965 resultados para Comprehensive studies


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This thesis Entitled Studies on certain exploited marine Finfish Resources of india.Marine fish catch forecasting is short term or long term basis for purposes of explation and management. Among the short term forecasts, two approaches need serious consideration in India: 1. to improve the methods of understanding the influence of environmental characteristics on the abundance or availability of fish in different areas in different periods and to make the forecasts of the same, 2. to make analysis of time series catch data (ARIMA models) to make forecasts of catch in the next year or in a particular period during next year. There is some evidence of suitability of these approaches to Indian marine fisheries but attempts aiming at comprehensive studies should be made. In the area of long term forecasts, considerable work is done in India on single species assessments but in the context of multi species, multigear nature of Indian marine fisheries, assessments of all species together in a mixed fishery are urgently required for effective managements of fisheries.


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Reviewing the available literature, one could conclude that marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are the ‘gold standard’ source for bone tissue engineering applications, due to their multilineage differentiation potential and easy accessibility. However, comprehensive studies comparing their osteogenic potential with bone-derived osteoblasts (OBs) to justify the preferred application of BMSCs based on performance are few. To address these shortfalls, in the present study, ovine BMSCs and OBs seeded onto scaffolds were characterized in vitro and transplanted subcutaneously into NOD/SCID mice in combination with and without recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 7 (rhBMP-7). It was hypothesized that cell origin, ossification type and degree of vascularization and ossification depends on the nature and commitment of transplanted cells and stimulating growth factors, such as rhBMP-7. After retrieval, specimens were analysed by biomechanical testing, µCT analysis, scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and histo- and immunohistochemistry for osteocalcin, type II collagen and BrdU. The results showed a high degree of cell survival and proliferation ectopically, resulting in active contribution to endochondral osteogenesis. When compared to BMSCs, OBs showed a higher degree of bone deposition while OB-derived bone was of higher maturation. Stimulation with rhBMP-7 increased the rate of bone synthesis for both BMSCs and OBs, additionally promoting neovascularization and osteoclast activity. These results suggest that the origin and commitment of transplanted cells highly influence the type and degree of ossification, that rhBMP-7 represents a powerful adjuvant for bone tissue-engineering applications, and that mature bone is an adequate alternative cell source for bone tissue-engineering applications.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are widely used in mechanical engineering. Although achieving a high level of confidence in numerical modelling is of crucial importance in the field of turbomachinery, verification and validation of CFD simulations are very tricky especially for complex flows encountered in radial turbines. Comprehensive studies of radial machines are available in the literature. Unfortunately, none of them include enough detailed geometric data to be properly reproduced and so cannot be considered for academic research and validation purposes. As a consequence, design improvements of such configurations are difficult. Moreover, it seems that well-developed analyses of radial turbines are used in commercial software but are not available in the open literature especially at high pressure ratios. It is the purpose of this paper to provide a fully open set of data to reproduce the exact geometry of the high pressure ratio single stage radial-inflow turbine used in the Sundstrand Power Systems T-100 Multipurpose Small Power Unit. First, preliminary one-dimensional meanline design and analysis are performed using the commercial software RITAL from Concepts-NREC in order to establish a complete reference test case available for turbomachinery code validation. The proposed design of the existing turbine is then carefully and successfully checked against the geometrical and experimental data partially published in the literature. Then, three-dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations are conducted by means of the Axcent-PushButton CFDR CFD software. The effect of the tip clearance gap is investigated in detail for a wide range of operating conditions. The results confirm that the 3D geometry is correctly reproduced. It also reveals that the turbine is shocked while designed to give a high-subsonic flow and highlight the importance of the diffuser.


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This study aimed to take existing anatomical models of pregnant women, currently used for radiation pro-tection and nuclear medicine dose calculations, and adapt them for use in the calculation of fetal dose from external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). The models investigated were ‘KATJA’, which was provided as an MCNPX geometry file, and ‘RPI-P6’, which was provided in a simple, voxelized bina-ry format. In-house code was developed, to convert both mod-els into an `egsphant’ format, suitable for use with DOSXYZnrc. The geometries and densities of the resulting phantoms were evaluated and found to accurately represent the source data. As an example of the use of the phantoms, the delivery of a cranial EBRT treatment was simulated using the BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo codes and the likely out-of-field doses to the fetus in each model was calculated. The results of these calculations showed good agreement (with-in one standard deviation) between the doses calculated in KATJA and PRI-P6, despite substantial anatomical differ-ences between the two models. For a 36 Gy prescription dose to a 233.2 cm3 target in the right brain, the mean doses calcu-lated in a region of interest covering the entire uterus were 1.0 +/- 0.6 mSv for KATJA and 1.3 +/- 0.9 mSv for RPI-P6. This work is expected to lead to more comprehensive studies of EBRT treatment plan design and its effects on fetal dose in the future.


