1000 resultados para Complex Waves
At present stage the analytical design of wave tolerance for floating structures and vessels is still imperfect due to the mutually complex and nonlinear phenomena between structures and waves. Wave tolerance design is usually carried out through iterative evaluations of results from model tests in a wave basin, and this is done in order to reach a final structural design. The wave generation has then become an important technology in the field of the coastal and ocean engineering. This paper summarizes the facilities of a test basin and a wave maker in Japan and also surveys the methodology of the generation of ocean waves in a test basin.
Solutions of the general cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation comprising multiple spiral waves are considered, and laws of motion for the centers are derived. The direction of the motion changes from along the line of centers to perpendicular to the line of centers as the separation increases, with the strength of the interaction algebraic at small separations and exponentially small at large separations. The corresponding asymptotic wave number and frequency are also determined, which evolve slowly as the spirals move
The determination of the reflection coefficient of shear waves reflected from a solid-liquid interface is an important method in order to study the viscoelastic properties of liquids at high frequency. The reflection coefficient is a complex number. While the magnitude measurement is relatively easy and precise, the phase measurement is very difficult due to its strong temperature dependence. For that reason, most authors choose a simplified method in order to obtain the viscoelastic properties of liquids from the measured coefficient. In this simplified method, inconsistent viscosity results are obtained because pure viscous behavior is assumed and the phase is not measured. This work deals with an effort to improve the experimental technique required to measure both the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient and it intends to report realistic values for oils in a wide range of viscosity (0.092 - 6.7 Pa.s). Moreover, a device calibration process is investigated in order to monitor the dynamic viscosity of the liquid.
One of the simplest ways to create nonlinear oscillations is the Hopf bifurcation. The spatiotemporal dynamics observed in an extended medium with diffusion (e.g., a chemical reaction) undergoing this bifurcation is governed by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, one of the best-studied generic models for pattern formation, where besides uniform oscillations, spiral waves, coherent structures and turbulence are found. The presence of time delay terms in this equation changes the pattern formation scenario, and different kind of travelling waves have been reported. In particular, we study the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation that contains local and global time-delay feedback terms. We focus our attention on plane wave solutions in this model. The first novel result is the derivation of the plane wave solution in the presence of time-delay feedback with global and local contributions. The second and more important result of this study consists of a linear stability analysis of plane waves in that model. Evaluation of the eigenvalue equation does not show stabilisation of plane waves for the parameters studied. We discuss these results and compare to results of other models.
This work presents the implementation of the ultrasonic shear reflectance method for viscosity measurement of Newtonian liquids using wave mode conversion from longitudinal to shear waves and vice versa. The method is based on the measurement of the complex reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) at a solid-liquid interface. The implemented measurement cell is composed of an ultrasonic transducer, a water buffer, an aluminum prism, a PMMA buffer rod, and a sample chamber. Viscosity measurements were made in the range from 1 to 3.5 MHz for olive oil and for automotive oils (SAE 40, 90, and 250) at 15 and 22.5 degrees C, respectively. Moreover, olive oil and corn oil measurements were conducted in the range from 15 to 30 degrees C at 3.5 and 2.25 MHz, respectively. The ultrasonic measurements, in the case of the less viscous liquids, agree with the results provided by a rotational viscometer, showing Newtonian behavior. In the case of the more viscous liquids, a significant difference was obtained, showing a clear non-Newtonian behavior that cannot be described by the Kelvin-Voigt model.
Rectangular piezoceramic transducers are widely used in ultrasonic evaluation and health monitoring techniques and structural vibration control applications. In this paper the flexural waves excited by rectangular transducers adhesively attached to isotropic plates are investigated. In view of the difficulties in developing accurate analytical models describing the transfer characteristics of the transducer due to the complex electromechanical transduction processes and transducer-structure interactions involved, a combined theoretical-experimental approach is developed. A multiple integral transform method is used to describe the propagation behaviour of the waves in the plates, while a heterodyne Doppler laser vibrometer is employed as a non-contact receiver device. This combined theoretical-experimental approach enables the efficient characterization of the electromechanical transfer properties of the piezoelectric transducer which is essential for the development of optimized non-destructive evaluation systems. The results show that the assumption of a uniform contact pressure distribution between the transducer and the plate can accurately predict the frequency spectrum and time domain response signals of the propagating waves along the main axes of the rectangular transmitter element.
