991 resultados para Contemporary Québec novel
Given that an extant comprehensive study of homosexuality and the twentieth century Irish novel has yet to produced, this thesis is an attempt at rectifying such a gap in research by way of close textual analysis of writing from the latter half of the century—that is, from 1960-2000. Analysis of seven novels by four male authors – John Broderick, Desmond Hogan, Colm Tóibín and Keith Ridgway – lead to one overarching feature common to all four writers becoming clear: the homosexual or queer is always dying or already ‘dead’. ‘Dead’ is placed in inverted commas here as it is not only biological death that characterises the fate of gay men in the aforementioned literature. In the first instance, such men are also always already ‘dead’—that is, by light of their disenfranchisement as homosexual or queer, they are, in socialized terms, examples of the ‘living’ dead. Secondly, biological death neither fully obliterates the queer body nor its disruptive influence. Consequently, one of the overarching ways in which I read queer death in the late twentieth century Irish novel is through the prism of its reparative ‘afterw(a)ord’. On the one hand, such readings are temporally based (that is, reading from a point beyond the death of the protagonist - or their ‘afterward’); while, on the other hand, such readings are stylistically premised (that is, reading or interpreting the narrative itself as an ‘afterword’). The current project thus constitutes an original contribution to knowledge by establishing variant ways of reading the contemporary Irish novel from the point of view of the queer ‘unliving’. In assessing such heterogeneous aspects of contemporary queer death, the project a) contributes to recent, largely Anglo-American-based literary theoretical research on the queer and the eschatological, and b) provides a more contemporized literary base upon which future research can uncover a continuum of Irish queer writing in the twentieth century, one concerned with writing prior to 1960 and not limited to writing my men, in which death and same-sex desire are at parallel angles to one another.
In the early to mid-twentieth century, many novelists in the Arab world championed Arab nationalism in their literary reflections on the social and political struggles of their countries, depicting these struggles primarily in terms of spatial binaries that pitted the Arab world against the West, even as they imported Western literary models of progress and modernity into their own work. The intense experience of national awakening that infused their writing often placed these authors at a literary disadvantage, for in their literature, all too often the depth and diversity of Arabic cultures and the complexity of socio-political struggles across the Arab world were undermined by restrictive spatial discourses that tended to focus only on particular versions of Arab history and on a seemingly unifying national predicament. Between the Arab defeat of 1967 and the present day, however, an increasing number of Arab authors have turned to less restrictive forms of spatial discourse in search of a language that might offer alternative narratives of hope beyond the predictable, and seemingly thwarted, trajectories of nationalism. This study traces the ways in which contemporary Arab authors from Egypt and the Sudan have endeavoured to re-think and re-define the Arab identity in ever-changing spaces where elements of the local and the global, the traditional and the modern, interact both competitively and harmoniously. I examine the spatial language and the tropes used in three Arabic novels, viewing them through the lens of thawra (revolution) in both its socio-political and artistic manifestations. Linking the manifestations of thawra in each text to different scenes of revolution in the Arab world today, in Chapter Two, I consider how, at a stage when the Sudan of the sixties was both still dealing with colonial withdrawal and struggling to establish itself as a nation-state, the geographical and textual landscapes of Tayeb Salih‟s Season of Migration to the North depict the ongoing dilemma of the Sudanese identity. In Chapter Three, I examine Alaa iii al-Aswany‟s The Yacoubian Building in the context of a socially diseased and politically corrupt Egypt of the nineties: social, political, modern, historical, local, and global elements intertwine in a dizzyingly complex spatial network of associations that sheds light on the complicated reasons behind today‟s Egyptian thawra. In Chapter Four, the final chapter, Gamal al-Ghitani‟s approach to his Egypt in Pyramid Texts drifts far away from Salih‟s anguished Sudan and al-Aswany‟s chaotic Cairo to a realm where thawra manifests itself artistically in a sophisticated spatial language that challenges all forms of spatial hegemony and, consequently, old and new forms of social, political, and cultural oppression in the Arab world.
