971 resultados para Conservation genetic


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Genetic variation at ten microsatellite lociand one anonymous-nuclear locus was assayed for three geographic samples of the criticallyendangered North American cyprinid Notropis mekistocholas (Cape Fear shiner). Despite low abundance of this species, there was little suggestion of small population effects; allele diversity and heterozygosity were relatively high, FIS values within samples were non-significant, and genotypes were distributed in frequencies according to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Genetic divergence among samples was minimal despite the presence of dams, constructed in the early1900s, that separate the sample sites. This suggests that recent gene flow has been sufficient to inhibit genetic divergence or that gene flow has been reduced but there has been insufficient time for genetic divergence to develop. Tests of heterozygosity excess were non-significant, suggesting that N.mekistocholas in the localities sampled have not undergone recent reductions ineffective population size. Future studies employing larger sample sizes to provide more robust tests of population structure and temporally separated samples to estimate contemporaneous Ne are warranted.


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Natural environments have been worldwide affected by the growing impact of anthropogenic actions that promote the reduction or the extinction of several vertebrate species. Aquatic ecosystems represent one of the most affected environments and many fish species and/or populations have been increasingly fragmented distributed due to habitat degradation, predatory fishing, introduction of exotic species, river sedimentation, deforestation, pollution, reduction of food resource, and construction of hydroelectric dams. Actually, more than 150 Brazilian fish species, including freshwater, estuary and coastal species, can be considered threatened. Information on the diversity, conservation biology and population analysis on threatened species or populations, with several DNA markers, can be extremely useful for the success of fish species-recovery and maintenance programs. Although DNA analysis in Neotropical fish species are just beginning, they tend to increase with the widespread attention to the use of molecular approaches to minimize problems related to the risk of extinction. The accumulation of information on biology and pattern of genetic variation of fish species, associated with ecological and demographic data, and also education and respect to the nature, constitutes a crucial task to develop efficient conservation strategies in order to preserve the genetic diversity in aquatic environments.


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Currently, biodiversity is threatened by several factors often associated with human population growth and the extension of areas occupied by human activity. In particular, freshwater fish fauna is affected by overfishing, deforestation, water pollution, introduction of exotic species and habitat fragmentation promoted by hydroelectric dams, among other environmental impact factors. Several action plans to preserve ichthyofauna biodiversity have been adopted; however, these plans frequently cover only a small number of species, and decisions are often made without strong scientific support. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic aspects of wild groups of Brycon orbignyanus, an endangered fish species, using microsatellites and D-loop regions to identify the genetic structure of the samples and to establish priority areas for conservation based on the genetic patterns of this species. The results indicated that the samples showed levels of genetic variability compatible with others studies with Neotropical fishes. However, the results obtained in the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for microsatellites (F (ST) = 0.258) and D-loop (F (ST) = 0.234) and the interpopulation fixation index revealed that B. orbignyanus was structured in different subpopulations in the La Plata River basin; the areas with better environmental conditions also showed subgroups with higher rates of genetic variability. Future conservation actions addressing these sites should consider two different management units: the complex formed by the Ivinhema River, Upper Parana, Camargo Port and Ilha Grande groups; and the complex formed by the Verde River and Sucuriu River groups.


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This study evaluated the genetic erosion risk factors and the strategic points for the conservation of Lychnophora ericoides population in “Paraíso Perdido” farm, Serra da Canastra (20° 37’ 54” S; 46° 19’ 37” W; 833 m height) in São João Batista do Glória City, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The number of young and adult plants, the soil and the phenology were evaluated in two sample areas of 125 m2. Information about the species utilization was obtained with local informants. Data on the region were obtained through literature review, in loco evaluation, GPS and geo-referenced map. In addition, local use of the plant for mixtures of drug was evaluated. According to the results obtained, the soil of the population is lithic with a weathered portion of frank-sandy texture, very acidic and dystrophic. The population density is 0.16 individuals/m2, 0.078 young/adult plant. The predominant phenophase was fruiting (100% plants) followed by flowering (21.62% plants). The local community uses the leaves of the plant in the form of hydroalcoholic extracts, as anti-inflammatory. Based on the evaluated parameters, the population is at 73% risk of genetic erosion. The detected key points were the development of activities including the participation of the local community for habitat protection as well as germplasm collection, seedlings production and reintroduction, together with environmental education, supervision, and reduction in the propensity for fire.


