974 resultados para Control treatments


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Lower water availability coupled with labor shortage has resulted in the increasing inability of growers to cultivate puddled transplanted rice (PTR). A field study was conducted in the wet season of 2012 and dry season of 2013 to evaluate the performance of five rice establishment methods and four weed control treatments on weed management, and rice yield. Grass weeds were higher in dry-seeded rice (DSR) as compared to PTR and nonpuddled transplanted rice (NPTR). The highest total weed density (225-256plantsm-2) and total weed biomass (315-501gm-2) were recorded in DSR while the lowest (102-129plantsm-2 and 75-387gm-2) in PTR. Compared with the weedy plots, the treatment pretilachlor followed by fenoxaprop plus ethoxysulfuron plus 2,4-D provided excellent weed control. This treatment, however, had a poor performance in NPTR. In both seasons, herbicide efficacy was better in DSR and wet-seeded rice. PTR and DSR produced the maximum rice grain yields. The weed-free plots and herbicide treatments produced 84-614% and 58-504% higher rice grain yield, respectively, than the weedy plots in 2012, and a similar trend was observed in 2013.


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Background Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is a commonly used physical therapy for women with urinary incontinence (UI). Objectives To determine the effects of PFMT for women with UI in comparison to no treatment, placebo or other inactive control treatments. Search Methods Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register, (searched 15 April 2013). Selection Criteria Randomized or quasi-randomized trials in women with stress, urgency or mixed UI (based on symptoms, signs, or urodynamics). Data Collection and Analysis At least two independent review authors carried out trial screening, selection, risk of bias assessment and data abstraction. Trials were subgrouped by UI diagnosis. The quality of evidence was assessed by adopting the (GRADE) approach. Results Twenty-one trials (1281 women) were included; 18 trials (1051 women) contributed data to the meta-analysis. In women with stress UI, there was high quality evidence that PFMT is associated with cure (RR 8.38; 95% CI 3.68 to 19.07) and moderate quality evidence of cure or improvement (RR 17.33; 95% CI 4.31 to 69.64). In women with any type of UI, there was also moderate quality evidence that PFMT is associated with cure (RR 5.5; 95% CI 2.87–10.52), or cure and improvement (RR 2.39; 95% CI 1.64–3.47). Conclusions The addition of seven new trials did not change the essential findings of the earlier version of this review. In this iteration, using the GRADE quality criteria strengthened the recommendations for PFMT and a wider range of secondary outcomes (also generally in favor of PFMT) were reported.


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Background Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is a commonly used physical therapy for women with urinary incontinence (UI). Objectives To determine the effects of PFMT for women with UI in comparison to no treatment, placebo or other inactive control treatments. Search Methods Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialized Register, (searched 15 April 2013). Selection Criteria Randomized or quasi-randomized trials in women with stress, urgency or mixed UI (based on symptoms, signs, or urodynamics). Data Collection and Analysis At least two independent review authors carried out trial screening, selection, risk of bias assessment and data abstraction. Trials were subgrouped by UI diagnosis. The quality of evidence was assessed by adopting the (GRADE) approach. Results Twenty-one trials (1281 women) were included; 18 trials (1051 women) contributed data to the meta-analysis. In women with stress UI, there was high quality evidence that PFMT is associated with cure (RR 8.38; 95% CI 3.68 to 19.07) and moderate quality evidence of cure or improvement (RR 17.33; 95% CI 4.31 to 69.64). In women with any type of UI, there was also moderate quality evidence that PFMT is associated with cure (RR 5.5; 95% CI 2.87–10.52), or cure and improvement (RR 2.39; 95% CI 1.64–3.47). Conclusions The addition of seven new trials did not change the essential findings of the earlier version of this review. In this iteration, using the GRADE quality criteria strengthened the recommendations for PFMT and a wider range of secondary outcomes (also generally in favor of PFMT) were reported.


