855 resultados para Concreto - Mistura


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Esta pesquisa de mestrado analisa, através de um estudo experimental, o comportamento mecânico de misturas em concreto asfáltico, utilizando agregados siderúrgicos (Escória de Aciaria) e Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com agregados minerais (Basalto). A reutilização destes resíduos industriais traz benefícios ambientais, pois auxilia a questão de deposição destes rejeitos, além de diminuir a degradação ambiental em áreas de extração de agregados pétreos. Foi realizada a dosagem de quatro misturas através da Metodologia Marshall, sendo uma mistura de Referência composta de agregados minerais. Para caracterização e verificação do desempenho das misturas asfálticas foi realizada a moldagem dos corpos-de-prova através da Metodologia Marshall, com uso de CAP 50/60, sendo determinado, além das propriedades Marshall, ensaios de módulo de resiliência à compressão diametral (Mr), resistência à tração (Rt), resistência à fadiga (tensão controlada), deformação permanente sob carga repetida, abrasão (Cântabro) e adesividade (Metodologia Lottman Modificada) das quatro misturas estudadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a adição dos resíduos industriais estudados ao concreto asfáltico aumenta o consumo de ligante da mistura. A incorporação de escória de aciaria à mistura em concreto asfáltico apresentou desempenho superior ao da mistura com agregados convencionais nas propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade. A adição de Resíduo Areia de Fundição (R.A.F) em combinação com escória de aciaria não apresentou desempenho satisfatório neste estudo, uma vez que apresentou consumo de ligante elevado e propriedades mecânicas com desempenho inferior. Através do estudo ficou evidente a viabilidade da incorporação da escória de aciaria em misturas asfálticas apresentando melhora nas características mecânicas e de adesividade.


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Este trabalho apresenta estudo sobre a viabilidade técnica para execução da pavimentação de uma pista experimental em via urbana a fim de comprovar o potencial da incorporação de borracha reciclada de pneus ao concreto asfáltico, pelo processo Via Seca, visando contribuir para a compreensão e otimização do desempenho dos pavimentos. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar as etapas principais de projeto, produção e do processo executivo de estruturas de pavimentos submetidas à aplicação das cargas de tráfego em escala real; e o uso e manuseio dos materiais que constituem borracha-agregado, de maneira a obter benefícios e o incremento da durabilidade e redução da manutenção. Para tal foi construída uma pista experimental com revestimentos constituídos por um trecho em concreto asfáltico convencional e outro trecho com incorporação de borracha reciclada de pneus. Para a análise do comportamento, as misturas asfálticas foram caracterizadas segundos ensaios tradicionais, avaliando as diversas variáveis de projetos tais como: granulometria da borracha e do agregado, teor de ligante, tempo de digestão da borracha e percentual de borracha. Para caracterização e verificação de desempenho, realizaram-se os ensaios da Metodologia Marshall, ensaios de resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência à compressão diâmetral, fadiga à tensão controlada e deformação permanente (creep dinâmico). Ficou evidente a viabilidade técnica para execução de revestimentos com a utilização de borracha reciclada de pneus adicionada ao concreto asfáltico com o emprego do processo Via Seca, verificando durante a execução aspectos relevantes tais como: dosagem do silo com borracha; homogeneidade da massa; controle de temperatura; utilização e aplicabilidade das técnicas e equipamentos tradicionais para execução do concreto asfáltico, com a finalidade de prolongar a vida útil dos pavimentos e reduzir seu custo de manutenção.


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The addition of active silica potentially improves the quality of concrete due to its high reactivity and pore refinement effect. The reactivity of silica is likely related to its charge density. Variations in surface charge alter the reactivity of the material consequently affecting the properties of concrete. The present study aimed at investigating variations in the charge density of silica as a function of acid treatments using nitric or phosphoric acid and different pH values (2.0, 4.0 and 6.0). Effects on concrete properties including slump, mechanical strength, permeability and chloride corrosion were evaluated. To that end, a statistical analysis was carried out and empirical models that correlate studied parameters (pH, acid and cement) with concrete properties were established. The quality of the models was tested by variance analysis. The results revealed that the addition of silica was efficiency in improving the properties of concrete, especially the electrochemical parameters. The addition of silica treated using nitric acid at pH = 4.0 displayed the best cement performance including highest strength, reduced permeability and lowest corrosion current


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This thesis has as objective presents a methodology to evaluate the behavior of the corrosion inhibitors sodium nitrite, sodium dichromate and sodium molybdate, as well as your mixture, the corrosion process for the built-in steel in the reinforced concrete, through different techniques electrochemical, as well as the mechanical properties of that concrete non conventional. The addition of the inhibitors was studied in the concrete in the proportions from 0.5 to 3.5 % regarding the cement mass, isolated or in the mixture, with concrete mixture proportions of 1.0:1.5:2.5 (cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate), superplasticizers 2.0 % and 0.40 water/cement ratio. In the modified concrete resistance rehearsals they were accomplished to the compression, consistence and the absorption of water, while to analyze the built-in steel in the concrete the rehearsals of polarization curves they were made. They were also execute, rehearsals of corrosion potential and polarization resistance with intention of diagnose the beginning of the corrosion of the armors inserted in body-of-proof submitted to an accelerated exhibition in immersion cycle and drying to the air. It was concluded, that among the studied inhibitors sodium nitrite , in the proportion of 2.0 % in relation to the mass of the cement, presented the best capacity of protection of the steel through all the studied techniques and that the methodology and the monitoring techniques used in this work, they were shown appropriate to evaluate the behavior and the efficiency of the inhibitors