L'influence de l'Église catholique sur la vie des Québécois, autrefois dominante, s'est beaucoup amenuisée au cours des dernières décennies. Si tel est le cas, les signes, les motifs, les images et les mots de la religion n’ont pas, quant à eux, déserté l’espace symbolique. Ils sont les traces d’un héritage et squattent l'imaginaire social (Pierre Popovic) du Québec contemporain. À ce titre, ils peuvent être mobilisés, maniés, détournés, resémantisés par la littérature. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier ces reliques imaginaires de la religion chrétienne, laquelle est considérée en tant qu'Église et en tant que mythologie, dans deux romans québécois publiés en 2011 : L'âge de Pierre de Pierre Gariépy et Maleficium de Martine Desjardins. Dans une perspective sociocritique, il analyse les rapports à l'autorité, à l'érotisme, à la morale, aux étrangers et à l'écriture tels qu'ils sont travaillés par les « mises en texte » (Claude Duchet) dans ces œuvres. L’étude démontre que les deux romans thématisent la religion et la tiennent pour un matériau familier et malléable à merci, non pour entretenir un patrimoine ni par nostalgie, mais afin de porter un regard critique sur la société québécoise contemporaine. D’une certaine manière, ils disent que celle-ci est toujours pieuse, mais que les croyances qui la traversent sont à chercher désormais du côté de la politique, des médias et du commerce.
L'influence de l'Église catholique sur la vie des Québécois, autrefois dominante, s'est beaucoup amenuisée au cours des dernières décennies. Si tel est le cas, les signes, les motifs, les images et les mots de la religion n’ont pas, quant à eux, déserté l’espace symbolique. Ils sont les traces d’un héritage et squattent l'imaginaire social (Pierre Popovic) du Québec contemporain. À ce titre, ils peuvent être mobilisés, maniés, détournés, resémantisés par la littérature. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier ces reliques imaginaires de la religion chrétienne, laquelle est considérée en tant qu'Église et en tant que mythologie, dans deux romans québécois publiés en 2011 : L'âge de Pierre de Pierre Gariépy et Maleficium de Martine Desjardins. Dans une perspective sociocritique, il analyse les rapports à l'autorité, à l'érotisme, à la morale, aux étrangers et à l'écriture tels qu'ils sont travaillés par les « mises en texte » (Claude Duchet) dans ces œuvres. L’étude démontre que les deux romans thématisent la religion et la tiennent pour un matériau familier et malléable à merci, non pour entretenir un patrimoine ni par nostalgie, mais afin de porter un regard critique sur la société québécoise contemporaine. D’une certaine manière, ils disent que celle-ci est toujours pieuse, mais que les croyances qui la traversent sont à chercher désormais du côté de la politique, des médias et du commerce.
