974 resultados para Complex Effective Porosity


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Theoretical developments as well as field and laboratory data have shown the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations to increase with the fluctuation frequency. The numerical solution of a full, partially saturated flow equation can be computationally expensive. In this paper, the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations is simplified through its parameterisation into the storage coefficient of a fully-saturated groundwater flow model using the complex effective porosity concept [Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. Water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling. Advances in Water Resources 23 (1), 503-515; Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. ERRATA: water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling (Advances in Water Resources 23 (2000) 503-515). Advances in Water Resources 23, 907-908]. The model is applied to sand flume observations of periodic water table fluctuations induced by simple harmonic forcing across a sloping boundary, analogous to many beach groundwater systems. While not providing information on the moisture distribution within the aquifer, this approach can reasonably predict the water table fluctuations in response to periodic forcing across a sloping boundary. Furthermore, he coupled ground-surface water model accurately predicts the extent of the seepage face formed at the sloping boundary. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We thank Hilberts and Troch [2006] for their comment on our paper [Cartwright et al, 2005]. Before proceeding with our specific replies to the comments we would first like to clarify the definitions and meanings of equations (1)-(3) as presented by Hilberts and Troch [2006]. First, equation (1) is the fundamental definition of the (complex) effective porosity as derived by Nielsen and Perrochet [2000]. Equations (2) and (3), however, represent the linear frequency response function of the water table in the sand column responding to simple harmonic forcing. This function, which was validated by Nielsen and Perrochet [2000], provides an alternative method for estimating the complex effective porosity from the experimental sand column data in the absence of direct measurements of h_(tot) (which are required if equation (1) is to be used).


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The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to find some means of increasing the effective porosity and permeabil­ity of the producing sands of the Cut Bank Oil Field, with the hope that thereby the ultimate recovery of petroleum from this field may be increased. Although the percentage increase in production thus effected would undoubtedly be small, it would represent a substantial volume of petroleum in view of the great quantity of oil and gas present in this field.


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The understanding of the occurrence and flow of groundwater in the subsurface is of fundamental importance in the exploitation of water, just like knowledge of all associated hydrogeological context. These factors are primarily controlled by geometry of a certain pore system, given the nature of sedimentary aquifers. Thus, the microstructural characterization, as the interconnectivity of the system, it is essential to know the macro properties porosity and permeability of reservoir rock, in which can be done on a statistical characterization by twodimensional analysis. The latter is being held on a computing platform, using image thin sections of reservoir rock, allowing the prediction of the properties effective porosity and hydraulic conductivity. For Barreiras Aquifer to obtain such parameters derived primarily from the interpretation of tests of aquifers, a practice that usually involves a fairly complex logistics in terms of equipment and personnel required in addition to high cost of operation. Thus, the analysis and digital image processing is presented as an alternative tool for the characterization of hydraulic parameters, showing up as a practical and inexpensive method. This methodology is based on a flowchart work involving sampling, preparation of thin sections and their respective images, segmentation and geometric characterization, three-dimensional reconstruction and flow simulation. In this research, computational image analysis of thin sections of rocks has shown that aquifer storage coefficients ranging from 0,035 to 0,12 with an average of 0,076, while its hydrogeological substrate (associated with the top of the carbonate sequence outcropping not region) presents effective porosities of the order of 2%. For the transport regime, it is evidenced that the methodology presents results below of those found in the bibliographic data relating to hydraulic conductivity, mean values of 1,04 x10-6 m/s, with fluctuations between 2,94 x10-6 m/s and 3,61x10-8 m/s, probably due to the larger scale study and the heterogeneity of the medium studied.


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Petrophysical investigations are fundamental to natural resource exploration. In order to recognise the geothermal potential of sedimentary rocks in central Poland, 259 samples were collected from prospective deep-lying geothermal reservoirs. Parameters measured include bulk density, skeletal density, effective porosity, permeability, average pore diameter and specific surface. Results indicate that at great depths (mostly > 3,000 m below surface) sedimentary rocks show low values of porosity (mainly less than 5%) and permeability (only sporadically in excess of 1 md). These values call for a petrothermal use of reservoirs, for which an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) was developed. Reser- voirs suited for the EGS are Carboniferous and Lower Triassic sandstones in the central part of Poland (Mogilno-Łódź Trough region and a small part of the Kujawy Swell and Fore-Sudetic regions). In addition, Carboniferous limestones in this area are potentially prospective.


