6 resultados para Consolidants


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Paper submitted to e-conservation Journal: Maria Leonor Oliveira, Leslie Carlyle, Sara Fragoso, Isabel Pombo Cardoso and João Coroado, “Investigations into paint delamination and consolidation of an oil painting on copper support”.


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Natural stones have been widely used in the construction field since antiquity. Building materials undergo decay processes due to mechanical,chemical, physical and biological causes that can act together. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach is required in order to understand the interaction between the stone and the surrounding environment. Utilization of buildings, inadequate restoration activities and in general anthropogenic weathering factors may contribute to this degradation process. For this reasons, in the last few decades new technologies and techniques have been developed and introduced in the restoration field. Consolidants are largely used in restoration and conservation of cultural heritage in order to improve the internal cohesion and to reduce the weathering rate of building materials. It is important to define the penetration depth of a consolidant for determining its efficacy. Impregnation mainly depends on the microstructure of the stone (i.e. porosity) and on the properties of the product itself. Throughout this study, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) applied on globigerina limestone samples has been chosen as object of investigation. After hydrolysis and condensation, TEOS deposits silica gel inside the pores, improving the cohesion of the grains. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterize the internal structure of the limestone samples,treated and untreated with a TEOS-based consolidant. The aim of this work is to investigate the penetration depth and the distribution of the TEOS inside the porosity, using both traditional approaches and advanced X-ray tomographic techniques, the latter allowing the internal visualization in three dimensions of the materials. Fluid transport properties and porosity have been studied both at macroscopic scale, by means of capillary uptake tests and radiography, and at microscopic scale,investigated with X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (XTM). This allows identifying changes in the porosity, by comparison of the images before and after the treatment, and locating the consolidant inside the stone. Tests were initially run at University of Bologna, where characterization of the stone was carried out. Then the research continued in Switzerland: X-ray tomography and radiography were performed at Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, while XTM measurements with synchrotron radiation were run at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen.


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When timber elements in heritage buildings are moderately degraded by fungi and assuming underlying moisture problems have been solved, two actions can be taken: i) use a biocide to stop fungal activity; ii) consolidate the degraded elements so that the timber keeps on fulfilling its structural and decorative functions. The aim of this work is to investigate the mechanical performance of maritime pine wood degraded by fungi after being treated with a biocide followed by impregnation with a polymer product. Three commercially available products were used: a boron water-based biocide, an acrylic consolidant and an epoxy-based consolidant. Treated and consolidated specimens were subjected to mechanical tests: axial compression test (NP 618), static surface hardness (ISO 3350) and bending test (NP 619). Sets of replicates were subjected to an evaporation ageing test (EN 73) after application of the products and also tested for mechanical behaviour. An increase in mechanical strength was observed for both consolidants with no significant influence from the previous use of biocide product. The specimens subjected to ageing showed a slightly better general mechanical performance.


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3rd Historic Mortars Conference, 11-14 September 2013, Glasgow, Scotland


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Historical renders are exposed to several degradation processes that can lead to a wide range of anomalies,such as scaling, detachments, and pulverization. Among the common anomalies, the loss of cohesion and of adhesion are usually identified as the most difficult to repair; these anomalies still need to be deeply studied to design compatible, durable, and sustainable conservation treatments. The restitution of render cohesion can be achieved using consolidating products. Nevertheless, repair treatments could induce aesthetic alterations, and, therefore, are usually followed by chromatic reintegration. This work aims to study the effectiveness of mineral products as consolidants for lime-based mortars and simultaneously as chromatic treatments for pigmented renders. The studied consolidating products are prepared by mixing air lime,metakaolin, water, and mineral pigments. The idea of these consolidating and coloring products rises from a traditional lime-based technique, the limewash, widely diffused in southern Europe and in the Mediterranean area. Consolidating products were applied and tested on lime-based mortar specimens with a low binder–aggregate ratio and therefore with reduced cohesion. A physico-mechanical, microstructural, and mineralogical characterization was performed on untreated and treated specimens, in order to evaluate the efficacy and durability of the treatments. Accelerated aging tests were also performed to assess consolidant durability, when subjected to aggressive conditions. Results showed that the consolidants tested are compatible, effective, and possess good durability.


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Questa ricerca presenta i risultati di una indagine volta a verificare la reale efficacia di rinforzo corticale su rocce carbonatiche di differenti caratteristiche mineralogiche, utilizzando consolidanti inorganici in soluzione acquosa quali l’Ossalato Ammonico (AmOX) e il Diammonio Fosfato Acido (DAHP). Le matrici carbonatiche scelte sono quelle del marmo invecchiato e una biomicrite. Sui campioni sono state effettuate indagini (SEM,MIP,XRD,MO,TG-DTA) di caratterizzazione prima e dopo i trattamenti volte a valutare eventuali effetti di rinforzo e misure fisiche di suscettività all’acqua. L’efficacia dei consolidanti inorganici è stata comparata con diversi consolidanti organici e ibridi presenti in commercio ed utilizzati in ambito conservativo. L'efficacia si è mostrata fortemente legata al fabric del materiale e alle modalità di strutturazione del prodotto di neomineralizzazione all’interno della compagine deteriorata. Nel caso del trattamento con AmOx il soluzione acquosa al 4%, la whewellite è l’unica fase di neoformazione riscontrata; la sua crescita avviene con un meccanismo essenzialmente topochimico. Nei materiali carbonatici compatti si possono ottenere solo modesti spessori di coating di neoformazione; per le rocce porose, contenenti difetti come lesioni, pori o micro-fratture, l’efficacia del trattamento può risultare più incisiva. Questo trattamento presenta lo svantaggio legato alla rapidissima formazione dei cristalli di whewellite che tendono a passivare le superfici impedendo la progressione della reazione; il vantaggio è connesso alla facile applicazione in cantiere. Nel caso del DAHP sulla matrice carbonatica trattata, si formano cluster cristallini contenenti specie più o meno stabili alcune riconducibili all’idrossiapatite. La quantità e qualità delle fasi, varia fortemente in funzione della temperatura, pH, pressione con conseguenze interferenza nelle modalità di accrescimento dei cristalli. Il trattamento alla stato attuale appare comunque di notevole interesse ma allo stesso tempo difficilmente applicabile e controllabile nelle reali condizioni operative di un cantiere di restauro.