958 resultados para Contrast polarity
Hemispheric differences in the learning and generalization of pattern categories were explored in two experiments involving sixteen patients with unilateral posterior, cerebral lesions in the left (LH) or right (RH) hemisphere. In each experiment participants were first trained to criterion in a supervised learning paradigm to categorize a set of patterns that either consisted of simple geometric forms (Experiment 1) or unfamiliar grey-level images (Experiment 2). They were then tested for their ability to generalize acquired categorical knowledge to contrast-reversed versions of the learning patterns. The results showed that RH lesions impeded category learning of unfamiliar grey-level images more severely than LH lesions, whereas this relationship appeared reversed for categories defined by simple geometric forms. With regard to generalization to contrast reversal, categorization performance of LH and RH patients was unaffected in the case of simple geometric forms. However, generalization to of contrast-reversed grey-level images distinctly deteriorated for patients with LH lesions relative to those with RH lesions, with the latter (but not the former) being consistently unable to identify the pattern manipulation. These findings suggest a differential use of contrast information in the representation of pattern categories in the two hemispheres. Such specialization appears in line with previous distinctions between a predominantly lefthemispheric, abstract-analytical and a righthemispheric, specific-holistic representation of object categories, and their prediction of a mandatory representation of contrast polarity in the RH. Some implications for the well-established dissociation of visual disorders for the recognition of faces and letters are discussed.
Howard and Duke (2003) generated stereograms with a grey transparent square offset from a vertical bar in one eye, and a vertical bar with a gap in the other eye. They argued that these displays were 'without conventional disparity' and that the metrical depth experienced was a new form of unpaired stereopsis due to 'transparency rather than occlusion'. Another possibility is that the perceived depth in these displays was obtained from horizontal contours. To test this possibility, we generated three displays that contained similar horizontal contourterminations, but were inconsistent with transparency. Reliable depth was seen in all stimuli. We conclude that in our stimuli, and those of Howard and Duke, transparency is not responsible for the perception of depth, which appears to be based instead on disparate horizontal contour terminations. Our results also show that disparate contours of opposite contrast polarity can generate depth.
The ability to recognize a shape is linked to figure-ground (FG) organization. Cell preferences appear to be correlated across contrast-polarity reversals and mirror reversals of polygon displays, but not so much across FG reversals. Here we present a network structure which explains both shape-coding by simulated IT cells and suppression of responses to FG reversed stimuli. In our model FG segregation is achieved before shape discrimination, which is itself evidenced by the difference in spiking onsets of a pair of output cells. The studied example also includes feature extraction and illustrates a classification of binary images depending on the dominance of vertical or horizontal borders.
The human visual system is able to effortlessly integrate local features to form our rich perception of patterns, despite the fact that visual information is discretely sampled by the retina and cortex. By using a novel perturbation technique, we show that the mechanisms by which features are integrated into coherent percepts are scale-invariant and nonlinear (phase and contrast polarity independent). They appear to operate by assigning position labels or “place tags” to each feature. Specifically, in the first series of experiments, we show that the positional tolerance of these place tags in foveal, and peripheral vision is about half the separation of the features, suggesting that the neural mechanisms that bind features into forms are quite robust to topographical jitter. In the second series of experiment, we asked how many stimulus samples are required for pattern identification by human and ideal observers. In human foveal vision, only about half the features are needed for reliable pattern interpolation. In this regard, human vision is quite efficient (ratio of ideal to real ≈ 0.75). Peripheral vision, on the other hand is rather inefficient, requiring more features, suggesting that the stimulus may be relatively underrepresented at the stage of feature integration.
