737 resultados para Congenital Disorders


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BACKGROUND The rates of congenital disorders in Swiss sheep were determined by a questionnaire which was sent to 3,183 members of the Swiss Sheep Breeders' Association. FINDINGS A total of 993 questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 31.2%. Of these, 862 questionnaires originated from farms keeping one of the predominant Swiss sheep breeds: Swiss White Alpine sheep, Brown-Headed Meat sheep, Swiss Black Brown Mountain sheep and Valais Blacknose sheep. During a 10-year-period, entropion was reported in 33.6% of the farms, brachygnathia inferior in 29.5%, abdominal/umbilical hernia in 15.9%, cryptorchidism in 10.5% and torticollis in 10.5%. The most significant difference between the four breeds (P<0.001) occurred for entropion in Swiss White Alpine sheep and Brown-Headed Meat sheep, brachygnathia inferior in Swiss Black Brown Mountain sheep, and scrotal/inguinal hernia in Valais Blacknose sheep. The Swiss White Alpine breed showed a significantly higher animal prevalence of entropion (6.2% in 2011 and 5.5% in 2012) than other breeds (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS These findings indicate a breed-specific necessity for action, particularly regarding Swiss animal welfare legislation, especially entropion in Swiss White Alpine sheep is concerned. In general, careful selection of breeding stock is to be recommended.


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Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society


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Background: Known risk factors for secondary lymphedema only partially explain who develops lymphedema following cancer, suggesting that inherited genetic susceptibility may influence risk. Moreover, identification of molecular signatures could facilitate lymphedema risk prediction prior to surgery or lead to effective drug therapies for prevention or treatment. Recent advances in the molecular biology underlying development of the lymphatic system and related congenital disorders implicate a number of potential candidate genes to explore in relation to secondary lymphedema. Methods and Results: We undertook a nested case-control study, with participants who had developed lymphedema after surgical intervention within the first 18 months of their breast cancer diagnosis serving as cases (n=22) and those without lymphedema serving as controls (n=98), identified from a prospective, population-based, cohort study in Queensland, Australia. TagSNPs that covered all known genetic variation in the genes SOX18, VEGFC, VEGFD, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, RORC, FOXC2, LYVE1, ADM and PROX1 were selected for genotyping. Multiple SNPs within three receptor genes, VEGFR2, VEGFR3 and RORC, were associated with lymphedema defined by statistical significance (p<0.05) or extreme risk estimates (OR<0.5 or >2.0). Conclusions: These provocative, albeit preliminary, findings regarding possible genetic predisposition to secondary lymphedema following breast cancer treatment warrant further attention for potential replication using larger datasets.


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RATIONALE Diseases including cancer and congenital disorders of glycosylation have been associated with changes in the site-specific extent of protein glycosylation. Saliva can be non-invasively sampled and is rich in glycoproteins, giving it the potential to be a useful biofluid for the discovery and detection of disease biomarkers associated with changes in glycosylation. METHODS Saliva was collected from healthy individuals and glycoproteins were enriched using phenylboronic acid based glycoprotein enrichment resin. Proteins were deglycosylated with peptide-N-glycosidase F and digested with AspN or trypsin. Desalted peptides and deglycosylated peptides were separated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and detected with on-line electrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry using a 5600 TripleTof instrument. Site-specific glycosylation occupancy was semi-quantitatively determined from the abundance of deglycosylated and nonglycosylated versions of each given peptide. RESULTS Glycoprotein enrichment identified 67 independent glycosylation sites from 24 unique proteins, a 3.9-fold increase in the number of glycosylation sites identified. Enrichment of glycoproteins rather than glycopeptides allowed detection of both deglycosylated and nonglycosylated versions of each peptide, and thereby robust measurement of site-specific occupancy at 21 asparagines. Healthy individuals showed limited biological variability in occupancy, with partially modified sites having characteristics consistent with inefficient glycosylation by oligosaccharyltransferase. Inclusion of negative controls without enzymatic deglycosylation controlled for spontaneous chemical deamidation, and identified asparagines previously incorrectly annotated as glycosylated. CONCLUSIONS We developed a sample preparation and mass spectrometry detection strategy for rapid and efficient measurement of site-specific glycosylation occupancy on diverse salivary glycoproteins suitable for biomarker discovery and detection of changes in glycosylation occupancy in human disease.