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Purpose This study investigated how nitrogen (N) nutrition and key physiological processes varied under changed water and nitrogen competition resulting from different weed control and fertilisation treatments in a 2-year-old F1 hybrid (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis Barr. ex Golf.) plantation on a grey podzolic soil type, in Southeast Queensland. Materials and methods The study integrated a range of measures including growth variables (diameter at ground level (DGL), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H)), foliar variables (including foliar N concentration, foliar δ13C and δ15N) and physiological variables (including photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) (A/gs) and xylem pressure potential (ΨXPP)) to better understand the mechanisms influencing growth under different weed control and fertilisation treatments. Five levels of weed control were applied: standard (routine), luxury, intermediate, mechanical and nil weed control, all with routine fertilisation plus an additional treatment, routine weed control and luxury fertilisation. Relative weed cover was assessed at 0.8, 1.1 and 1.6 years after plantation establishment to monitor the effectiveness of weed control treatments. Soil investigation included soil ammonium (NH4 +-N), nitrate (NO3 −-N), potentially mineralizable N (PMN), gravimetric soil moisture content (MC), hot water extractable organic carbon (HWETC), hot water extractable total N (HWETN), total C, total N, stable C isotope composition (δ13C), stable N isotope composition (δ15N), total P and extractable K. Results and discussion There were significant relationships between foliar N concentrations and relative weed cover and between tree growth and foliar N concentration or foliar δ15N, but initial site preparation practices also increased soil N transformations in the planting rows reducing the observable effects of weed control on foliar δ15N. A positive relationship between foliar N concentration and foliar δ13C or photosynthesis indicated that increased N availability to trees positively influenced non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. However, trees with increased foliar N concentrations and photosynthesis were negatively related to xylem pressure potential in the afternoons which enhanced stomatal limitations to photosynthesis and WUEi. Conclusions Luxury and intermediate weed control and luxury fertilisation positively influenced growth at early establishment by reducing the competition for water and N resources. This influenced fundamental key physiological processes such as the relationships between foliar N concentration, A n, E, gs and ΨXPP. Results also confirmed that time from cultivation is an important factor influencing the effectiveness of using foliar δ15N as an indicator of soil N transformations.


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Purpose We investigated the effects of weed control and fertilization at early establishment on foliar stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (N) isotope (δ15N) compositions, foliar N concentration, tree growth and biomass, relative weed cover and other physiological traits in a 2-year old F1 hybrid (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Engelm) × Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Barr. ex Golf.)) plantation grown on a yellow earth in southeast Queensland of subtropical Australia. Materials and methods Treatments included routine weed control, luxury weed control, intermediate weed control, mechanical weed control, nil weed control, and routine and luxury fertilization in a randomised complete block design. Initial soil nutrition and soil fertility parameters included (hot water extractable organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N), total C and N, C/N ratio, labile N pools (nitrate (NO3 −) and ammonium (NH4 +)), extractable potassium (K+)), soil δ15N and δ13C. Relative weed cover, foliar N concentrations, tree growth rate and physiological parameters including photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, foliar δ15N and foliar δ13C were also measured at early establishment. Results and discussion Foliar N concentration at 1.25 years was significantly different amongst the weed control treatments and was negatively correlated to the relative weed cover at 1.1 years. Foliar N concentration was also positively correlated to foliar δ15N and foliar δ13C, tree height, height growth rates and tree biomass. Foliar δ15N was negatively correlated to the relative weed cover at 0.8 and 1.1 years. The physiological measurements indicated that luxury fertilization and increasing weed competition on these soils decreased leaf xylem pressure potential (Ψxpp) when compared to the other treatments. Conclusions These results indicate how increasing N resources and weed competition have implications for tree N and water use at establishment in F1 hybrid plantations of southeast Queensland, Australia. These results suggest the desirability of weed control, in the inter-planting row, in the first year to maximise site N and water resources available for seedling growth. It also showed the need to avoid over-fertilisation, which interfered with the balance between available N and water on these soils.