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It is increasingly clear that the interaction between host and microbiome profoundly affects health. There are 10 times more bacteria in and on our bodies than the total of our own cells, and the human intestine contains approximately 100 trillion bacteria. Interrogation of microbial communities by using classic microbiology techniques offers a very restricted view of these communities, allowing us to see only what we can grow in isolation. However, recent advances in sequencing technologies have greatly facilitated systematic and comprehensive studies of the role of the microbiome in human health and disease. Comprehensive understanding of our microbiome will enhance understanding of disease pathogenesis, which in turn may lead to rationally targeted therapy for a number of conditions, including autoimmunity.


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We present comprehensive studies of dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and magnetotransport of two sets of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples, one exhibits phase separation and the other exhibits spin glass behavior. Our study reveals that the phase separation in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither inherent nor ubiquitous; rather, it is a consequence of preparation condition. It is realized that the low temperature annealed sample exhibits phase separation while the high temperature annealed one shows the characteristic of spin glass behavior. This study shows that the most probable magnetic state of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is spin glass.


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Numerous studies have reported association between variants in the dystrobrevin binding protein 1 (dysbindin) gene (DTNBP1) and schizophrenia. However, the pattern of results is complex and to date, no specific risk marker or haplotype has been consistently identified. The number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tested in these studies has ranged from 5 to 20. We attempted to replicate previous findings by testing 16 SNPs in samples of 41 Australian pedigrees, 194 Australian cases and 180 controls, and 197 Indian pedigrees. No globally significant evidence for association was observed in any sample, despite power calculations indicating sufficient power to replicate several previous findings. Possible explanations for our results include sample differences in background linkage disequilibrium and/or risk allele effect size, the presence of multiple risk alleles upon different haplotypes, or the presence of a single risk allele upon multiple haplotypes. Some previous associations may also represent false positives. Examination of Caucasian HapMap phase II genotype data spanning the DTNBP1 region indicates upwards of 40 SNPs are required to satisfactorily assess all nonredundant variation within DTNBP1 and its potential regulatory regions for association with schizophrenia. More comprehensive studies in multiple samples will be required to determine whether specific DTNBP1 variants function as risk factors for schizophrenia.


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Sustainable management of sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) fisheries needs to account for recent observations of regional-scale differentiation. Population genetic analysis is sought to assess the situation of this ecologically and economically important fish species in eastern Australian waters. Here, we report (i) new population genetic markers [single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and potential microsatellites], (ii) first estimates of spatial genetic differentiation and (iii) prospective power tests for designing more comprehensive studies. Six DNA samples from three sampling regions (North Queensland, South Queensland and central New South Wales) on the eastern coast of Australia were used to prepare restriction site associated DNA (RAD) tag libraries from genomic DNA digested with EcoRI and MseI. A pooled sample of regional RAD tag libraries was sequenced using the Roche GS-FLX Titanium platform. A total of 172837 raw reads (17.4Mbp) were retrieved, 95500 of which were used to discover 1267 SNPs and 1417 microsatellites. A subset of 161 SNPs was validated based on 63 additional DNA samples genotyped using the Sequenom MassArray (iPLEX Gold chemistry). Altogether 92 SNPs (57%) were confirmed, with 40% of these marking fixed variants between northern and southern sampling regions. Our preliminary findings indicate a multispecies fishery stock of M. cephalus in eastern Australian waters, but suggest that strong genetic differentiation occurs north of major fishing grounds. Low potential differentiation within major fishing grounds (e.g. FST=0.0025) can be resolved with a likely power 67% by using standard sample sizes of 50 and validated subsets of available markers.


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Multiple methods currently exist for rapid construction and screening of single-site saturation mutagenesis (SSM) libraries in which every codon or nucleotide in a DNA fragment is individually randomized. Nucleotide sequences of each library member before and after screening or selection can be obtained through deep sequencing. The relative enrichment of each mutant at each position provides information on its contribution to protein activity or ligand-binding under the conditions of the screen. Such saturation scans have been applied to diverse proteins to delineate hot-spot residues, stability determinants, and for comprehensive fitness estimates. The data have been used to design proteins with enhanced stability, activity and altered specificity relative to wild-type, to test computational predictions of binding affinity, and for protein model discrimination. Future improvements in deep sequencing read lengths and accuracy should allow comprehensive studies of epistatic effects, of combinational variation at multiple sites, and identification of spatially proximate residues.


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Molybdenum disulphide is a layered transition metal dichalcogenide that has recently raised considerable interest due to its unique semiconducting and opto-electronic properties. Although several theoretical studies have suggested an electronic phase transition in molybdenum disulphide, there has been a lack of experimental evidence. Here we report comprehensive studies on the pressure-dependent electronic, vibrational, optical and structural properties of multilayered molybdenum disulphide up to 35 GPa. Our experimental results reveal a structural lattice distortion followed by an electronic transition from a semiconducting to metallic state at similar to 19 GPa, which is confirmed by ab initio calculations. The metallization arises from the overlap of the valance and conduction bands owing to sulphur-sulphur interactions as the interlayer spacing reduces. The electronic transition affords modulation of the opto-electronic gain in molybdenum disulphide. This pressure-tuned behaviour can enable the development of novel devices with multiple phenomena involving the strong coupling of the mechanical, electrical and optical properties of layered nanomaterials.


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An investigation of a series of seven angular ``V'' shaped NPIs (1-7) is presented. The effect of substitution of these structurally similar NPIs on their photophysical properties in the solution-state and the solid-state is presented and discussed in light of experimental and computational findings. Compounds 1-7 show negligible to intensely strong emission yields in their solid-state depending on the nature of substituents appended to the oxoaryl moiety. The solution and solid-state properties of the compounds can be directly correlated with their structural rigidity, nature of substituents and intermolecular interactions. The versatile solid-state structures of the NPI siblings are deeply affected by the pendant substituents. All of the NPIs (1-7) show antiparallel dimeric pi-pi stacking interactions in their solid-state which can further extend in a parallel, alternate, orthogonal or lateral fashion depending on the steric and electronic nature of the C-4' substituents. Structural investigations including Hirshfeld surface analysis methods reveal that where strongly interacting systems show weak to moderate emission in their condensed states, weakly interacting systems show strong emission yields under the same conditions. The nature of packing and extended structures also affects the emission colors of the NPIs in their solid-states. Furthermore, DFT computational studies were utilized to understand the molecular and cumulative electronic behaviors of the NPIs. The comprehensive studies provide insight into the condensed-state luminescence of aggregationprone small molecules like NPIs and help to correlate the structure-property relationships.


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The advent of a new class of high-mobility semiconducting polymers opens up a window to address fundamental issues in electrical transport mechanism such as transport between localized states versus extended state conduction. Here, we investigate the origin of the ultralow degree of disorder (E-a similar to 16 meV) and the ``bandlike'' negative temperature (T) coefficient of the field effect electron mobility: mu(e)(FET) (T) in a high performance (mu(e)(FET) > 2.5 cm(2) V-1 s(-1)) diketopyrrolopyrrole based semiconducting polymer. Models based on the framework of mobility edge with exponential density of states are invoked to explain the trends in transport. The temperature window over which the system demonstrates delocalized transport was tuned by a systematic introduction of disorder at the transport interface. Additionally, the Hall mobility (mu(e)(Hall)) extracted from Hall voltage measurements in these devices was found to be comparable to field effect mobility (mu(e)(FET)) in the high T bandlike regime. Comprehensive studies with different combinations of dielectrics and semiconductors demonstrate the effectiveness of rationale molecular design, which emphasizes uniform-energetic landscape and low reorganization energy.


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The ionization rate of molecules in intense laser fields may be much lower than that of atoms with similar binding energy. This phenomenon is termed the ionization suppression of molecules and is caused by the molecular inner structure. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive study of the ionization suppression of homonuclear diatomic molecules in intense laser fields of linear and circular polarizations. We find that for linear polarization the total ionization rate and the ionization suppression depend greatly on the molecular alignment, and that for circular polarization the ionization suppression of molecules in the antibonding (bonding) shells disappears (appears) for laser intensities around 10(15) W/cm(2). We also find that the molecular photoelectron energy spectra are greatly changed by the interference effect, even though the total ionization rate of molecules remains almost the same as that of their companion atoms.


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The Indo-Pacific lionfishes, Pterois miles and P. volitans, are now established along the U.S. southeast coast, Bermuda, Bahamas, and are becoming established in the Caribbean. While these lionfish are popular in the aquarium trade, their biology and ecology are poorly understood in their native range. Given the rapid establishment and potential adverse impacts of these invaders, comprehensive studies of their biology and ecology are warranted. Here we provide a synopsis of lionfish biology and ecology including invasion chronology, taxonomy, local abundance, reproduction, early life history and dispersal, venomology, feeding ecology, parasitology, potential impacts, and control and management. This information was collected through review of the primary literature and published reports and by summarizing current observations. Suggestions for future research on invasive lionfish in their invaded regions are provided.


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Understanding the dynamics of eukaryotic transcriptome is essential for studying the complexity of transcriptional regulation and its impact on phenotype. However, comprehensive studies of transcriptomes at single base resolution are rare, even for modern organisms, and lacking for rice. Here, we present the first transcriptome atlas for eight organs of cultivated rice. Using high-throughput paired-end RNA-seq, we unambiguously detected transcripts expressing at an extremely low level, as well as a substantial number of novel transcripts, exons, and untranslated regions. An analysis of alternative splicing in the rice transcriptome revealed that alternative cis-splicing occurred in similar to 33% of all rice genes. This is far more than previously reported. In addition, we also identified 234 putative chimeric transcripts that seem to be produced by trans-splicing, indicating that transcript fusion events are more common than expected. In-depth analysis revealed a multitude of fusion transcripts that might be by-products of alternative splicing. Validation and chimeric transcript structural analysis provided evidence that some of these transcripts are likely to be functional in the cell. Taken together, our data provide extensive evidence that transcriptional regulation in rice is vastly more complex than previously believed.