993 resultados para Concrete building


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Includes index.


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This thesis encompasses an investigation of the behaviour of concrete frame structure under localised fire scenarios by implementing a constitutive model using finite-element computer program. The investigation phase included properties of material at elevated temperature, description of computer program, thermal and structural analyses. Transient thermal properties of material have been employed in this study to achieve reasonable results. The finite-element computer package of ANSYS is utilized in the present analyses to examine the effect of fire on the concrete frame under five various fire scenarios. In addition, a report of full-scale BRE Cardington concrete building designed to Eurocode2 and BS8110 subjected to realistic compartment fire is also presented. The transient analyses of present model included additional specific heat to the base value of dry concrete at temperature 100°C and 200°C. The combined convective-radiation heat transfer coefficient and transient thermal expansion have also been considered in the analyses. For the analyses with the transient strains included, the constitutive model based on empirical formula in a full thermal strain-stress model proposed by Li and Purkiss (2005) is employed. Comparisons between the models with and without transient strains included are also discussed. Results of present study indicate that the behaviour of complete structure is significantly different from the behaviour of individual isolated members based on current design methods. Although the current tabulated design procedures are conservative when the entire building performance is considered, it should be noted that the beneficial and detrimental effects of thermal expansion in complete structures should be taken into account. Therefore, developing new fire engineering methods from the study of complete structures rather than from individual isolated member behaviour is essential.


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Previous earthquakes showed that shear wall damage could lead to catastrophic failures of the reinforced concrete building. The lateral load capacity of shear walls needs to be estimated to minimize associated losses during catastrophic events; hence it is necessary to develop and validate reliable and stable numerical methods able to converge to reasonable estimations with minimum computational effort. The beam-column 1-D line element with fiber-type cross-section model is a practical option that yields results in agreement with experimental data. However, shortcomings of using this model to predict the local damage response may come from the fact that the model requires fine calibration of material properties to overcome regularization and size effects. To reduce the mesh-dependency of the numerical model, a regularization method based on the concept of post-yield energy is applied in this work to both the concrete and the steel material constitutive laws to predict the nonlinear cyclic response and failure mechanism of concrete shear walls. Different categories of wall specimens known to produce a different response under in plane cyclic loading for their varied geometric and detailing characteristics are considered in this study, namely: 1) scaled wall specimens designed according to the European seismic design code and 2) unique full-scale wall specimens detailed according to the U.S. design code to develop a ductile behavior under cyclic loading. To test the boundaries of application of the proposed method, two full-scale walls with a mixed shear-flexure response and different values of applied axial load are also considered. The results of this study show that the use of regularized constitutive models considerably enhances the response predictions capabilities of the model with regards to global force-drift response and failure mode. The simulations presented in this thesis demonstrate the proposed model to be a valuable tool for researchers and engineers.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Dissertação de natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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O presente trabalho refere-se a um relatório de estágio para a conclusão do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil - ramo de Estruturas no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio decorreu na empresa FASE - Estudos e Projectos S.A. durante um período de seis meses. Este documento tem como principal objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos das fases de um projeto de um edifício. Aborda-se a modelação e análise de um edifício alto em betão armado, situado em Moçambique, salientando o dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais. Numa segunda fase, para aprofundar o conceito BIM, propôs-se a integração desta metodologia ao projeto já elaborado tendo em vista a ligação bidirecional dos programas de cálculo com os programas de desenho. Um dos objetivos de elaborar um trabalho em ambiente empresarial é o desenvolvimento de competências socio-profissionais e transversais. Para isso, este trabalho passou também pelo acompanhamento de outros projetos sendo dois deles apresentados no último capítulo.


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O presente estudo experimental pretende avaliar o comportamento da aderência entre varões em aço nervurado e o betão, a influência da geometria, do estado de fendilhação do betão e da presença de um varão transversal na zona de ancoragem, no comportamento desta. O bom desempenho das estruturas de betão armado depende da sua ligação e aderência entre os diferentes materiais utilizados na sua conceção, aço e betão. Foi com esse pressuposto que a presente dissertação avançou, de forma a serem estudadas as diversas geometrias e condições a que podem estar sujeitas as ancoragens. Para isso, foram elaborados e ensaiados dezasseis modelo de ancoragem: seis modelos em betão fendilhado e dez modelos em betão não fendilhado. Do estudo experimental desenvolvido, os resultados obtidos em betão não fendilhado dos ensaios de arrancamento “Pull-Out” são comparados com as recomendações NP EN 1992-1-1 [27], fib Model Code 2010 [14] e o Structural Concrete Building Code ACI 318-11 [4]. No presente estudo experimental também foi analisado o efeito da fendilhação do betão, permitindo assim compreender melhor o funcionamento e a resistência de uma ancoragem sujeita a essa situação. O efeito da presença de um varão transversal aplicado na zona do mandril foi também estudado.