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Short-rib polydactyly syndromes (SRPS I-V) are a group of lethal congenital disorders characterized by shortening of the ribs and long bones, polydactyly, and a range of extraskeletal phenotypes. A number of other disorders in this grouping, including Jeune and Ellis-van Creveld syndromes, have an overlapping but generally milder phenotype. Collectively, these short-rib dysplasias (with or without polydactyly) share a common underlying defect in primary cilium function and form a subset of the ciliopathy disease spectrum. By using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing of DNA from an affected Australian individual with SRPS type III, we detected two novel heterozygous mutations in WDR60, a relatively uncharacterized gene. These mutations segregated appropriately in the unaffected parents and another affected family member, confirming compound heterozygosity, and both were predicted to have a damaging effect on the protein. Analysis of an additional 54 skeletal ciliopathy exomes identified compound heterozygous mutations in WDR60 in a Spanish individual with Jeune syndrome of relatively mild presentation. Of note, these two families share one novel WDR60 missense mutation, although haplotype analysis suggested no shared ancestry. We further show that WDR60 localizes at the base of the primary cilium in wild-type human chondrocytes, and analysis of fibroblasts from affected individuals revealed a defect in ciliogenesis and aberrant accumulation of the GLI2 transcription factor at the centrosome or basal body in the absence of an obvious axoneme. These findings show that WDR60 mutations can cause skeletal ciliopathies and suggest a role for WDR60 in ciliogenesis.


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RESUMO: Arl13b é uma importante proteína ciliar, presente em cílios primários e cílios móveis. Ratinhos mutantes para Arl13b têm comprimento dos cílios reduzido e defeitos nos B-túbulos dos cílios. Como consequência destes fenótipos, deficiências na Arl13b originam, em modelos animais, várias doenças congénitas, incluindo problemas no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita, malformações cerebrais e deformações corporais. Nos seres humanos, deficiências na Arl13b levam a uma doença crónica congénita chamada Síndrome de Joubert. Por outro lado, a sobreexpressão de Arl13b origina cílios mais longos, no entanto existe uma ausência da caracterização dos fenótipos celulares e durante o desenvolvimento embrionário. Neste trabalho, quisemos explorar o efeito da sobre-expressão de Arl13b em embriões de peixezebra. Descobrimos que, ao nível ciliar, a sobre-expressão de Arl13b nas células aumenta o comprimento ciliar em cílios primários e móveis, no entanto, a esses cílios falta adequada acetilação da alfa-tubulina no citoesqueleto feito por microtúbulos. Os nossos resultados mostraram que esse efeito é específico de Arl13b sobre-expressão e quando se manipularam as enzimas responsáveis pela acetilação (Mec17) e pela de-acetilação (HDAC6) encontrámos uma sinergia potencial com ambas. Testámos ainda, que o aumento no comprimento ciliar não estava causalmente relacionado com a falta de acetilação, ou seja, os cílios com menos acetilação não eram necessariamente os mais longos. Também mostrámos que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b é capaz de restaurar o comprimento dos cílios em mutantes com cílios curtos e como isso pode ser explorado para um futuro potencial papel terapêutico para Arl13b. Em seguida, foi avaliado o impacto do aumento da quantidade de Arl13b no desenvolvimento embrionário do peixe-zebra. Observou-se que a sobre-expressão de Arl13b apresentava fenótipos muito fracos, quando comparados com a perda de função dos mutantes de Arl13b. Focados no inesperado fenótipo leve no estabelecimento do eixo esquerda-direita abordámos a questão através do estabelecimento de uma colaboração com matemáticos, descobrimos que os cílios mais longos que potencialmente têm a capacidade de movimentar mais fluido são atenuados por amplitudes de batimento menores, e, como resultado, estes longos cílios não prejudicam o movimento do fluido e consequentemente não afetam o estabelecimento dos padrões de esquerda-direita. Sugerimos assim que a Arl13b é um regulador chave, do comprimento ciliar. Descobrimos uma nova interação com as enzimas de acetilação/de-acetilação e levantamos novas hipóteses quanto aos mecanismos moleculares da função da Arl13b. Propomos um novo modelo para o mecanismo molecular da Arl13b na regulação do comprimento dos cílios onde podemos integrar os nossos resultados com os relatados na literatura. Este trabalho adiciona mais conhecimento para o mecanismo de ação da Arl13b e, portanto, fornece uma importante contribuição para o campo da investigação em cílios.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Arl13b is an important ciliary protein, present in primary and motile cilia. arl13b-/- mouse mutants have reduced cilia length and cilia B-tubule defects. As a consequence of these phenotypes, Arl13b loss of function animal models suffer from several congenital disorders including left-right problems, brain malformations and body deformations. In humans Arl13b depletion leads to a congenital chronic disease called Joubert Syndrome. On the other hand, overexpressing Arl13b leads to longer cilia but the characterization of the cellular and developmental phenotypes was missing. In this work we explore the effect of Arl13b overexpression in zebrafish embryos. We found that, at the ciliary level, Arl13b overexpression from 1 cell stage produces longer primary and motile cilia, but these cilia lack proper alpha tubulin acetylation of their microtubule cytoskeleton. Our results showed that this effect is specific from Arl13b overexpression and when we manipulated the enzymes responsible for acetylation, Mec17, and de-acetylation, HDAC6, we found a potential synergy of both mec17 knockdown and HDAC6 activity with Arl13b overexpression. We tested that the ciliary increase in length was not causally related to the lack of acetylation, meaning the more de-acetylated cilia were not necessarily the longer ones. We also showed that Arl13b overexpression is able to restore cilia length in short cilia mutants and how that may be explored to a potential future therapeutic role for Arl13b. Next, we evaluated the impact of increasing the amount of Arl13b in zebrafish embryonic development. We observed that Arl13b overexpression presented very mild phenotypes when compared to the loss of function mutants. We focused on the unexpected left-right mild phenotype and by establishing a mathematical modeling collaboration, we found out that the longer cilia generated force was attenuated by smaller beating amplitudes, and as a result, these long cilia were not impairing the cilia generated flow and the establishment of left-right patterning. We suggest that Arl13b is one key cilia length regulator. We disclosed a novel interaction with the acetylation / de-acetylation enzymes and raised new hypothesis as to the mechanisms of Arl13b function. We propose a new model for the Arl13b molecular mechanism of cilia length regulation where we integrate our findings with those reported in the literature. This work adds more knowledge to the Arl13b mechanism of action and therefore provides an important contribution to the cilia research field.


