993 resultados para Complex Images
The numerical implementation of the complex image approach for the Green's function of a mixed-potential integralequation formulation is examined and is found to be limited to low values of k(0) rho (in this context k(0) rho = 2 pirho/ lambda(0), where rho is the distance between the source and the field points of the Green's function and lambda(0) is the free space wavelength). This is a clear limitation for problems of large dimension or high frequency where this limit is easily exceeded. This paper examines the various strategies and proposes a hybrid method whereby most of the above problems can be avoided. An efficient integral method that is valid for large k(0) rho is combined with the complex image method in order to take advantage of the relative merits of both schemes. It is found that a wide overlapping region exists between the two techniques allowing a very efficient and consistent approach for accurately calculating the Green's functions. In this paper, the method developed for the computation of the Green's function is used for planar structures containing both lossless and lossy media.
The aim of this study was to investigate how oculomotor behaviour depends on the availability of colour information in pictorial stimuli. Forty study participants viewed complex images in colour or grey-scale, while their eye movements were recorded. We found two major effects of colour. First, although colour increases the complexity of an image, fixations on colour images were shorter than on their grey-scale versions. This suggests that colour enhances discriminability and thus affects low-level perceptual processing. Second, colour decreases the similarity of spatial fixation patterns between participants. The role of colour on visual attention seems to be more important than previously assumed, in theoretical as well as methodological terms.
En este trabajo analizamos la representación de la experiencia de conquista en las Cartas de relación de Hernán Cortés y la Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España de Bernal Díaz del Castillo. En ambas crónicas, a medida que los soldados avanzan (en el territorio y en el relato), la vivencia sensible se constituye en piedra de toque en la organización de la trama, definiendo identidades. Nos centramos entonces en ciertos enfrentamientos paradigmáticos (la Noche Triste, la caída de Tenochtitlan) para dar cuenta de las metáforas -vinculadas a la percepción de la corporalidad propia y ajena-, en las que esta experiencia se inscribe, y en sus cruces con tradiciones discursivas específicas.
En este trabajo analizamos la representación de la experiencia de conquista en las Cartas de relación de Hernán Cortés y la Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España de Bernal Díaz del Castillo. En ambas crónicas, a medida que los soldados avanzan (en el territorio y en el relato), la vivencia sensible se constituye en piedra de toque en la organización de la trama, definiendo identidades. Nos centramos entonces en ciertos enfrentamientos paradigmáticos (la Noche Triste, la caída de Tenochtitlan) para dar cuenta de las metáforas -vinculadas a la percepción de la corporalidad propia y ajena-, en las que esta experiencia se inscribe, y en sus cruces con tradiciones discursivas específicas.
En este trabajo analizamos la representación de la experiencia de conquista en las Cartas de relación de Hernán Cortés y la Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España de Bernal Díaz del Castillo. En ambas crónicas, a medida que los soldados avanzan (en el territorio y en el relato), la vivencia sensible se constituye en piedra de toque en la organización de la trama, definiendo identidades. Nos centramos entonces en ciertos enfrentamientos paradigmáticos (la Noche Triste, la caída de Tenochtitlan) para dar cuenta de las metáforas -vinculadas a la percepción de la corporalidad propia y ajena-, en las que esta experiencia se inscribe, y en sus cruces con tradiciones discursivas específicas.
