974 resultados para Congenital malformation


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A simple model is proposed, using the method of maximum likelihood to estimate malformation frequencies in racial groups based on data obtained from hospital services. This model uses the proportions of racial admixture, and the observed malformation frequency. It was applied to two defects: postaxial polydactyly and cleft lip, the frequencies of which are recognizedly heterogeneous among racial groups. The frequencies estimated in each racial group were those expected for these malformations, which proves the applicability of the method.


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Bone malformation in snakes stems from inbreeding or temperature variations during gestation or incubation. Differential diagnosis are osteoarthropathy due to nutritional, metabolic and infectious diseases. For an accurate diagnosis of these changes, a radiographic exam is essential because it provides a general view of the skeleton and detects morphological abnormalities. This study aimed to report the clinical care of a rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria crassus) with congenital kyphosis and changes in scales, from a snake pit with controlled temperature and humidity since its gestation. Multiple dorsal deviations of the column without the presence of osteoarthrosis were seen upon radiographic examination. Studies aiming to understand the cases of congenital malformation in snakes should be performed to prevent the birth of animals with this type of change.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and outcome for fetuses and infants with congenital hydrocephalus. METHODS: Data were taken from four European registries of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). The registries included are based on multiple sources of information and include information about livebirths, fetal deaths with GA > or = 20 weeks and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA). All cases from the four registries diagnosed with congenital hydrocephalus and born in the period 1996-2003 were included in the study. Cases with hydrocephalus associated with neural tube defects were not included in the study. RESULTS: Eighty-seven cases with congenital hydrocephalus were identified during the study period giving an overall prevalence of 4.65 per 10,000 births. There were 41 livebirths (47%), four fetal deaths (5%) and 42 TOPFA (48%). Nine percent of all cases were from a multiple pregnancy. Additional non-cerebral major malformations were diagnosed in 38 cases (44%) and karyotype anomalies in eight cases (9%). Median GA at TOPFA was 21 weeks. Among livebirths 61% were diagnosed prenatally at a median GA of 31 weeks (range 17-40 weeks) and median GA at birth was 37 weeks. Fourteen liveborn infants (34%) died within the first year of life with the majority of deaths during the first week after birth. CONCLUSION: Congenital hydrocephalus is a severe congenital malformation often associated with other congenital anomalies. CH is often diagnosed prenatally, although sometimes late in pregnancy. A high proportion of affected pregnancies result in termination for severe fetal anomaly and there is a high mortality in livebirths.


