995 resultados para Contact Radius


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In this paper, we study the relationship between the pull-off force and the transition parameter (or Tabor number) as well as the variation of the pull-off radius with the transition parameter in the adhesion elastic contact. Hysteresis models are presented to describe the contact radius as a function of external loads in loading and unloading processes. Among these models, we verified the hysteresis model from Johnson{Kendall{Roberts theory, based on which the calculated results are in good agreement with experimental ones.


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Using analytical and finite element modeling, we examine the relationships between initial unloading slope, contact depth, and mechanical properties for spherical indentation in viscoelastic solids with either displacement or load as the independent variable. We then investigate whether the Oliver-Pharr method for determining the contact depth and contact radius, originally proposed for indentation in elastic and elastic-plastic solids, is applicable to spherical indentation in viscoelastic solids. Finally, the analytical and numerical results are used to answer questions raised in recent literature about measuring viscoelastic properties from instrumented spherical indentation experiments.


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The transitions between the different contact models which include the Hertz, Bradley, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR), Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov (DMT) and Maugis-Dugdale (MD) models are revealed by analyzing their contact pressure profiles and surface interactions. Inside the contact area, surface interaction/adhesion induces tensile contact pressure around the contact edge. Outside the contact area, whether or not to consider the surface interaction has a significant influence on the contact system equilibrium. The difference in contact pressure due to the surface interaction inside the contact area and the equilibrium influenced by the surface interaction outside the contact area are physically responsible for the different results of the different models. A systematic study on the transitions between different models is shown by analyzing the contact pressure profiles and the surface interactions both inside and outside the contact area. The definitions of contact radius and the flatness of contact surfaces are also discussed. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008.


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Using analytical and finite element modeling, we examine the relationships between initial unloading slope, contact depth, and mechanical properties for spherical indentation in viscoelastic solids with either displacement or load as the independent variable. We then investigate whether the Oliver-Pharr method for determining the contact depth and contact radius, originally proposed for indentation in elastic and elastic-plastic solids, is applicable to spherical indentation in viscoelastic solids. Finally, the analytical and numerical results are used to answer questions raised in recent literature about measuring viscoelastic properties from instrumented spherical indentation experiments.


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In the Hertz and JKR theories, parabolic assumptions for the rounded profiles of the sphere or cylinder are adopted under the condition that the contact radius (width) should be very small compared to the radius of the sphere or cylinder. However, a large contact radius (width) is often found in experiments even under a zero external loading. We aim at extending the plane strain JKR theory to the case with a large contact width. The relation between the external loading and the contact width is given. Solutions for the Hertz, JKR and rounded-profile cases are compared and analyzed. It is found that when the ratio of a/R is approximately larger than about 0.4, the parabolic assumptions in the Hertz and JKR theories are no longer valid and the exact rounded profile function should be used.


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Pile-up around indenter is usually observed during instrumented indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. Neglecting the pile-up effect may lead to errors in evaluating hardness, Young's modulus, stress-strain response, etc. Finite element analysis was employed to implement numerical simulation of spherical indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. A new model was proposed to describe the pile-up effect. By using this new model, the contact radius and hardness of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass were obtained under several different indenter loads with pile-up, and the results agree well with the data generated by numerical simulation.


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The present paper aims to develop a robust spherical indentation-based method to extract material plastic properties. For this purpose, a new consideration of-piling-up effect is incorporated into the expanding cavity model; an extensive numerical study on the similarity Solution has also been performed. As a consequence, two semi-theoretical relations between the indentation response and material plastic properties are derived, with which plastic properties of materials can be identified from a single instrumented spherical indentation curve, the advantage being that this approach no longer needs estimations of contact radius with given elastic modulus. Moreover, the inconvenience in using multiple indenters with different tip angles can be avoided. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses show that the present algorithm is reliable. Also, by experimental verification performed oil three typical materials, good agreement of the material properties between those obtained from the reverse algorithm and experimental data is obtained.


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The present paper aims to develop a robust spherical indentation-based method to extract material plastic properties. For this purpose, a new consideration of-piling-up effect is incorporated into the expanding cavity model; an extensive numerical study on the similarity Solution has also been performed. As a consequence, two semi-theoretical relations between the indentation response and material plastic properties are derived, with which plastic properties of materials can be identified from a single instrumented spherical indentation curve, the advantage being that this approach no longer needs estimations of contact radius with given elastic modulus. Moreover, the inconvenience in using multiple indenters with different tip angles can be avoided. Comprehensive sensitivity analyses show that the present algorithm is reliable. Also, by experimental verification performed oil three typical materials, good agreement of the material properties between those obtained from the reverse algorithm and experimental data is obtained.


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The aim of this work is to measure the stress inside a hard micro object under extreme compression. To measure the internal stress, we compressed ruby spheres (a-Al2O3: Cr3+, 150 µm diameter) between two sapphire plates. Ruby fluorescence spectrum shifts to longer wavelengths under compression and can be related to the internal stress by a conversion coefficient. A confocal laser scanning microscope was used to excite and collect fluorescence at desired local spots inside the ruby sphere with spatial resolution of about 1 µm3. Under static external loads, the stress distribution within the center plane of the ruby sphere was measured directly for the first time. The result agreed to Hertz’s law. The stress across the contact area showed a hemispherical profile. The measured contact radius was in accord with the calculation by Hertz’s equation. Stress-load curves showed spike-like decrease after entering non-elastic phase, indicating the formation and coalescence of microcracks, which led to relaxing of stress. In the vicinity of the contact area luminescence spectra with multiple peaks were observed. This indicated the presence of domains of different stress, which were mechanically decoupled. Repeated loading cycles were applied to study the fatigue of ruby at the contact region. Progressive fatigue was observed when the load exceeded 1 N. As long as the load did not exceed 2 N stress-load curves were still continuous and could be described by Hertz’s law with a reduced Young’s modulus. Once the load exceeded 2 N, periodical spike-like decreases of the stress could be observed, implying a “memory effect” under repeated loading cycles. Vibration loading with higher frequencies was applied by a piezo. Redistributions of intensity on the fluorescence spectra were observed and it was attributed to the repopulation of the micro domains of different elasticity. Two stages of under vibration loading were suggested. In the first stage continuous damage carried on until certain limit, by which the second stage, e.g. breakage, followed in a discontinuous manner.