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A ausência completa do bulbo ocular é muito rara em cães e gatos, enquanto a hidrocefalia é comumente observada como distúrbio congênito em cães de raças miniatura ou braquicefálicas, com menos de um ano de idade. O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de anoftalmia clínica bilateral associada à hidrocefalia congênita em um cão da raça poodle, sendo este o primeiro relato de caso da associação dessas alterações no Brasil.


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Doenças congênitas e adquiridas das vias aéreas podem causar dispnéia e estridor em crianças. Nas UTIs tem-se registrado maior sobrevida de prematuros, porém também elevada incidência de complicações relacionadas à intubação. OBJETIVO: Analisar retrospectivamente os achados endoscópicos em crianças com estridor. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Corte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 55 prontuários de crianças com estridor, submetidas aos exames endoscópicos de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2003. Endoscopias foram: estridor pós-extubação (63,63%) e avaliação de estridor neonatal (21,82%). Observou-se alto índice de doenças associadas, como pulmonares (60%), neurológicas (45,4%) e DRGE (40%). Os principais achados endoscópicos e as indicações de traqueotomia foram: estenose subglótica (27,27%) e processos inflamatórios das vias aéreas (21,82%), principalmente em crianças com menos de cinco anos. Lesões congênitas foram mais freqüentes em crianças com menos de um ano. CONCLUSÕES: O estridor na infância possui múltiplas etiologias, sendo as relacionadas à intubação traqueal as mais freqüentes em hospitais com atendimento de doenças complexas. Pediatras e otorrinolaringologistas devem conhecer as causas de estridor, realizando avaliação clínica detalhada para determinar a gravidade do caso. O exame endoscópico deverá ser minucioso e detalhado.


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Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is considered the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases. Thus far, short term results are excellent, with patient survival rates greater than 90% one year post-surgery, but there are several problems with the long term acceptance and use of immunosuppressive drugs. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) concerns the infusion of haematopoietic stem cells to re-establish acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system. The main side effect is the Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD) where donor T cells can cause pathology involving the damage of host tissues. Patients undergoing acute or chronic GvHD receive immunosuppressive regimen that is responsible for several side effects. The use of immunosuppressive drugs in the setting of SOT and GvHD has markedly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and the tissue damage in GvHD however, the numerous adverse side effects observed boost the development of alternative strategies to improve the long-term outcome. To this effect, the use of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) as a cellular therapy is an attractive approach for autoimmunity disease, GvHD and limiting immune responses to allograft after transplantation. Treg have a pivotal role in maintaining peripheral immunological tolerance, by preventing autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Results of my thesis provide the characterization and cell processing of Tregs from healthy controls and patients in waiting list for liver transplantation, followed by the development of an efficient expansion-protocol and the investigation of the impact of the main immunosuppressive drugs on viability, proliferative capacity and function of expanded cells after expansion. The conclusion is that ex vivo expansion is necessary to infuse a high Treg dose and although many other factors in vivo can contribute to the success of Treg therapy, the infusion of Tregs during the administration of the highest dose of immunosuppressants should be carefully considered.


