846 resultados para Concept Matching


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In a decentralized setting the game-theoretical predictions are that only strong blockings are allowed to rupture the structure of a matching. This paper argues that, under indifferences, also weak blockings should be considered when these blockings come from the grand coalition. This solution concept requires stability plus Pareto optimality. A characterization of the set of Pareto-stable matchings for the roommate and the marriage models is provided in terms of individually rational matchings whose blocking pairs, if any, are formed with unmatched agents. These matchings always exist and give an economic intuition on how blocking can be done by non-trading agents, so that the transactions need not be undone as agents reach the set of stable matchings. Some properties of the Pareto-stable matchings shared by the Marriage and Roommate models are obtained.


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In this paper, the concept of Matching Parallelepiped (MP) is presented. It is shown that the volume of the MP can be used as an additional measure of `distance' between a pair of candidate points in a matching algorithm by Relaxation Labeling (RL). The volume of the MP is related with the Epipolar Geometry and the use of this measure works as an epipolar constraint in a RL process, decreasing the efforts in the matching algorithm since it is not necessary to explicitly determine the equations of the epipolar lines and to compute the distance of a candidate point to each epipolar line. As at the beginning of the process the Relative Orientation (RO) parameters are unknown, a initial matching based on gradient, intensities and correlation is obtained. Based on this set of labeled points the RO is determined and the epipolar constraint included in the algorithm. The obtained results shown that the proposed approach is suitable to determine feature-point matching with simultaneous estimation of camera orientation parameters even for the cases where the pair of optical axes are not parallel.


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Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional the payoff of a player with a quota greater than one. This is done for the many-to-many matching model with additively separable utilities, for which the stability concept is defined. It is then proved, via linear programming, that the set of stable outcomes is nonempty and it may be strictly bigger than the set of dual solutions and strictly smaller than the core. The present paper defines a general concept of stability and shows that this concept is a natural solution concept, stronger than the core concept, for a much more general coalitional game than a matching game. Instead of mutual agreements inside partnerships, the players are allowed to make collective agreements inside coalitions of any size and to distribute his labor among them. A collective agreement determines the level of labor at which the coalition operates and the division, among its members, of the income generated by the coalition. An allocation specifies a set of collective agreements for each player.


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A stable matching rule is used as the outcome function for the Admission game where colleges behave straightforwardly and the students` strategies are given by their preferences over the colleges. We show that the college-optimal stable matching rule implements the set of stable matchings via the Nash equilibrium (NE) concept. For any other stable matching rule the strategic behavior of the students may lead to outcomes that are not stable under the true preferences. We then introduce uncertainty about the matching selected and prove that the natural solution concept is that of NE in the strong sense. A general result shows that the random stable matching rule, as well as any stable matching rule, implements the set of stable matchings via NE in the strong sense. Precise answers are given to the strategic questions raised.


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Le domaine biomédical est probablement le domaine où il y a les ressources les plus riches. Dans ces ressources, on regroupe les différentes expressions exprimant un concept, et définit des relations entre les concepts. Ces ressources sont construites pour faciliter l’accès aux informations dans le domaine. On pense généralement que ces ressources sont utiles pour la recherche d’information biomédicale. Or, les résultats obtenus jusqu’à présent sont mitigés : dans certaines études, l’utilisation des concepts a pu augmenter la performance de recherche, mais dans d’autres études, on a plutôt observé des baisses de performance. Cependant, ces résultats restent difficilement comparables étant donné qu’ils ont été obtenus sur des collections différentes. Il reste encore une question ouverte si et comment ces ressources peuvent aider à améliorer la recherche d’information biomédicale. Dans ce mémoire, nous comparons les différentes approches basées sur des concepts dans un même cadre, notamment l’approche utilisant les identificateurs de concept comme unité de représentation, et l’approche utilisant des expressions synonymes pour étendre la requête initiale. En comparaison avec l’approche traditionnelle de "sac de mots", nos résultats d’expérimentation montrent que la première approche dégrade toujours la performance, mais la seconde approche peut améliorer la performance. En particulier, en appariant les expressions de concepts comme des syntagmes stricts ou flexibles, certaines méthodes peuvent apporter des améliorations significatives non seulement par rapport à la méthode de "sac de mots" de base, mais aussi par rapport à la méthode de Champ Aléatoire Markov (Markov Random Field) qui est une méthode de l’état de l’art dans le domaine. Ces résultats montrent que quand les concepts sont utilisés de façon appropriée, ils peuvent grandement contribuer à améliorer la performance de recherche d’information biomédicale. Nous avons participé au laboratoire d’évaluation ShARe/CLEF 2014 eHealth. Notre résultat était le meilleur parmi tous les systèmes participants.


