999 resultados para Continued Fraction Expansion


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An algorithm for deriving a continued fraction that corresponds to two series expansions simultaneously, when there are zero coefficients in one or both series, is given. It is based on using the Q-D algorithm to derive the corresponding fraction for two related series, and then transforming it into the required continued fraction. Two examples are given. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we evaluate the correlation functions of the spin-1/2 XYZ model for some particular cases by using the Mori continued-fraction formalism. The results are exactly the same as those well-known ones. This removes any doubt about the convergence of the continued fraction recently raised by some authors.


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The continued fraction method for solving differential equations is illustrated using three famous differential equations used in quantum chemistry.


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We investigate infinite families of integral quadratic polynomials {fk (X)} k∈N and show that, for a fixed k ∈ N and arbitrary X ∈ N, the period length of the simple continued fraction expansion of √fk (X) is constant. Furthermore, we show that the period lengths of √fk (X) go to infinity with k. For each member of the families involved, we show how to determine, in an easy fashion, the fundamental unit of the underlying quadratic field. We also demonstrate how the simple continued fraction ex- pansion of √fk (X) is related to that of √C, where √fk (X) = ak*X^2 +bk*X + C. This continues work in [1]–[4].


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We study the phonon density of states of a three dimensional disordered mixed crystal NaCl(x)Br1-x. The phonon structure is obtained by using a cluster method based on a continued fraction expansion of the Green function. The proposed dynamic model includes only short range interactions (first and second neighbors) but supports some qualitative features of the constituents binary alloys.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 93B51, 93C95


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This dissertation has two almost unrelated themes: privileged words and Sturmian words. Privileged words are a new class of words introduced recently. A word is privileged if it is a complete first return to a shorter privileged word, the shortest privileged words being letters and the empty word. Here we give and prove almost all results on privileged words known to date. On the other hand, the study of Sturmian words is a well-established topic in combinatorics on words. In this dissertation, we focus on questions concerning repetitions in Sturmian words, reproving old results and giving new ones, and on establishing completely new research directions. The study of privileged words presented in this dissertation aims to derive their basic properties and to answer basic questions regarding them. We explore a connection between privileged words and palindromes and seek out answers to questions on context-freeness, computability, and enumeration. It turns out that the language of privileged words is not context-free, but privileged words are recognizable by a linear-time algorithm. A lower bound on the number of binary privileged words of given length is proven. The main interest, however, lies in the privileged complexity functions of the Thue-Morse word and Sturmian words. We derive recurrences for computing the privileged complexity function of the Thue-Morse word, and we prove that Sturmian words are characterized by their privileged complexity function. As a slightly separate topic, we give an overview of a certain method of automated theorem-proving and show how it can be applied to study privileged factors of automatic words. The second part of this dissertation is devoted to Sturmian words. We extensively exploit the interpretation of Sturmian words as irrational rotation words. The essential tools are continued fractions and elementary, but powerful, results of Diophantine approximation theory. With these tools at our disposal, we reprove old results on powers occurring in Sturmian words with emphasis on the fractional index of a Sturmian word. Further, we consider abelian powers and abelian repetitions and characterize the maximum exponents of abelian powers with given period occurring in a Sturmian word in terms of the continued fraction expansion of its slope. We define the notion of abelian critical exponent for Sturmian words and explore its connection to the Lagrange spectrum of irrational numbers. The results obtained are often specialized for the Fibonacci word; for instance, we show that the minimum abelian period of a factor of the Fibonacci word is a Fibonacci number. In addition, we propose a completely new research topic: the square root map. We prove that the square root map preserves the language of any Sturmian word. Moreover, we construct a family of non-Sturmian optimal squareful words whose language the square root map also preserves.This construction yields examples of aperiodic infinite words whose square roots are periodic.


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The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006.


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The electronic structure of a bounded intrinsic stacking fault in silicon is calculated. The method used is an LCAO-scheme (Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals) taking ten atomic orbitals of s-, p-, and d-type into account. The levels in the band gap are extracted using Lanczos' algorithm and a continued fraction representation of the local density of states. We find occupied states located up to 0.3 eV above the valence band maximum (E(v)). This significantly differs from the result obtained for the ideal infinite fault for which the interface state is located at E(v)+ 0.1 eV.


