15 resultados para Coniella fragariae


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O uso de sistemas agrossilvipastoris com plantio de eucalipto tem se tornado bastante importante no Acre. Com o aumento dos cultivos de eucalipto no Acre, tem ocorrido o ataque de patógenos no campo principalmente durante os estágios iniciais da cultura. Conhecer as principais doenças que afetam os plantios de eucalipto é fundamental para o sucesso dos sistemas agrossilvipastoris que empregam esta espécie. Assim este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar as principais doenças em plantios de eucalipto no Acre associados a sistemas silvipastoris em implantação. Foram avaliadas três áreas com plantios jovens de eucalipto com diferentes espécies. Nas áreas foram realizadas visitas mensais para detecção de doenças. Plantas com sintomas de doenças foram trazidas ao Laboratório de Fitopatologia da Embrapa Acre para diagnóstico. Em campo avaliou-se a incidência e severidade das doenças. Foram relatadas os seguintes patossistemas: Ralstonia solanacearum - Murcha Bacteriana; Xanthomonas axonopodis - Mancha Foliar Bacteriana do Eucalipto; Puccinia psidii - Ferrugem do Eucalipto; Coniella fragariae ? Mancha de Coniela; e Cylindrocladium spp. ? Mancha de Cylindrocladium.


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Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) are important pests of Solanaceae in many countries. Several studies have demonstrated that T. urticae is an acceptable prey to many predatory mites, although the suitability of this prey depends on the host plant. T. evansi, has been shown to be an unfavorable prey to most predatory mites that have been tested against it. The predator Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found in association with the two species in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare biological parameters of P. fragariae on T. evansi and on T. urticae as prey. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees C. At all temperatures, survivorship was lower on T. evansi than on T. urticae. No predator reached adulthood at 10 degrees C on the former species; even on the latter species, only about 36% of the predators reached adulthood at 10 degrees C. For both prey, in general, duration of each life stage was shorter, total fecundity was lower and intrinsic rate of population increase (r(m) ) was higher with increasing temperatures. The slower rate of development of P. fragariae on T. evansi resulted in a slightly higher thermal requirement (103.9 degree-days) on that prey than on T. urticae (97.1 degree-days). The values of net reproduction rate (R-0), intrinsic rate of increase (r (m) ) and finite rate of increase (lambda) were significantly higher on T. urticae, indicating faster population increase of the predator on this prey species. The highest value of r (m) of the predator was 0.154 and 0.337 female per female per day on T. evansi and on T. urticae, respectively. The results suggested that P. fragariae cannot be considered a good predator of T. evansi.


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Foram testados 49 clones de morangueiro quanto a reação à incidência natural de Ramularia tulasnei sob condições de campo, em Piracicaba, SP. A avaliação foi realizada de acordo com uma escala de 1 (ausência de sintomas) a 6 (severa incidência) na fase de maior severidade da doença e os clones classificados em resistentes (1,00 a 2,30), moderadamente resistentes (2,31 a 3,70) e suscetíveis (3,71 a 5,00). Identificaram-se 11 clones resistentes, 31 moderadamente resistentes e 7 suscetíveis. Os resistentes foram "I-2008" (grau 1,00 ± 0,00), "IAC-2713", "Camanducaia (IAC-3530)", "A. Brucknner (I-2492)","IAC-3113 x (IAC-2712 x 1-2008-1)10", "IAC-4326", "IAC-3530 x IAC-2747-2", "Kon-woy (1-3846)", "Atibaia (IAC-4325)", "1-4896 -4" e "IAC-4749" e o mais suscetível foi "Jundiaí (IAC-4204)" (grau 5,00 ± 0,41).


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A antracnose é uma das principais doenças do morangueiro morangueiro (Fragaria X ananassa) e na sua sintomatologia pode estar envolvida mais de uma espécie de Colletotrichum. Neste trabalho objetivou-se caracterizar a especialização patogênica de Colletotrichum acutatum e C. fragariae em frutos, pecíolos, rizomas e inflorescências, utilizando-se inoculação artificial em várias cultivares. Em frutos, C. acutatum provocou lesões maiores que C. fragariae, enquanto que em pecíolos e rizomas C. fragariae foi mais patogênico. A cultivar Reiko foi mais suscetível às lesões dos pecíolos, enquanto 'IAC- Princesa Isabel', 'Sequoia', 'IAC-Guarani' e 'Chandler' foram mais resistentes. Os sintomas de podridão de rizoma foram menos severos em 'IAC-Princesa Isabel' e 'Sequoia' e apenas para essas duas cvs. foi observada semelhança na patogenicidade de C. acutatum e C. fragariae. Para as demais, C. fragariae foi sempre mais patogênico. Nas inflorescências houve maior severidade de sintomas quando se inoculou C. acutatum e, dentro de cada cultivar, confirmou-se esta constatação, exceto para 'IAC-Princesa Isabel', para a qual os dois fungos foram igualmente patogênicos. Evidenciou-se uma maior especialização patogênica de C. acutatum em frutos e inflorescências e de C. fragariae em pecíolos e rizomas. Porém, quando em interação com as cultivares, os dois patógenos apresentaram diferentes graus de patogenicidade, podendo causar sintomas de intensidade semelhante no mesmo órgão da planta.