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Conservation of genetic resources is a recognised necessity for the long term maintenance of evolutionary potential. Effective assessment and implementation Strategies are required to permit rapid evaluation and protection of resources. Here we use information from the chloroplast, total genome and quantitative characters assayed across wide-ranging populations to assess genetic resources in a Neotropical tree, Cedrela odorata. A major differentiation identified for organelle, total genomic and quantitative variation was found to coincide with an environmental gradient across Costa Rica. However, a major evolutionary divergence between the Yucatan region and Honduras/Nicaragua identified within the chloroplast genome was not differentiated using quantitative characters. Based on these and other results, a three-tiered conservation genetic prioritisation process is recommended. In order of importance, and where information is available, conservation units should be defined using quantitative (expressed genes), nuclear (genetic connectivity) and organellar (evolutionary) measures. Where possible, information from range wide and local scale studies should be combined and emphasis should be placed on coincidental disjunctions for two or more measures. However, if only rapid assessments of diversity are possible, then assessment of organelle variation provides the most cautious assessment of genetic resources, at least for C. odorata, and can be used to propose initial conservation units. When considering effective implementation of genetic resource management strategies a final tier should be considered, that of landuse/geopolitical divisions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Yangtze finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis, is all endangered small cetacean that occurs only in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River of China. The establishment of a breeding population of the porpoise in Tian-e-Zhou Baiji National Natural Reserve represents the first attempt at ex situ conservation efforts for a cetacean species. With the goal of effective protection, management, and monitoring of this preserved population, we examined its genetic diversity using 930 bp of mtDNA control region sequences and 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A very low level of genetic variation (h = 0.6010 +/- 0.0029 s.d.; pi = 0.0007 +/- 0.0000002 s.d.) in the mtDNA control region sequences and a moderate genetic diversity (Ho = 0.5740 +/- 0.2575 s.d.) in the microsatellites were detected in the population. It is necessary to introduce more individuals with representative genetic variations into the reserve ill order to foml a larger and healthier group structure for long-term survival of the population. Successful establishment of the Yangtze finless porpoise population in the Reserve also provides a useful model for an ex situ conservation programme for other rare and endangered species. (c) 2005 International Council for the Exploration ofthe Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1. Complete sequences of 1140 base pair of the cytochrome b gene from 133 specimens were obtained from nine localities including the inflow drainage system, isolated lakes and outflow drainage system in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to assess genetic diversity and to infer population histories of the freshwater fish Schizopygopsis pylzovi.2. Nucleotide diversities (pi) were moderate (0.0024-0.0045) in populations from the outflow drainage system and Tuosuo Lake, but low (0.0018-0.0021) in populations from Qiadam Basin. It is probable that the low intra-population variability is related with the paleoenvironmental fluctuation in Qiadam Basin, suggesting that the populations from Qiadam Basin have experienced severe bottleneck events in history.3. Phylogenetic tree topologies indicate that the individuals from different populations did not form reciprocal monophyly, but the populations from the adjacent drainages cluster geographically. Most population pairwise F-ST tests were significant, with non-significant pairwise tests between Tuosu Lake and Tuosuo Lake in the north-west of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates that the significant genetic variation was explained at the levels of catchments within and among, not among specific boundaries or inflow and outflow drainage systems.4. The nested clade phylogeographical analysis indicates that historical processes are very important in the observed geographical structuring of S. pylzovi, and the contemporary population structure and differentiation of S. pylzovi may be consistent with the historical tectonic events occurred in the course of uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Fluctuations of the ecogeographical environment and major hydrographic formation might have promoted contiguous range expansion of freshwater fish populations, whereas the geological barriers among drainages have resulted in the fragmentation of population and restricted the gene flow among populations.5. The significantly large negative F-s-value (-24.91, P < 0.01) of Fu's F-s-test and the unimodal mismatch distribution indicate that the species S. pylzovi underwent a sudden population expansion after the historical tectonic event of the Gonghe Movement.6. The results of this study indicate that each population from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau should be managed and conserved separately and that efforts should be directed towards preserving the genetic integrity of each group.


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Many populations have recovered from severe bottlenecks either naturally or through intensive conservation management. In the past, however, few conservation programs have monitored the genetic health of recovering populations. We conducted a conservation genetic assessment of a small, reintroduced population of Mauritius Kestrel (Falco punctatus) to determine whether genetic deterioration has occurred since its reintroduction. We used pedigree analysis that partially accounted for individuals of unknown origin to document that (1) inbreeding occurred frequently (2.6% increase per generation; N-el = 18.9), (2) 25% of breeding pairs were composed of either closely or moderately related individuals, (3) genetic diversity has been lost from the population (1,6% loss per generation; N-ev = 32.1) less rapidly than the corresponding increase in inbreeding, and (4) ignoring the contribution of unknown individuals to a pedigree will bias the metrics derived from that pedigree, ultimately obscuring the prevailing genetic dynamics. The rates of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in the subpopulation of Mauritius Kestrel we examined were extreme and among the highest yet documented in a wild vertebrate population. Thus, genetic deterioration may affect this population's long-term viability. Remedial conservation strategies are needed to reduce the impact of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in this species, We suggest that schemes to monitor genetic variation after reintroduction should be an integral component of endangered species recovery programs


