878 resultados para Congenital Abnormalities
Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis is an autosomal recessive renal tubular disorder characterized by renal magnesium wasting, hypercalciuria, advanced nephrocalcinosis and progressive renal failure. Mutations in the paracellin-1 (CLDN16) gene have been defined as the underlying genetic defect. The tubular disorders and progression in renal failure are usually resistant to magnesium substitution and hydrochlorothiazide therapy, but hypomagnesemia may improve with advanced renal insufficiency. We present a patient with a homozygous truncating CLDN16 gene mutation (W237X) who had early onset of renal insufficiency despite early diagnosis at 2 months. He also had additional abnormalities including horseshoe kidney, neonatal teeth, atypical face, cardiac abnormalities including coarctation of the aorta associated with atrial and ventricular septal defects, umbilical hernia and hypertrichosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the youngest case diagnosed as familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and the first case having such additional congenital abnormalities independent of the disease itself.
Includes index.
Congenital anomalies (CA) are the paradigm example of rare diseases liable to primary prevention actions due to the multifactorial etiology of many of them, involving a number of environmental factors together with genetic predispositions. Yet despite the preventive potential, lack of attention to an integrated preventive strategy has led to the prevalence of CA remaining relatively stable in recent decades. The 2 European projects, EUROCAT and EUROPLAN, have joined efforts to provide the first science-based and comprehensive set of recommendations for the primary prevention of CA in the European Union. The resulting EUROCAT-EUROPLAN 'Recommendations on Policies to Be Considered for the Primary Prevention of Congenital Anomalies in National Plans and Strategies on Rare Diseases' were issued in 2012 and endorsed by EUCERD (European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases) in 2013. The recommendations exploit interdisciplinary expertise encompassing drugs, diet, lifestyles, maternal health status, and the environment. The recommendations include evidence-based actions aimed at reducing risk factors and at increasing protective factors and behaviors at both individual and population level. Moreover, consideration is given to topics specifically related to CA (e.g. folate status, teratogens) as well as of broad public health impact (e.g. obesity, smoking) which call for specific attention to their relevance in the pre- and periconceptional period. The recommendations, reported entirely in this paper, are a comprehensive tool to implement primary prevention into national policies on rare diseases in Europe.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to present the specific public health indicators recently developed by EUROCAT that aim to summarize important aspects of the public health impact of congenital anomalies in a few quantitative measures. METHODS: The six indicators are: (1) congenital anomaly perinatal mortality, (2) congenital anomaly prenatal diagnosis prevalence, (3) congenital anomaly termination of pregnancy, (4) Down syndrome livebirth prevalence, (5) congenital anomaly pediatric surgery, and (6) neural tube defects (NTD) total prevalence. Data presented for this report pertained to all cases (livebirths, fetal deaths, or stillbirths after 20 weeks of gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly [TOPFA]) of congenital anomaly from 27 full member registries of EUROCAT that could provide data for at least 3 years during the period 2004 to 2008. Prevalence of anomalies, prenatal diagnosis, TOPFA, pediatric surgery, and perinatal mortality were calculated per 1000 births. RESULTS: The overall perinatal mortality was approximately 1.0 per 1000 births for EUROCAT registries with almost half due to fetal and the other half due to first week deaths. There were wide variations in perinatal mortality across the registries with the highest rates observed in Dublin and Malta, registries in countries where TOPFA are illegal, and in Ukraine. The overall perinatal mortality across EUROCAT registries slightly decreased between 2004 and 2008 due to a decrease in first week deaths. The prevalence of TOPFA was fairly stable at about 4 per 1000 births. There were variations in livebirth prevalence of cases typically requiring surgery across the registries; however, for most registries this prevalence was between 3 and 5 per 1000 births. Prevalence of NTD decreased by about 10% from 1.05 in 2004 to 0.94 per 1000 in 2008. CONCLUSION: It is hoped that by publishing the data on EUROCAT indicators, the public health importance of congenital anomalies can be clearly summarized to policy makers, the need for accurate data from registries emphasized, the need for primary prevention and treatment services highlighted, and the impact of current services measured.
