966 resultados para Contemporary Turkish architecture
This is the introductory essay of ARCAM’s (Architectuurcentrum Amsterdam) “Turkey Today: Contemporary Turkish Architecture in Turkey and the Netherlands” Exhibit, which took place in September-November 2004 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The author also consulted the curators.
This is an interview with the author about the "Turkey Today: Contemporary Turkish Architecture in Turkey and the Netherlands” Exhibition in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The author consulted the curators and wrote the introductory essay of the exhibition.
Over many centuries of settlement, Vietnamese inhabitants have developed a vernacular architecture that is well adapted to the region’s climatic and topographical conditions. Vernacular Vietnamese housing uses natural systems to create a built environment that integrates well with nature. The vernacular combines site-sensitive, passive solar design, natural materials and appropriate structure to achieve harmony among nature, humans and the built environment. Unfortunately, these unique features have not been applied in contemporary Vietnamese architecture, which displays energy-intensive materials and built forms. This research is analysing how environmentally-responsive elements of vernacular architecture could be applied to modern sustainable housing in Vietnam. Elements of many types of vernacular architecture throughout the country are reviewed as precedents for future building planning and design. The paper also looks at culturally and ecologically appropriate legislative and voluntary options for encouraging more sustainable housing.
The following article arises from the projects submitted for the 2004 Awards fo the Western Australian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, for which we were judges, together with Craig Burton of CAB Consulting and Natalie palleros of Tierra Design. This article is an attempt to understand some dominant trends that emerged from viewing a range of new suburban developments. Suburban developments dominated the awards and seemed to characterise much of the work being done by landscape architects in the west. It is easy to be critical of contemporary landscape architecture in Perth, as the projects presented were mostly the same in that their scope of design activity was restricted to the decorative rather than the structural. However, as critics, we feel it is important to initate a conversation about what has been presented as the best of the profession, in order to begin to understand the current state of the profession.
An extravaganza of shapes now forms our city skylines. CAD and BIM with their inbuilt links to manufacturing and construction processes has made possible this kind of effusive architectural expression, at least externally. Building developers clearly understand the enormous marketing potential for impact expression. The skilled manipulation of 3D CAD software enables architects to achieve usable gross floor space within an enticingly sinuous, but build-able, envelope. This critical factor is resulting in a fundamental change to the appearance of our cities. It has become plausible, at least, to design and build complex and non-repetitive buildings without incurring prohibitive additional labor costs.However The ground level lobby spaces often do manage to retain some of the external. However, the interior working spaces, particularly in commercial office buildings tend to loose this grand gesture. However - the internal activity - the very reason for the existence of the building – often takes place in monotonous spaces that seem driven predominately by the need to accommodate workstation furniture and functions in dire need of reconsideration.
House at Bogwest to be included in a guide to contemporary Irish architecture since 1990 published by Gandon Editions and prepared by Sean Antoin O Muiri.
Istanbul est pour Pamuk ce que Paris est pour Baudelaire : une source inépuisable d’inspiration et de spleen. Or, si le poète est davantage conscient de ses états d’âme, le romancier turc le plus lu des deux côtés du Bosphore ne sait pas toujours que tout discours sur le monde extérieur est un discours sur lui-même. Dans un premier temps, il se complait dans l’hüzün, ce sentiment collectif et généralisé de mélancolie, apparemment intrinsèque à la ville et ses ruines, traces tangibles de la décadence d’un grand empire dont les héritiers peinent à se relever. Il n’en est pourtant rien, car, au fur à mesure que Pamuk suit les traces des écrivains et artistes étrangers de passage à Istanbul, il s’aperçoit que l’apparente mélancolie des ruines n’est qu’une strate parmi d’autres, c’est-à-dire glissante, malléable et fluide, tout dépend de l’emplacement et du point de vue de l’observateur, dans une ville palimpseste qui cache dans ses entrailles toutes les altérités. En suivant les traces de l’altérité, Pamuk découvre la nature hétérogène de sa ville et de lui-même et s’aperçoit que la mélancolie collective est fabriquée de toutes pièces par