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We report four repetitions of Falk and Kosfeld's (Am. Econ. Rev. 96(5):1611-1630, 2006) low and medium control treatments with 476 subjects. Each repetition employs a sample drawn from a standard subject pool of students and demographics vary across samples. We largely confirm the existence of hidden costs of control but, contrary to the original study, hidden costs of control are usually not substantial enough to significantly undermine the effectiveness of economic incentives. Our subjects were asked, at the end of the experimental session, to complete a questionnaire in which they had to state their work motivation in hypothetical scenarios. Our questionnaires are identical to the ones administered in Falk and Kosfeld's (Am. Econ. Rev. 96(5):1611-1630, 2006) questionnaire study. In contrast to the game play data, our questionnaire data are similar to those of the original questionnaire study. In an attempt to solve this puzzle, we report an extension with 228 subjects where performance-contingent earnings are absent i.e. both principals and agents are paid according to a flat participation fee. We observe that hidden costs significantly outweigh benefits of control under hypothetical incentives.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o controle em pré-emergência de Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria horizontalis e Panicum maximum pelo herbicida S-metolachlor aplicado em pré-emergência em área de cana-de-açúcar colhida mecanicamente sem queima prévia das plantas, com e sem palha sobre o solo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida 7 x 2. Nas parcelas, foram estudados cinco tratamentos de herbicidas (S-metolachlor a 1,44, 1,92 e 2,40 kg ha-1; clomazone a 1,20 kg ha-1; e isoxaflutole a 0,188 kg ha-1) e duas testemunhas sem aplicação. Nas subparcelas, foi avaliada a manutenção ou não da palha de cana na superfície do solo. A eficácia do herbicida S-metolachlor não foi prejudicada pela presença de 14 ou 20 t ha-1 de palha de cana sobre o solo. Com a manutenção da palha, a dosagem de S-metolachlor para o controle adequado das plantas daninhas foi de 1,44kgha-1. No ambiente sem palha, o S-metolachlor controlou B. decumbens, D. horizontalis e P. maximum nas dosagens de 1.92, 1.44 e 1.92kgha-1, respectivamente. Nas duas condições de palha, os herbicidas clomazone e isoxaflutole foram eficazes para as espécies estudadas. O S-metolachlor não causou nenhum sintoma visível de intoxicação à cana-de-açúcar. O clomazone e o isoxaflutole ocasionaram injúrias visuais às plantas de cana. Os herbicidas estudados não afetaram o número de colmos viáveis por m², a altura e o diâmetro de colmos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Inflammation of the spinal cord after traumatic spinal cord injury leads to destruction of healthy tissue. This “secondary degeneration” is more damaging than the initial physical damage and is the major contributor to permanent loss of functions. In our previous study we showed that combined delivery of two growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), significantly reduced secondary degeneration after hemi-section injury of the spinal cord in the rat. Growth factor treatment reduced the size of the lesion cavity at 30d compared to control animals and further reduced the cavity at 90d in treated animals while in control animals the lesion cavity continued to increase in size. Growth factor treatment also reduced astrogliosis and reduced macroglia/macrophage activation around the injury site. Treatment with individual growth factors alone had similar effects to control treatments. The present study investigated whether growth factor treatment would improve locomotor behaviour after spinal contusion injury, a more relevant preclinical model of spinal cord injury. The growth factors were delivered for the first 7d to the injury site via osmotic minipump. Locomotor behaviour was monitored at 1-28d after injury using the BBB score and at 30d using automated gait analysis. Treated animals had BBB scores of 18; Control animals scored 10. Treated animals had significantly reduced lesion cavities and reduced macroglia/macrophage activation around the injury site. We conclude that growth factor treatment preserved spinal cord tissues after contusion injury, thereby allowing functional recovery. This treatment has the potential to significantly reduce the severity of human spinal cord injuries.


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Poor compliance with speed limits is a serious safety concern at roadworks. While considerable research has been undertaken worldwide to understand drivers’ speeding behaviour at roadworks and to identify treatments for improving compliance with speed limits, little is known about the speeding behaviour of drivers at Australian roadworks and how their compliance rates with speed limits could be improved. This paper presents findings from two Queensland studies targeted at 1) examining drivers’ speed profiles at three long-term roadwork sites, and 2) understanding the effectiveness of speed control treatments at roadworks. The first study analysed driver speeds at various locations in the sites using a Tobit regression model. Results show that the probability of speeding was higher for light vehicles and their followers, for leaders of platoons with larger front gaps, during late afternoon and early morning, when higher proportions of surrounding vehicles were speeding, and at the upstream of work areas. The second study provided a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of various speed control treatments used at roadworks by undertaking a critical review of the literature. Results showed that enforcement has the greatest effects on reducing speeds among all treatments, while the roadwork signage and information-related treatments have small to moderate effects on speed reduction. Findings from the studies have potential for designing programs to effectively improve speed limit compliance at Australian roadworks.


