994 resultados para Complex distillation columns


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We present a derivative-free optimization algorithm coupled with a chemical process simulator for the optimal design of individual and complex distillation processes using a rigorous tray-by-tray model. The proposed approach serves as an alternative tool to the various models based on nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) . This is accomplished by combining the advantages of using a commercial process simulator (Aspen Hysys), including especially suited numerical methods developed for the convergence of distillation columns, with the benefits of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) metaheuristic algorithm, which does not require gradient information and has the ability to escape from local optima. Our method inherits the superstructure developed in Yeomans, H.; Grossmann, I. E.Optimal design of complex distillation columns using rigorous tray-by-tray disjunctive programming models. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2000, 39 (11), 4326–4335, in which the nonexisting trays are considered as simple bypasses of liquid and vapor flows. The implemented tool provides the optimal configuration of distillation column systems, which includes continuous and discrete variables, through the minimization of the total annual cost (TAC). The robustness and flexibility of the method is proven through the successful design and synthesis of three distillation systems of increasing complexity.


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The economic design of a distillation column or distillation sequences is a challenging problem that has been addressed by superstructure approaches. However, these methods have not been widely used because they lead to mixed-integer nonlinear programs that are hard to solve, and require complex initialization procedures. In this article, we propose to address this challenging problem by substituting the distillation columns by Kriging-based surrogate models generated via state of the art distillation models. We study different columns with increasing difficulty, and show that it is possible to get accurate Kriging-based surrogate models. The optimization strategy ensures that convergence to a local optimum is guaranteed for numerical noise-free models. For distillation columns (slightly noisy systems), Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions cannot be tested directly on the actual model, but still we can guarantee a local minimum in a trust region of the surrogate model that contains the actual local minimum.


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McCabe-Thiele and Ponchon-Savarit methods are two classical graphical methods for the design of binary distillation columns very useful for didactical purposes and for preliminary calculations. Nevertheless, their description in the literature is not complete and not all the cases are analysed. To complete the academic literature dealing with this subject we have generalized equations for the operating lines or DP that define the change between two consecutive sectors ΔkC for any feed condition, together with the different possibilities to extract products or to add or remove heat. A consistent analysis of what may happen when changing between sectors in the column is presented.


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Póster presentado en Escape 22, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, University College London, UK, 17-20 June 2012.


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This paper presents a series of calculation procedures for computer design of ternary distillation columns overcoming the iterative equilibrium calculations necessary in these kind of problems and, thus, reducing the calculation time. The proposed procedures include interpolation and intersection methods to solve the equilibrium equations and the mass and energy balances. The calculation programs proposed also include the possibility of rigorous solution of mass and energy balances and equilibrium relations.


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Paper submitted to AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting: Energy Efficiency by Process Intensification, Pittsburgh, PA, October 28-November 2, 2012.


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In the present work, we provide a systematic analysis about all tine streams involved in the zone connecting two consecutive sections for the design of distillation columns with different thermal feed conditions, product extractions and heat additions or withdrawals. This analysis allows a better understanding of what happens on a feed or side draw (of mass or energy) stage, what compositions are or are not in equilibrium, and the impact on internal liquid and vapor flows.


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Supplementary Material: J.A. REYES-LABARTA, M.D. SERRANO and A. MARCILLA. ANALYSIS OF THE CONNECTING ZONE BETWEEN CONSECUTIVE SECTIONS IN DISTILLATION COLUMNS COVERING MULTIPLE FEEDS, PRODUCTS AND HEAT TRANSFER STAGES. Latin American Applied Research an International Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2014, vol. 44(4), 307-312 (http://www.laar.uns.edu.ar/indexes/artic_v4404/44_04_307.pdf)


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Presentation submitted to PSE Seminar, Chemical Engineering Department, Center for Advanced Process Design-making (CAPD), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), October 2012.


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This paper introduces a novel MILP approach for the design of distillation columns sequences of zeotropic mixtures that explicitly include from conventional to fully thermally coupled sequences and divided wall columns with a single wall. The model is based on the use of two superstructure levels. In the upper level a superstructure that includes all the basic sequences of separation tasks is postulated. The lower level is an extended tree that explicitly includes different thermal states and compositions of the feed to a given separation task. In that way, it is possible to a priori optimize all the possible separation tasks involved in the superstructure. A set of logical relationships relates the feasible sequences with the optimized tasks in the extended tree resulting in a MILP to select the optimal sequence. The performance of the model in terms of robustness and computational time is illustrated with several examples.