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OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the prenatal detection of gastrointestinal obstruction (GIO, including atresia, stenosis, absence or fistula) by routine ultrasonographic examination in an unselected population all over Europe. METHODS: Data from 18 congenital malformation registries in 11 European countries were analysed. These multisource registries used the same methodology. All fetuses/neonates with GIO confirmed within 1 week after birth who had prenatal sonography and were born during the study period (1 July 1996 to 31 December 1998) were included. RESULTS: There were 670 793 births in the area covered and 349 fetuses/neonates had GIO. The prenatal detection rate of GIO was 34%; of these 40% were detected < or = 24 weeks of gestation (WG). A total of 31% (60/192) of the isolated GIO were detected prenatally, as were 38% (59/157) of the associated GIO (p=0.26). The detection rate was 25% for esophageal obstruction (31/122), 52% for duodenal obstruction (33/64), 40% for small intestine obstruction (27/68) and 29% for large intestine obstruction (28/95) (p=0.002). The detection rate was higher in countries with a policy of routine obstetric ultrasound. Fifteen percent of pregnancies were terminated (51/349). Eleven of these had chromosomal anomalies, 31 multiple malformations, eight non-chromosomal recognized syndromes, and one isolated GIO. The participating registries reflect the various national policies for termination of pregnancy (TOP), but TOPs after 24 WG (11/51) do not appear to be performed more frequently in countries with a liberal TOP policy. CONCLUSION: This European study shows that the detection rate of GIO depends on the screening policy and on the sonographic detectability of GIO subgroups.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify specific major congenital malformations associated with use of carbamazepine in the first trimester of pregnancy. DESIGN: A review of all published cohort studies to identify key indications and a population based case-control study to test these indications. SETTING: Review of PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase for papers about carbamazepine exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy and specific malformations, and the EUROCAT Antiepileptic Study Database, including data from 19 European population based congenital anomaly registries, 1995-2005. PARTICIPANTS: The literature review covered eight cohort studies of 2680 pregnancies with carbamazepine monotherapy exposure, and the EUROCAT dataset included 98 075 registrations of malformations covering over 3.8 million births. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. Odds ratios for malformations with exposure to carbamazepine among cases (five types of malformation identified in the literature review) compared with two groups of controls: other non-chromosomal registrations of malformations and chromosomal syndromes. RESULTS: The literature review yielded an overall prevalence for a major congenital malformation of 3.3% (95% confidence interval 2.7 to 4.2) after exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy in the first trimester. In 131 registrations of malformations, the fetus had been exposed to carbamazepine monotherapy. Spina bifida was the only specific major congenital malformation significantly associated with exposure to carbamazepine monotherapy (odds ratio 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 5.3) compared with no antiepileptic drug), but the risk was smaller for carbamazepine than for valproic acid (0.2, 0.1 to 0.6). There was no evidence for an association with total anomalous pulmonary venous return (no cases with carbamazepine exposure), cleft lip (with or without palate) (0.2, 0.0 to 1.3), diaphragmatic hernia (0.9, 0.1 to 6.6), or hypospadias (0.7, 0.3 to 1.6) compared with no exposure to antiepileptic drugs. Further exploratory analysis suggested a higher risk of single ventricle and atrioventricular septal defect. CONCLUSION: Carbamazepine teratogenicity is relatively specific to spina bifida, though the risk is less than with valproic acid. Despite the large dataset, there was not enough power to detect moderate risks for some rare major congenital malformations.


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Ultrasound scans in the mid trimester of pregnancy are now a routine part of antenatal care in most European countries. With the assistance of Registries of Congenital Anomalies a study was undertaken in Europe. The objective of the study was to evaluate prenatal detection of congenital heart defects (CHD) by routine ultrasonographic examination of the fetus. All congenital malformations suspected prenatally and all congenital malformations, including chromosome anomalies, confirmed at birth were identified from the Congenital Malformation Registers, including 20 registers from the following European countries: Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK and Ukrainia. These registries follow the same methodology. The study period was 1996-1998, 709 030 births were covered, and 8126 cases with congenital malformations were registered. If more than one cardiac malformation was present the case was coded as complex cardiac malformation. CHD were subdivided into 'isolated' when only a cardiac malformation was present and 'associated' when at least one other major extra cardiac malformation was present. The associated CHD were subdivided into chromosomal, syndromic non-chromosomal and multiple. The study comprised 761 associated CHD including 282 cases with multiple malformations, 375 cases with chromosomal anomalies and 104 cases with non-chromosomal syndromes. The proportion of prenatal diagnosis of associated CHD varied in relation to the ultrasound screening policies from 17.9% in countries without routine screening (The Netherlands and Denmark) to 46.0% in countries with only one routine fetal scan and 55.6% in countries with two or three routine fetal scans. The prenatal detection rate of chromosomal anomalies was 40.3% (151/375 cases). This rate for recognized syndromes and multiply malformed with CHD was 51.9% (54/104 cases) and 48.6% (137/282 cases), respectively; 150/229 Down syndrome (65.8%) were livebirths. Concerning the syndromic cases, the detection rate of deletion 22q11, situs anomalies and VATER association was 44.4%, 64.7% and 46.6%, respectively. In conclusion, the present study shows large regional variations in the prenatal detection rate of CHD with the highest rates in European regions with three screening scans. Prenatal diagnosis of CHD is significantly higher if associated malformations are present. Cardiac defects affecting the size of the ventricles have the highest detection rate. Mean gestational age at discovery was 20-24 weeks for the majority of associated cardiac defects.