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Diphenyl-o-tolylmethyl methacrylate (DPTMA) was synthesized and polymerized using initiators of organolithium complexes with (+) - (2S,3S) -dimethoxy-1,4-bis(dimethylamino) butane (DDB) and (-) -sparteine (Sp) as the chiral ligands. DDB was suitable for its complex effective to prepare optically active poly(diphenyl-o-tolylmethyl methacrylate) (PDPTMA) with one-handed helical conformation, whereas only low-molecular weight polymer was formed when Sp was used as ligand due to the repulsive hindrance between the triarylmethyl group and the ligand. A new mutarotation, propeller-propeller transition, was observed for PDPTMA from the optical rotation curves and CD spectra in THF solution. The equivalent period of PDPTMA was estimated to be 14 angstrom based on the x-ray diffraction. (C) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The recognition that urban groundwater is a potentially valuable resource for potable and industrial uses due to growing pressures on perceived less polluted rural groundwater has led to a requirement to assess the groundwater contamination risk in urban areas from industrial contaminants such as chlorinated solvents. The development of a probabilistic risk based management tool that predicts groundwater quality at potential new urban boreholes is beneficial in determining the best sites for future resource development. The Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) is a custom Geographic Information System (GIs) application that has been developed with the objective of identifying the optimum locations for new abstraction boreholes. BOS can be applied to any aquifer subject to variable contamination risk. The system is described in more detail by Tait et al. [Tait, N.G., Davison, J.J., Whittaker, J.J., Lehame, S.A. Lerner, D.N., 2004a. Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) - a GIs based risk analysis tool for optimising the use of urban groundwater. Environmental Modelling and Software 19, 1111-1124]. This paper applies the BOS model to an urban Permo-Triassic Sandstone aquifer in the city centre of Nottingham, UK. The risk of pollution in potential new boreholes from the industrial chlorinated solvent tetrachloroethene (PCE) was assessed for this region. The risk model was validated against contaminant concentrations from 6 actual field boreholes within the study area. In these studies the model generally underestimated contaminant concentrations. A sensitivity analysis showed that the most responsive model parameters were recharge, effective porosity and contaminant degradation rate. Multiple simulations were undertaken across the study area in order to create surface maps indicating areas of low PCE concentrations, thus indicating the best locations to place new boreholes. Results indicate that northeastern, eastern and central regions have the lowest potential PCE concentrations in abstraction groundwater and therefore are the best sites for locating new boreholes. These locations coincide with aquifer areas that are confined by low permeability Mercia Mudstone deposits. Conversely southern and northwestern areas are unconfined and have shallower depth to groundwater. These areas have the highest potential PCE concentrations. These studies demonstrate the applicability of BOS as a tool for informing decision makers on the development of urban groundwater resources. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The unsaturated zone exerts a major control on the delivery of nutrients to Chalk streams, yet flow and transport processes in this complex, dual-porosity medium have remained controversial. A major challenge arises in characterising these processes, both at the detailed mechanistic level and at an appropriate level for inclusion within catchment-scale models for nutrient management. The lowland catchment research (LOCAR) programme in the UK has provided a unique set of comprehensively instrumented groundwater-dominated catchments. Of these, the Pang and Lambourn, tributaries of the Thames near Reading, have been a particular focus for research into subsurface processes and surface water-groundwater interactions. Data from LOCAR and other sources, along with a new dual permeability numerical model of the Chalk, have been used to explore the relative roles of matrix and fracture flow within the unsaturated zone and resolve conflicting hypotheses of response. From the improved understanding gained through these explorations, a parsimonious conceptualisation of the general response of flow and transport within the Chalk unsaturated zone was formulated. This paper summarises the modelling and data findings of these explorations, and describes the integration of the new simplified unsaturated zone representation with a catchment-scale model of nutrients (INCA), resulting in a new model for catchment-scale flow and transport within Chalk systems: INCA-Chalk. This model is applied to the Lambourn, and results, including hindcast and forecast simulations, are presented. These clearly illustrate the decadal time-scales that need to be considered in the context of nutrient management and the EU Water Framework Directive. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This Thesis presents the elaboration of a methodological propose for the development of an intelligent system, able to automatically achieve the effective porosity, in sedimentary layers, from a data bank built with information from the Ground Penetrating Radar GPR. The intelligent system was built to model the relation between the porosity (response variable) and the electromagnetic attribute from the GPR (explicative variables). Using it, the porosity was estimated using the artificial neural network (Multilayer Perceptron MLP) and the multiple linear regression. The data from the response variable and from the explicative variables were achieved in laboratory and in GPR surveys outlined in controlled sites, on site and in laboratory. The proposed intelligent system has the capacity of estimating the porosity from any available data bank, which has the same variables used in this Thesis. The architecture of the neural network used can be modified according to the existing necessity, adapting to the available data bank. The use of the multiple linear regression model allowed the identification and quantification of the influence (level of effect) from each explicative variable in the estimation of the porosity. The proposed methodology can revolutionize the use of the GPR, not only for the imaging of the sedimentary geometry and faces, but mainly for the automatically achievement of the porosity one of the most important parameters for the characterization of reservoir rocks (from petroleum or water)


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The Caiua Sandstones, sedimentary Cretaceous rocks, have a grain specific gravity nearly that of quartz, its main mineralogical component. The remaining properties, such as the apparent dry density, apparent and effective porosity, water absorption and saturation voids, present high values, but decrease with depth. -from English summary