Imaging plays a key role in the detection of a diaphragmatic pathology in utero. US is the screening method, but MRI is increasingly performed. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is by far the most often diagnosed diaphragmatic pathology, but unilateral or bilateral eventration or paralysis can also be identified. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration can be located in the diaphragm and, exceptionally, diaphragmatic tumors or secondary infiltration of the diaphragm from tumors originating from an adjacent organ have been observed in utero. Congenital abnormalities of the diaphragm impair normal lung development. Prenatal imaging provides a detailed anatomical evaluation of the fetus and allows volumetric lung measurements. The comparison of these data with those from normal fetuses at the same gestational age provides information about the severity of pulmonary hypoplasia and improves predictions about the fetus's outcome. This information can help doctors and families to make decisions about management during pregnancy and after birth. We describe a wide spectrum of congenital pathologies of the diaphragm and analyze their embryological basis. Moreover, we describe their prenatal imaging findings with emphasis on MR studies, discuss their differential diagnosis and evaluate the limits of imaging methods in predicting postnatal outcome.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of newer therapies on the highest risk patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), those with agenesis of the diaphragm. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: CDH remains a significant cause of neonatal mortality. Many novel therapeutic interventions have been used in these infants. Those children with large defects or agenesis of the diaphragm have the highest mortality and morbidity. METHODS: Twenty centers from 5 countries collected data prospectively on all liveborn infants with CDH over a 10-year period. The treatment and outcomes in these patients were examined. Patients were followed until death or hospital discharge. RESULTS: A total of 1,569 patients with CDH were seen between January 1995 and December 2004 in 20 centers. A total of 218 patients (14%) had diaphragmatic agenesis and underwent repair. The overall survival for all patients was 68%, while survival was 54% in patients with agenesis. When patients with diaphragmatic agenesis from the first 2 years were compared with similar patients from the last 2 years, there was significantly less use of ECMO (75% vs. 52%) and an increased use of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) (30% vs. 80%). There was a trend toward improved survival in patients with agenesis from 47% in the first 2 years to 59% in the last 2 years. The survivors with diaphragmatic agenesis had prolonged hospital stays compared with patients without agenesis (median, 68 vs. 30 days). For the last 2 years of the study, 36% of the patients with agenesis were discharged on tube feedings and 22% on oxygen therapy. CONCLUSIONS: There has been a change in the management of infants with CDH with less frequent use of ECMO and a greater use of iNO in high-risk patients with a potential improvement in survival. However, the mortality, hospital length of stay, and morbidity in agenesis patients remain significant.
The FANCA gene is one of the genes in which mutations lead to Fanconi anaemia, a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterised by congenital abnormalities, bone marrow failure, and predisposition to malignancy. FANCA is also a potential breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene. A novel allele was identified which has a tandem duplication of a 13 base pair sequence in the promoter region. Methods: We screened germline DNA from 352 breast cancer patients, 390 ovarian cancer patients and 256 normal controls to determine if the presence of either of these two alleles was associated with an increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer. Results: The duplication allele had a frequency of 0.34 in the normal controls. There was a nonsignificant decrease in the frequency of the duplication allele in breast cancer patients. The frequency of the duplication allele was significantly decreased in ovarian cancer patients. However, when malignant and benign tumours were considered separately, the decrease was only significant in benign tumours. Conclusion: The allele with the tandem duplication does not appear to modify breast cancer risk but may act as a low penetrance protective allele for ovarian cancer.
A Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional (DMG) pode ser definida como intolerância a carboidrato durante a gravidez e estima-se que pode afetar 10-22% de todas as pacientes grávidas. Durante a gravidez podem surgir diversas complicações para o feto como risco elevado de aborto espontâneo, anormalidades congênitas e morbidade e mortalidade neonatal. Entretanto, podem surgir também alterações morfofuncionais em diversos órgãos da mãe diabética, porém isso não é bem estabelecido. Investigar se haverá ou não alterações bioquímicas e histopatológicas em diversos órgãos, como hipófise, útero, placenta e pâncreas de ratas grávidas com diabetes mellitus durante e no final da gravidez e compará-las . Além disso, investigar se há alteração na matriz extracelular (MEC) da hipófise desses animais. No 5 dia de vida, ratas Wistar foram divididas em dois grupos: um tratado com estreptozotocina (Grupo Diabético / DIAB), na dose de 90 mg/kg, subcutâneo e outro grupo, que foi tratado com veículo (tampão citrato/CTR). Aos 90 dias de vidas, foram submetidas ao cruzamento. Após isso, foram sacrificadas no 11 e 21 dia de gravidez. Foram avaliados glicemia e bioquímica maternal e número de implantes .O pâncreas, útero, placenta e hipófises foram coradas com Hematoxilina e Eosina e somente as hipófises foram coradas com Massom e Picrosirius, para avaliação da MEC.Os animais diabéticos tanto do 11 quanto do 21 dia apresentaram uma redução no número de implantes, menor peso e maior glicemia e colesterol total, em relação aos animais controle independente do dia da gravidez. Não foi verificada diferença dos níveis de triglicerídeos entre os grupos não diabéticos e diabéticos, independente dos dias. Entretanto, os animais diabéticos que finalizaram o período de gestação apresentaram uma maior glicemia maternal em relação ao grupo diabético do 11 dia. Pâncreas de ratas diabéticas do 21 dia apresentaram vacuolização intracitoplasmática das ilhotas, insulite,migração de células inflamatórias, espessamento da parede do vaso e fibrose periductal e vascular. Essas alterações foram verificadas com bem menor intensidade nos animais diabéticos do 11 dia. Foi verificado que a placenta de animais diabéticos apresenta congestão na interface materno-fetal, migração celular, maior concentração de vasos maternos e fetais, mas em forma irregular , necrose e vacuolização. A hipófise de animais diabéticos mostraram células cromófobas agregadas, aumento da espessura de fibras de colágeno vermelhas da MEC, em contraste com o controle, que foi visualizado fibras em verde e em formato de feixe. A diabetes desempenhou um total remodelamento da hipófise. Gravidez de animais diabeticos mostraram maior dano ao pâncreas e placenta, especialmente no final da gravidez. Em consequência dessa alterações, esses animais diabéticos apresentaram hiperglicemia, maior colesterol total, porém menor peso materno, número de implantes e sem alterações nos triglicerídeos. Esse é o primeiro estudo a demonstrar remodelamento tecidual em alguns elementos da MEC na hipófise, como espessamento da camada da MEC e fibras de colágeno em verde. Alterações da MEC da hipófise são provavelmente devido ao processo de diabetes na gestação.
Esta tese discute o impacto do Diagnóstico de Malformação fetal na experiência das gestantes usuárias do SUS na Bahia, destacando as noções de dia-gnosis e pro-gnosis desenvolvidas por Gross e Shuval (2008) de forma associada à medicina do risco no encontro médico-paciente. Destaca o discurso biomédico na formatação diagnóstica, as diferentes percepções de risco e o forte engajamento das usuárias frente às tecnologias pré-natais e intervenções cirúrgicas neonatais, caucionado na esperança de que o avanço da ciência seja capaz de reverter ou abrandar a condição do seu feto/bebê. È diante da responsabilização da mulher por não ter produzido um feto/bebê saudável, mas um feto/bebê malformado, que se observa a prevalência de normas culturais e de gênero que conferem à maternidade um lugar de autossacrificio, de dedicação e criação dos filhos, como também status social O espaço pré-natal é marcado pela ausência de discussão a respeito do prognóstico de tais condições, com a consequente busca pelas gestantes do conhecimento por meio da internet, da opinião do marido e da crença religiosa que servem de alicerce para lidar com a antecipação da deficiência. As gestantes acreditam ser este um desígnio de Deus, uma espécie de provação e uma prova de amor incondicional ao futuro filho com deficiência (que poderá ou não sobreviver). A maioria das gestantes, 20 entrevistadas, prefere, contudo, ter um filho com deficiência do que sofrer sua perda. Em outra vertente, a tese analisa a forma como se organiza o sistema de saúde quanto à detecção de uma malformação congênita, apontando a precariedade da rede de atenção básica quanto à qualificação dos profissionais e o devido encaminhamento referente ao serviço especializado. A tecnologia de visualização o ultrassom obstétrico é a primordial ferramenta para detecção de alguma alteração fetal, porém somente ocorre o esclarecimento do diagnóstico de malformação fetal no serviço público de referência em medicina fetal em Salvador, Bahia. Destaca-se a falta de uma política pública do Ministério da Saúde que norteie o desenvolvimento da medicina fetal no Brasil, haja vista os diferentes impactos diante das tecnologias de inovação em saúde que geram vulnerabilidades e desigualdades sociais. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de uma revisão quanto à regulamentação do uso do ultrassom obstétrico que impeça o uso abusivo ou sua omissão diante dos crescentes casos de anomalias congênitas.