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La fatiga superficial es uno de los principales problemas en las transmisiones mecánicas y es uno de los focos de atención de las investigaciones de los últimos anos en Tribología. La disminución de viscosidad de los lubricantes para la mejora de la eficiencia, el aumento de las potencias a transmitir, el aumento de la vida de los componentes o la mejora de su fiabilidad han supuesto que los fenómenos de fatiga superficial hayan cobrado especial relevancia, especialmente los fenómenos de pitting y micropitting en cajas multiplicadoras/reductoras de grandes potencias de aplicación, por ejemplo, en el sector eólico. Como todo fenómeno de fatiga, el pitting y micropitting son debidos a la aplicación de cargas ciclicas. Su aparición depende de las presiones y tensiones cortantes en el contacto entre dos superficies que al encontrarse en rodadura y deslizamiento varian con el tiempo. La principal consecuencia de la fatiga superficial es la aparición de hoyuelos de diferente magnitud segun la escala del fenómeno (pitting o micropitting) en la superficie del material. La aparición de estos hoyuelos provoca la perdida de material, induce vibraciones y sobrecargas en el elemento que finalmente acaba fallando. Debido a la influencia de la presión y tensión cortante en el contacto, la aparición de fatiga depende fuertemente del lubricante que se encuentre entre las dos superficies y de las condiciones de funcionamiento en las cuales este trabajando. Cuando el contacto trabaja en condiciones de lubricacion mixta-elastohidrodinamica tiende a aparecer micropitting debido a las altas tensiones localizadas en las proximidades de las asperezas, mientras que si el régimen es de lubricación completa el tipo de fatiga superficial suele ser pitting debido a las tensiones mas suavizadas y menos concentradas. En esta Tesis Doctoral se han analizado todos estos factores de influencia que controlan el pitting y el micropitting prestando especial atención al efecto del lubricante. Para ello, se ha dado un enfoque conjunto a ambos fenómenos resolviendo las ecuaciones involucradas en el contacto elastohidrodinamico no-Newtoniano (la ecuación de Reynolds, la deformación elástica de los sólidos y la reologia del lubricante) para conocer la presión y la tensión cortante en el contacto. Conocidas estas, se resuelve el campo de tensiones en el interior del material y, finalmente, se aplican criterios de fatiga multiaxial (Crossland, Dang Van y Liu-Mahadevan) para conocer si el material falla o no falla. Con la metodología desarrollada se ha analizado el efecto sobre las tensiones y la aparición de la fatiga superficial del coeficiente viscosidad-presion, de la compresibilidad, del espesor especifico de película y de la fricción así como de la influencia de las propiedades a fatiga del material y de las condiciones de funcionamiento (radios de contacto, velocidad, deslizamiento, carga y temperatura). Para la validación de los resultados se han utilizado resultados teóricos y experimentales de otros autores junto con normas internacionales de amplia utilización en el mundo industrial, entre otras, para el diseño y calculo de engranajes. A parte del trabajo realizado por simulación y cálculo de los diferentes modelos desarrollados, se ha realizado un importante trabajo experimental que ha servido no solo para validar la herramienta desarrollada sino que además ha permitido incorporar al estudio factores no considerados en los modelos, como los aditivos del lubricante. Se han realizado ensayos de medida del coeficiente de fricción en una maquina de ensayo puntual con la que se ha validado el cálculo del coeficiente de fricción y se ha desarrollado un proceso de mejora del coeficiente de fricción mediante texturizado superficial en contactos puntuales elastohidrodinamicos mediante fotolitografia y ataque quimico. Junto con los ensayos de medida de fricción en contacto puntual se han realizado ensayos de fricción y fatiga superficial en contacto lineal mediante una maquina de discos que ha permitido evaluar la influencia de diferentes aditivos (modificadores de fricción, antidesgaste y extrema-presion) en la aparición de fatiga superficial (pitting y micropitting) y la fricción en el contacto. Abstract Surface fatigue is one of the most important problems of mechanical transmissions and therefore has been one of the main research topics on Tribology during the last years. On the one hand, industrial demand on fuel economy has led to reduce lubricant viscosity in order to improve efficiency. On the other hand, the requirements of power and life of machine elements are continuously increasing, together with the improvements in reliability. As a consequence, surface fatigue phenomena have become critical in machinery, in particular pitting and micropitting in high power gearboxes of every kind of machines, e.g., wind turbines or cranes. In line with every fatigue phenomena, pitting and micropitting are caused by cyclic loads. Their appearance depends on the evolution of pressures and shear stresses with time, throughout the contact between surfaces under rolling and sliding conditions. The main consequence of surface fatigue is the appearance of pits on the surface. The size of the pits is related to the scale of the fatigue: pitting or micropitting. These pits cause material loss, vibrations and overloads until the final failure is reached. Due to the great influence of the pressures and shear stresses in surface fatigue, the appearance of pits depends directly on the lubricant and the operating conditions. When the contact works under mixed regime (or under elastohydrodynamic but close to mixed regime) the main fatigue failure is micropitting because of the high pressures located near the asperities. In contrast, when the contact works under elastohydrodynamic fully flooded conditions the typical fatigue failure is pitting. In this Ph.D. Thesis, the main factors with influence on pitting and micropitting phenomena are analyzed, with special attention to the effect of the lubricant. For this purpose, pitting and micropitting are studied together by solving the equations involved in the non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamic contact. Thus, pressure and shear stress distributions are found by taking into account Reynolds equation, elastic deflection of the solids and lubricant rheology. Subsequently, the stress field inside the material can be calculated and different multiaxial fatigue criteria (Crossland, Dang Van and Liu- Mahadevan) can be applied to predict whether fatigue failure is reached. The influences of the main parameters on pressure and surface fatigue have been studied, taking into account the lubricant compressibility and its viscosity-pressure coefficient, the specific film thickness, the friction coefficient and the fatigue properties of the contacting materials, together with the operating conditions (contact radius, mean velocity, sliding velocity, load and temperature). Several theoretical and experimental studies of different authors have been used to validate all the results obtained, together with international standards used worldwide in gear design industry. Moreover, an experimental stage has been carried out in order to validate the calculation methods and introduce additional influences not included previously, e.g., lubricant additives. The experimentation includes different friction tests in point contacts performed with a tribological equipment in order to validate the results given by the calculations. Furthermore, the reduction and optimization of the friction coefficient is analyzed by means of textured surfaces, obtained combining photolithography and chemical etching techniques. Besides the friction tests with point contact, friction and surface fatigue tests have also been performed with line contact in a tribological test rig. This equipment is also used to study the influence of different types of additives (friction modifiers, anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives) on surface fatigue (pitting and micropitting).