un certain récit socio-politique et une certaine classe sociale. En effet, c’est en traquant les reflets de son double que le romancier prend soudainement conscience du caractère fuyant de sa propre subjectivité, mais aussi de celui du monde et des autres. Si tel est le cas, l’espace urbain qui préoccupe et obsède Pamuk n’est qu’un reflet de son esprit et l’accès à la présence pleine s’avère une illusion. Comme si, l’inquiétante étrangeté de son inconscient, en lui dévoilant le côté insaisissable du monde et du soi, l’encourageait à remettre en cause un certain nombre d’opinions acquises, non seulement à l’intérieur de sa propre culture, mais aussi dans la culture de son double européen. Car si tout est fluide et malléable, il n’y a pas raison de ne pas tout questionner, incluant la tradition et la politique, cette dernière faisant de lui, « une personne bien plus politique, sérieuse et responsable que je ne le suis et ne souhaitais l’être ». Ainsi, Istanbul, souvenir d’une ville questionne le rapport entre la subjectivité et les strates hétérogènes d’Istanbul, pour aboutir à un constat déconstructiviste : tout n’est que bricolage et substitut du sens là où il brille par son absence. S’il brille par son absence, il en est de même loin d’Istanbul, dans une maison périphérique appelée La Maison du Silence à l’intérieur de laquelle les personnages soliloques et par moments muets, se questionnent sur le rapport entre la tradition et la modernité, le centre et la périphérie, l’Occident et l’Orient, sans oublier le caractère destructeur et éphémère du temps, mais aussi de l’espace. Et enfin, Le Musée de l’Innoncence, cette oeuvre magistrale où l’amour joue (en apparence seulement) le rôle principal, n’est en fait que l’étrange aboutissement de la quête obsessessive et narcissique du personnage principal vers un autre espace-temps, quelque part entre la réalité et la fiction, entre l’Est et l’Ouest, entre la tradition et la modernité, cet entre-deux qui campe indéniablement Pamuk parmi les meilleurs romanciers postmodernes de notre époque. Or, pour y parvenir, il faut au préalable un bouc-émissaire qui, dans le cas de Pamuk, représente presque toujours la figure du féminin.
"Serene" would be the most appropriate adjective to describe the architecture of Dermot Boyd and Peter Cody. BOYD CODY ARCHITECTS ls part of a close-knit group of young architects - all of them aggressive and belligerent proponents of modern forms - that make up the vibrant core of contemporary Irish architecture .
El objetivo principal que este trabajo ha perseguido tiene que ver, primero, con reconocer la arquitectura como una disciplina intensamente ligada con la realidad (espacial, constructiva, económica) para después reivindicar una docencia de la misma que busque trabar lazos más estrechos con la experiencia directa del aprendizaje. A lo largo de la primera parte del trabajo se proponer un enfoque que identifica como próximas las bases del llamado “aprendizaje experimental” con la forma de pensar que trata de transmitirse respecto al concepto de “proyectar” en nuestras escuelas. Acordada esta relación de proximidad entre el aprendizaje experimental y el aprendizaje de proyectos se da un paso más allá: la bibliografía propia de las ciencias del aprendizaje señala los rasgos que caracterizan a los espacios donde tiene lugar este aprendizaje experimental. Esta información se ha confrontado con seis ejemplos en el panorama contemporáneo de las escuelas de arquitectura que, pensábamos, podían responder a la definición de “espacios de aprendizaje experimental”. Una vez descritos se ha hecho una lectura crítica de cada uno respecto a las características descritas por las ciencias del aprendizaje. Como resultado de estas lecturas críticas podemos concluir una serie de puntos que pueden caracterizar al espacio de aprendizaje experimental en la escuela de arquitectura de cara al futuro. The main objective that this work has pursued was, first, to recognize architecture as a discipline strongly linked with reality (spatial, constructive, economic) and then claim a teaching of it to seek closer ties lock experience direct learning. Throughout the first part of the paper is to propose an approach that identifies it as coming bases called “experiential learning” with the way of thinking that is transmitted on the concept of “project” in our schools. Agreed this close relationship between experiential learning and project learning goes a step further: the bibliography own learning sciences highlights the features that characterize the spaces where this experiential learning occurs. This information has been confronted with six examples in contemporary landscape architecture schools, we thought, could fall within the definition of “experimental learning spaces”. Having described has become a critical reading of each with respect to the characteristics described by the learning sciences. As a result of these critical readings can conclude a number of points that can characterize the space of experiential learning in the school of architecture facing the future.