Esta investigación es una incursión en el tránsito de Juan Navarro desde sus “habitaciones y horizontes”, las manifestaciones espontáneas de la mano y el proyectar, a la obra que nos devuelve a la experiencia física y corporal del mundo. Juan Navarro debe a sus manos gran parte de sus inquietudes y capacidades. Sus manos están presentes en su obra como materia –piezas de manos-, como herramienta -el dibujo por la mano- y como desencadenante en los procesos creativos de su obra de arquitectura. Las distintas obras remiten a una preocupación común: la de visualizar el espacio a través de un imaginario personal. Sin embargo, el proceso creativo en cada disciplina se desarrolla teniendo en cuenta la especificidad del medio y la experiencia que provoca en el espectador. La obra, como concreción del proceso creativo, se explica por las continuidades y discontinuidades entre las herramientas, mecanismos y estrategias utilizadas en los distintos medios. La tesis se estructura en dos partes, en la primera se estudia cómo se producen los procesos creativos, sus mecanismos en los distintos medios plásticos y el dibujo como herramienta transversal. Se identifican los conceptos y temas que dan lugar a la obra profundizando en el papel de la mano como presencia orgánica, biológica y responsable de una forma de representación personal. La segunda parte se articula en dos capítulos que, a través del dibujo, muestran la arquitectura como modelo e identifican los mecanismos utilizados en su forma de proyectar y su relación con la obra en distintos proyectos. El texto se estructura como una secuencia de ideas articuladas alrededor de un universo gráfico que nos conduce por múltiples itinerarios desde los que atisbar los procesos creativos de Juan Navarro. Estos caminos son hilos con los que se teje una visión personal de la relación entre las herramientas y mecanismos utilizados por Juan Navarro y su obra. La manera cómo se produce el proceso creativo, los mecanismos y las herramientas que los ponen en marcha constituyen una forma de abordar la obra, que hasta la fecha, se ha tratado aisladamente sin una intención de construir un cuerpo estructurado de conocimiento. En la arquitectura Juan Navarro existe un vacío de conocimiento teórico y gráfico sobre el propio proceso y su forma de proyectar. Se ha persistido en la explicación de la obra, sus referencias, temas abordados, relaciones y trasvases sin ahondar en la especificidad del medio. Estos vacíos establecen la necesidad y justificación de esta tesis doctoral. La investigación comienza descifrando una obra que desde sus inicios trabaja con la dualidad de lo gestual y lo conceptual. Plantea una forma de ordenación del mundo, de la sensación sometida a la medida en la que finalmente la obra se recibe como signo que desencadena sentimientos y te devuelve al mundo. Propone la recuperación de los sentidos a través de una arquitectura como vivencia no reductible al espacio geométrico. Identifica los mecanismos y herramientas que se establecen en este proceso y termina concluyendo que el dibujo es la herramienta doblemente transversal porque atiende de forma desigual a las distintas disciplinas y a los dos extremos en que se presenta la actividad creatividad en el trabajo de Juan Navarro. Estos extremos se corresponden con un conocimiento corporal inconsciente y un trabajo constante guiado por la motivación, la predeterminación y la conceptualización. El dibujo por la mano es el espacio de encuentro entre lo que representa la mano y la posibilidad de expresión proyectual codificada. Se produce en un territorio que se extiende desde lo analógico subyacente –que se nutre de imágenes complejas- y el dominio simbólico construido. Abstract. This research is a foray into Juan Navarro’s transition from his "Rooms and Horizons", -spontaneous demonstrations of the hand-, to the project, -the work that brings us back to experiencing the physical world-. Juan Navarro owes his hands much of his capacities and inquisitiveness. His hands are present in his work as the subject –“Hand Pieces”-, as a tool -through hand-drawing - and as a trigger in the creative processes of his work of architecture. The various works refer to a common theme: the viewing space through a personal imagery. However, the creative process in each discipline develops taking into account the specificity of the medium and the experience that arouses in the observer. The work, as completion of the creative process, is explained by the continuities and discontinuities between the tools, mechanisms and strategies used in the different media. The thesis is structured in two parts, the first studies how the creative processes are iniciated, their mechanisms in the different plastic art media, as well as drawing as a transversal tool. In this section the investigation identifies the concepts and themes that give rise to the art work, exploring the role of the hand as the organic, biological presence responsible for a way of personal representation. The second part is divided into two chapters, which, via the drawing, show the architecture as a model and identify the mechanisms used in the his way of projecting form of the project and its the relationship of hand-drawing to with his work ilustrated with different projects. The text is structured as a sequence of ideas, articulated around a graphic universe that leads us by multiple paths, letting us glimpse into the creative processes of Juan Navarro. These paths are threads that weave a personal vision of the relationship between the tools and mechanisms used by Juan Navarro in his work. The way the creative process takes place, the mechanisms and tools that set it in action, constitutes a way of dealing with the work, that, hithergo, has been treated in isolation without an intention to build a structured body of knowledge. In Navarro Baldeweg’s architecture there is a vacuum of theoretical and graphic knowledge of the process itself and his way of projecting. So far, emphasis has been placed mainly on his work’s explanation, its references, the subjects covered, connections and transfers, without delving into the specificity of each medium. These academic gaps justify the need for this doctoral thesis. The investigation begins deciphering a work that, since its very beginning, deals with the duality of the gesture and the concept. It poses a way of managing the world and the sensations which are submitted until it finally detects the work as a sign that triggers feelings and returns the observer to the real world. It proposes the recovery of the senses through an architecture that is sensed as an experience and not merely reduced to geometric space. It identifies the mechanisms and tools that are set out in this process and concludes that drawing is a core tool working in two directions, because it caters unevenly to the various disciplines and to both ends of the creative activity presented in the work of Juan Navarro. These ends correspond with an unconscious physical knowledge and a continuous work guided by motivation, predetermination and conceptualization. Hand-drawing is the meeting space between what the hand represents, and the possibility of an encoded, projectual expression. Thus, hand-drawing takes place in a territory that covers the underlying analogue - which feeds on complex images - to the symbolic built domain.
