869 resultados para Contratos outsourcing


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El outsourcing o externalización de servicios es una herramienta de gestión que delega un área o actividad de trabajo de una organización a una empresa externa, llamada outsourcer, especializada en el servicio demandado. Entregar un proceso en outsourcing puede resultar complejo a causa de los procesos que están involucrados. Por ello es necesaria una evaluación que permita la selección del proveedor de outsourcing. La investigación se propuso: 1. Elaborar un análisis comparativo de empresas que brindan servicios documentales a unidades de información, 2. Aportar una herramienta metodológica que permita evaluarlas teniendo en cuenta criterios específicos para aquellas que realizan outsourcing documental, 3. Evaluar una muestra de empresas como ejemplo de aplicación de la criteria creada. Se estudiaron empresas de servicios documentales de Argentina y España y se confeccionó una criteria como medio para validarla. Se empleó la herramienta creada para evaluar una muestra de empresas y, por último, se tabularon los datos y analizaron los resultados. Se espera que la difusión de los resultados contribuya a que las unidades de información puedan responder a los cambios del entorno a través del incremento del nivel de calidad de sus actividades, aumentar la flexibilidad de las organizaciones asegurando la supervivencia organizacional en los procesos que generan los productos y servicios, en la manera de hacerlos y ofrecerlos, estimular el interés de optar por el outsourcing como nueva forma de gestión tratando de asistir a quienes deban seleccionar empresas prestadoras de servicios documentales, reducir y controlar los costos operativos


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El outsourcing o externalización de servicios es una herramienta de gestión que delega un área o actividad de trabajo de una organización a una empresa externa, llamada outsourcer, especializada en el servicio demandado. Entregar un proceso en outsourcing puede resultar complejo a causa de los procesos que están involucrados. Por ello es necesaria una evaluación que permita la selección del proveedor de outsourcing. La investigación se propuso: 1. Elaborar un análisis comparativo de empresas que brindan servicios documentales a unidades de información, 2. Aportar una herramienta metodológica que permita evaluarlas teniendo en cuenta criterios específicos para aquellas que realizan outsourcing documental, 3. Evaluar una muestra de empresas como ejemplo de aplicación de la criteria creada. Se estudiaron empresas de servicios documentales de Argentina y España y se confeccionó una criteria como medio para validarla. Se empleó la herramienta creada para evaluar una muestra de empresas y, por último, se tabularon los datos y analizaron los resultados. Se espera que la difusión de los resultados contribuya a que las unidades de información puedan responder a los cambios del entorno a través del incremento del nivel de calidad de sus actividades, aumentar la flexibilidad de las organizaciones asegurando la supervivencia organizacional en los procesos que generan los productos y servicios, en la manera de hacerlos y ofrecerlos, estimular el interés de optar por el outsourcing como nueva forma de gestión tratando de asistir a quienes deban seleccionar empresas prestadoras de servicios documentales, reducir y controlar los costos operativos


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El outsourcing o externalización de servicios es una herramienta de gestión que delega un área o actividad de trabajo de una organización a una empresa externa, llamada outsourcer, especializada en el servicio demandado. Entregar un proceso en outsourcing puede resultar complejo a causa de los procesos que están involucrados. Por ello es necesaria una evaluación que permita la selección del proveedor de outsourcing. La investigación se propuso: 1. Elaborar un análisis comparativo de empresas que brindan servicios documentales a unidades de información, 2. Aportar una herramienta metodológica que permita evaluarlas teniendo en cuenta criterios específicos para aquellas que realizan outsourcing documental, 3. Evaluar una muestra de empresas como ejemplo de aplicación de la criteria creada. Se estudiaron empresas de servicios documentales de Argentina y España y se confeccionó una criteria como medio para validarla. Se empleó la herramienta creada para evaluar una muestra de empresas y, por último, se tabularon los datos y analizaron los resultados. Se espera que la difusión de los resultados contribuya a que las unidades de información puedan responder a los cambios del entorno a través del incremento del nivel de calidad de sus actividades, aumentar la flexibilidad de las organizaciones asegurando la supervivencia organizacional en los procesos que generan los productos y servicios, en la manera de hacerlos y ofrecerlos, estimular el interés de optar por el outsourcing como nueva forma de gestión tratando de asistir a quienes deban seleccionar empresas prestadoras de servicios documentales, reducir y controlar los costos operativos