Purpose: (1) To devise a model-based method for estimating the probabilities of binocular fusion, interocular suppression and diplopia from psychophysical judgements, (2) To map out the way fusion, suppression and diplopia vary with binocular disparity and blur of single edges shown to each eye, (3) To compare the binocular interactions found for edges of the same vs opposite contrast polarity. Methods: Test images were single, horizontal, Gaussian-blurred edges, with blur B = 1-32 min arc, and vertical disparity 0-8.B, shown for 200 ms. In the main experiment, observers reported whether they saw one central edge, one offset edge, or two edges. We argue that the relation between these three response categories and the three perceptual states (fusion, suppression, diplopia) is indirect and likely to be distorted by positional noise and criterion effects, and so we developed a descriptive, probabilistic model to estimate both the perceptual states and the noise/criterion parameters from the data. Results: (1) Using simulated data, we validated the model-based method by showing that it recovered fairly accurately the disparity ranges for fusion and suppression, (2) The disparity range for fusion (Panum's limit) increased greatly with blur, in line with previous studies. The disparity range for suppression was similar to the fusion limit at large blurs, but two or three times the fusion limit at small blurs. This meant that diplopia was much more prevalent at larger blurs, (3) Diplopia was much more frequent when the two edges had opposite contrast polarity. A formal comparison of models indicated that fusion occurs for same, but not opposite, polarities. Probability of suppression was greater for unequal contrasts, and it was always the lower-contrast edge that was suppressed. Conclusions: Our model-based data analysis offers a useful tool for probing binocular fusion and suppression psychophysically. The disparity range for fusion increased with edge blur but fell short of complete scale-invariance. The disparity range for suppression also increased with blur but was not close to scale-invariance. Single vision occurs through fusion, but also beyond the fusion range, through suppression. Thus suppression can serve as a mechanism for extending single vision to larger disparities, but mainly for sharper edges where the fusion range is small (5-10 min arc). For large blurs the fusion range is so much larger that no such extension may be needed. © 2014 The College of Optometrists.
Adherens junctions (AJs) and cell polarity complexes are key players in the establishment and maintenance of apical-basal cell polarity. Loss of AJs or basolateral polarity components promotes tumor formation and metastasis. Recent studies in vertebrate models show that loss of AJs or loss of the basolateral component Scribble (Scrib) cause deregulation of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway and hyperactivation of its downstream effectors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). However, whether AJs and Scrib act through the same or independent mechanisms to regulate Hippo pathway activity is not known. Here, we dissect how disruption of AJs or loss of basolateral components affect the activity of the Drosophila YAP homolog Yorkie (Yki) during imaginal disc development. Surprisingly, disruption of AJs and loss of basolateral proteins produced very different effects on Yki activity. Yki activity was cell-autonomously decreased but non-cell-autonomously elevated in tissues where the AJ components E-cadherin (E-cad) or α-catenin (α-cat) were knocked down. In contrast, scrib knockdown caused a predominantly cell-autonomous activation of Yki. Moreover, disruption of AJs or basolateral proteins had different effects on cell polarity and tissue size. Simultaneous knockdown of α-cat and scrib induced both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous Yki activity. In mammalian cells, knockdown of E-cad or α-cat caused nuclear accumulation and activation of YAP without overt effects on Scrib localization and vice versa. Therefore, our results indicate the existence of multiple, genetically separable inputs from AJs and cell polarity complexes into Yki/YAP regulation.
The malic enzyme (ME) gene is a target for both thyroid hormone receptors and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR). Within the ME promoter, two direct repeat (DR)-1-like elements, MEp and MEd, have been identified as putative PPAR response elements (PPRE). We demonstrate that only MEp and not MEd is able to bind PPAR/retinoid X receptor (RXR) heterodimers and mediate peroxisome proliferator signaling. Taking advantage of the close sequence resemblance of MEp and MEd, we have identified crucial determinants of a PPRE. Using reciprocal mutation analyses of these two elements, we show the preference for adenine as the spacing nucleotide between the two half-sites of the PPRE and demonstrate the importance of the two first bases flanking the core DR1 in 5'. This latter feature of the PPRE lead us to consider the polarity of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer bound to its cognate element. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the polarity of RXR/TR and RXR/RAR bound to DR4 and DR5 elements respectively, PPAR binds to the 5' extended half-site of the response element, while RXR occupies the 3' half-site. Consistent with this polarity is our finding that formation and binding of the PPAR/RXR heterodimer requires an intact hinge T region in RXR while its integrity is not required for binding of the RXR/TR heterodimer to a DR4.