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In February 2007, sweet orange trees with characteristic symptoms of huanglongbing (HLB) were encountered in a region of Sao Paulo state (SPs) hitherto free of HLB. These trees tested negative for the three liberibacter species associated with HLB. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product from symptomatic fruit columella DNA amplifications with universal primers fDI/rPI was cloned and sequenced. The corresponding agent was found to have highest 16S rDNA sequence identity (99%) with the Pigeon pea witches`-broom phytoplasma of group 16Sr IX. Sequences of PCR products obtained with phytoplasma 16S rDNA primer pairs fU5/rU3, fU5/P7 confirm these result.,;. With two primers D7f2/D7r2 designed based oil the 16S rDNA Sequence of the cloned DNA fragment, positive amplifications were obtained from more than one hundred samples including symptomatic fruits and blotchy mottle leaves. Samples positive for phytoplasmas were negative for liberibacters, except for four samples, which were positive for both the phytoplasma and `Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus`. The phytoplasma was detected by electron microscopy in the sieve tubes of midribs from symptomatic leaves. These results Show that a phytoplasma of group IX is associated with citrus HLB symptoms ill northern, central, and Southern SPs. This phytoplasma has very probably been transmitted to citrus from an external Source of inoculum, but the Putative insect vector is not yet known.


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Em morangueiros, a mancha das folhas, causada por Mycosphaerella fragariae, é uma das doenças mais comuns na cultura, o que torna importantes os estudos de controle alternativo e de cultivares, sobre o progresso da epidemia. Em busca de práticas alternativas para seu controle, avaliou-se o efeito de cultivares de morangueiro e do extrato da alga Ascophyllum nodosum, na expressão dos sintomas de mycosphaerella, além de avaliar o ajuste de modelos de crescimento para o progresso temporal da incidência e severidade da doença. Utilizou-se o extrato de algas a 29%, na dose de 2 L ha-1, aplicado no solo, na folha e em ambos. As cultivares Dover, Toyonoka, Albion, Camarosa, Ventana, Campinas, Tudla e Camino Real foram avaliadas, quinzenalmente, quanto a incidência e severidade da doença. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. Com os dados de incidência e severidade, calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença e utilizou-se a análise de variância para avaliar o efeito de cultivares e do extrato de algas. Aos dados do progresso temporal da incidência e da severidade, em cada cultivar, foram ajustados os modelos monomolecular, logístico e de Gompertz. O extrato de algas não apresentou efeito ou interação com cultivares, no controle da mycosphaerella. Houve efeito de cultivar com menor intensidade da doença, em Albion e Ventana, devido, principalmente, ao atraso na epidemia, pela redução do inóculo inicial efetivo. Aos dados de progresso temporal da incidência e da severidade ajustaram-se, respectivamente, os modelos logístico e monomolecular, para todas as cultivares.


