970 resultados para Contaminated effluents


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With the development of the textile industry, there has been a demand for dye removal from contaminated effluents. In recent years, attention has been directed toward various natural solid materials that are capable of removing pollutants from contaminated water at low cost. One such material is sugarcane bagasse. The aim of the present study was to evaluate adsorption of the dye Acid Violet Alizarin N with different concentrations of sugarcane bagasse and granulometry in agitated systems at different pH. The most promising data (achieved with pH 2.5) was analyzed with both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms equations. The model that better fits dye adsorption interaction into sugarcane bagasse is Freundlich equation, and thus the multilayer model. Moreover, a smaller bagasse granulometry led to greater dye adsorption. The best treatment was achieved with a granulometry value lower than 0.21 mm at pH 2.50, in which the total removal was estimated at a concentration of 16.25 mg mL(-1). Hence, sugarcane bagasse proves to be very attractive for dye removal from textile effluents.


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The physiological control to support the absence of O2 for long periods of diving, and oxidative damage impact caused by the whole process of hypoxia/reperfusion in freshwater turtles is well known. However, effects of contaminants may act as co-varying stressors and cause biological damage, disrupting the hypoxia/reperfusion oxidative damage control. In order to investigate the action of environmental stressors present in domestic or industrial wastewater effluent, we performed a biochemical analysis of biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress, as well as neuromuscular, physiological and morphological parameters in Phrynops geoffroanus, an hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle endemic of South America, using animals sampled in urban area, contaminated by sewage and industrial effluents and animals sampled in control area. Here we demonstrate the physiological and biochemical impact caused by pollution, and the effect that these changes cause in antioxidant activity. Animals from the urban area exhibited higher EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, CYP1A1), GST (glutathione S-transferase), G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogenase), AChE (acetilcholinesterase) activities and also TEAC (trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity) and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values. We examined whether two morphometric indices (K - condition factor and HIS - hepatosomatic index) which help in assessing the general condition and possible liver disease, respectively, were modified. The K of the urban animals was significantly decreased compared to the control animals, but the HIS value was increased in animals from the urban area, supporting the idea of an impact in physiology and life quality in the urban freshwater turtles. We propose that this freshwater turtle specie have the ability to enhance its antioxidants defenses in order to protect from tissue damage caused by hypoxia and reperfusion, but also that caused by environmental contamination and that the oxidative damage control in hypoxic conditions has resulted in an adaptive condition in hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle species, in order to better tolerate the release of contaminated effluents resulting from human activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Water is an essential element for life. The use of this element, to support the community, defines it as water resource. This feature is being misused and degraded by the dumping of highly contaminated effluents. The impoverishment of its quality poses a risk to human consumption. The necessity to manage this resource, treating the wastewater properly, requires the constant improvement of treatment systems. Another need is to adjust the cost of systems to the demands of communities with less financial clout. This study aimed to adapt and understand the systems of wetlands, improving its efficiency, in an attempt to collaborate with the enrichment of this technology. The practical evidence, with lab-scale prototypes, assembled in ETE Piracicamirim with urban sewage effluent contributed to highlight the problems and operating system design. The bibliographic review showed that several studies had effectiveness for treatment. But it was evident the need for better understanding of dimensioning definitions that better attempted to the answers into the project. Moreover, standardization of system conditions for the specific wastewater treatment is an interesting field, identified, for future studies yet contribute to environmental engineering and sanitation


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The control and elimination of prionic infective agents that may be present in the effluents, turns out to be a complicated mechanism inside a High Containment bological Facility. There are two ways to carry out this neutralization: Installation of thermal systems to ensure achieve a minimum temperature of 134 ° C sterilization plateau for a residence time of 18 minutes, and the use of chemical reactors based on the addition of sodium hypochlorite so the mixture maintained 2% of free chlorine during the reaction period. This study presents the design phases, elements and benefits, of a chemical reactor that allows the treatment of prion effluents in order to serve as a model to biocontainment facilities with areas of animal experimentation, who want to develop their work with prions.