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An LCAO scheme (linear combination of atomic orbitals) taking into account ten atomic orbitals (s-, p-, and d-type) is used to calculate the electronic structure of a vacancy present in the core of the reconstructed 90 degrees partial dislocation in silicon. The levels in the band gap are extracted using Lanczos' algorithm and a continued fraction representation of the local density of states. The three-fold degenerate stale of the ideal vacancy is split into three levels with energies 0.26, 1.1, and 1.9 eV measured from the valence band edge.


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The greatest relaxation time for an assembly of three- dimensional rigid rotators in an axially symmetric bistable potential is obtained exactly in terms of continued fractions as a sum of the zero frequency decay functions (averages of the Legendre polynomials) of the system. This is accomplished by studying the entire time evolution of the Green function (transition probability) by expanding the time dependent distribution as a Fourier series and proceeding to the zero frequency limit of the Laplace transform of that distribution. The procedure is entirely analogous to the calculation of the characteristic time of the probability evolution (the integral of the configuration space probability density function with respect to the position co-ordinate) for a particle undergoing translational diffusion in a potential; a concept originally used by Malakhov and Pankratov (Physica A 229 (1996) 109). This procedure allowed them to obtain exact solutions of the Kramers one-dimensional translational escape rate problem for piecewise parabolic potentials. The solution was accomplished by posing the problem in terms of the appropriate Sturm-Liouville equation which could be solved in terms of the parabolic cylinder functions. The method (as applied to rotational problems and posed in terms of recurrence relations for the decay functions, i.e., the Brinkman approach c.f. Blomberg, Physica A 86 (1977) 49, as opposed to the Sturm-Liouville one) demonstrates clearly that the greatest relaxation time unlike the integral relaxation time which is governed by a single decay function (albeit coupled to all the others in non-linear fashion via the underlying recurrence relation) is governed by a sum of decay functions. The method is easily generalized to multidimensional state spaces by matrix continued fraction methods allowing one to treat non-axially symmetric potentials, where the distribution function is governed by two state variables. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Continued range expansion into physiologically challenging environments requires invasive species to maintain adaptive phenotypic performance. The adrenocortical stress response, governed in part by glucocorticoid hormones, influences physiological and behavioural responses of vertebrates to environmental stressors. However, any adaptive role of this response in invasive populations that are expanding into extreme environments is currently unclear. We experimentally manipulated the adrenocortical stress response of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) to investigate its effect on phenotypic performance and fitness at the species' range front in the Tanami Desert, Australia. Here, toads are vulnerable to overheating and dehydration during the annual hot-dry season and display elevated plasma corticosterone levels indicative of severe environmental stress. By comparing unmanipulated control toads with toads whose adrenocortical stress response was manipulated to increase acute physiological stress responsiveness, we found that control toads had significantly reduced daily evaporative water loss and higher survival relative to the experimental animals. The adrenocortical stress response hence appears essential in facilitating complex phenotypic performance and setting fitness trajectories of individuals from invasive species during range expansion.


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A strong Stieltjes distribution d psi(t) is called symmetric if it satisfies the propertyt(omega) d psi(beta(2)/t) = -(beta(2)/t)(omega) d psi(t), for t is an element of (a, b) subset of or equal to (0, infinity), 2 omega is an element of Z, and beta > 0.In this article some consequences of symmetry on the moments, the orthogonal L-polynomials and the quadrature formulae associated with the distribution are given. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some dynamical properties of a particle suffering the action of a generic drag force are obtained for a dissipative Fermi Acceleration model. The dissipation is introduced via a viscous drag force, like a gas, and is assumed to be proportional to a power of the velocity: F alpha -nu(gamma). The dynamics is described by a two-dimensional nonlinear area-contracting mapping obtained via the solution of Newton's second law of motion. We prove analytically that the decay of high energy is given by a continued fraction which recovers the following expressions: (i) linear for gamma = 1; (ii) exponential for gamma = 2; and (iii) second-degree polynomial type for gamma = 1.5. Our results are discussed for both the complete version and the simplified version. The procedure used in the present paper can be extended to many different kinds of system, including a class of billiards problems.


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Via an operator continued fraction scheme, we expand Kramers equation in the high friction limit. Then all distribution moments are expressed in terms of the first momemt (particle density). The latter satisfies a generalized Smoluchowsky equation. As an application, we present the nonequilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamical picture for the one-dimensional Brownian motion. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.