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In the past years, several writers described eudotokia matricida in nematodes belonging to the family Rbabditidae. In 1958, LOOF dealt with two cases he observed in Apbeltncboides fragariae and Pratylencbus coffeae , showing that such phenomenon eventually occurs in the Tylencbida, families Apbelencboididae and Tylencbidae respectively. A third case referring to another tylenchid nematode is described in this paper, the species envolved having been identified as Meloidogyne javanica, of the family Heteroderidae.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência de ácaros predadores e do fungo Neozygites floridana, associados a ácaros tetraniquídeos, em soja (Glycine max L.), no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Entre 2003 e 2005, foram avaliadas amostras de folhas de soja das principais regiões produtoras do Estado. Essas amostras foram coletadas de diferentes posições da planta e aleatoriamente na lavoura. As espécies de ácaros predadores encontradas foram: Neoseiulus anonymus, N. californicus, Phytoseiulus fragariae, P. macropilis, Proprioseiopsis cannaensis e Galendromus annectens. O fungo N. floridana apresentou ampla distribuição e ocorreu em todas as espécies de tetraniquídeos encontradas: Mononychellus planki, Tetranychus desertorum, T. gigas, T. ludeni e T. urticae.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reação de dez cultivares de morangueiro ao oídio (Sphaerotheca macularis f.sp. fragariae). Plantas-matrizes foram transplantadas em bandejas de 72 células, contendo substrato autoclavado. Em seguida, bandejas com plantas de morangueiro severamente infestadas com oídio foram colocadas na casa de vegetação. Utilizou-se do delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições, contendo dez plantas. As parcelas foram constituídas de dez cultivares de morangueiro (Aromas, Bürkley, Camarosa, Campinas, Dover, Milsei-Tudla, Oso Grande, Santa Clara, Sweet Charlie e Vila Nova) e as subparcelas de três épocas de avaliação da severidade da doença nas três folhas mais novas totalmente expandidas (8ª, 10ª e 12ª semana após o transplantio das plantas-matrizes). Utilizou-se de uma escala de notas, onde 0; 1; 2 e 3 representaram, respectivamente, 0%, 1-25%, 26-50% e > 51% de área foliar coberta com estruturas do fungo. A severidade da doença diminuiu com a proximidade do verão, devido às maiores temperaturas médias diárias. Verificou-se alta variabilidade das cultivares quanto à reação ao oídio, sendo: 'Milsei-Tudla' altamente resistente; 'Camarosa', 'Aromas', 'Oso Grande', 'Sweet Charlie' e 'Campinas' medianamente resistentes; 'Dover' pouco resistente; e 'Bürkley', 'Vila Nova' e 'Santa Clara' altamente suscetíveis.


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No Brasil, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides é a única espécie associada à antracnose de anonáceas. Contudo, apenas características morfológicas têm sido utilizadas na identificação. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar espécies de Colletotrichum que causam a antracnose nas culturas da pinha e da graviola no Estado de Alagoas. Cinquenta e um isolados, obtidos de folhas de pinheira e gravioleira com sintomas típicos da doença, foram coletados em Maceió, Palmeira dos Índios e União dos Palmares. Os isolados foram inoculados em folhas destacadas de ambas as culturas e caracterizados morfologicamente através da morfometria de conídios e apressórios, e molecularmente por meio do sequenciamento da região ITS. Verificou-se que todos os isolados foram patogênicos a ambas as espécies. Na caracterização morfológica, os isolados foram agrupados em três grupos: M1, M2 e M3. O grupo M1 foi formado por 32 isolados com características relacionadas a C. gloeosporioides. No grupo M2, constituído de 15 isolados, predominaram características de C. boninense, enquanto, no grupo M3, composto por quatro isolados, as características foram típicas de C. fragariae. A análise filogenética, da mesma forma, também resultou em três grupos (F1, F2 e F3), os quais, de modo geral, estiveram em concordância com os dados da morfologia. O grupo filogenético F1 concentrou os isolados do grupo morfológico M1 e sequências de referências de C. gloeosporioides e C. fragariae. O grupo F2, que agrupou as sequências de C. boninense, concentrou os isolados do grupo morfológico M2. Finalmente, o grupo F3 incluiu sequências de C. magna e outros quatro isolados desse estudo. Assim, foi possível comprovar que quatro espécies de Colletotrichum são responsáveis pela antracnose em pinheira e gravioleira em Alagoas: C. gloeosporioides, C. boninense, C. fragariae e C. magna.


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Pathogens in seeds imply quarantine constraints for exportation. This research aimed to quantify nematodes and fungus populations in seed samples of forage grasses from the main Brazilian producing states, and to multiply the nematodes in vitro, as well to study the taxonomy of the nematodes detected. Seed samples of 237 lots of different forage grasses from São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Goias States were collected and shipped for analyses in the Nematology and Plant Pathology Laboratories at FCAV[long dash]UNESP [long dash] Jaboticabal( SP) by Comercio e Industria Matsuda Imp., Exp. Ltd. Nematodes were extracted from 10 g of seeds. To detect the fungus, the Blotter-test was applied. The identifications were done by using a photonic microscope and a stereomicroscope. For the study of in vitro multiplication of the nematodes, the following parthenogenetic species were selected: Aphelenchoides sexlineatus, Aphelenchus sp. and Ditylenchus montanus. Cultures of the fungi Fusarium sp. and Didymella brioniae were used as substrate to multiply the nematodes in Petri dishes. Each plate was inoculated with 10 mature females, then incubated in B.O.D. at 25 [plus or minus]1 [degree]C, in the dark. Thirty days after inoculation, the nematodes were extracted. The populations obtained in the suspensions were estimated in the microscope using Peters counting chamber, and the reproduction factor estimated. For the taxonomic study of the nematodes, morphological characters of specimens were recorded under the light and scanning electron microscopes. The results indicated a large distribution of nematodes and fungus in seeds of forage grasses in Brazil. The nematodes identified in the present study were: Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. bicaudatus, A. fragariae, A. sexlineatus, Ditylenchus myceliophagus, D. dipsaci, D. montanus, and Aphelenchus sp. In addition, species of the fungi Fusarium, Helminthosporium and Phoma were recovered.