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Recolonisation and succession in a multi-species tropical seagrass meadow was examined by creating gaps (50×50 cm) in the meadow and manipulating the supply of sexual and asexual propagules. Measurements of leaf shoot density and estimates of above-ground biomass were conducted monthly to measure recovery of gaps between September 1995 and November 1997. Measurements of the seeds stored in the sediment (seed bank) and horizontal rhizome growth of colonising species were also conducted to determine their role in the recovery process. Asexual colonisation through horizontal rhizome growth from the surrounding meadow was the main mechanism for colonisation of gaps created in the meadow. The seed bank played no role in recolonisation of cleared plots. Total shoot density and above-ground biomass (all species pooled) of cleared plots recovered asexually to the level of the undisturbed controls in 10 and 7 months, respectively. There was some sexual recruitment into cleared plots where asexual colonisation was prevented but seagrass abundance (shoot density and biomass) did not reach the level of unmanipulated controls. Seagrass species did not appear to form seed banks despite some species being capable of producing long-lived seeds. The species composition of cleared plots remained different to the undisturbed controls throughout the 26-month experiment. Syringodium isoetifolium was a rapid asexual coloniser of disturbed plots and remained at higher abundances than in the control treatments for the duration of the study. S. isoetifolium had the fastest horizontal rhizome growth of species asexually colonising cleared plots (6.9 mm day−1). Halophila ovalis was the most successful sexual coloniser but was displaced by asexually colonising species. H. ovalis was the only species observed to produce fruits during the study. Small disturbances in the meadow led to long-term (>2 years) changes in community composition. This study demonstrated that succession in tropical seagrass communities was not a deterministic process. Variations in recovery observed for different tropical seagrass communities highlighted the importance of understanding life history characteristics of species within individual communities to effectively predict their response to disturbance. A reproductive strategy involving clonal growth and production of long-lived, locally dispersed seeds is suggested which may provide an evolutionary advantage to plants growing in tropical environments subject to temporally unpredictable major disturbances such as cyclones


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Piggery pond sludge (PPS) was applied, as-collected (Wet PPS) and following stockpiling for 12 months (Stockpiled PPS), to a sandy Sodosol and clay Vertosol at sites on the Darling Downs of Queensland. Laboratory measures of N availability were carried out on unamended and PPS-amended soils to investigate their value in estimating supplementary N needs of crops in Australia's northern grains region. Cumulative net N mineralised from the long-term (30 weeks) leached aerobic incubation was described by a first-order single exponential model. The mineralisation rate constant (0.057/week) was not significantly different between Control and PPS treatments or across soil types, when the amounts of initial mineral N applied in PPS treatments were excluded. Potentially mineralisable N (No) was significantly increased by the application of Wet PPS, and increased with increasing rate of application. Application of Wet PPS significantly increased the total amount of inorganic N leached compared with the Control treatments. Mineral N applied in Wet PPS contributed as much to the total mineral N status of the soil as did that which mineralised over time from organic N. Rates of C02 evolution during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation indicated that the Stockpiled PPS was more stabilised (19-28% of applied organic C mineralised) than the WetPPS (35-58% of applied organic C mineralised), due to higher lignin content in the former. Net nitrate-N produced following 12 weeks of aerobic non-leached incubation was highly correlated with net nitrate-N leached during 12 weeks of aerobic incubation (R^2 = 0.96), although it was <60% of the latter in both sandy and clayey soils. Anaerobically mineralisable N determined by waterlogged incubation of laboratory PPS-amended soil samples increased with increasing application rate of Wet PPS. Anaerobically minemlisable N from field-moist soil was well correlated with net N mineralised during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation (R^2 =0.90 sandy soil; R^2=0.93 clay soil). In the clay soil, the amount of mineral N produced from all the laboratory incubations was significantly correlated with field-measured nitrate-N in the soil profile (0-1.5 m depth) after 9 months of weed-free fallow following PPS application. In contrast, only anaerobic mineralisable N was significantly correlated with field nitrate-N in the sandy soil. Anaerobic incubation would, therefore, be suitable as a rapid practical test to estimate potentially mineralisable N following applications of different PPS materials in the field.