Recent 'Global Burden of Disease' studies have provided quantitative evidence of the significant role air pollution plays as a human health risk factor (Lim et al., The Lancet, 380: 2224–2260, 2012). Tobacco smoke, including second hand smoke, household air pollution from solid fuels and ambient particulate matter are among the top risks, leading to lower life expectancy around the world. Indoor air constitutes an environment particularly rich in different types of pollutants, originating from indoor sources, as well as penetrating from outdoors, mixing, interacting or growing (when considering microbes) under the protective enclosure of the building envelope. Therefore, it is not a simple task to follow the dynamics of the processes occurring there, or to quantify the outcomes of the processes in terms of pollutant concentrations and other characteristics. This is further complicated by limitations such as building access for the purpose of air quality monitoring, or the instrumentation which can be used indoors, because of their possible interference with the occupants comfort (due to their large size, noise generated or amount of air drawn). European studies apportioned contributions of indoor versus outdoor sources of indoor air contaminants in 26 European countries and quantified IAQ associated DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) in those countries (Jantunen et al., Promoting actions for healthy indoor air (IAIAQ), European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Luxembourg, 2011). At the same time, there has been an increase in research efforts around the world to better understand the sources, composition, dynamics and impacts of indoor air pollution. Particular focus has been directed towards the contemporary sources, novel pollutants and new detection methods. The importance of exposure assessment and personal exposure, the majority of which occurs in various indoor micro¬environments, has also been realized. Overall, this emerging knowledge has been providing input for global assessments of indoor environments, the impact of indoor pollutants and their science based management and control. It was a major outcome of recent international conferences that interdisciplinarity and especially a better colla¬boration between exposure and indoor sciences would be of high benefit for the health related evaluation of environmental stress factors and pollutants. A very good example is the combination of biomonitoring and indoor air, particle and dust analysis to study the exposure routes of semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). We have adopted the idea of combining the forces of exposure and indoor sciences for this Special Issue, identified new and challenging topics and have attracted colleagues who are top researchers in their field to provide their inputs. The Special Issue includes papers, which collectively present advances in current research topics and in our view, build the bridge between indoor and exposure sciences.
This article explores whether or to what extent the contemporary espionage novel is able to map and interrogate transformations in the post-9/11security environment. It asks how well a form or genre of writing, typically handcuffed to the machinations and demands of the Cold War and state sovereignty, is able to adapt to a new security environment characterized by strategies of “risk assessment” and “resilience-building” and by modes or regimes of power not reducible to, or wholly controlled by, the state. In doing so, it thinks about the capacities of this type of fiction for “resisting” the formations of power it wants to make visible and is partly complicit with.
This chapter looks at the assumptions made about the 'fictionality' of prose fiction implicit in the contemporary historical novel. In particular it argues that the recent historical novel has developed a set of 'reality effects' which appear to look back to modernist writing, but in fact work to secure a disguised referentiality in the face of a loss of faith in the fictional.
At the airport, across from the magazines at Wal-Mart, and probably somewhere near the front of local bookstores — chick lit is everywhere. One would probably recognize it from a distance as a sea of shiny pink1, the small glossy paperbacks cheerfully beckoning from their carefully constructed display. Chick lit has exploded into the western2 market over the last decade, captivating millions of readers with their tales of young, urban professional women navigating the worlds of careers, relationships, and of course, shopping. By the end of the novel, each of these components is generally resolved in somewhat formulaic fashion
Esta tese traça um estudo comparativo entre o Romance policial contemporâneo e o discurso psicanalítico na produção ficcional de Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (1936-) e Dennis Lehane (1963-), tomando, por base, relações de aproximação entre os métodos investigativos na literatura e na psicanálise. Para isso, o corpus constitui-se dos romances O silêncio da chuva (1996) e Espinosa sem saída (2006), ambos do escritor brasileiro e Sagrado [Sacred] (2004) e Paciente 67 [Shttter Island] (2005), do ficcionista norte-americano. A análise destas narrativas revela pontos de aproximação entre os dois discursos inseridos no cenário cultural caótico e desajustado. E questiona a emergência deste novo contexto sociocultural, onde personagens sem identidade definida, sendo o principal deles, o detetive, realizam sua flânerie através de deslocamentos constantes associados à paisagem e em busca do desvendamento do crime urbano. Como seres de ficção perdidos, estes private eyes precisam encontrar os desajustes psíquicos de toda espécie de criminosos daí a representação da cidade, que ora se converte no solo para a flânerie dos investigadores, ora contribui para o apagamento e/ou ocultamento das subjetividades criminais. A relação entre os discursos policial e psicanalítico aponta para a associação entre a obscuridade do texto literário e o da cultura onde estamos inseridos sem falar do mal-estar de um e de outro campo, que tem a ver com as transformações da esfera da sociedade contemporânea