Aquesta memoria resumeix el treball de final de carrera d’Enginyeria Superior d’Informàtica. Explicarà les principals raons que han motivat el projecte així com exemples que il·lustren l’aplicació resultant. En aquest cas el software intentarà resoldre la actual necessitat que hi ha de tenir dades de Ground Truth per als algoritmes de segmentació de text per imatges de color complexes. Tots els procesos seran explicats en els diferents capítols partint de la definició del problema, la planificació, els requeriments i el disseny fins a completar la il·lustració dels resultats del programa i les dades de Ground Truth resultants.
Los sistemas de radio cognitivos son una solución a la deficiente distribución del espectro inalámbrico de frecuencias. Usando acceso dinámico al medio, los usuarios secundarios pueden comunicarse en canales de frecuencia disponibles, mientras los usuarios asignados no están usando dichos canales. Un buen sistema de mensajería de control es necesario para que los usuarios secundarios no interfieran con los usuarios primarios en las redes de radio cognitivas. Para redes en donde los usuarios son heterogéneos en frecuencia, es decir, no poseen los mismos canales de frecuencia para comunicarse, el grupo de canales utilizado para transmitir información de control debe elegirse cuidadosamente. Por esta razón, en esta tesis se estudian las ideas básicas de los esquemas de mensajería de control usados en las redes de radio cognitivas y se presenta un esquema adecuado para un control adecuado para usuarios heterogéneos en canales de frecuencia. Para ello, primero se presenta una nueva taxonomía para clasificar las estrategias de mensajería de control, identificando las principales características que debe cumplir un esquema de control para sistemas heterogéneos en frecuencia. Luego, se revisan diversas técnicas matemáticas para escoger el mínimo número de canales por los cuales se transmite la información de control. Después, se introduce un modelo de un esquema de mensajería de control que use el mínimo número de canales y que utilice las características de los sistemas heterogéneos en frecuencia. Por último, se comparan diversos esquemas de mensajería de control en términos de la eficiencia de transmisión.
Even though the digital processing of documents is increasingly widespread in industry, printed documents are still largely in use. In order to process electronically the contents of printed documents, information must be extracted from digital images of documents. When dealing with complex documents, in which the contents of different regions and fields can be highly heterogeneous with respect to layout, printing quality and the utilization of fonts and typing standards, the reconstruction of the contents of documents from digital images can be a difficult problem. In the present article we present an efficient solution for this problem, in which the semantic contents of fields in a complex document are extracted from a digital image.
Three complementary imaging techniques were used to describe a complex rosette-shaped microboring that penetrates the shells of brachiopods from the OrdovicianSilurian shallow marine limestones of Anticosti Island, Canada. Pyrodendrina cupra n. igen. and isp. is among the oldest dendrinid microborings and consists of shallow and deep penetrating canals that radiate from a central polygonal chamber. The affinity of the tracemaker is unknown, but a foraminiferal origin, as proposed for some dendrinid borings, is rejected. Combining microCT with traditional stereomicroscopy and SEM helped distinguish and quantify fine morphological features while maintaining contextual information of the microboring within the shell substrate. Different imaging techniques inherently bias the description of microborings. These biases must be accounted for as new methods in ichnotaxonomy are integrated with past research based on different methods.
This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process.