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Successful computer-supported distance education requires that its enabling technologies are accessible and usable anywhere. They should work seamlessly inside and outside the information superhighway, wherever the target learners are located, without obtruding on the learning activity. It has long been recognised that the usability of interactive computer systems is inversely related to the visibility of the implementing technologies. Reducing the visibility of technology is especially challenging in the area of online language learning systems, which require high levels of interactivity and communication along multiple dimensions such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. In this article, the authors review the concept of invisibility as it applies to the design of interactive technologies and appliances. They describe a specialised appliance matched to the requirements for distance second language learning, and report on a successful multi-phase evaluation process, including initial field testing at a Thai open university.


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Successful computer-supported distance education requires that its enabling technologies are accessible and usable anywhere. They should work seamlessly inside and outside the information superhighway, wherever the target learners are located, without obtruding on the learning activity. It has long been recognised that the usability of interactive computer systems is inversely related to the visibility of the implementing technologies. Reducing the visibility of technology is especially challenging in the area of online language learning systems, which require high levels of interactivity and communication along multiple dimensions such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. In this article, the authors review the concept of invisibility as it applies to the design of interactive technologies and appliances. They describe a specialised appliance matched to the requirements for distance second language learning, and report on a successful multi-phase evaluation process, including initial field testing at a Thai open university.


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Molecular and fragment ion data of intact 8- to 43-kDa proteins from electrospray Fourier-transform tandem mass spectrometry are matched against the corresponding data in sequence data bases. Extending the sequence tag concept of Mann and Wilm for matching peptides, a partial amino acid sequence in the unknown is first identified from the mass differences of a series of fragment ions, and the mass position of this sequence is defined from molecular weight and the fragment ion masses. For three studied proteins, a single sequence tag retrieved only the correct protein from the data base; a fourth protein required the input of two sequence tags. However, three of the data base proteins differed by having an extra methionine or by missing an acetyl or heme substitution. The positions of these modifications in the protein examined were greatly restricted by the mass differences of its molecular and fragment ions versus those of the data base. To characterize the primary structure of an unknown represented in the data base, this method is fast and specific and does not require prior enzymatic or chemical degradation.


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Corn and soyabeans may not be available in many countries particularly those which do not have sufficient foreign currency or the capacity to grow them. This paper outlines strategies that may be important under these circumstances. Alternative feedstuffs and various feeding systems may be used to support poultry production. Alternative ingredients such as rice bran, pearl millet, cottonseed meal and grain legumes are discussed. Evidence is presented showing that amino acid requirements of layers and broilers may be too generous particularly in countries where climate, management and disease can impose production constraints. The ability of finishing broilers to perform well on very low-energy diets allows the inclusion of alternative feeds and by-products into formulations. Very low protein diets based on cereals and free amino acids can be used for layers without loss of performance. Self-selection of feedstuffs may be an important strategy in reducing feed costs of broilers and layers. The concept of matching production with available feed resources may compromise broiler growth and egg production, but in many countries this may be the most economical choice. Countries in the humid tropics usually have reduced poultry performance. The effects of high temperature and humidity are difficult to overcome. The vexed questions of the escalation in the price of fossil fuel and the outbreak of avian influenza, both seemingly without a solution, are clouds hanging over an otherwise buoyant industry.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnoloigia, 2016.