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Ionic liquids are a class of solvents that, due to their unique properties, have been proposed in the past few years as alternatives to some hazardous volatile organic compounds. They are already used by industry, where it was possible to improve different processes by the incorporation of this kind of non-volatile and often liquid solvents. However, even if ionic liquids cannot contribute to air pollution, due to their negligible vapour pressures, they can be dispersed thorough aquatic streams thus contaminating the environment. Therefore, the main goals of this work are to study the mutual solubilities between water and different ionic liquids in order to infer on their environmental impact, and to propose effective methods to remove and, whenever possible, recover ionic liquids from aqueous media. The liquid-liquid phase behaviour of different ionic liquids and water was evaluated in the temperature range between (288.15 and 318.15) K. For higher melting temperature ionic liquids a narrower temperature range was studied. The gathered data allowed a deep understanding on the structural effects of the ionic liquid, namely the cation core, isomerism, symmetry, cation alkyl chain length and the anion nature through their mutual solubilities (saturation values) with water. The experimental data were also supported by the COnductor-like Screening MOdel for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS), and for some more specific systems, molecular dynamics simulations were also employed for a better comprehension of these systems at a molecular level. On the other hand, in order to remove and recover ionic liquids from aqueous solutions, two different methods were studied: one based on aqueous biphasic systems, that allowed an almost complete recovery of hydrophilic ionic liquids (those completely miscible with water at temperatures close to room temperature) by the addition of strong salting-out agents (Al2(SO4)3 or AlK(SO4)2); and the other based on the adsorption of several ionic liquids onto commercial activated carbon. The first approach, in addition to allowing the removal of ionic liquids from aqueous solutions, also makes possible to recover the ionic liquid and to recycle the remaining solution. In the adsorption process, only the removal of the ionic liquid from aqueous solutions was attempted. Nevertheless, a broad understanding of the structural effects of the ionic liquid on the adsorption process was attained, and a final improvement on the adsorption of hydrophilic ionic liquids by the addition of an inorganic salt (Na2SO4) was also achieved. Yet, the development of a recovery process that allows the reuse of the ionic liquid is still required for the development of sustainable processes.


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Cytotoxicity of metals is important because some metals are potential mutagens able to induce tumors in humans and experimental animals. Chromium can damage DNA in several ways, including DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) which generate chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus formation, sister chromatid exchange, formation of DNA adducts and alterations in DNA replication and transcription. In our study, water samples from three sites in the Córrego dos Bagres stream in the Franca municipality of the Brazilian state of São Paulo were subjected to the comet assay and micronucleus test using erythrocytes from the fish Oreochromis niloticus. Nuclear abnormalities of the erythrocytes included blebbed, notched and lobed nuclei, probably due to genotoxic chromium compounds. The greatest comet assay damage occurred with water from a chromium-containing tannery effluent discharge site, supporting the hypothesis that chromium residues can be genotoxic. The mutagenicity of the water samples was assessed using the onion root-tip cell assay, the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities observed being: c-metaphases, stick chromosome, chromosome breaks and losses, bridged anaphases, multipolar anaphases, and micronucleated and binucleated cells. Onion root-tip cell mutagenicity was highest for water samples containing the highest levels of chromium.