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Terceirização de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) é uma prática crescente entre organizações de diversos portes e setores, onde uma relação entre contratante e contratado usualmente regida por contratos. Contratos são dispositivos destinados a regular obrigações e direitos entre as partes. Em função da impossibilidade das partes preverem todas as contingências futuras e também devido à imprecisão da linguagem escrita, contratos são usualmente reconhecidos em Economia como sendo fundamentalmente incompletos. Disso se origina a possibilidade de classificar contratos como predominantemente formais, aqueles cuja estrutura escrita apresenta mecanismos de completude suficiente para conduzir o relacionamento entre as partes, e predominantemente relacionais, aqueles cuja estrutura formal é insuficiente para coordenar o relacionamento, e que demandam mecanismos adicionais de comunicação e interação para que o relacionamento entre as partes ocorra de adequadamente em torno do objeto contratado. Dentre os mecanismos usados em contratos formais para sinalizar às partes os comportamentos desejados, inclui-se a estrutura de incentivos. Pouco se estudou sobre o efeito que a combinação de estruturas de incentivos e mecanismos relacionais tem sobre o andamento dos contratos. Este estudo analisa os efeitos de mecanismos formais de estruturas de incentivos e os mecanismos relacionais sobre o andamento do contrato, usando como contexto o cenário de contratações de serviços de terceirização de Tecnologia da Informação (TI). Como resultados dos três capítulos principais deste estudo, configurados no formato de artigos acadêmicos, são apresentados altos poderes explicativos das interações entre estruturas de incentivos, governança relacional, comportamento do contratado e expectativa de sucesso dos contratos. Da mesma forma, antecedentes e resultantes são analisados e discutidos. Do ponto de vista da contribuição para a prática gerencial, o trabalho como um todo contribui para melhorar decisões de contratação de serviços de TI, formulação de contratos mais efetivos, e apoio na escolha dos mecanismos de contratação mais adequados ao contexto do contratante.


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Outsourcing has emerged as one of the new ways of guiding the work. For its advantages and be consistent with the paradigms of managerial reform, outsourcing also started to be used in the Public Administration. However, taking into account the particularities of the latter, some issues are relevant when outsourcing concluded with the State. Gains notoriety, for example, the step of monitoring these contracts, to the extent that, from this activity, we can avoid the negative effects of outsourcing like the fact that the state will pay for labor and wage liens that are obligation of the company providing the services. This study aims to understand the perception that this process is under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, from the point of view of different stakeholders, also explaining the motivations that these agents have to perform the supervisory process. As a theoretical basis was used the Agency Theory, which reinforces the supervisory activities as a necessary means to minimize moral hazard and adverse selection, seeking to understand not only the different motivations tax contracts to properly perform their duties, but also analyze other phenomena arising from this contractual relationship. To achieve the proposed objectives, were taken a literature review and a presentation of how to organize the management and oversight of contracts in UFRN. The methodological procedures included questionnaires and interviews with those involved in the process. After analyzing the results obtained in the survey instruments , and also based on the laws, regulations and instructions governing the procurement process within the UFRN, it was concluded that the process of overseeing the outsourcing of labor contracts in UFRN is not fully institutionalized, some points should be strengthened in order to have the consolidation of this process, highlighting the need for training of UFRN servers that act as tax, the knowledge that the contractual penalties are applied effectively, the need that there is a supervisor of tax of contractors and also the realization of the rotation system of outsourced employees


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El objetivo de este trabajo es describir detalladamente cómo es el outsourcing de sistemas de información a través de los resultados de una encuesta realizada a las mayores empresas españolas. Se trata de un estudio longitudinal que aborda 12 años, ya que se contrastan los resultados actuales con los de 2 encuestas realizadas anteriormente en el mismo ámbito y por los mismos autores. Las conclusiones apuntan a un continuismo en la configuración del outsourcing y a un mayor grado de madurez en las características de los contratos.


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What an organisation does versus what it out-sources to the market is a classic boundaries of the firm question that has previously been dominated by efficiency arguments. However, a knowledge-based view suggests these boundaries are integral to the ability of a firm to deploy existing knowledge stocks efficiently, as well as develop new knowledge through learning that will drive future competitiveness. Furthermore, the nature of these boundaries, in respect of their permeability is critical in understanding the likelihood of knowledge flowing into and out of the organisation. Using these concepts, we present a case study of Main Roads Western Australia to illustrate how these principles have allowed it to start rebuilding its internal capabilities through repositioning its operational boundaries and via ensuring their boundaries are highly porous as they move more major projects into alliance contracts.