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Plant losses due to fungal diseases in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) can potentially cause total loss of production. Three fungal pathogens, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Macrophomina phaseolina, cause similar crown rot and wilt symptoms in strawberries in Queensland. Since the withdrawal of methyl bromide in 2005, no effective chemical control of any of the three pathogens has been available. This study aims at identifying sources of plant genetic resistance that can be used in the breeding program to develop resistant cultivars for use as part of an integrated disease management plan in commercial strawberry production. Results from glasshouse pathogenicity and screening trials on the three pathogens showed that when breeding for resistance against a pathogen, resistance to other pathogens also needs to be considered, e.g., cultivar 'Festival' is resistant to F. oxysporum f. sp. fragariae, but is highly susceptible to C. gloeosporioides. The cultivars 'Earlisweet', 'Kabarla' and 'Phenomenal', two seedling clones and four DAFF breeding lines were resistant to C. gloeosporioides. Cultivar 'Suncoast Delight' showed the most promising level of resistance to M. phaseolina. These cultivars, breeding lines and seedling selections have been made available for incorporation into the crossing program to support the Queensland strawberry breeding program.


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Besides their own adaptation strategies, plants might exploit microbial symbionts for overcoming both biotic and abiotic stresses and increase fitness. The current scenario of rapid climate change is demanding more sustainable agricultural management practices. The application of microbe-based products as a valid alternative to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and their use to overcome stresses exacerbated by climate change, have been reviewed in the first part of this thesis. Berry fruits are widely cultivated and appreciated for their aromatic and nutraceutical properties. This thesis is focused on the role of plant and fruit microbiome on strawberry and raspberry growth, resistance, fruit quality and aroma. A taxonomical and functional description of the microbiome of different organs of three strawberry genotypes was performed both by traditional cultural dependent method and Next Generation Sequencing technique, highlighting a significant role of plant organs and genotype in determining the composition of microbial communities. Additionally, a selection of bacteria native of strawberry plants were isolated and screened for their plant growth promoting abilities and tested under the biotic stress of Xanthomonas fragariae infection and the abiotic stress of induced salinity. The monitoring of biometric parameters allowed the selection of a more restricted panel of bacterial strains, whose beneficial potential was tested in coordinated inoculations, or singularly. Raspberry plant was used for investigating the effect of cultivation method in determining fruit microbiome, and its consequent influence of berry quality and aroma. Interestingly, the cultivation method strongly influenced fruit nutraceutical traits, aroma and epiphytic bacterial biocoenosis. The involvement of the bacterial microbiota in fruit aroma determination was evaluated by performing GC–MS analysis of VOCs occurring in control, sterile and artificially reinoculated berries and by characterizing control and reinoculated berry microbiome. Differently treated berries showed significantly different aromatic profile, confirming the role of bacteria in fruit aroma development.


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The present work aims to investigate the potential use of natural substances against bacterial plant pathogens. Microdilution tests were therefore carried out in vitro to identify the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) of several EOs and Hys against selected bacterial pathogens. Commercial products based on a mixture of EOs were in addition assayed with macrodilution experiments against Erwinia amylovora (Ea-causal agent of fire blight). Subsequently, using selected EOs, Hys, and commercial products, ex vivo tests on disease incidence and Ea population dynamics were carried out; the latter experiment was followed by SEM observations. In addition, in vivo resistance induction test was carried out against bacterial leaf of tomato, caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Xv). EOs and Hys showed high bactericidal activity in vitro (MBC <0.1 and <10% for the most active EOs and Hys: Origanum compactum and Thymus vulgaris EOs and Citrus aurantium var. amara Hy, respectively), but they were not effective ex vivo, while resulted very active when used in vivo as resistance inducers in the tomato-Xv pathosystem (relative protection >40%). Differently, commercial products resulted active in all tests, but not as resistance inducers against Xv. An open field trial with commercial products was carried out on strawberry plants naturally infected with Xanthomonas fragariae; the results showed discrete relative protection, concerning that provided by the conventional products based on copper; mostly, the disease severity reduction on those plants treated with EOs commercial products was significant when disease severity resulted high. The papers already published described in the present work investigate (1)the activity of Hys in comparison to EOs with respect to their active volatile content; (2) the potential use of EOs and Hys in cultural heritage; for the restoration of paintings; (3) the induction of resistance caused by plasma-activated water-based root treatments.