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To improve compatibility between chemical and biological controls, the use of selective insecticides such as insect growth regulators (IGRs) is crucial. In cucurbits, the use of pyriproxyfen (an IGR) has been shown by others to be an effective method of reducing the number of sap-sucking insects, especially silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotype B (SLW). Therefore, we compared pyriproxyfen and buprofezin (an IGR) with that of no treatment (control) in a bitter melon crop for the control of populations of SLW and for their effects on fruit production. Pyriproxyfen controlled SLW and tended to have heavier fruits than the control treatment and reduced the abundance of nymphs and exuvia. Buprofezin showed no evidence in controlling SLW compared with the pyriproxyfen and control treatments. Neither pyriproxyfen nor buprofezin had any effect on the number of harvested fruit or overall fruit yield, but the average weight per fruit was higher than the control treatment. Pyriproxyfen was effective in controlling whitefly populations in bitter melons, and both pyriproxyfen and buprofezin may have the potential to increase yield. Their longer-term use may increase predation by natural enemies as they are species-specific and could favour build up of natural enemies of SLW. Thus, the judicious use of pyriproxyfen may provide an effective alternative to broad-spectrum insecticides in small-scale cucurbit production.


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A raspagem subgengival e o alisamento radicular constituem o "padrão ouro" e o tratamento de eleição para a periodontite; porém, é um procedimento difícil de ser executado, que requer um intenso treinamento e que pode expor a dentina, causando hipersensibilidade dentinária pela remoção excessiva de cemento, ou produzir defeitos, como sulcos e ranhuras, além de deixar cálculo residual e não conseguir atingir toda as superfície radicular. Recentemente, um gel a base de papaína e cloramina foi introduzido no mercado (Papacárie), utilizado no tratamento da remoção de dentina cariada. Este gel poderia auxiliar na remoção do cálculo subgengival com menor desgaste do cemento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a eficácia e analisar a superfície radicular na utilização de um gel à base de papaína e cloramina, associado ao alisamento radicular, na região subgengival. Após receberem instruções de higiene oral, raspagem supragengival e polimento coronário, 18 pacientes com periodontite crônica, 6 mulheres e 12 homens, com idade média de 51 anos (8) foram tratados num modelo de boca dividida. O tratamento-teste foi constituído pela aplicação do gel na área subgengival por 1 min., seguida pelo alisamento radicular; o tratamento-controle foi constituído pela raspagem subgengival e alisamento radiculares. A terapia foi executada por 3 operadoras e os exames inicial, de 28 dias e 3 meses, foram realizados por um único examinador. Quatro dentes nunca tratados de dois outros pacientes (2 incisivos centrais inferiores e 2 premolares), com indicação para extração, foram submetidos ao tratamento teste e controle e, após a exodontia, analisados em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Ao longo dos 3 meses, os resultados demonstraram significativa melhora nos parâmetros clínicos: sangramento à sondagem, profundidade de bolsa e ganho de inserção, tanto no lado-teste, como no lado-controle, principalmente aos 28 dias; mas não foi observada significância estatística quando ambas as formas de terapia foram comparadas. O índice de placa médio permaneceu alto ao longo do estudo. A análise do MEV demonstrou que o tratamento-teste deixou uma maior quantidade de cálculo residual sobre a superfície radicular; porém, áreas livres de cálculo também foram observadas. No tratamento-controle, verificaram-se regiões mais profundas não atingidas pelas curetas, áreas livres de cálculo e um sulco produzido pela cureta. Concluiu-se que tanto o tratamento-teste, como o controle, foram eficazes no tratamento da periodontite crônica nos 3 meses observados.


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CASTELLANO. La introducción de especies exóticas invasoras es una de las causas más importantes de pérdida de biodiversidad. Baccharis halimifolia es una de las 20 especies exóticas invasoras mas perjudiciales en España e invade gran parte de la marisma de Urdaibai. En dicha marisma se aplicaron tratamientos de control mediante la corta y aplicación de herbicida (glifosato) tras los cuales se observó un variable porcentaje de rebrote en función de la salinidad edáfica. Se realizó un experimento en el que las plantas recolectadas en las parcelas tratadas fueron sometidas en el invernadero a un tratamiento de salinidad y a otro de glifosato con el fin de estudiar la interacción entre ambos tratamientos en individuos originados por germinación y por rebrote y las posibles diferencias entre sexos. Se estudiaron los parámetros de biomasa y acumulación de iones sodio. No se han observado diferencias significativas entre los sexos para ninguno de los parámetros. Sin embargo, los rebrotes acumulan más Na+ que los individuos procedentes de germinación y su biomasa disminuye significativamente tras la aplicación de glifosato, únicamente en medio no salino. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los rebrotes de B. halimifolia reaccionan en mayor medida a la salinidad y al glifosato, lo que proporciona información de interés para la gestión.