The technique of permanently attaching piezoelectric transducers to structural surfaces has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design. For thin structural members such as composite laminated plates, it has been well recognized that guided Lamb wave techniques can provide a very sensitive and effective means for large area interrogation. However, since in these applications multiple wave modes are generally generated and the individual modes are usually dispersive, the received signals are very complex and difficult to interpret. An attractive way to deal with this problem has recently been introduced by applying piezoceramic transducer arrays or interdigital transducer (IDT) technologies. In this paper, the acoustic wave field in composite laminated plates excited by piezoceramic transducer arrays or IDT is investigated. Based on dynamic piezoelectricity theory, a discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the input impedance characteristics of the transducer and the surface velocity response of the plate. The method enables the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the electrical characteristics of the excitation circuit, the geometric and piezoelectric properties of the transducer array, and the mechanical and geometrical features of the laminate. Numerical results are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of single wave mode selection and isolation. The results show that the interaction between individual elements of the piezoelectric array has a significant influence on the performance of the IDT, and these effects can not be neglected even in the case of low frequency excitation. It is also demonstrated that adding backing materials to the transducer elements can be used to improve the excitability of specific wave modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
During T cell development in the thymus, T cell receptor (TCR) alpha, beta, gamma, and delta genes are rearranged and expressed. TCR rearrangement strictly depends upon the coordinate activity of two recombinase activating genes, Rag-1 and Rag-2. In this study we have followed the expression of these genes at different stages of intrathymic development. The results indicate that there are two periods of high Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression. The first wave peaks early at the CD25+CD4-CD8-CD3- stage of development and coincides with the initial appearance of transcripts derived from fully rearranged TCR beta, gamma, and delta genes, whereas the second wave occurs later at the CD4+CD8+ stage coincident with full-length TCR alpha mRNA expression. Active downregulation of Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression appears to occur in vivo between the two peaks of recombinase activity. This phenomenon can be mimicked in vitro in response to artificial stimuli such as phorbol myristate acetate and calcium ionophore. Collectively our data suggest that recombinase expression is actively regulated during early thymus development independently of cell surface expression of a mature heterodimeric TCR protein complex.
Spiral chemical waves subjected to a spatiotemporal random excitability are experimentally and numerically investigated in relation to the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Brownian motion is identified and characterized by an effective diffusion coefficient which shows a rather complex dependence on the time and length scales of the noise relative to those of the spiral. A kinematically based model is proposed whose results are in good qualitative agreement with experiments and numerics.
We examine plane-symmetric cosmological solutions to Einstein's equations which can be generated by the "soliton" technique, using the homogeneous Bianchi solutions as seeds and arbitrary numbers of real or complex poles. In some circumstances, these solutions can be interpreted as "incipient" gravitational waves on the Bianchi background. At early times they look like nonlinear inhomogeneities propagating at nearly the speed of light ("gravisolitons"), while at late times they look like cosmological gravitational waves.
We describe the case of a man with a history of complex partial seizures and severe language, cognitive and behavioural regression during early childhood (3.5 years), who underwent epilepsy surgery at the age of 25 years. His early epilepsy had clinical and electroencephalogram features of the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome), which we considered initially to be of idiopathic origin. Seizures recurred at 19 years and presurgical investigations at 25 years showed a lateral frontal epileptic focus with spread to Broca's area and the frontal orbital regions. Histopathology revealed a focal cortical dysplasia, not visible on magnetic resonance imaging. The prolonged but reversible early regression and the residual neuropsychological disorders during adulthood were probably the result of an active left frontal epilepsy, which interfered with language and behaviour during development. Our findings raise the question of the role of focal cortical dysplasia as an aetiology in the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia.