Cell-CAM 105 has been identified as a cell adhesion molecule (CAM) based on the ability of monospecific and monovalent anti-cell-CAM 105 antibodies to inhibit the reaggregation of rat hepatocytes. Although one would expect to find CAMs concentrated in the lateral membrane domain where adhesive interactions predominate, immunofluorescence analysis of rat liver frozen sections revealed that cell-CAM 105 was present exclusively in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte. To more precisely define the in situ localization of cell-CAM 105, immunoperoxidase and electron microscopy were used to analyze intact and mechanically dissociated fixed liver tissue. Results indicate that although cell-CAM 105 is apparently restricted to the BC domain in situ, it can be detected in the pericanalicular region of the lateral membranes when accessibility to lateral membranes is provided by mechanical dissociation. In contrast, when hepatocytes were labeled following incubation in vitro under conditions used during adhesion assays, cell-CAM 105 had redistributed to all areas of the plasma membrane. Immunofluorescence analysis of primary hepatocyte cultures revealed that cell-CAM 105 and two other BC proteins were localized in discrete domains reminscent of BC while cell-CAM 105 was also present in regions of intercellular contact. These results indicate that the distribution of cell-CAM 105 under the experimental conditions used for cell adhesion assays differs from that in situ and raises the possibility that its adhesive function may be modulated by its cell surface distribution. The implications of these and other findings are discussed with regard to a model for BC formation.^ Analysis of molecular events involved in BC formation would be accelerated if an in vitro model system were available. Although BC formation in culture has previously been observed, repolarization of cell-CAM 105 and two other domain-specific membrane proteins was incomplete. Since DMSO had been used by Isom et al. to maintain liver-specific gene expression in vitro, the effect of this differentiation system on the polarity of these membrane proteins was examined. Based on findings presented here, DMSO apparently prolongs the expression and facilitates polarization of hepatocyte membrane proteins in vitro. ^
The essential p21-activated kinase (PAK), Shk1, is a critical component of a Ras/Cdc42/PAK complex required for cell viability, normal cell polarity, proper regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics, and sexual differentiation in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. While cellular functions of PAKs have been described in eukaryotes from yeasts to mammals, the molecular mechanisms of PAK regulation and function are poorly understood. This study has characterized a novel Shk1 inhibitor, Skb15, and, in addition, identified the cell polarity regulator, Tea1, as a potential biological substrate of Shk1 in S. pombe. Skb15 is a highly conserved WD repeat protein that was discovered from a two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with the catalytic domain of Shk1. Molecular data indicate that Skb15 negatively regulates Shk1 kinase activity in S. pombe cells. A null mutation in the skb15 gene is lethal and results in deregulation of actin polymerization and localization, microtubule biogenesis, and the cytokinetic machinery, as well as a substantial uncoupling of these processes from the cell cycle. Loss of Skb15 function is suppressed by partial loss of Shk1, demonstrating that negative regulation of Shk1 by Skb15 is required for proper execution of cytoskeletal remodeling and cytokinetic functions. A mouse homolog of Skb15 can substitute for its counterpart in fission yeast, demonstrating that Skb15 protein function has been substantially conserved through evolution. ^ Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that Shk1, in addition to regulating actin cytoskeletal organization, is required for proper regulation of microtubule dynamics in S. pombe cells. The Shk1 protein localizes to interphase and mitotic microtubules, the septum-forming region, and cell ends. This pattern of localization overlaps with that of the cell polarity regulator, Tea1, in S. pombe cells. The tea1 gene was identified by Paul Nurse's laboratory from a screen for genes involved in the control of cell