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In species of conservation concern it is often difficult to be certain that population diversity and structure have been adequately characterised by genetic sampling. Since practical and financial constraints tend to be associated with increasing sample sizes in many conservation genetic studies, it is important to consider the potential for sampling error and bias due to inadequate samples or spatio-temporal structure within populations. We analysed sequence data from the mitochondrial DNA control region in a large sample (n = 245) of green sea turtles Chelonia mydas collected at the globally important rookery of Ascension Island, South Atlantic. We examined genetic diversity and structure among 10 sampling sites, 4 beach clusters and 4 nesting seasons, and evaluated the genetic composition of Ascension against other Atlantic nesting populations, including the well-studied rookery at Tortuguero (Costa Rica). Finally, we used rarefaction and GENESAMP analyses to assess the ability of different sample sizes to provide acceptable genetic representations of a population, using Ascension and Tortuguero as models. On Ascension, we found 13 haplotypes, of which only 3 had been previously observed in the rookery, and 5 previously undescribed. We detected no differentiation among beach clusters or sampling seasons, and only weak differentiation among the 3 primary nesting sites. The increased sample size for Ascension provided higher resolution and statistical power in describing genetic structure among all other known Atlantic rookeries. Our extrapolations showed that a maximum of 18 and 6 haplotypes are expected to occur in Ascension and Tortuguero, respectively, and that current sample sizes are sufficient to describe most of the variation. We recommend using rarefaction and GENESAMP analyses on a rookery-by-rookery basis to evaluate whether a sample set adequately describes mitochondrial DNA diversity, thus strengthening subsequent phylogeographic and mixed stock analyses, and management recommendations for conservation.


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The Arachis section is the most important of the nine sections of the genus Arachis because it includes the cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea. The genetic improvement of A. hypogaea using wild relatives is at an early stage of development in spite of their potential as sources of genes, including those for disease and pests resistance, that are not found in the A. hypogaea primary gene pool. Section Arachis species germplasm has been collected and maintained in gene banks and its use and effective conservation depends on our knowledge of the genetic variability contained in this material. Microsatellites are routinely used for the analysis of genetic variability because they are highly polymorphic and codominant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the transferability of microsatellite primers and the assay of genetic variability between and within the germplasm of some species of the Arachis section. Fourteen microsatellite loci developed for three different species of Arachis were analyzed and 11 (78%) were found to be polymorphic. All loci had transferability to all the species analyzed. The polymorphic loci were very informative, with expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.70 to 0.94. In general, the germplasm analyzed showed wide genetic variation. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.


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A PCR-RFLP analysis of the restriction pattern in nuclear (RAG2) and mitochondrial (12S/16S) gene sequences of bat species from the Molossidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Emballonuridae families produced a large number of fragments: 107 for RAG2 and 155 for 12S/16S combined in 139 and 402 haplotypes, respectively. The values detected for gene variation were low for both sequences (0.13 for RAG2 and 0.15 for 12S/16S) and reflected their conservative feature, reinforced by high values of inter- and intraspecies genetic identity (70-100%). The species with a high gene divergence were variable in the analyses of RAG2 (Eumops perotis, Artibeus lituratus, and Carollia perspicillata) and of 12S/16S (Nyctinomops laticaudatus, C. perspicillata, and Cynomops abrasus), and furthermore, one of them, C. perspicillata, also showed the highest intraspecific variation. The species that exhibited the lowest variation for both genes was Molossus rufus. In the families, the highest variation was observed in the Molossidae and this can be attributed to variation exhibited by Eumops and Nyctinomops species. The variations observed were interpreted as a natural variability within the species and genus that exhibited a conserved pattern in the two gene sequences in different species and family analyzed. Our data reinforce the idea that the analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes contribute to our knowledge of the diversity of New World bats. The genetic variability found in different taxa suggests that an additional diversity, unnoticed by other methods, can be revealed with the use of different molecular strategies. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The objective of this study was to describe the genetic diversity and structure of the largest Pe-duro population by assessing variation at ten autosomal microsatellite (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.755, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.600 and significant inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in most of analyzed loci demonstrate the impact of inbreeding and homozygosis on this population. A more in-depth genetic analysis could be achieved by expanding the STR list. The analysis of mtDNA provided evidence of ancestral African taurine haplotypes in Pe-duro and excluded maternal Zebuine introgression. In this report, the main Pe-duro population is genetically portrayed by sampling approximately 40% of it. As this herd represents the core of the Pe-duro conservation program, these findings are of outstanding value for the management and preservation of this Brazilian 'native' cattle breed.


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The objective of this study was to describe the genetic diversity and structure of the largest Pé-duro population by assessing variation at ten autosomal microsatellite (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.755, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.600 and significant inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in most of analyzed loci demonstrate the impact of inbreeding and homozygosis on this population. A more in-depth genetic analysis could be achieved by expanding the STR list. The analysis of mtDNA provided evidence of ancestral African taurine haplotypes in Pé-duro and excluded maternal Zebuine introgression. In this report, the main Pé-duro population is genetically portrayed by sampling approximately 40% of it. As this herd represents the core of the Pé-duro conservation program, these findings are of outstanding value for the management and preservation of this Brazilian 'native' cattle breed.