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Background: Interest in limb defects has grown after the thalidomide tragedy in the 1960s. As a result, congenital malformation registries, monitoring changes in birthprevalence and defect patterns, have been established in several countries. However, there are only a few true population based studies on birth prevalence of upper limb defects. The burden of hospital care among these children, specifically in terms of the number of admissions and total time spent in hospital, is also unknown. Aims and Methods: This study is based on information gathered from the Finnish Register of Congenital malformations (FRM) and the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register (FHDR). A total of 417 children born between 1993 and 2005 with an upper limb defect were gathered from the FRM. The upper limb defects were classified using the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand -classification that enables comparison with previous and future studies. Birth and live birth prevalence, sex and side distribution, frequency of associated anomalies as well as the proportion of perinatal and infant deaths according to the different subtypes were calculated. The number of hospital admissions, days spent in hospital, number and type of surgical operations were collected from the FHDR. Special features of two subgroups, radial ray defects (RRD) and constriction band syndrome (CBS), were explored. Results: Upper limb defects were observed in 417 of 753 342 consecutive births and in 392 of 750 461 live births. Birth prevalence was 5.5 per 10 000 births and 5.2 per 10 000 live births. Multiple anomalies or a known syndrome was found in 250 cases (60%). Perinatal mortality was 139 per 1000 births and infant mortality 135 per 1000 live births (overall Finnish perinatal mortality <5 per 1000 births and infant mortality 3.7 per 1000 live births). Altogether, 138 infants had RRD and 120 (87%) of these had either a known syndrome or multiple major anomalies. The proportion of perinatal deaths in RRD group was 29% (40/138) and infant deaths 35% (43/123). Fifty-one children had CBS in upper limbs. Fifteen of these (29%) had other major anomalies associated with constriction rings. The number of hospital admissions per year of children with congenital upper limb defects was 11-fold and the time spent in hospital 13-fold as compared with the general paediatric population. Conclusions: Birth prevalence of congenital upper limb defects was 5.5 per 10 000 births and 5.2 per 10 000 live births. RRD was especially associated with other major anomalies and high mortality. Nearly one third of the children with CBS also had other major anomalies suggesting different aetiologies inside the group. The annual burden of hospital care of children with congenital upper limb defects was at least 11-fold as compared with the general paediatric population.


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Selon les lignes directrices de traitement de l'asthme pendant la grossesse, les beta2-agonistes inhalés à courte durée d’action (SABA) sont les médicaments de choix pour tous les types d’asthme [intermittent, persistant, léger, modéré et sévère] comme médicaments de secours rapide et dans la gestion des exacerbations aiguës. D’autre part, les beta2-agonistes inhalés à longue durée d’action (LABA) sont utilisés pour les patients atteints d'asthme persistant, modéré à sévère, qui ne sont pas entièrement contrôlés par des corticostéroïdes inhalés seuls. Malgré que plusieurs études aient examinées l’association entre les LABA, les SABA et les malformations congénitales chez les nouveau-nés, les risques réels restent controversés en raison de résultats contradictoires et des difficultés inhérentes à la réalisation d'études épidémiologiques chez les femmes enceintes. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'association entre l'exposition maternelle aux SABA et LABA pendant le premier trimestre de grossesse et le risque de malformations congénitales chez les nouveau-nés de femmes asthmatiques. Une cohorte de grossesses de femmes asthmatiques ayant accouchées entre le 1er janvier 1990 et le 31 décembre 2002 a été formée en croisant trois banques de données administratives de la province de Québec (Canada). Les issues principales de cette étude étaient les malformations congénitales majeures de touts types. Comme issues secondaires, nous avons considéré des malformations congénitales spécifiques. L'exposition principale était la prise de SABA et/ou de LABA au cours du premier trimestre de grossesse. L'exposition secondaire étudiée était le nombre moyen de doses de SABA par semaine au cours du premier trimestre. L'association entre les malformations congénitales et la prise de SABA et de LABA a été évaluée en utilisant des modèles d’équations généralisées (GEE) en ajustant pour plusieurs variables confondantes reliées à la grossesse, l’asthme de la mère et la santé de la mère et du foetus. Dans la cohorte formée de 13 117 grossesses de femmes asthmatiques, nous avons identifié 1 242 enfants avec une malformation congénitale (9,5%), dont 762 avaient une malformation majeure (5,8%). Cinquante-cinq pour cent des femmes ont utilisé des SABA et 1,3% ont utilisé des LABA pendant le premier trimestre. Les rapports de cotes ajustées (IC à 95%) pour une malformation congénitale associée à l'utilisation des SABA et des LABA étaient de 1,0 (0,9-1,2) et 1,3 (0,9-2,1), respectivement. Les résultats correspondants étaient de 0,9 (0,8-1,1) et 1,3 (0,8-2,4) pour les malformations majeures. Concernant le nombre moyen de doses de SABA par semaine, les rapports de cotes ajustées (IC à 95%) pour une malformation congénitale était de 1.1 (1.0-1.3), 1.1 (0.9-1.3), et 0.9 (0.7-1.1) pour les doses >0-3, >3-10, and >10 respectivement. Les résultats correspondants étaient de 1.0 (0.8-1.2), 0.8 (0.7-1.1), et 0.7 (0.5-1.0) pour les malformations majeures. D'autre part, des rapports de cotes (IC à 95%) statistiquement significatifs ont été observés pour les malformations cardiaques (2.4 (1.1-5.1)), les malformations d'organes génitaux (6.8 (2.6-18.1)), et d'autres malformations congénitales (3.4 (1.4 à 8.5)), en association avec les LABA pris pendant le premier trimestre. Notre étude procure des données rassurantes pour l’utilisation des SABA pendant la grossesse, ce qui est en accord avec les lignes directrices de traitement de l’asthme. Toutefois, d'autres études sont nécessaires avant de pouvoir se prononcer sur l’innocuité des LABA pendant la grossesse.