We present a novel numerical algorithm for the simulation of seismic wave propagation in porous media, which is particularly suitable for the accurate modelling of surface wave-type phenomena. The differential equations of motion are based on Biot's theory of poro-elasticity and solved with a pseudospectral approach using Fourier and Chebyshev methods to compute the spatial derivatives along the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. The time solver is a splitting algorithm that accounts for the stiffness of the differential equations. Due to the Chebyshev operator the grid spacing in the vertical direction is non-uniform and characterized by a denser spatial sampling in the vicinity of interfaces, which allows for a numerically stable and accurate evaluation of higher order surface wave modes. We stretch the grid in the vertical direction to increase the minimum grid spacing and reduce the computational cost. The free-surface boundary conditions are implemented with a characteristics approach, where the characteristic variables are evaluated at zero viscosity. The same procedure is used to model seismic wave propagation at the interface between a fluid and porous medium. In this case, each medium is represented by a different grid and the two grids are combined through a domain-decomposition method. This wavefield decomposition method accounts for the discontinuity of variables and is crucial for an accurate interface treatment. We simulate seismic wave propagation with open-pore and sealed-pore boundary conditions and verify the validity and accuracy of the algorithm by comparing the numerical simulations to analytical solutions based on zero viscosity obtained with the Cagniard-de Hoop method. Finally, we illustrate the suitability of our algorithm for more complex models of porous media involving viscous pore fluids and strongly heterogeneous distributions of the elastic and hydraulic material properties.
The linking of North and South America by the Isthmus of Panama had major impacts on global climate, oceanic and atmospheric currents, and biodiversity, yet the timing of this critical event remains contentious. The Isthmus is traditionally understood to have fully closed by ca. 3.5 million years ago (Ma), and this date has been used as a benchmark for oceanographic, climatic, and evolutionary research, but recent evidence suggests a more complex geological formation. Here, we analyze both molecular and fossil data to evaluate the tempo of biotic exchange across the Americas in light of geological evidence. We demonstrate significant waves of dispersal of terrestrial organisms at approximately ca. 20 and 6 Ma and corresponding events separating marine organisms in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at ca. 23 and 7 Ma. The direction of dispersal and their rates were symmetrical until the last ca. 6 Ma, when northern migration of South American lineages increased significantly. Variability among taxa in their timing of dispersal or vicariance across the Isthmus is not explained by the ecological factors tested in these analyses, including biome type, dispersal ability, and elevation preference. Migration was therefore not generally regulated by intrinsic traits but more likely reflects the presence of emergent terrain several millions of years earlier than commonly assumed. These results indicate that the dramatic biotic turnover associated with the Great American Biotic Interchange was a long and complex process that began as early as the Oligocene-Miocene transition.
Sensing with electromagnetic waves having frequencies in the Terahertz-range is a very attractive investigative method with applications in fundamental research and industrial settings. Up to now, a lot of sources and detectors are available. However, most of these systems are bulky and have to be used in controllable environments such as laboratories. In 1993 Dyakonov and Shur suggested that plasma waves developing in field-effect-transistors can be used to emit and detect THz-radiation. Later on, it was shown that these plasma waves lead to rectification and allows for building efficient detectors. In contrast to the prediction that these plasma waves lead to new promising solid-state sources, only a few weak sources are known up to now. This work studies THz plasma waves in semiconductor devices using the Monte Carlo method in order to resolve this issue. A fast Monte Carlo solver was developed implementing a nonparabolic bandstructure representation of the used semiconductors. By investigating simplified field-effect-transistors it was found that the plasma frequency follows under equilibrium conditions the analytical predictions. However, no current oscillations were found at room temperature or with a current flowing in the channel. For more complex structures, consisting of ungated and gated regions, it was found that the plasma frequency does not follow the value predicted by the dispersion relation of the gated nor the ungated device.