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Purpose – To determine whether or not clockspeed is an important variable in outsourcing strategies throughout the development of radical innovations. Design/methodology/approach – An internet-based survey of manufacturing firms from all over the world. Findings – An industry's clockspeed does not play a significant role in the success or failure of a particular outsourcing strategy for a radical innovation. Research limitations/implications – Conclusions from earlier research in this area are not necessarily industry-specific. Practical implications – Lessons learned via previous investigations about the computer industry need not be confined to that sector. Vertical integration may be a more robust outsourcing strategy when developing a radical innovation in industries of all clockspeeds. Originality/value – Previous research efforts in this field focused on a single technology jump, but this approach may have overlooked a potentially important variable: industry clockspeed. Thus, this investigation explores whether clockspeed is an important factor.


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Significant empirical data from the fields of management and business strategy suggest that it is a good idea for a company to make in-house the components and processes underpinning a new technology. Other evidence suggests exactly the opposite, saying that firms would be better off buying components and processes from outside suppliers. One possible explanation for this lack of convergence is that earlier research in this area has overlooked two important aspects of the problem: reputation and trust. To gain insight into how these variables may impact make-buy decisions throughout the innovation process, the Sporas algorithm for measuring reputation was added to an existing agent-based model of how firms interact with each other throughout the development of new technologies. The model�s results suggest that reputation and trust do not play a significant role in the long-term fortunes of an individual firm as it contends with technological change in the marketplace. Accordingly, this model serves as a cue for management researchers to investigate more thoroughly the temporal limitations and contingencies that determine how the trust between firms may affect the R&D process.


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In this paper we analyse the oursourcing of accounting services. The extent to which firms are currently outsourcing, or considering outsourcing such services, and the motivations and barriers associated with outsourcing are identified. Empirical data from a random sample of accounting firms are used in this analysis. Data indicate that the majority of accounting firms are either currently outsourcing or considering outsourcing and that they exopect the volume of oursourced services to increase. In contrast to the scholarly literature advocating labor arbitrage as the primary driver for organizations choosing to outsource, in this study it was found that the main factors underpinning the decision to outsource were the expediting of service delivary to clients, and to enable the firm to focus on its core competencies.


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Patient satisfaction with foodservices is multidimensional. It is well recognised that food and other aspects of foodservice delivery are important elements of patients overall perception of the hospital experience. This study aimed to determine whether menu changes in 2008 at an acute private hospital, considered negative by the dietetic staff, would affect patient satisfaction with the foodservice. Changes to the menu, secondary to the refurbishment of the foodservice facilities decreased the number of choices at breakfast from six to four, and altered the dessert menu to include a larger proportion of commercially produced products. The Acute Care Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (ACHFPSQ) was utilised to assess patient satisfaction with the menu changes, as it has proven accuracy and reliability in measuring patient satisfaction. Results of the survey (n=306) were compared to data with previous ACHFPSQ surveys conducted annually since 2003. Data analysed included overall foodservice satisfaction and four dimensions of foodservice satisfaction: food quality, meal service quality, staff/service issues and the physical environment. Satisfaction targets were set at 4 (scale 1–5) for each foodservice dimension. Analysis showed that despite changes to the menu, overall foodservice satisfaction rated high, with a score of 4.3. Eighty-six percent of patients rated the foodservice as either ‘very good’ or ‘good’. The four foodservice dimensions were rated highly (4.2–4.8). Findings were consistent with previous survey results, demonstrating a high level of patient satisfaction across all dimensions of the foodservice, despite changes to the menu. The annual ACHFPSQ was of value to this practice question.


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In recent years, software development outsourcing has become even more complex. Outsourcing partner have begun‘re- outsourcing’ components of their projects to other outsourcing companies to minimize cost and gain efficiencies, creating a multi-level hierarchy of outsourcing. This research in progress paper presents preliminary findings of a study designed to understand knowledge transfer effectiveness of multi-level software development outsourcing projects. We conceptualize the SD-outsourcing entities using the Agency Theory. This study conceptualizes, operationalises and validates the concept of Knowledge Transfer as a three-phase multidimensional formative index of 1) Domain knowledge, 2) Communication behaviors, and 3) Clarity of requirements. Data analysis identified substantial, significant differences between the Principal and the Agent on two of the three constructs. Using Agency Theory, supported by preliminary findings, the paper also provides prescriptive guidelines of reducing the friction between the Principal and the Agent in multi-level software outsourcing.


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The main theme of this thesis is to allow the users of cloud services to outsource their data without the need to trust the cloud provider. The method is based on combining existing proof-of-storage schemes with distance-bounding protocols. Specifically, cloud customers will be able to verify the confidentiality, integrity, availability, fairness (or mutual non-repudiation), data freshness, geographic assurance and replication of their stored data directly, without having to rely on the word of the cloud provider.