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To analyze the effects of treatment approach on the outcomes of newborns (birth weight [BW] < 1,000 g) with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), from the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (BNRN) on: death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH III/IV), retinopathy of prematurity requiring surgical (ROPsur), necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery (NECsur), and death/BPD. This was a multicentric, cohort study, retrospective data collection, including newborns (BW < 1000 g) with gestational age (GA) < 33 weeks and echocardiographic diagnosis of PDA, from 16 neonatal units of the BNRN from January 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2011. Newborns who died or were transferred until the third day of life, and those with presence of congenital malformation or infection were excluded. Groups: G1 - conservative approach (without treatment), G2 - pharmacologic (indomethacin or ibuprofen), G3 - surgical ligation (independent of previous treatment). Factors analyzed: antenatal corticosteroid, cesarean section, BW, GA, 5 min. Apgar score < 4, male gender, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE II), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), late sepsis (LS), mechanical ventilation (MV), surfactant (< 2 h of life), and time of MV. death, O2 dependence at 36 weeks (BPD36wks), IVH III/IV, ROPsur, NECsur, and death/BPD36wks. Student's t-test, chi-squared test, or Fisher's exact test; Odds ratio (95% CI); logistic binary regression and backward stepwise multiple regression. Software: MedCalc (Medical Calculator) software, version p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. 1,097 newborns were selected and 494 newborns were included: G1 - 187 (37.8%), G2 - 205 (41.5%), and G3 - 102 (20.6%). The highest mortality was observed in G1 (51.3%) and the lowest in G3 (14.7%). The highest frequencies of BPD36wks (70.6%) and ROPsur were observed in G3 (23.5%). The lowest occurrence of death/BPD36wks occurred in G2 (58.0%). Pharmacological (OR 0.29; 95% CI: 0.14-0.62) and conservative (OR 0.34; 95% CI: 0.14-0.79) treatments were protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks. The conservative approach of PDA was associated to high mortality, the surgical approach to the occurrence of BPD36wks and ROPsur, and the pharmacological treatment was protective for the outcome death/BPD36wks.


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Multiloculated hydrocephalus is a clinicopathological entity consisting of enlarged, loculated ventricles and paraventricular poroencephalic cavities. We present two cases of multiloculated hydrocephalus: one due to infectious process of central nervous system and the other consequent to a congenital malformation. Tomographic aspects of this condition that permit the diagnosis are stressed. The pathophysiology, the management and the prognosis are discussed according to the available literature.


