of the world’s top-25 banks. The significance of such findings is reinforced by the sheer scale of the banking sector’s risk exposures that have been subsequently revealed in the current global financial crisis. The variations in disclosure practices documented in the paper apply both across and within national boundaries, leading to a firm conclusion that, at least in terms of market risk reporting, progress towards international harmonisation remains rather more apparent than real.


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The evolution of the electrical grid into a smart grid, allowing user production, storage and exchange of energy, remote control of appliances, and in general optimizations over how the energy is managed and consumed, is also an evolution into a complex Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system. With the goal of promoting an integrated and interoperable smart grid, a number of organizations all over the world started uncoordinated standardization activities, which caused the emergence of a large number of incompatible architectures and standards. There are now new standardization activities which have the goal of organizing existing standards and produce best practices to choose the right approach(es) to be employed in specific smart grid designs. This paper follows the lead of NIST and ETSI/CEN/CENELEC approaches in trying to provide taxonomy of existing solutions; our contribution reviews and relates current ICT state-of-the-art, with the objective of forecasting future trends based on the orientation of current efforts and on relationships between them. The resulting taxonomy provides guidelines for further studies of the architectures, and highlights how the standards in the last mile of the smart grid are converging to common solutions to improve ICT infrastructure interoperability.