morphogenesis in S. pombe. In contrast to wild type S. pombe cells, which are rod shaped, tea1 null cells are often bent and/or branched in shape. The Tea1 protein localizes to the cell ends, like Shk1, and the growing tips of interphase microtubules. Thus, experiments were performed to investigate whether Tea1 interacts with Shk1. The tea1 null mutation strongly suppresses the loss of function of Skb15, an essential inhibitor of Shk1 function. All defects associated with the skb15 mutation, including defects in F-actin organization, septation, spindle elongation, and chromosome segregation, are suppressed by tea1Δ, suggesting that Tea1 may function in these diverse processes. Consistent with a role for Tea1 in cytokinesis, tea1Δ cells have a modest cell separation defect that is greatly exacerbated by a shk1 mutation and, like Shk1, Tea1 localizes to the septation site. Molecular analyses showed that Tea1 phosphorylation is significantly dependent on Shk1 function in vivo and that bacterially expressed Tea1 protein is directly phosphorylated by recombinant Shk1 kinase in vitro. Taken together, these results identify Tea1 as a potential biological substrate of Shk1 in S. pombe. ^ In summary, this study provides new insights into a conserved regulatory mechanism for PAKs, and also begins to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which the Ras/Cdc42/PAK complex regulates the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons and cell growth polarization in fission yeast. ^
Plant trichomes play important protective functions and may have a major influence on leaf surface wettability. With the aim of gaining insight into trichome structure, composition and function in relation to water-plant surface interactions, we analyzed the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface of Quercus ilex L. (holm oak) as model. By measuring the leaf water potential 24 h after the deposition of water drops on to abaxial and adaxial surfaces, evidence for water penetration through the upper leaf side was gained in young and mature leaves. The structure and chemical composition of the abaxial (always present) and adaxial (occurring only in young leaves) trichomes were analyzed by various microscopic and analytical procedures. The adaxial surfaces were wettable and had a high degree of water drop adhesion in contrast to the highly unwettable and water repellent abaxial holm oak leaf sides. The surface free energy, polarity and solubility parameter decreased with leaf age, with generally higher values determined for the abaxial sides. All holm oak leaf trichomes were covered with a cuticle. The abaxial trichomes were composed of 8% soluble waxes, 49% cutin, and 43% polysaccharides. For the adaxial side, it is concluded that trichomes and the scars after trichome shedding contribute to water uptake, while the abaxial leaf side is highly hydrophobic due to its high degree of pubescence and different trichome structure, composition and density. Results are interpreted in terms of water-plant surface interactions, plant surface physical-chemistry, and plant ecophysiology.
Integrin-mediated adhesion is a critical regulator of cell migration. Here we demonstrate that integrin-mediated adhesion to high fibronectin concentrations induces a stop signal for cell migration by inhibiting cell polarization and protrusion. On fibronectin, the stop signal is generated through α5β1 integrin-mediated signaling to the Rho family of GTPases. Specifically, Cdc42 and Rac1 activation exhibits a biphasic dependence on fibronectin concentration that parallels optimum cell polarization and protrusion. In contrast, RhoA activity increases with increasing substratum concentration. We find that cross talk between Cdc42 and Rac1 is required for substratum-stimulated protrusion, whereas RhoA activity is inhibitory. We also show that Cdc42 activity is inhibited by Rac1 activation, suggesting that Rac1 activity may down-regulate Cdc42 activity and promote the formation of stabilized rather than transient protrusion. Furthermore, expression of RhoA down-regulates Cdc42 and Rac1 activity, providing a mechanism whereby RhoA may inhibit cell polarization and protrusion. These findings implicate adhesion-dependent signaling as a mechanism to stop cell migration by regulating cell polarity and protrusion via the Rho family of GTPases.