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The concrete for centuries constituted an essential structural element in the construction industry due to its relative ease of forming, before the weather durability, low cost, its lower maintenance compared to other materials such as steel. However, when the concrete is exposed to high temperatures tends to lose its mechanical characteristics, and may even result in loss of section, which undermines the stability and mechanical strength of structural elements. The pathologies resulting from exposure to elevated temperatures ranging from cracks, pops up chipping explosives (spalling). Recently, the technology of concrete is closely related to the study of its microstructure. The use of fibers added to concrete has been revealed as a solution to increase the mechanical strength of the concrete, it acts directly on the distribution of efforts to act in the play within the microstructure. In this work we used recycled PET fibers embedded in concrete with 15x2mm fck = 30MPa, water/cement ratio of 0.46, in works made for verification of mechanical strength of this mixture submitted to high temperature. The specimens of concrete with addition of PET fibers were tested after exposure to temperatures: ambient (30ºC), 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 600°C and 900°C. It was found that the concrete loses significant strength when exposed to temperatures above 300°C, however the use of fiber PET may delay the risk of collapse of structures for the formation of a network of channels that facilitate the escape of vapor 'water, reducing the pore pressure inside the structural element


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In the last decades there was a concentrate effort of researchers in the search for options to the problem of the continuity of city development and environmental preservation. The recycling and reuse of materials in industry have been considerate as the best option to sustainable development. One of the relevant aspects in this case refers to the rational use of electrical energy. At this point, the role of engineering is to conceive new processes and materials, with the objective of reducing energy consumption and maintaining, at the same time the benefits of the technology. In this context, the objective of the present research is to analyze quantitatively the thermal behavior of walls constructed with concrete blocks which composition aggregates the expanded polystyrene (EPS) reused in the shape of flakes and in the shape of a board, resulting in a “light concrete”. Experiments were conducted, systematically, with a wall (considerate as a standard) constructed with blocks of ordinary concrete; two walls constructed with blocks of light concrete, distinct by the proportion of EPS/sand; a wall of ceramic bricks (“eight holes” type) and a wall with ordinary blocks of cement, in a way to obtain a comparative analysis of the thermal behavior of the systems. Others tests conducted with the blocks were: stress analysis and thermal properties analysis (ρ, cp e k). Based on the results, it was possible to establish quantitative relationship between the concentration (density) of EPS in the constructive elements and the decreasing of the heat transfer rate, that also changes the others thermal properties of the material, as was proved. It was observed that the walls of light concrete presents better thermal behavior compared with the other two constructive systems world wide used. Based in the results of the investigation, there was shown the viability of the use of EPS as aggregate (raw material) in the composition of the concrete, with the objective of the fabrication of blocks to non-structural masonry that works as a thermal insulation in buildings. A direct consequence of this result is the possibility of reduction of the consume of the electrical energy used to climatization of buildings. Other aspect of the investigation that must be pointed was the reuse of the EPS as a raw material to civil construction, with a clear benefit to reducing of environmental problems


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The municipal district of Equador-RN is located in an area of great amounts of ores, being your main economical activity the extraction and the kaolin improvement. The main originating from environmental problem that activity is the amount of generated residue, about 70% of the extracted kaolin. The residues are simply piled up in lands of the improvement companies, occupying like this a large area and causing impact in the existent flora. When dry, the residues transform powdered and for the action of the wind, they disperse, polluting the air. Being like this, the present work has as objective evaluates the incorporation of the great residue, originating from of the kaolin improvement, in partial substitution of all the employed aggregates in a conventional mixture of asphalt concrete, which was used in the paving of BR101/RN061 - passage between Ponta Negra and Ares. That evaluation was accomplished in three stages. The first refers to the evaluation of the physical, thermal and mineralogical characteristics of the residue with the intention of to classify it and to define your application as aggregate (small and great). The second refers to the physical characterization of the aggregates and of the asphalt material used in the conventional mixture. And the third, to the evaluation of the mixtures containing residue, which were elaborated starting from the conventional mixture with the gradual incorporation of the residue, from 5 to 40%, in substitution to the part of the conventional aggregates, in way to obtain similar particle size curves the one of the conventional mixture. That evaluation was accomplished through the comparison between the volumetric composition, the mechanical behavior and the susceptibility to the humidity of the mixtures containing residue with the one of the conventional mixture, and with the one of the DNIT specifications. The results show that the great residue originating from of the kaolin improvement has grains of the most varied size, being like this, it can substitute part of all the conventional aggregates and of the filler in an asphalt mixture. Besides, your mineralogical composition presented the same present minerals in the composition of conventional aggregates used in paving. The results evaluation of the volumetric composition of the mixtures containing residue indicates that it can use up to 30% of residue in substitution to the conventional aggregates. The evaluation of the mechanical behavior of those mixtures indicates that the residue increment in the studied mixtures caused an increase of the stability and a reduction of the resistance to the traction. The values obtained in the resistance to the traction meet below the minimum value specified by DNIT, but close to the value obtained in the conventional mixture. When taking in consideration the susceptibility of the same ones to the humidity, the results indicate that she can use up to 25% of residue


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)