El proceso de proyecto, llevado a cabo por Juan O’Gorman, para proyectar y construir más de veinticinco Escuelas Primarias en el Distrito Federal en menos de seis meses en 1932, necesariamente debió regirse por una metodología que permitiera conseguirlo. Esta investigación plantea la existencia de un método de proyecto que engloba toda la arquitectura de la etapa funcionalista de O’Gorman. Se considera la metodología, denominada en esta tesis Sistema Modular de las Escuelas Primarias, como un procedimiento proyectual evolutivo, conseguido a través de una investigación y experimentación continua. Inicia en 1929 con la realización de dos proyectos de vivienda particular, continúa con la génesis de un esquema de modulación que surge en unos proyectos de vivienda colectiva, se perfecciona en los proyectos de Escuelas Primarias del D.F. introduciendo criterios de estandarización y culmina con la adaptación a diversas circunstancias geométricas y climáticas que define la ubicación, en los casos concretos de la Escuela Vocacional Industrial de Tolsá y Tresguerras y la Escuela Primaria de Tampico en 1934. Este planteamiento destaca el valor de la obra funcionalista de aquel joven arquitecto, no sólo por lo novedoso que este nuevo lenguaje supuso en el México neo-colonial de los años 30, sino especialmente por la importancia que significó para la arquitectura mexicana contemporánea, la sistematización de procesos de proyecto -modulación y estandarización- para abordar una arquitectura inexistente en la época -la arquitectura social- de manera moderna y eficiente. La metodología empleada en la tesis implica la catalogación y mapeado de las Escuelas Primarias del D.F., lo cual aporta documentación original inédita. ABSTRACT The project process, carried out by Juan O’Gorman, to design and build more than twenty five elementary schools in less than six months in Mexico City in 1932, must have necessarily been governed by a thorough methodology in order to achieve this. This research posits the existence of a project method that encompasses all the architecture of O’Gorman’s functionalist stage. The methodology, known as “Modular System of Elementary Schools” in this thesis, is regarded as an evolutionary proyectual process, achieved through continuous research and experimentation. This methodology, which started in 1929 with the completion of two projects of private dwellings, continued with the creation of a modulation scheme arising from collective housing projects, later perfected in the Elementary School projects of Mexico City by introducing standardization criteria. Finally, it culminated in the adaptation to various geometric and climatic circumstances defined by the location, in the specific cases of the Industrial Vocational School of Tolsá and Tresguerras and Tampico’s Elementary School in 1934. This approach highlights the value of the young architect’s functionalist work, not only for the novelty of this new language in the neo-colonial Mexico of the 1930s, but especially because of the importance it meant to contemporary Mexican architecture, the systematization of project processes, -modulation and standardization- and addressing a nonexistent ‘social architecture’ at the time in a modern and efficient way. The methodology used in this thesis involves cataloging and mapping O’Gorman’s Elementary Schools in Mexico City, which provides unprecedented original documentation.
En el siglo XX -más de ciencias que de letras- se constata que aún no tenernos todas las respuestas y que, quizás, por ello, se sigue construyendo arquitectura religiosa, de aquí este recorrido sintético por su arquitectura sacra. Este se realiza siguiendo un triple nivel de análisis de estos lugares siempre simbólicos. Uno: relativo al espacio de la arquitectura que renueva el imaginario mediante sus elementos esenciales. Dos: relativo a la capacidad de la luz y la imagen para transformar la liturgia en espectáculo de masas. Tres: relativo a la dimensión táctil que muestra el paso del tiempo. Porque ¿cuál es la arquitectura de lo trascendente? Quizás la que vuelve a los elementos: tierra (materia), aire (espacio), agua (tiempo) y fuego (luz), permitiendo al hombre mirar a su interior.
EU enlargement - to countries in Central and Eastern Europe in 2004, the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, and increasing debates on Turkey’s membership - has dramatically transformed the European Union into a multi-religious space. Religious communities are not only shaping identities but are also influential factors in political discourse. This edited volume examines the activities of religious actors in the context of supranational European institutions and the ways in which they have responded to the idea of Europe at local and international levels. By bringing together scholars working in political science, history, law and sociology, this volume analyses key religious factors in contemporary EU architecture, such as the transformation of religious identities, the role of political and religious leaders, EU legislation on religion, and, the activities of religious lobbies. This book was published as a special issue of Religion, State and Society.
EU enlargement - to countries in Central and Eastern Europe in 2004, the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, and increasing debates on Turkey’s membership - has dramatically transformed the European Union into a multi-religious space. Religious communities are not only shaping identities but are also influential factors in political discourse. This edited volume examines the activities of religious actors in the context of supranational European institutions and the ways in which they have responded to the idea of Europe at local and international levels. By bringing together scholars working in political science, history, law and sociology, this volume analyses key religious factors in contemporary EU architecture, such as the transformation of religious identities, the role of political and religious leaders, EU legislation on religion, and, the activities of religious lobbies.