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Numerous potentially mutagenic chemicals have been studied mainly because they can cause damaging and inheritable changes in the genetic material. Several tests are commonly used for biomonitoring pollution levels and to evaluate the effects of toxic and mutagenic agents present in the natural environment. This study aimed at assessing the potential of a textile effluent contaminated with azo dyes to induce chromosomal and nuclear aberrations in Allium cepa test systems. A continuous exposure of seeds in samples of the textile effluent in different concentrations was carried out (0.3%, 3%, 10%, and 100%). Cells in interphase and undergoing division were examined to assess the presence of chromosome aberrations, nuclear changes, and micronuclei. Our results revealed a mutagenic effect of the effluent at concentrations of 10% and 100%. At lower concentrations, the effluent (3% and 0.3%) did not induce mutagenic alterations in the test organism A. cepa. These findings are of concern, since cell damage may be transmitted to subsequent generations, possibly affecting the organism as a whole, as well as the local biota exposed to the effluent discharge. If the damage results in cell death, the development of the organism may be affected, which could also lead to its death. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several biochemical responses were measured in silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) after exposure to sediments obtained from contaminated Ya-Er Lake, No, 1 pond, and an unpolluted reference site, Honglian Lake. After 1 week of exposure, a significant induction of the phase I biotransformation enzyme (ethoxylresorufin-o-deethylase, EROD) was found (83-fold of control), whereas the phase II biotransformation enzyme (glutathione S-transferase, GST) exhibited a slight, but significant induction (1,4-fold of control) after 4 weeks of exposure. The level of cellular glutathione in the liver was also slightly elevated after 4 weeks of exposure. The delayed response of GST to the contaminants indicates that the phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes are regulated differently in fish. The results suggest that EROD is a sensitive bioindicator to assess the toxicity of dioxin-contamined sediment in the laboratory, (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Recently polymeric adsorbents have been emerging as highly effective alternatives to activated carbons for pollutant removal from industrial effluents. Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), polymerized using the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) technique has been investigated for its feasibility to remove phenol from aqueous solution. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetic investigations were undertaken to evaluate the effect of contact time, initial concentration (10-90 mg/L), and temperature (25-55 degrees C). Phenol uptake was found to increase with increase in initial concentration and agitation time. The adsorption kinetics were found to follow the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The intra-particle diffusion analysis indicated that film diffusion may be the rate controlling step in the removal process. Experimental equilibrium data were fitted to five different isotherm models namely Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Temkin and Redlich-Peterson by non-linear least square regression and their goodness-of-fit evaluated in terms of mean relative error (MRE) and standard error of estimate (SEE). The adsorption equilibrium data were best represented by Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson isotherms. Thermodynamic parameters such as Delta G degrees and Delta H degrees indicated that the sorption process is exothermic and spontaneous in nature and that higher ambient temperature results in more favourable adsorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Groundwater contamination with benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) has been increasing, thus requiring an urgent development of methodologies that are able to remove or minimize the damages these compounds can cause to the environment. The biodegradation process using microorganisms has been regarded as an efficient technology to treat places contaminated with hydrocarbons, since they are able to biotransform and/or biodegrade target pollutants. To prove the efficiency of this process, besides chemical analysis, the use of biological assessments has been indicated. This work identified and selected BTEX-biodegrading microorganisms present in effluents from petroleum refinery, and evaluated the efficiency of microorganism biodegradation process for reducing genotoxic and mutagenic BTEX damage through two test-systems: Allium cepa and hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells. Five different non-biodegraded BTEX concentrations were evaluated in relation to biodegraded concentrations. The biodegradation process was performed in a BOO Trak Apparatus (HACH) for 20 days, using microorganisms pre-selected through enrichment. Although the biodegradation usually occurs by a consortium of different microorganisms, the consortium in this study was composed exclusively of five bacteria species and the bacteria Pseudomonas putida was held responsible for the BTEX biodegradation. The chemical analyses showed that BTEX was reduced in the biodegraded concentrations. The results obtained with genotoxicity assays, carried out with both A. cepa and HTC cells, showed that the biodegradation process was able to decrease the genotoxic damages of BTEX. By mutagenic tests, we observed a decrease in damage only to the A. cepa organism. Although no decrease in mutagenicity was observed for HTC cells, no increase of this effect after the biodegradation process was observed either. The application of pre-selected bacteria in biodegradation processes can represent a reliable and effective tool in the treatment of water contaminated with BTEX mixture. Therefore, the raw petroleum refinery effluent might be a source of hydrocarbon-biodegrading microorganisms. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.A. All rights reserved.


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The comet assay has been described as an efficient tool for the detection of changes in the DNA molecule of cells exposed to contaminating agents in vivo and in vitro. The possible environmental contamination due to the persistence of chromium residues from tannery effluents was determined in the waters of the Córrego dos Bagres stream, Municipal district of Franca/SP, by the comet assay on CHO-K1 cells. Water samples were collected during the four seasons of the year 2001 at three distinct stations along the river. The data suggest that the comet test showed good sensitivity for the environmental monitoring of these waters and indicated that this test can be efficient for the determination of the quality of waters contaminated with effluents containing heavy metal residues such as chromium.


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The comet assay technique has been considered to be more efficient in the biomonitoring of aquatic environments that the micronucleus and sister chromatid exchange techniques. The comet assay has been used to determine breaks in the DNA strands of organisms exposed to pollutants with a genotoxic potential. The comet technique was applied to CHO-K1 cells in order to evaluate the genotoxic potential of the waters of the Sapucaizinho River (Municipality of Patrocínio Paulista, State of São Paulo, Brazil), which receive tannery effluents and therefore are contaminated with chromium. The results indicated high genotoxicity of the waters collected at sites located downstream from the emission of tannery effluents, where the concentration of chromium was found to be high.


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One DDT-contaminated soil and two uncontaminated soils were used to enumerate DDT-resistant microbes (bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi) by using soil dilution agar plates in media either with 150 μg DDT ml -1 or without DDT at different temperatures (25, 37 and 55°C). Microbial populations in this study were significantly (p<0.001) affected by DDT in the growth medium. However, the numbers of microbes in long-term contaminated and uncontaminated soils were similar, presumably indicating that DDT-resistant microbes had developed over a long time exposure. The tolerance of isolated soil microbes to DDT varied in the order fungi>actinomycetes>bacteria. Bacteria from contaminated soil were more resistant to DDT than bacteria from uncontaminated soils. Microbes isolated at different temperatures also demonstrated varying degrees of DDT resistance. For example, bacteria and actinomycetes isolated at all incubation temperatures were sensitive to DDT. Conversely fungi isolated at all temperatures were unaffected by DDT.