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Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoindentation are performed on monocrystal copper. A new "contact atoms" method is presented for calculating the contact area. Compared with conventional methods, this method can provide the contact area more accurately not only for sink-in but also for pile-up situation. The effect of tip radius on indentation is investigated too. The results indicate that the measured hardness of the material will become higher as the tip radius increases.


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To quantify the frictional behaviour in sheet forming operations, several laboratory experiments which simulate the real forming conditions are performed. The Bending Under Tension Test is one such experiment which is often used to represent the frictional flow of sheet material around a die or a punch radius. Different mathematical representations are used to determine the coefficient of friction in the Bending Under Tension Test. In general the change in the strip thickness in passing over the die radius is neglected and the radius of curvature to thickness ratio is assumed to be constant in these equations. However, the effect of roller radius, sheet thickness and the surface pressure are also omitted in some of these equations. This work quantitatively determined the effect of roller radius and the tooling pressure on the coefficient of friction. The Bending Under Tension Test was performed using rollers with different radii and also lubricants with different properties. The tool radii were found to have a direct influence in the contact pressure. The effect of roller radius on friction was considerable and it was observed that there is a clear relationship between the contact pressure and the coefficient of friction.


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The contact conditions at the die radius are of primary importance to the wear response for many sheet metal forming processes. In particular, a detailed understanding of the contact pressure at the wearing interface is essential for the application of representative wear tests, the use of wear resistant materials and coatings, the development of suitable wear models, and for the ultimate goal of predicting tool life. However, there is a lack of information concerning the time-dependant nature of the contact pressure response in sheet metal stamping. This work provides a qualitative description of the evolution and distribution of contact pressure at the die radius for a typical channel forming process. Through an analysis of the deformation conditions, contact phenomena and underlying mechanics, it was identified that three distinct phases exist. Significantly, the initial and intermediate stages resulted in severe and localised contact conditions, with contact pressures significantly greater than the blank material yield strength. The final phase corresponds to a larger contact area, with steady and smaller contact pressures. The proposed contact pressure behaviour was compared to other results available in the literature and also discussed with respect to tool wear.


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Purpose Many contact lens (CL) manufacturers produce simultaneous-image lenses in which power varies either smoothly or discontinuously with zonal radius. We present in vitro measurements of some recent CLs and discuss how power profiles might be approximated in terms of nominal distance corrections, near additions, and on-eye visual performance. Methods Fully hydrated soft, simultaneous-image CLs from four manufacturers (Air Optix AQUA, Alcon; PureVision multifocal, Bausch & Lomb; Acuvue OASYS for Presbyopia, Vistakon; Biofinity multifocal- ‘‘D’’ design, Cooper Vision) were measured with a Phase focus Lens Profiler (Phase Focus Ltd., Sheffield,UK) in a wet cell and powerswere corrected to powers in air. All lenses had zero labeled power for distance. Results Sagittal power profiles revealed that the ‘‘low’’ add PureVision and Air Optix lenses exhibit smooth (parabolic) profiles, corresponding to negative spherical aberration. The ‘‘mid’’ and ‘‘high’’ add PureVision and Air Optix lenses have biaspheric designs, leading to different rates of power change for the central and peripheral portions. All OASYS lenses display a series of concentric zones, separated by abrupt discontinuities; individual profiles can be constrained between two parabolically decreasing curves, each giving a valid description of the power changes over alternate annular zones. Biofinity lenses have constant power over the central circular region of radius 1.5 mm, followed by an annular zone where the power increases approximately linearly, the gradient increasing with the add power, and finally an outer zone showing a slow, linear increase in power with a gradient being almost independent of the add power. Conclusions The variation in power across the simultaneous-image lenses produces enhanced depth of focus. The throughfocusnature of the image, which influences the ‘‘best focus’’ (distance correction) and the reading addition, will vary with several factors, including lens centration, the wearer’s pupil diameter, and ocular aberrations, particularly spherical aberration; visual performance with some designs may show greater sensitivity to these factors.


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Aiming at understanding how a liquid film on a substrate affects the atomic force microscopic image in experiments, we present an analytical representation of the shape of liquid surface under van der Waals interaction induced by a non-contact probe tip. The analytical expression shows good consistence with the corresponding numerical results. According to the expression, we find that the vertical scale of the liquid dome is mainly governed by a combination of van der Waals force, surface tension and probe tip radius, and is weekly related to gravity. However, its horizontal extension is determined by the capillary length.