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The discovery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in perinatal sources, such as the amniotic fluid (AF) and the umbilical connective tissue, the so-called Wharton's jelly (WJ), has transformed them into promising stem cell grafts for the application in regenerative medicine. The advantages of AF-MSCs and WJ-MSCs over adult MSCs, such as bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs), include their minimally invasive isolation procedure, their more primitive cell character without being tumourigenic, their low immunogenicity and their potential autologous application in congenital disorders and when cryopreserved in adulthood. This chapter gives an overview of the biology of AF-MSCs and WJMSCs, and their regenerative potential based on the results of recent preclinical and clinical studies. In the end, open questions concerning the use of WJ-MSCs and AF-MSCs in regenerative medicine will be emphasized.


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As glândulas salivares são estruturas essenciais para a manutenção da homeostase da cavidade oral pela síntese e secreção do fluido salivar. A disfunção ou perda permanente das glândulas salivares causadas por radioterapia, doenças inflamatórias ou desordens congênitas elevam principalmente o risco de infecções da mucosa oral e de estruturas dentárias, além de potencialmente prejudicar funções fisiológicas como fala, mastigação e paladar, diretamente interferindo na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. Os tratamentos atualmente disponíveis são apenas paliativos, ressaltando a necessidade de se compreender melhor os processos embriogênicos a fim de desenvolver novas estratégias terapêuticas capazes de regenerar as glândulas salivares. O princípio da formação das glândulas salivares baseia-se na coordenação de diversos processos morfogenéticos, e este trabalho foca particularmente em investigar a formação do espaço luminal do sistema de ductos, uma vez que a adequada abertura dos lumens é um processo essencial para a secreção salivar. Relata-se que a remoção das células centrais dos cordões sólidos epiteliais por morte celular apoptótica é o principal mecanismo de abertura do espaço luminal dos futuros ductos glandulares em camundongos. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre o controle temporal da apoptose durante o desenvolvimento glandular e sobre seu comportamento em glândulas salivares humanas. Neste trabalho, o perfil de expressão de diversas proteínas envolvidas na cascata apoptótica em glândulas salivares fetais humanas foi analisado de acordo com cada estágio morfogenético por imunoistoquímica (Bax, Bak, Bad, Bid, Bcl-2, Bcl-x, Bcl-xL, caspase-3 clivada, caspases-6, -7 e -9, apaf-1, survivina e citocromo c). As análises semi-qualitativas resultaram em negatividade apenas para as proteínas Bcl-2, Bad, Bid e caspase-3 clivada em todas as fases de desenvolvimento. A expressão nuclear de Bax e Bak foi identificada em presumidos espaços luminais em estágios precoces, enquanto Bcl-xL foi o fator antiapoptótico da família Bcl-2 que exibiu expressão nuclear mais importante. Caspases-6, -7 e -9 foram positivas em todas as fases, e a ausência de caspase-3 clivada sugere caspase-7 como principal caspase efetora da apoptose em desenvolvimento de glândulas salivares humanas. Ambos os componentes do complexo apoptossomo foram positivos durante o desenvolvimento glandular, e o inibidor survivina demonstrou mais positividade nuclear em estágios mais avançados. Ao observar a expressão de reguladores apoptóticos durante o desenvolvimento glandular humano, foram realizados experimentos funcionais com culturas de tecido glandular de camundongos para avaliar o papel das caspases durante a formação desta estrutura. Inicialmente detectou-se a atividade apoptótica em glândulas salivares de camundongos albinos no centro dos cordões epiteliais primários a partir de estágios precoces de desenvolvimento através de TUNEL e caspase-3 clivada. A partir disso, foi realizada a inibição apoptótica funcional in vitro durante o mesmo período, que resultou em ductos significativamente mais amplos e em defeitos morfológicos importantes nas estruturas luminal e acinar. Este trabalho evidenciou portanto atividade apoptótica durante a formação de glândulas salivares humanas e de camundongo, expressando-se em fases mais precoces do que reportadas anteriormente. Além disso, a ausência de Bad e Bid indica que a via intrínseca está mais ativa que a extrínseca, e distintos perfis de expressão da maioria das moléculas sugere adicionais funções não-apoptóticas durante a morfogênese glandular.