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This work addresses the production of lightweight concrete building elements, such as plates, prefabricated slabs for pre-molded and panels of fencing, presenting a singular concrete: the Lightweight Concrete, with special properties such low density and good strength, by means of the joint use of industrial waste of thermosetting unsaturated polyesters and biodegradable foaming agent, named Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. This study covered various features of the materials used in the composition of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete, using a planning of factorial design 23, aiming at studying of the strength, production, dosage processes, characterization of mechanical properties and microstructural analysis of the transition zone between the light artificial aggregate and the matrix of cement. The results of the mechanical strength tests were analyzed using a computational statistics tool (Statistica software) to understand the behavior and obtain the ideal quantity of each material used in the formula of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. The definition of the ideal formula has the purpose of obtaining a material with the lowest possible dry density and resistance to compression in accordance with NBR 12.646/92 (≥ 2.5 MPa after 28 days). In the microstructural characterization by scanning electron microscopy it was observed an influence of the materials in the process of cement hydration, showing good interaction between the wrinkled face of the residue of unsaturated polyesters thermosetting and putty and, consequently, the final strength. The attaining of an ideal formula, given the Brazilian standards, the experimental results obtained in the characterization and comparison of these results with conventional materials, confirmed that the developed Polymeric Lightweight Concrete is suitable for the production of building elements that are advantageous for construction


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The aim of this paper is to verify the influence of composition variability of recycled aggregates (RA) of construction and demolition wastes (CDW) on the performance of concretes. Performance was evaluated building mathematical models for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage. To obtain such models, an experimental program comprising 50 concrete mixtures was carried out. Specimens were casted, tested and results for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage were statistically analyzed. Models inputs are CDW composition observed at seven Brazilian cities. Results confirm that using RA from CDW for concrete building is quite feasible, independently of its composition, once compressive strength and modulus of elasticity still reached considerable values. We concluded the variability presented by recycled aggregates of CDW does not compromise their use for concrete building. However, this information must be used with caution, and experimental tests should always be performed to certify concrete properties.


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Per quanto riguarda le costruzioni in conglomerato cementizio armato gettato in opera, i sistemi strutturali più comunemente utilizzati sono quelli a telaio (con trasmissione di momento flettente), a setti portanti o una combinazione di entrambi. A partire dagli anni ’60, numerosissimi sono stati gli studi relativamente al comportamento sismico di strutture in c.a. a telaio. Lo stesso si può affermare per le costruzioni costituite da pareti miste a telai. In particolare, l’argomento della progettazione sismica di tali tipologie di edifici ha sempre riguardato soprattutto gli edifici alti nei quali, evidentemente, l’impiego delle pareti avveniva allo scopo di limitarne la elevata deformabilità. Il comportamento sismico di strutture realizzate interamente a pareti portanti in c.a. è stato meno studiato negli anni, nonostante si sia osservato che edifici realizzati mediante tali sistemi strutturali abbiano mostrato, in generale, pregevoli risorse di resistenza nei confronti di terremoti anche di elevata intensità. Negli ultimi 10 anni, l’ingegneria sismica si sta incentrando sull’approfondimento delle risorse di tipologie costruttive di cui si è sempre fatto largo uso in passato (tipicamente nei paesi dell’Europa continentale, in America latina, negli USA e anche in Italia), ma delle quali mancavano adeguate conoscenze scientifiche relativamente al loro comportamento in zona sismica. Tali tipologie riguardano sostanzialmente sistemi strutturali interamente costituiti da pareti portanti in c.a. per edifici di modesta altezza, usualmente utilizzati in un’edilizia caratterizzata da ridotti costi di realizzazione (fabbricati per abitazioni civili e/o uffici). Obiettivo “generale” del lavoro di ricerca qui presentato è lo studio del comportamento sismico di strutture realizzate interamente a setti portanti in c.a. e di modesta altezza (edilizia caratterizzata da ridotti costi di realizzazione). In particolare, le pareti che si intendono qui studiare sono caratterizzate da basse percentuali geometriche di armatura e sono realizzate secondo la tecnologia del cassero a perdere. A conoscenza dello scrivente, non sono mai stati realizzati, fino ad oggi, studi sperimentali ed analitici allo scopo di determinare il comportamento sismico di tali sistemi strutturali, mentre è ben noto il loro comportamento statico. In dettaglio, questo lavoro di ricerca ha il duplice scopo di: • ottenere un sistema strutturale caratterizzato da elevate prestazioni sismiche; • mettere a punto strumenti applicativi (congruenti e compatibili con le vigenti normative e dunque immediatamente utilizzabili dai progettisti) per la progettazione sismica dei pannelli portanti in c.a. oggetto del presente studio. Al fine di studiare il comportamento sismico e di individuare gli strumenti pratici per la progettazione, la ricerca è stata organizzata come segue: • identificazione delle caratteristiche delle strutture studiate, mediante lo sviluppo/specializzazione di opportune formulazioni analitiche; • progettazione, supervisione, ed interpretazione di una estesa campagna di prove sperimentali eseguita su pareti portanti in c.a. in vera grandezza, al fine di verificarne l’efficace comportamento sotto carico ciclico; • sviluppo di semplici indicazioni (regole) progettuali relativamente alle strutture a pareti in c.a. studiate, al fine di ottenere le caratteristiche prestazionali desiderate. I risultati delle prove sperimentali hanno mostrato di essere in accordo con le previsioni analitiche, a conferma della validità degli strumenti di predizione del comportamento di tali pannelli. Le elevatissime prestazioni riscontrate sia in termini di resistenza che in termini di duttilità hanno evidenziato come le strutture studiate, così messe a punto, abbiano manifestato un comportamento sismico più che soddisfacente.


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This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.