793 resultados para Computer music
A Brain-computer music interface (BCMI) is developed to allow for continuous modification of the tempo of dynamically generated music. Six out of seven participants are able to control the BCMI at significant accuracies and their performance is observed to increase over time.
This paper presents a brief history of the western music: from its genesis to serialism and the Darmstadt school. Also some mathematical aspects of music are then presented and confronted with music as a form of art. The question is, are these two distinct aspects compatible? Can computers be of real help in automatic composition? The more appealing algorithmic approach is evolutionary computation as it offers creativity potential. Therefore, the Evolutionary Algorithms are then introduced and some results of GAs and GPs application to music generation are analysed.
Computer music usually sounds mechanical; hence, if musicality and music expression of virtual actors could be enhanced according to the user’s mood, the quality of experience would be amplified. We present a solution that is based on improvisation using cognitive models, case based reasoning (CBR) and fuzzy values acting on close-to-affect-target musical notes as retrieved from CBR per context. It modifies music pieces according to the interpretation of the user’s emotive state as computed by the emotive input acquisition componential of the CALLAS framework. The CALLAS framework incorporates the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance (PAD) model that reflects emotive state of the user and represents the criteria for the music affectivisation process. Using combinations of positive and negative states for affective dynamics, the octants of temperament space as specified by this model are stored as base reference emotive states in the case repository, each case including a configurable mapping of affectivisation parameters. Suitable previous cases are selected and retrieved by the CBR subsystem to compute solutions for new cases, affect values from which control the music synthesis process allowing for a level of interactivity that makes way for an interesting environment to experiment and learn about expression in music.
Music plays an enormous role in today's computer games; it serves to elicit emotion, generate interest and convey important information. Traditional gaming music is fixed at the event level, where tracks loop until a state change is triggered. This behaviour however does not reflect musically the in-game state between these events. We propose a dynamic music environment, where music tracks adjust in real-time to the emotion of the in-game state. We are looking to improve the affective response to symbolic music through the modification of structural and performative characteristics through the application of rule-based techniques. In this paper we undertake a multidiscipline approach, and present a series of primary music-emotion structural rules for implementation. The validity of these rules was tested in small study involving eleven participants, each listening to six permutations from two musical works. Preliminary results indicate that the environment was generally successful in influencing the emotion of the musical works for three of the intended four directions (happier, sadder & content/dreamier). Our secondary aim of establishing that the use of music-emotion rules, sourced predominantly from Western classical music, could be applied with comparable results to modern computer gaming music was also largely successfully.
Recent developments in interactive technologies have seen major changes in the manner in which artists, performers, and creative individuals interact with digital music technology; this is due to the increasing variety of interactive technologies that are readily available today. Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs) present musicians with performance challenges that are unique to this form of computer music. One of the most significant deviations from conventional acoustic musical instruments is the level of physical feedback conveyed by the instrument to the user. Currently, new interfaces for musical expression are not designed to be as physically communicative as acoustic instruments. Specifically, DMIs are often void of haptic feedback and therefore lack the ability to impart important performance information to the user. Moreover, there currently is no standardised way to measure the effect of this lack of physical feedback. Best practice would expect that there should be a set of methods to effectively, repeatedly, and quantifiably evaluate the functionality, usability, and user experience of DMIs. Earlier theoretical and technological applications of haptics have tried to address device performance issues associated with the lack of feedback in DMI designs and it has been argued that the level of haptic feedback presented to a user can significantly affect the user’s overall emotive feeling towards a musical device. The outcome of the investigations contained within this thesis are intended to inform new haptic interface.
This paper presents a framework in which samples of bowing gesture parameters are retrieved and concatenated from a database of violin performances by attending to an annotated input score. Resulting bowing parameter signals are then used to synthesize sound by means of both a digital waveguide violin physical model, and an spectral-domainadditive synthesizer.
We present a framework for modeling right-hand gestures in bowed-string instrument playing, applied to violin. Nearly non-intrusive sensing techniques allow for accurate acquisition of relevant timbre-related bowing gesture parameter cues. We model the temporal contour of bow transversal velocity, bow pressing force, and bow-bridge distance as sequences of short segments, in particular B´ezier cubic curve segments. Considering different articulations, dynamics, andcontexts, a number of note classes is defined. Gesture parameter contours of a performance database are analyzed at note-level by following a predefined grammar that dictatescharacteristics of curve segment sequences for each of the classes into consideration. Based on dynamic programming, gesture parameter contour analysis provides an optimal curve parameter vector for each note. The informationpresent in such parameter vector is enough for reconstructing original gesture parameter contours with significant fidelity. From the resulting representation vectors, weconstruct a statistical model based on Gaussian mixtures, suitable for both analysis and synthesis of bowing gesture parameter contours. We show the potential of the modelby synthesizing bowing gesture parameter contours from an annotated input score. Finally, we point out promising applicationsand developments.
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU)
Esta investigación se dirige a determinar cuál es la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en el marketing online para la prevención de la copia ilegal en el mercado musical. Con este proyecto se desea que por medio de una nueva disquera enfocada en el comercio online, y usando los conceptos del mercadeo comunitario y el mercadeo relacional, se pueda desarrollar nuevas estrategias de mercadeo en donde se logre incentivar y promover la compra de música original por medio de la creación de una relación más estrecha entre la compañía y el cliente, en la cual pueda afectar de forma positiva a la comunidad a la que este pertenece. El objetivo general es determinar cuál es la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias comunitarias en el marketing online para la prevención de la copia ilegal en el mercado musical. Los objetivos específicos son: 1. Mostrar la utilidad de los conceptos y estrategias del marketing comunitario en la prevención de la copia ilegal del mercado musical y 2. Implementar las estrategias logradas en la investigación en un plan de creación de empresa. Se utilizará el método de investigación y análisis de caso, utilizando el plan de empresa en la creación de una empresa del mercado musical, tomando la relación estratégica comunitaria y el marketing dentro del plan de mercadeo como estrategia para la prevención de la copia ilegal. Mediante este proyecto se desea que por medio del marketing relacional y de los conceptos del mercadeo hacia comunidades, enfocado en une- marketing sepuedanestablecerestrategiasparalaprevencióndelacopiailegalydelacomprade estos productos Además, se busca implementar dichos resultados en la empresa que se pretende crear en el sector de la industria musical, puesto que la seguridad que tendrán los productos a la venta, serán la ventaja competitiva de la empresa.
Research evaluating perceptual responses to music has identified many structural features as correlates that might be incorporated in computer music systems for affectively charged algorithmic composition and/or expressive music performance. In order to investigate the possible integration of isolated musical features to such a system, a discrete feature known to correlate some with emotional responses – rhythmic density – was selected from a literature review and incorporated into a prototype system. This system produces variation in rhythm density via a transformative process. A stimulus set created using this system was then subjected to a perceptual evaluation. Pairwise comparisons were used to scale differences between 48 stimuli. Listener responses were analysed with Multidimensional scaling (MDS). The 2-Dimensional solution was then rotated to place the stimuli with the largest range of variation across the horizontal plane. Stimuli with variation in rhythmic density were placed further from the source material than stimuli that were generated by random permutation. This, combined with the striking similarity between the MDS scaling and that of the 2-dimensional emotional model used by some affective algorithmic composition systems, suggests that isolated musical feature manipulation can now be used to parametrically control affectively charged automated composition in a larger system.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA