958 resultados para Composer-conductor
Tese apresentada para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor no ramo de Ciências Musicais
Eduard Toldrà i Soler fou una persona important i significativa per a la societat catalana de principis del segle XX. La seva vida musical és increïblement ampla, ja que abasta facetes de violinista, compositor, director i pedagog. A més, Toldrà va estar sempre immers en la cultura catalana, en l'art en general, i en particular en la poesia. És per aquest motiu que trobem tanta poesia en la seva música. En el següent treball aprofundeixo en l'estudi d'una de les seves obres, Sis Sonets per a violí i piano. A través de l'anàlisi d'aquestes sis peces, coneixerem també al personatge d'Eduard Toldrà i el seu context cultural. Veurem que la seva música se situa fora dels trets estilístics “hispànics” de l'època i que, sota els tòpics de música española, les etiquetes no hi fan cap mena de justícia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Innovations in hardware and network technologies lead to an exploding number of non-interrelated parallel media streams. Per se this does not mean any additional value for consumers. Broadcasting and advertisement industries have not yet found new formats to reach the individual user with their content. In this work we propose and describe a novel digital broadcasting framework, which allows for the live staging of (mass) media events and improved consumer personalisation. In addition new professions for future TV production workflows which will emerge are described, namely the 'video composer' and the 'live video conductor'.
We adopt the Dirac model for graphene and calculate the Casimir interaction energy between a plane suspended graphene sample and a parallel plane perfect conductor. This is done in two ways. First, we use the quantum-field-theory approach and evaluate the leading-order diagram in a theory with 2+1-dimensional fermions interacting with 3+1-dimensional photons. Next, we consider an effective theory for the electromagnetic field with matching conditions induced by quantum quasiparticles in graphene. The first approach turns out to be the leading order in the coupling constant of the second one. The Casimir interaction for this system appears to be rather weak. It exhibits a strong dependence on the mass of the quasiparticles in graphene.
A modular superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) consisting of 16 elements was constructed and tested in a 220 V line for a fault current between 1 kA to 7.4 kA. The elements are made up of second generation (2G) YBCO-coated conductor tapes with stainless steel reinforcement. For each element four tapes were electrically connected in parallel with effective length of 0.4 m per element, totaling 16 elements connected in series. The evaluation of SFCL performance was carried out under DC and AC tests. The DC test was performed through pulsed current tests and its recovery characteristics under load current were analysed by changing the shunt resistor value. The AC test performed using a 3 MVA/220 V/60 Hz transformer has shown the current limiting ratio achieved a factor higher than 10 during fault of up to five cycles without conductor degradation. The measurement of the voltage for each element during the AC test showed that in this modular SFCL the quench is homogeneous and the transition occurs similarly in all the elements.
The performance optimisation of overhead conductors depends on the systematic investigation of the fretting fatigue mechanisms in the conductor/clamping system. As a consequence, a fretting fatigue rig was designed and a limited range of fatigue tests was carried out at the middle high cycle fatigue regime in order to access an exploratory S-N curve for a Grosbeak conductor, which was mounted on a mono-articulated aluminium clamping system. Subsequent to these preliminary fatigue tests, the components of the conductor/clamping system, such as ACSR conductor, upper and lower clamps, bolt and nuts, were subjected to a failure analysis procedure in order to investigate the metallurgical free variables interfering on the fatigue test results, aiming at the optimisation of the testing reproducibility. The results indicated that the rupture of the planar fracture surfaces observed in the external At strands of the conductor tested under lower bending amplitude (0.9 mm) occurred by fatigue cracking (I mm deep), followed by shear overload. The V-type fracture surfaces observed in some At strands of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm) were also produced by fatigue cracking (approximately 400 mu m deep), followed by shear overload. Shear overload fracture (45 degrees fracture surface) was also observed on the remaining At wires of the conductor tested under higher bending amplitude (1.3 mm). Additionally, the upper and lower Al-cast clamps presented microstructure-sensitive cracking, which was folowed by particle detachment and formation of abrasive debris on the clamp/conductor tribo-interface, promoting even further the fretting mechanism. The detrimental formation of abrasive debris might be inhibited by the selection of a more suitable class of as-cast At alloy for the production of clamps. Finally, the bolt/nut system showed intense degradation of the carbon steel nut (fabricated in ferritic-pearlitic carbon steel, featuring machined threads with 190 HV), with intense plastic deformation and loss of material. Proper selection of both the bolt and nut materials and the finishing processing might prevent the loss in the clamping pressure during the fretting testing. It is important to control the specification of these components (clamps, bolt and nuts) prior to the start of large scale fretting fatigue testing of the overhead conductors in order to increase the reproducibility of this assessment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N,N-Dimethyl-pyrrolidinium iodide, and the effect of doping with LiI, has been investigated using DSC, NMR, and impedance spectroscopy. It was found that the addition of a small amount of LiI enhances the ionic conductivity by LIP to 3 orders of magnitude for this ionic solid. Furthermore, a slight decrease in phase transition onset temperatures, as well as the appearance of a superimposed narrow line in the H-1 NMR spectra with dopant, suggest that the LiI facilitates the mobility of the matrix material, possibly by the introduction of vacancies within the lattice. Li-7 NMR line width measurements reveal a narrow Li line width, decreasing in width and increasing in intensity with temperature, indicating mobile Li ions.