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In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the rigorous design of distillation columns that integrates a process simulator in a generalized disjunctive programming formulation. The optimal distillation column, or column sequence, is obtained by selecting, for each column section, among a set of column sections with different number of theoretical trays. The selection of thermodynamic models, properties estimation etc., are all in the simulation environment. All the numerical issues related to the convergence of distillation columns (or column sections) are also maintained in the simulation environment. The model is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) problem and solved using the logic based outer approximation algorithm without MINLP reformulation. Some examples involving from a single column to thermally coupled sequence or extractive distillation shows the performance of the new algorithm.


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Single phase solutions containing three components have been observed to exhibit foaminess near a single to two liquid phase boundary. It was seen, in a sintered plate column under mass transfer conditions, that distillation systems where the liquid appeared as one phase in one part of a column and two phases in another part, exhibited foaminess when the liquid concentration was near the one phase to two phase boundary. Various ternary systems have been studied in a 50 plate. 30mm i.d. Oldershaw column and it was observed that severe foaming occurred in the middle section of the column near the one liquid phase to two liquid phase boundary and no foaming occurred at the end of the column where liquid was either one phase or two phase. This is known as Ross type foam. Mass transfer experiments with Ross type ternary systems have been carried out in a perspex simulator with small and large hole diameter trays. It was observed that by removal of the more volatile component, Ross type foam did not build up on the tray. Severe entrainment of liquid was observed in all cases leading to a 'dry' tray, even with a low free area small diameter hole tray which was expected to produce a bubbly mixture. Entrainment was more severe for high gas superficial velocities and large hole diameters. This behaviour is quite different from the build up of foam observed when one liquid phase/two liquid phase Ross systems were contacted with air above a small sintered disc or with vapour in an Oldershaw distillation column. This observation explains why distillation columns processing mixtures which change from one liquid phase to two liquid phases (or vice versa) must be severely derated to avoid flooding. Single liquid phase holdups at the spray to bubbly transition were measured using a perspex simulator similar to that of Porter & Wong (17). i.e. with no liquid cross flow. A light transmission technique was used to measure the transition from spray regime to bubbly regime. The effect of tray thickness and the ratio of hole diameter to tray thickness on the transition was evaluated using trays of the same hole diameter and free area but having thickness of 2.38 mm, 4 mm, and 6.35 mm. The liquid holdup at the transition was less with the thin metal trays. This result may be interpreted by the theory of Lockett (101), which predicts the transition liquid holdup in terms of the angle of the gas iet leaving the holes in the sieve plate. All the existing correlations have been compared and none were found to be satisfactory and these correlations have been modified in view of the experimental results obtained. A new correlation has been proposed which takes into account the effect of the hole diameter to tray thickness ratio on the transition and good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the correlated values of the liquid holdup at the transition. Results have been obtained for two immiscible liquids [kerosene and water] on trays to determine whether foaming can be eliminated by operating in the spray regime. Kerosene was added to a fixed volume of water or water was added to a fixed volume of kerosene. In both cases, there was a transition from spray to bubbly. In the water fixed system. the liquid holdup at the transition was slightly less than the pure kerosene system. Whilst for the kerosene fixed system, the transition occurred at much lower liquid holdups. Trends In the results were similar to those for single liquid phase. New correlations have been proposed for the two cases. It has been found that Ross type foams, observed in a sintered plate column and in the Oldershaw column can be eliminated by either carrying out the separation in a packed column or by the addition of defoaming additives.


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Nowadays, control systems are involved in nearly all aspects of our lives. They are all around us, but their presence is not always really apparent. They are in our kitchens, in our DVD-players, computers and our cars. They are found in elevators, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. Control systems are present in every industry, they are used to control chemical reactors, distillation columns, and nuclear power plants. They are constantly and inexhaustibly working, making our life more comfortable and more efficient...until the system fails. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.