The active migration of neurons from their sites of origin to their final destinations requires the unidirectional translocation of the nuclei and somatic cytoplasm within the growing leading processes. To explore the cellular machinery underlying this translocation, we determined the polarity of microtubules situated within the leading and trailing processes of migrating cerebellar granule cells in situ. Our analysis reveals that the newly assembled positive ends of the microtubules in the leading process uniformly face the growing tip, while their disintegrating negative ends face the nucleus. In the trailing process, by contrast, microtubule arrays are of mixed polarity. We suggest that the dynamics of slow polymerization in combination with fast disintegration of oriented microtubules create "push" and "pull" forces that contribute to the piston-like saltatory displacement of the nucleus and cytoplasm within the membrane cylinder of the leading process of the migrating neuron.
Our goal here is a more complete understanding of how information about luminance contrast is encoded and used by the binocular visual system. In two-interval forced-choice experiments we assessed observers' ability to discriminate changes in contrast that could be an increase or decrease of contrast in one or both eyes, or an increase in one eye coupled with a decrease in the other (termed IncDec). The base or pedestal contrasts were either in-phase or out-of-phase in the two eyes. The opposed changes in the IncDec condition did not cancel each other out, implying that along with binocular summation, information is also available from mechanisms that do not sum the two eyes' inputs. These might be monocular mechanisms. With a binocular pedestal, monocular increments of contrast were much easier to see than monocular decrements. These findings suggest that there are separate binocular (B) and monocular (L,R) channels, but only the largest of the three responses, max(L,B,R), is available to perception and decision. Results from contrast discrimination and contrast matching tasks were described very accurately by this model. Stimuli, data, and model responses can all be visualized in a common binocular contrast space, allowing a more direct comparison between models and data. Some results with out-of-phase pedestals were not accounted for by the max model of contrast coding, but were well explained by an extended model in which gratings of opposite polarity create the sensation of lustre. Observers can discriminate changes in lustre alongside changes in contrast.
The development of technological routes to convert lignocellulosic biomass to liquid fuels requires an in-depth understanding of the cell wall architecture of substrates. Essential pretreatment processes are conducted to reduce biomass recalcitrance and usually increase the reactive surface area. Quantitative three-dimensional information about both bulk and surface structural features of substrates needs to be obtained to expand our knowledge of substrates. In this work, phase-contrast tomography (PCT) was used to gather information about the structure of a model lignocellulosic biomass (piassava fibers). The three-dimensional cellular organization of piassava fibers was characterized by PCT using synchrotron radiation. This technique enabled important physical features that describe the substrate piassava fibers to be visualized and quantified. The external surface area of a fiber and internal surface area of the pores in a fiber could be determined separately. More than 96% of the overall surface area available to enzymes was in the bulk substrate. The pore surface area and length exhibited a positive linear relationship, where the slope of this relationship depended on the plant tissue. We demonstrated that PCT is a powerful tool for the three-dimensional characterization of the cell wall features related to biomass recalcitrance. Original and relevant quantitative information about the structural features of the analyzed material were obtained. The data obtained by PCT can be used to improve processing routes to efficiently convert biomass feedstock into sugars.
In children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, color vision losses have been related to dystrophin deletions downstream of exon 30, which affect a dystrophin isoform, Dp260, present in the retina. To further evaluate visual function in DMD children, we measured spatial, temporal, and chromatic red-green and blue-yellow contrast sensitivity in two groups of DMD children with gene deletion downstream and upstream of exon 30. Psychophysical spatial contrast sensitivity was measured for low, middle, and high spatial frequencies with achromatic gratings and for low and middle frequencies with red-green and blue-yellow chromatic gratings. Temporal contrast sensitivity was also measured with achromatic stimuli. A reduction in sensitivity at all spatial luminance contrasts was found for the DMD patients with deletion downstream of exon 30. Similar results were found for temporal luminance contrast sensitivity. Red-green chromatic contrast sensitivity was reduced in DMD children with deletion downstream of exon 30, whereas blue-yellow chromatic contrast sensitivity showed no significant differences. We conclude that visual function is impaired in DMD children. Furthermore, we report a genotype-phenotype relationship because the visual impairment occurred in children with deletion downstream but not upstream of exon 30, affecting the retinal isoform of dystrophin Dp260.