Dans cet article, nous aborderons certains aspects du fonctionnement de la perception auditive de l’espace en tant qu’éléments opératoires utilisables dans la création sonore et musicale. Nous analyserons les techniques de mise en espace du son en environnement CSound utilisées dans Sideral1. Dans ce cadre, nous étudierons la programmation modulaire dans cet environnement en s’intéressant à des techniques de connexion d’unités fonctionnelles autonomes et d’acheminements multiples dans un même instrument. Nous observerons la mise en espace du son par paramétrage d’angle en utilisant l’opcode locsig et par paramétrage linéaire utilisant l’opcode space.
INTRODUCCIÓ: Lesions per trànsit (LT), evitables i problema de salut publica. Àmbit d’atenció primària (AP) lloc on investigar i actuar. Possible relació entre malalties cròniques del conductor i LT. MÈTODES: estudi descriptiu, transversal i multicèntric, conductors amb història clínica, Barcelona, 2009. 1900 enquestes personals, mostreig consecutiu. Variables sociodemogràfiques, sobre conducció i salut. RESULTATS: 57,3% homes, 8,5% conductors professionals, 12,5% havia patit una LT, 6% va precisar ajuda mèdica. 51,5% malalts crònics, predominant malalties cardiovasculars i limitacions visuals. CONCLUSIONS: No van trobar relacions significatives entre malalties cròniques i LT. Limitacions:imperfecció dels sistemes de registre, fiabilitat feble de dades autodeclarades, presencia de possibles factors de confusió.
Dans les pays en développement, où les territoires présentent de multiples facteurs de vulnérabilité et où l'exposition à des dangers divers et nombreux sont des phénomènes quotidiens, la mise en place de mesures visant à contrebalancer ces phénomènes devient un enjeu difficile à réaliser. Dans cette perspective, il s'agit d'étudier, à travers les pratiques des acteurs, quels sont les éléments qui permettent de définir les risques et les actions à entreprendre. Les acteurs doivent négocier ou même imposer la légitimité de leurs vulnérabilités dans un jeu de négociations, d'arbitrages et de conflits. Le cas d'étude à San Cristóbal, Guatemala, permet d'analyser les différentes solutions proposées sous l'angle des vulnérabilités en jeu. Nous montrons que la prise en compte des vulnérabilités influence la lecture de l'équation du risque des acteurs concernés et conditionne le champ des solutions possibles. Les résultats de cette recherche indiquent que le risque n'est pas univoque mais qu'il est le résultat d'un choix et des calculs faits par les acteurs. Pour cette raison, les mesures à entreprendre dépendent des compromis élaborés entre les acteurs.
Three compounds have been synthesized with formulae [3-MeRad][Ni(dmit)2] (1), [4-MeRad][Ni(dmit)2] (2) and [4-PrRad][Ni(dmit)2] (3) where [Ni(dmit)2]- is an anionic pi-radical (dmit = 1,3-dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate) and [3-MeRad]+ is 3-N-methylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide, [4-MeRad]+ is 4-N-methylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide and [4-PrRad]+ is 4-N-propylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide. The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility of 1 revealed that an antiferromagnetic interaction operates between the 3-MeRad+ radical cations with exchange coupling constants of J1 = - 1.72 cm-1 and antiferromagnetism assigned to the spin ladder chains of the Ni(dmit)2 radical anions. Compound 1 exhibits semiconducting behavior and 3 presents capacitor behavior in the temperature range studied (4 - 300 K).