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Myelomeningocele (MMC) is a congenital malformation of the neural tube that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. This malformation refers to the caudal non-closure of the neural tube and neural tissue exposure, which lead to neurological problems, such as hydrocephalus, motor disability, genitourinary tract and skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation. Patients with MMC have an acknowledged predisposition to latex allergy and are usually at a high caries risk and activity due to poor oral hygiene, fermentable carbon hydrate-rich diet and prolonged use of sugar-containing medications. This paper addresses the common oral findings in pediatric patients with MMC, discusses the strategies and precautions to deal with these individuals and reports the dental care to a young child diagnosed with this condition.


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Absence of half-nose is an extremely rare congenital malformation, which has a devastating impact on the patient and the family. A review of indexed English-language literature found 91 cases of half-nose, including 50 patients with proboscis lateralis. Pathogenesis is not clear, and the reported cases have sporadically occurred. Many aspects must be considered when reconstructing a congenital half-nose, such as timing of surgery, type of tissue to be used and the need to reconstruct nasal airway. The aim of this article is to present personal experience in seven cases of half-nose reconstruction, in order to review the literature regarding to this rare entity, highlighting aspects of incidence, pathogenesis and surgical treatment. Nasal reconstruction was performed at ages of 5-7 years to minimise psychological trauma. Forehead skin demonstrated to be an excellent donor site to re-surface the nose. For the inner lining, contralateral cutaneous nasal flap was our preference. Concerning the nasal framework reconstruction, alar contour was restored using a cartilage graft from the lower portion of ear tragus and concha. (C) 2008 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Tessier no. 5 facial cleft is an extremely rare congenital malformation. Only 26 cases have been described In the English-language literature. The cleft begins In the upper lip just medial to the oral commissure, extending across the cheek as a groove ending at the junction of the middle and lateral thirds of the lower eyelid. The bone Involvement usually Includes an alveolar cleft in the premolar region, extends across the maxilla lateral to the Infraorbital nerve, up to the infraorbital rim and orbital floor. The goals of the surgical procedure Include reconstructing the lower eyelid, repositioning the lateral canthus, closure of the labiomaxillary cleft, and restoration of the skeletal continuity (including the orbital floor defect) with bone grafts. We present six patients with the Tessier no. 5 facial cleft who have been treated in our combined centers and discuss the surgical options and difficulties faced in the reconstruction of this rare and challenging craniofacial malformation. To date, we have treated six patients (two with bilateral and four with unilateral clefts). Three of the patients with unilateral clefting had an associated no. 4 cleft and one patient with a bilateral cleft had an associated no. 3 cleft. This paper represents the largest series to date documenting surgery for patients with the Tessier no. 5 facial cleft.


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Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.


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O Registo Nacional de Anomalias Congénitas (RENAC) recebe notificações da ocorrência de anomalias congénitas diagnosticadas até ao final do 1º mês de vida, algumas das quais são raras. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, transversal, com a finalidade de descrever a epidemiologia dos registos de anomalias congénitas que constituem uma síndrome genética rara, utilizando os dados do RENAC entre 2000-2013. Observou-se uma prevalência de 1,17 casos/10 000 nascimentos de indivíduos com síndrome genética rara com anomalias que afetam múltiplos sistemas. Estas patologias representam um pequeno grupo do universo das doenças raras. No total das síndromes estudadas (n=171), a maior frequência observou-se no grupo de síndromes que afetam predominantemente o aspeto da face (50,9%) e, neste grupo, destacam-se a Sequência de Pierre Robin (26,3%) e a Síndrome de Goldenhar (11,7%). No grupo de outras síndromes genéticas, a Síndrome de DiGeorge foi diagnosticada em 12,3% dos casos. Dada a inexistência de um registo nacional de doenças raras, os dados do RENAC podem contribuir para avaliar a prevalência de algumas destas doenças. Contudo para uma melhor vigilância de algumas doenças raras, o prazo de registo será alargado até ao ano de idade de modo a permitir que situações mais complexas possam ser identificadas e registadas.