A presente dissertação discute a representação do passado em A Costa dos Murmúrios. Analisa-se a maneira pela qual o período colonial é retratado na obra, investigando as estratégias utilizadas por Lídia Jorge, para conceber um registro diferenciado desse tempo histórico. A história de Portugal é reavaliada criticamente, provocando uma ruptura com os padrões ideologicamente estabelecidos. Versões até então negligenciadas, passam a contribuir fortemente para um conhecimento pluralista do passado lusitano. O estudo revela a desconstrução do discurso oficial efetuada pelo romance, que relativiza as verdades propagadas pelo cânone. O trabalho verifica de que forma a narrativa de Jorge promove a articulação entre história e ficção, problematizando a tradicional distinção entre elas. Além disso, procura-se identificar como o romance A Costa dos Murmúrios dialoga com as inovadoras teses de Hayden White, Walter Benjamin, Linda Hutcheon, entre outras, surgidas no clima de renovação epistemológica que se instalou a partir de meados do século XX
My research investigates a recent tendency in Italian literature, characterized by elements of renewal within the novel-writing tradition and of discontinuity with postmodern culture. It proposes an interpretation of the genres of the historical novel and crime fiction in the last fifteen years, in order to underline the important role played by these types of narrative in revitalizing contemporary Italian literature. These modalities of writing are considered both individually and in their connections beyond a traditional notion of genre, emphasizing those characteristics which may be assumed as irreconcilable with a postmodern approach to fiction and those which, furthermore, seem to indicate attempts to take a new course. In particular, my study analyses the recent literary tendency to combine the elements of ‘crime’ and ‘history’ in order to represent political and social reality, and how the works examined relate to postmodern narrative. For this reason, I pay particular attention to the relationship between literature and the past and to the socio-political aspects connected with the praxis of narrating, offering an original interpretation of the way in which the authors studied engage with these characteristics.
En estas líneas se demuestra que “De la parte de Archimboldi”, un capítulo de 2666 (2004) de Roberto Bolaño (1947–2000), se puede unir con la corriente de novelas populares de corte realista que comenzó en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. La novela posmoderna une en sí elementos populares y elementos pertenecientes a una cultura minoritaria, pero hace falta analizar ejemplos concretos de obras recientes que lo confirmen. Al encontrar los elementos populares que distinguen a 2666 (2004), contribuimos a estudiar la novela hispanoamericana actual siguiendo los pasos de investigadores como Vance R. Holloway y Gonzalo Navajas. El texto muestra cómo Roberto Bolaño toma rasgos de la novela popular pero utiliza sus códigos narrativos de un modo irónico y nuevo.
Ines de Castro is a theme in literature from the fourteenth century. The historical fact of his death, in 1355, became a landmark in the history of Portugal and, since then, several literary texts from various genres, have dealt with this theme, this made the couple Pedro and Ines a myth of love passion, of love beyond the barriers of death, like Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Abelard and Heloise. The literary myth - or any picture that mythologize literature - is always prepared before culturally and works in the same way that so many others, this is, as an element of cultural identity, either collectively or individually, making it also a feature poetic. Thereby, is an archetype confirmed through time and eventually reveals a series of webs of the human psyche. Ines de Castro became the Portuguese myth of eternal love: she became queen after your dead. The persistence of the myth makes the love story of Pedro and Ines continue to produce texts of various literary genres. This study examines six contemporary historical novels, to show that the way actually this kind o novel does a new formulacion of Pedro e Ines mythical, because now it s different view likes the victim in Os lusiadas and other texts from the past. Collaborate to this news relacions between history and literature and a novelist's new stance in relation to historical facts that relate like reffering to novel. The intention is to show, through the novels chosen now Ines de Castro have different profiles than it had before in tradicional historic novels from the period of Romanticism and New Romanticism. Authored by Agustina Bessa-Luís, João Aguiar, António Cândido Franco, Seomara da Veiga Ferreira and Luis Rosa, the six novels studied show the circularity cultural of inesian myth showing this new character of the new person Ines in the contemporany historical novel