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Duas das mais importantes atividades da interpretação de perfis para avaliação de reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos são o zoneamento do perfil (log zonation) e o cálculo da porosidade efetiva das rochas atravessadas pelo poço. O zoneamento é a interpretação visual do perfil para identificação das camadas reservatório e, consequentemente, dos seus limites verticais, ou seja, é a separação formal do perfil em rochas reservatório e rochas selante. Todo procedimento de zoneamento é realizado de forma manual, valendo-se do conhecimento geológico-geofísico e da experiência do intérprete, na avaliação visual dos padrões (características da curva do perfil representativa de um evento geológico) correspondentes a cada tipo litológico específico. O cálculo da porosidade efetiva combina tanto uma atividade visual, na identificação dos pontos representativos de uma particular rocha reservatório no perfil, como a escolha adequada da equação petrofísica que relaciona as propriedades físicas mensuradas da rocha com sua porosidade. A partir do conhecimento da porosidade, será estabelecido o volume eventualmente ocupado por hidrocarboneto. Esta atividade, essencial para a qualificação de reservatórios, requer muito do conhecimento e da experiência do intérprete de perfil para a efetiva avaliação da porosidade efetiva, ou seja, a porosidade da rocha reservatório, isenta do efeito da argila sobre a medida das propriedades físicas da mesma. Uma forma eficiente de automatizar estes procedimentos e auxiliar o geofísico de poço nestas atividades, que particularmente demandam grande dispêndio de tempo, é apresentado nesta dissertação, na forma de um novo perfil, derivado dos perfis tradicionais de porosidade, que apresenta diretamente o zoneamento. Pode-se destacar neste novo perfil as profundidades do topo e da base das rochas reservatório e das rochas selante, escalonado na forma de porosidade efetiva, denominado perfil de porosidade efetiva zoneado. A obtenção do perfil de porosidade efetiva zoneado é baseado no projeto e execução de várias arquiteturas de rede neural artificial, do tipo direta, com treinamento não supervisionado e contendo uma camada de neurônios artificiais, do tipo competitivo. Estas arquiteturas são projetadas de modo a simular o comportamento do intérprete de perfil, quando da utilização do gráfico densidade-neutrônico, para as situações de aplicabilidade do modelo arenito-folhelho. A aplicabilidade e limitações desta metodologia são avaliadas diretamente sobre dados reais, oriundos da bacia do Lago Maracaibo (Venezuela).


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Constatou-se um aquífero pouco profundo, substancial para o desenvolvimento da região em estudo: sistema aquífero Ponta de Pedras. Esse aquífero é livre em alguns locais e semi-confinado em sua maior parte. Sua profundidade de topo máxima encontrada foi de 14,0 m, porém, em várias sondagens no ocidente da área e na sondagem em Igarapé Vilar, seu topo não foi atingido, podendo estar a mais de 16,0 m de profundidade. As profundidades de sua base e as espessuras desse aquífero são maiores que 34,0 m e 17,0 m, respectivamente, na sondagem de Mangabeira. Sua alimentação é feita principalmente por águas meteóricas. Taxas de infiltração entre 106 a 107 m3 por dia em 1 Km2, foram estimadas para o mês de fevereiro de 1977. Suas porosidades efetivas, estimadas entre 25% e 37%, permitiu calcular um volume de água subterrânea próximo de 250x106m3. O coeficiente de Darcy (K) médio é de aproximadamente 200 litros por dia por centímetro quadrado do sistema aquífero. As águas subterrâneas estudadas têm as seguintes características físico-químicas: pH sempre ácido entre 2,4 e 6,7; condutividade elétrica entre 13 a 2.000 micromhos por centímetro, sendo que as mais condutivas são as da região da bacia do Rio Tijucaquara; sílica com teor médio de 10,4 mg/l; ferro total com teor máximo de 4,0 mg/l; cálcio e magnésio com teores bastante baixos implicando em águas moles na maioria das vezes; manganês com teor máximo de 0,15 mg/l; nitrogênio e fosforo com concentrações bastante baixas. O sódio e potássio são os elementos químicos que visualizam com facilidade a variação sazonal do quimismo dessas éguas. Nos finais dos períodos chuvosos essas águas subterrâneas são menos salinizadas, por outro lado, nos períodos de pequenas precipitações até início da estação chuvosa, o excesso de sais impede a potabilidade de várias dessas águas. O uso doméstico dessas águas está limitado normalmente pelas seguintes características: pH ácido; ferro total acima de 0,3 mg/l com máximo de 4,0 mg/l em várias delas; isentas de fluoretos; excesso de manganês em algumas delas (0,15 mg/l); excesso de cloreto em um piezômetro. O uso dessas águas subterrâneas na agricultura pode estar limitado em alguns locais da área onde: pH menor que 5,0; condutividades altas durante os períodos de menor precipitação; altas porcentagens de sódio (83% a 97%).


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Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, n(e), or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tau(r), in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both n(e) and tau(r) have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, ne, or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tr, in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both ne and tr have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes.


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The paper presents analytical methods and results for assessing the variation in the concentration of sulphate (and other ions) over space and time in groundwater flowing through a soluble evaporite terrain beneath a dam. The influence of effective porosity, groundwater flow velocity and the specific rate of dissolution (K′) are considered. The theoretical analysis was tested in a scale model simulating a dam constructed on heavily karstified bedrock. A simple and useful method for assessing how much material is lost through dissolution and how the rate of dissolution changes over time is considered in the context of the Caspe Dam, Spain.