Context. The star HD 87643, exhibiting the ""B[e] phenomenon"", has one of the most extreme infrared excesses for this object class. It harbours a large amount of both hot and cold dust, and is surrounded by an extended reflection nebula. Aims. One of our major goals was to investigate the presence of a companion in HD87643. In addition, the presence of close dusty material was tested through a combination of multi-wavelength high spatial resolution observations. Methods. We observed HD 87643 with high spatial resolution techniques, using the near-IR AMBER/VLTI interferometer with baselines ranging from 60 m to 130 m and the mid-IR MIDI/VLTI interferometer with baselines ranging from 25 m to 65 m. These observations are complemented by NACO/VLT adaptive-optics-corrected images in the K and L-bands, and ESO-2.2m optical Wide-Field Imager large-scale images in the B, V and R-bands. Results. We report the direct detection of a companion to HD 87643 by means of image synthesis using the AMBER/VLTI instrument. The presence of the companion is confirmed by the MIDI and NACO data, although with a lower confidence. The companion is separated by similar to 34 mas with a roughly north-south orientation. The period must be large (several tens of years) and hence the orbital parameters are not determined yet. Binarity with high eccentricity might be the key to interpreting the extreme characteristics of this system, namely a dusty circumstellar envelope around the primary, a compact dust nebulosity around the binary system and a complex extended nebula suggesting past violent ejections.
Purpose The purpose of this report was to demonstrate the normal complex insertional anatomy of the tibialis posterior tendon (TPT) in cadavers using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with anatomic and histologic correlation. Material and methods Ten cadaveric ankles were used according to institutional guidelines. MR T1-weighted spin echo imaging was performed to demonstrate aspects of the complex anatomic distal insertions of the TPT in cadaveric specimens. Findings on MR imaging were correlated with those derived from anatomic and histologic study. Reults Generally, the TPT revealed a low signal in all MR images, except near the level of the medial malleolus, where the TPT suddenly changed direction and ""magic angle"" artifact could be observed. In five out of ten specimens (50%), a type I accessory navicular bone was found in the TPT. In all cases with a type I accessory navicular bone, the TPT had an altered signal in this area. Axial and coronal planes on MR imaging were the best in identifying the distal insertions of the TPT. A normal division of the TPT was observed just proximal to the insertion into the navicular bone in five specimens (100%) occurring at a maximum proximal distance from its attachment to the navicular bone of approximately 1.5 to 2 cm. In the other five specimens, in which a type I accessory navicular bone was present, the TPT directly inserted into the accessory bone and a slip less than 1.5 mm in thickness could be observed attaching to the medial aspect of the navicular bone (100%). Anatomic inspection confirmed the sites of the distal insertions of the components of the TPT. Conclusion MR imaging enabled detailed analysis of the complex distal insertions of the TPT as well as a better understanding of those features of its insertion that can simulate a lesion.
In daily cardiology practice, assessment of left ventricular (LV) global function using non-invasive imaging remains central for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Despite the different methodologies currently accessible for LV segmentation in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images, a fast and complete LV delineation is still limitedly available for routine use. In this study, a localized anatomically constrained affine optical flow method is proposed for fast and automatic LV tracking throughout the full cardiac cycle in short-axis CMR images. Starting from an automatically delineated LV in the end-diastolic frame, the endocardial and epicardial boundaries are propagated by estimating the motion between adjacent cardiac phases using optical flow. In order to reduce the computational burden, the motion is only estimated in an anatomical region of interest around the tracked boundaries and subsequently integrated into a local affine motion model. Such localized estimation enables to capture complex motion patterns, while still being spatially consistent. The method was validated on 45 CMR datasets taken from the 2009 MICCAI LV segmentation challenge. The proposed approach proved to be robust and efficient, with an average distance error of 2.1 mm and a correlation with reference ejection fraction of 0.98 (1.9 ± 4.5%). Moreover, it showed to be fast, taking 5 seconds for the tracking of a full 4D dataset (30 ms per image). Overall, a novel fast, robust and accurate LV tracking methodology was proposed, enabling accurate assessment of relevant global function cardiac indices, such as volumes and ejection fraction.
3rd SMTDA Conference Proceedings, 11-14 June 2014, Lisbon Portugal.