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Resource specialisation, although a fundamental component of ecological theory, is employed in disparate ways. Most definitions derive from simple counts of resource species. We build on recent advances in ecophylogenetics and null model analysis to propose a concept of specialisation that comprises affinities among resources as well as their co-occurrence with consumers. In the distance-based specialisation index (DSI), specialisation is measured as relatedness (phylogenetic or otherwise) of resources, scaled by the null expectation of random use of locally available resources. Thus, specialists use significantly clustered sets of resources, whereas generalists use over-dispersed resources. Intermediate species are classed as indiscriminate consumers. The effectiveness of this approach was assessed with differentially restricted null models, applied to a data set of 168 herbivorous insect species and their hosts. Incorporation of plant relatedness and relative abundance greatly improved specialisation measures compared to taxon counts or simpler null models, which overestimate the fraction of specialists, a problem compounded by insufficient sampling effort. This framework disambiguates the concept of specialisation with an explicit measure applicable to any mode of affinity among resource classes, and is also linked to ecological and evolutionary processes. This will enable a more rigorous deployment of ecological specialisation in empirical and theoretical studies.


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Conventional tilted implants are used in oral rehabilitation for heavily absorbed maxilla to avoid bone grafts; however, few research studies evaluate the biomechanical behavior when different angulations of the implants are used. The aim of this study was evaluate, trough photoelastic method, two different angulations and length of the cantilever in fixed implant-supported maxillary complete dentures. Two groups were evaluated: G15 (distal tilted implants 15°) and G35 (distal tilted implants 35°) n = 6. For each model, 2 distal tilted implants (3.5 x 15 mm long cylindrical cone) and 2 parallel tilted implants in the anterior region (3.5 x 10 mm) were installed. Photoelastic models were submitted to three vertical load tests: in the end of cantilever, in the last pillar and in the all pillars at the same time. We obtained the shear stress by Fringes software and found values for total, cervical and apical stress. The quantitative analysis was performed using the Student tests and Mann-Whitney test; p ≥ 0.05. There is no difference between G15 and G35 for total stress regardless of load type. Analyzing the apical region, G35 reduced strain values considering the distal loads (in the cantilever p = 0.03 and in the last pillar p = 0.02), without increasing the stress level in the cervical region. Considering the load in all pillars, G35 showed higher stress concentration in the cervical region (p = 0.04). For distal loads, G15 showed increase of tension in the apical region, while for load in all pillars, G35 inclination increases stress values in the cervical region.


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The concept of recovery has been described in papers as a state of psychic, physical and social recuperation of day-to-day functions. The scope of this article is to analyze the concepts of the term in different research methodologies and the paradigmatic evolution of the recovery concept. Systematic bibliographical research was conducted in the Pubmed database using the words recovery + schizophrenia limited to freely available full papers published in the previous two years. Nineteen papers were analyzed. The majority of the papers sought associations between characteristic data and recovery; few papers discussed the concept in a way to distinguish it from other words like cure or rehabilitation. Recovery as a state in which people with severe mental illness can feel like the creators of their own itinerary tend to be found in qualitative studies and in bibliographic reviews in which the meaning of recovery is not related to the lack of symptoms and tends to prioritize how participative the life of an individual can be despite the disease. Some quantitative studies detect this conceptual difference. In qualitative research there is an increase in the concept of recovery and in ways of promoting it.


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A expansão da tríplice continência em unidades com quatro ou mais elementos abriu novas perspectivas para a compreensão de comportamentos complexos, como a emergência de respostas que derivam da formação de classes de estímulos equivalentes e que modelam comportamentos simbólicos e conceituais. Na investigação experimental, o procedimento de matching to sample tem sido frequentemente empregado para estabelecer discriminações condicionais. Em particular, a obtenção do matching de identidade generalizado é considerada demonstrativa da aquisição dos conceitos de igualdade e diferença. Segundo argumentamos, o fato de se buscar a compreensão desses conceitos a partir de processos discriminativos condicionais pode ter sido responsável pelos frequentes fracassos em demonstrá-los em sujeitos não humanos. A falta de correspondência entre os processos discriminativos responsáveis por estabelecer a relação de reflexividade entre estímulos que formam classes equivalentes e o matching de identidade generalizado, nesse sentido, é aqui revista ao longo de estudos empíricos e discutida com respeito às suas implicações.