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Background: Too little information is available on Sri Lanka’s current capacity to provide community genetic services—antenatal genetic services in particular—to understand whether building that capacity could further improve and reduce disparity in maternal and child health. This qualitative research project seeks to gather information on congenital disorders, routine antenatal care, and the current state of antenatal screening testing services within that routine antenatal to assess the feasibility of and the need for scaling up antenatal genetics services in Sri Lanka. Methods: Nineteen key informant (KI) interviews were conducted with stakeholders in antenatal care and genetic services. Seven focus group discussions were held with a total of 56 Public Health Midwives (PHMs), the health workers responsible for antenatal care at the field level. Transcripts for all interviews and FGDs were analyzed for key themes, and themes were categorized to address the specific aims of the project. Results: Antenatal genetic services play a minor role in antenatal care, with screening and diagnostic procedures available in the private sector and paid for out-of-pocket. KIs and PHMs expect that demand for antenatal genetic services will increase as patients’ purchasing power and knowledge grow but note that prohibitive abortion laws limit the ability of patients to act on test results. Genetic services compete for limited financial and human resources in the free public health system, and inadequate information on the prevalence of congenital disorders limits the ability to understand whether funding for services related to those disorders should be increased. A number of alternatives to scaling up antenatal genetic services within the free health system might be better suited to the Sri Lankan structural and social context. Conclusions: Scaling up antenatal genetic services within the public health system is not feasible in the current financial, legal, and human resource context. Yet current availability and utilization patterns contribute to regional and economic disparities, suggesting that stasis will not bring continued improvements in maternal and child health. More information on the burden of congenital disorders is necessary to fully understand if and how antenatal genetic service availability should be increased in Sri Lanka, but even before that information is gathered, examination of policies for patient referral, termination of pregnancy, and government support for individuals with genetic disease are steps that might bring extend improvements and reduce disparity in maternal and child health.


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Hypokalemia is a recognized cause of rhabdomyolysis but very few reports document its association with inborn renal tubular disorders. We report our experience with hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis in 5 pediatric patients affected by inborn renal tubular disorders and the results of a careful review of the literature disclosing 9 further cases for a total of 14 patients (8 male and 6 female subjects, aged between 1.6 and 46, median 16 years). The inborn renal tubular disorders underlying rhabdomyolysis were classic distal renal tubular acidosis (n = 7), Gitelman syndrome (n = 5), classic Bartter syndrome (n = 1), and antenatal Bartter syndrome (n = 1). In 8 patients rhabdomyolysis followed an acute intestinal disease, an upper respiratory illness or the discontinuation of regular medication. Five patients experienced two or more episodes of rhabdomyolysis. In 10 patients the underlying renal tubular disorder was recognized concurrently with the episode of rhabdomyolysis or some weeks later. In conclusion some congenital renal tubular disorders predispose to hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis. Prevention of discontinuation of regular medication and electrolyte repair in the context of acute intercurrent illnesses might avoid the development of hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis.


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Our research team and laboratories have concentrated on two inherited endocrine disorders, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and apparent mineralocorticoid excess, in thier investigations of the pathophysiology of adrenal steroid hormone disorders in children. CAH refers to a family of inherited disorders in which defects occur in one of the enzymatic steps required to synthesize cortisol from cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Because of the impaired cortisol secretion, adrenocorticotropic hormone levels rise due to impairment of a negative feedback system, which results in hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. The majority of cases is due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD). Owing to the blocked enzymatic step, cortisol precursors accumulate in excess and are converted to potent androgens, which are secreted and cause in utero virilization of the affected female fetus genitalia in the classical form of CAH. A mild form of the 21-OHD, termed nonclassical 21-OHD, is the most common autosomal recessive disorder in humans, and occurs in 1/27 Ashkenazic Jews. Mutations in the CYP21 gene have been identified that cause both classical and nonclassical CAH. Apparent mineralocorticoid excess is a potentially fatal genetic disorder causing severe juvenile hypertension, pre- and postnatal growth failure, and low to undetectable levels of potassium, renin, and aldosterone. It is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the HSD11B2 gene, which result in a deficiency of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. In 1998, we reported a mild form of this disease, which may represent an important cause of low-renin hypertension.