The p63 transcription factor (TP63) is critical in development, growth and differentiation of stratifying epithelia. This is highlighted by the severity of congenital abnormalities caused by TP63 mutations in humans, the dramatic phenotypes in knockout mice and de-regulation of TP63 expression in neoplasia altering the tumour suppressive roles of the TP53 family. In order to define the normal role played by TP63 and provide the basis for better understanding how this network is perturbed in disease, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) to identify >7500 high-confidence TP63-binding regions across the entire genome, in primary human neonatal foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs). Using integrative strategies, we demonstrate that only a subset of these sites are bound by TP53 in response to DNA damage. We identify a role for TP63 in transcriptional regulation of multiple genes genetically linked to cleft palate and identify AP-2alpha (TFAP2A) as a co-regulator of a subset of these genes. We further demonstrate that AP-2gamma (TFAP2C) can bind a subset of these regions and that acute depletion of either TFAP2A or TFAP2C alone is sufficient to reduce terminal differentiation of organotypic epidermal skin equivalents, indicating overlapping physiological functions with TP63.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence estimated between 1:2,000 and 1:40,000. Ciliated epithelia line the airways, nasal and sinus cavities, Eustachian tube and fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of ciliary structure and function impair mucociliary clearance. As a consequence, patients present with chronic sinopulmonary infections, recurrent glue ear and female subfertility. Similarities in the ultrastructure of respiratory cilia, nodal cilia and sperm result in patients with PCD also presenting with male infertility, abnormalities of left-right asymmetry (most commonly situs inversus totalis) and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis is essential to ensure specialist management of the respiratory and otological complications of PCD. Diagnostic tests focus on analysis of ciliary function and electron microscopy structure. Analysis is technically difficult and labour intensive. It requires expertise for interpretation, restricting diagnosis to specialist centres. Management is currently based on the consensus of experts, and there is a pressing need for randomised clinical trials to inform treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensitivity of ultrasonography in screening for foetal malformations in the pregnant women of the Swiss Canton of Vaud. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study over a period of five years. METHOD: We focused our study on 512 major or minor clinically relevant malformations detectable by ultrasonography. We analysed the global sensitivity of the screening and compared the performance of the tertiary centre with that of practitioners working in private practice or regional hospitals. RESULTS: Among the 512 malformations, 181 (35%) involved the renal and urinary tract system, 137 (27%) the heart, 71 (14%) the central nervous system, 50 (10%) the digestive system, 42 (8%) the face and 31 (6%) the limbs. Global sensitivity was 54.5%. The lowest detection rate was observed for cardiac anomalies, with only 23% correct diagnoses. The tertiary centre achieved a 75% detection rate in its outpatient clinic and 83% in referred patients. Outside the referral centre, the diagnostic rate attained 47%. CONCLUSIONS: Routine foetal examination by ultrasonography in a low-risk population can detect foetal structural abnormalities. Apart from the diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities, the results in the Canton of Vaud are satisfactory and justify routine screening for malformations in a low-risk population. A prerequisite is continuing improvement in the skills of ultrasonographers through medical education.